Merge pull request #1872 from jcanizales/fix-metadata-propagation

Fix NSDictionary <-> metadata codec
Michael Lumish 10 years ago
commit 2e7ffddfa9
  1. 86

@ -35,21 +35,90 @@
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
#pragma mark Category for binary metadata elements
@interface NSData (GRPCMetadata)
+ (instancetype)grpc_dataFromMetadataValue:(grpc_metadata *)metadata;
// Fill a metadata object with the binary value in this NSData and the given key.
- (void)grpc_initMetadata:(grpc_metadata *)metadata withKey:(NSString *)key;
@implementation NSData (GRPCMetadata)
+ (instancetype)grpc_dataFromMetadataValue:(grpc_metadata *)metadata {
// TODO(jcanizales): Should we use a non-copy constructor?
return [self dataWithBytes:metadata->value length:metadata->value_length];
- (void)grpc_initMetadata:(grpc_metadata *)metadata withKey:(NSString *)key {
// TODO(jcanizales): Encode Unicode chars as ASCII.
metadata->key = [key stringByAppendingString:@"-bin"].UTF8String;
metadata->value = self.bytes;
metadata->value_length = self.length;
#pragma mark Category for textual metadata elements
@interface NSString (GRPCMetadata)
+ (instancetype)grpc_stringFromMetadataValue:(grpc_metadata *)metadata;
// Fill a metadata object with the textual value in this NSString and the given key.
- (void)grpc_initMetadata:(grpc_metadata *)metadata withKey:(NSString *)key;
@implementation NSString (GRPCMetadata)
+ (instancetype)grpc_stringFromMetadataValue:(grpc_metadata *)metadata {
return [[self alloc] initWithBytes:metadata->value
- (void)grpc_initMetadata:(grpc_metadata *)metadata withKey:(NSString *)key {
if ([key hasSuffix:@"-bin"]) {
// Disallow this, as at best it will confuse the server. If the app really needs to send a
// textual header with a name ending in "-bin", it can be done by removing the suffix and
// encoding the NSString as a NSData object.
// Why raise an exception: In the most common case, the developer knows this won't happen in
// their code, so the exception isn't triggered. In the rare cases when the developer can't
// tell, it's easy enough to add a sanitizing filter before the header is set. There, the
// developer can choose whether to drop such a header, or trim its name. Doing either ourselves,
// silently, would be very unintuitive for the user.
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Metadata keys ending in '-bin' are reserved for NSData values."];
// TODO(jcanizales): Encode Unicode chars as ASCII.
metadata->key = key.UTF8String;
metadata->value = self.UTF8String;
metadata->value_length = self.length;
#pragma mark Category for metadata arrays
@implementation NSDictionary (GRPC)
+ (instancetype)grpc_dictionaryFromMetadata:(grpc_metadata *)entries count:(size_t)count {
NSMutableDictionary *metadata = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:count];
for (grpc_metadata *entry = entries; entry < entries + count; entry++) {
// TODO(jcanizales): Verify in a C library test that it's converting header names to lower case automatically.
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:entry->key];
// TODO(jcanizales): Verify in a C library test that it's converting header names to lower case
// automatically.
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithCString:entry->key encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
if (!name) {
// log?
id value;
if ([name hasSuffix:@"-bin"]) {
name = [name substringToIndex:name.length - 4];
value = [NSData grpc_dataFromMetadataValue:entry];
} else {
value = [NSString grpc_stringFromMetadataValue:entry];
if (!metadata[name]) {
metadata[name] = [NSMutableArray array];
// TODO(jcanizales): Should we use a non-copy constructor?
[metadata[name] addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:entry->value
[metadata[name] addObject:value];
return metadata;
@ -60,11 +129,8 @@
for (id key in self) {
id value = self[key];
grpc_metadata *current = &metadata[i];
current->key = [key UTF8String];
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
current->value = [value bytes];
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
current->value = [value UTF8String];
if ([value respondsToSelector:@selector(grpc_initMetadata:withKey:)]) {
[value grpc_initMetadata:current withKey:key];
} else {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Metadata values must be NSString or NSData."];
