@ -94,12 +94,9 @@ BaseNode::BaseNode(EntityType type, std::string name) |
BaseNode::~BaseNode() { ChannelzRegistry::Unregister(uuid_); } |
char* BaseNode::RenderJsonString() { |
grpc_json* json = RenderJson(); |
GPR_ASSERT(json != nullptr); |
char* json_str = grpc_json_dump_to_string(json, 0); |
grpc_json_destroy(json); |
return json_str; |
std::string BaseNode::RenderJsonString() { |
Json json = RenderJson(); |
return json.Dump(); |
} |
@ -151,29 +148,23 @@ void CallCountingHelper::CollectData(CounterData* out) { |
} |
} |
void CallCountingHelper::PopulateCallCounts(grpc_json* json) { |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
void CallCountingHelper::PopulateCallCounts(Json::Object* object) { |
CounterData data; |
CollectData(&data); |
if (data.calls_started != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "callsStarted", data.calls_started); |
(*object)["callsStarted"] = std::to_string(data.calls_started); |
gpr_timespec ts = gpr_convert_clock_type( |
gpr_cycle_counter_to_time(data.last_call_started_cycle), |
char* ts_str = gpr_format_timespec(ts); |
(*object)["lastCallStartedTimestamp"] = ts_str; |
gpr_free(ts_str); |
} |
if (data.calls_succeeded != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "callsSucceeded", data.calls_succeeded); |
(*object)["callsSucceeded"] = std::to_string(data.calls_succeeded); |
} |
if (data.calls_failed) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "callsFailed", data.calls_failed); |
} |
if (data.calls_started != 0) { |
gpr_timespec ts = gpr_convert_clock_type( |
gpr_cycle_counter_to_time(data.last_call_started_cycle), |
json_iterator = |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "lastCallStartedTimestamp", |
gpr_format_timespec(ts), GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
(*object)["callsFailed"] = std::to_string(data.calls_failed); |
} |
} |
@ -207,82 +198,60 @@ const char* ChannelNode::GetChannelConnectivityStateChangeString( |
} |
grpc_json* ChannelNode::RenderJson() { |
// We need to track these three json objects to build our object
grpc_json* top_level_json = grpc_json_create(GRPC_JSON_OBJECT); |
grpc_json* json = top_level_json; |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the ref child
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "ref", nullptr, |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json, json_iterator, |
"channelId", uuid()); |
// reset json iterators to top level object
json = top_level_json; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the data child.
grpc_json* data = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "data", nullptr, |
json = data; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
// connectivity state
Json ChannelNode::RenderJson() { |
Json::Object data = { |
{"target", target_}, |
}; |
// Connectivity state.
// If low-order bit is on, then the field is set.
int state_field = connectivity_state_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if ((state_field & 1) != 0) { |
grpc_connectivity_state state = |
static_cast<grpc_connectivity_state>(state_field >> 1); |
json = grpc_json_create_child(nullptr, json, "state", nullptr, |
grpc_json_create_child(nullptr, json, "state", ConnectivityStateName(state), |
json = data; |
data["state"] = Json::Object{ |
{"state", ConnectivityStateName(state)}, |
}; |
} |
// populate the target.
GPR_ASSERT(!target_.empty()); |
grpc_json_create_child(nullptr, json, "target", target_.c_str(), |
// fill in the channel trace if applicable
grpc_json* trace_json = trace_.RenderJson(); |
if (trace_json != nullptr) { |
trace_json->key = "trace"; // this object is named trace in channelz.proto
grpc_json_link_child(json, trace_json, nullptr); |
// Fill in the channel trace if applicable.
Json trace_json = trace_.RenderJson(); |
if (trace_json.type() != Json::Type::JSON_NULL) { |
data["trace"] = std::move(trace_json); |
} |
// ask CallCountingHelper to populate trace and call count data.
call_counter_.PopulateCallCounts(json); |
json = top_level_json; |
// template method. Child classes may override this to add their specific
// Ask CallCountingHelper to populate call count data.
call_counter_.PopulateCallCounts(&data); |
// Construct outer object.
Json::Object json = { |
{"ref", |
Json::Object{ |
{"channelId", std::to_string(uuid())}, |
}}, |
{"data", std::move(data)}, |
}; |
// Template method. Child classes may override this to add their specific
// functionality.
PopulateChildRefs(json); |
return top_level_json; |
PopulateChildRefs(&json); |
return json; |
} |
void ChannelNode::PopulateChildRefs(grpc_json* json) { |
void ChannelNode::PopulateChildRefs(Json::Object* json) { |
MutexLock lock(&child_mu_); |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
if (!child_subchannels_.empty()) { |
grpc_json* array_parent = grpc_json_create_child( |
nullptr, json, "subchannelRef", nullptr, GRPC_JSON_ARRAY, false); |
Json::Array array; |
for (const auto& p : child_subchannels_) { |
json_iterator = |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, array_parent, nullptr, nullptr, |
grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json_iterator, nullptr, "subchannelId", |
p.first); |
array.emplace_back(Json::Object{ |
{"subchannelId", std::to_string(p.first)}, |
}); |
} |
(*json)["subchannelRef"] = std::move(array); |
} |
if (!child_channels_.empty()) { |
grpc_json* array_parent = grpc_json_create_child( |
nullptr, json, "channelRef", nullptr, GRPC_JSON_ARRAY, false); |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
Json::Array array; |
for (const auto& p : child_channels_) { |
json_iterator = |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, array_parent, nullptr, nullptr, |
grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json_iterator, nullptr, "channelId", |
p.first); |
array.emplace_back(Json::Object{ |
{"channelId", std::to_string(p.first)}, |
}); |
} |
(*json)["channelRef"] = std::move(array); |
} |
} |
@ -341,87 +310,66 @@ void ServerNode::RemoveChildListenSocket(intptr_t child_uuid) { |
child_listen_sockets_.erase(child_uuid); |
} |
char* ServerNode::RenderServerSockets(intptr_t start_socket_id, |
intptr_t max_results) { |
std::string ServerNode::RenderServerSockets(intptr_t start_socket_id, |
intptr_t max_results) { |
// If user does not set max_results, we choose 500.
size_t pagination_limit = max_results == 0 ? 500 : max_results; |
grpc_json* top_level_json = grpc_json_create(GRPC_JSON_OBJECT); |
grpc_json* json = top_level_json; |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
MutexLock lock(&child_mu_); |
size_t sockets_rendered = 0; |
if (!child_sockets_.empty()) { |
// Create list of socket refs
grpc_json* array_parent = grpc_json_create_child( |
nullptr, json, "socketRef", nullptr, GRPC_JSON_ARRAY, false); |
const size_t limit = GPR_MIN(child_sockets_.size(), pagination_limit); |
for (auto it = child_sockets_.lower_bound(start_socket_id); |
it != child_sockets_.end() && sockets_rendered < limit; |
++it, ++sockets_rendered) { |
grpc_json* socket_ref_json = grpc_json_create_child( |
nullptr, array_parent, nullptr, nullptr, GRPC_JSON_OBJECT, false); |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
socket_ref_json, nullptr, "socketId", it->first); |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, socket_ref_json, "name", |
it->second->name().c_str(), GRPC_JSON_STRING, |
false); |
Json::Object object; |
{ |
MutexLock lock(&child_mu_); |
size_t sockets_rendered = 0; |
if (!child_sockets_.empty()) { |
// Create list of socket refs.
Json::Array array; |
const size_t limit = GPR_MIN(child_sockets_.size(), pagination_limit); |
for (auto it = child_sockets_.lower_bound(start_socket_id); |
it != child_sockets_.end() && sockets_rendered < limit; |
++it, ++sockets_rendered) { |
array.emplace_back(Json::Object{ |
{"socketId", std::to_string(it->first)}, |
{"name", it->second->name()}, |
}); |
} |
object["socketRef"] = std::move(array); |
} |
if (sockets_rendered == child_sockets_.size()) object["end"] = true; |
} |
if (sockets_rendered == child_sockets_.size()) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(nullptr, json, "end", nullptr, |
GRPC_JSON_TRUE, false); |
} |
char* json_str = grpc_json_dump_to_string(top_level_json, 0); |
grpc_json_destroy(top_level_json); |
return json_str; |
Json json = std::move(object); |
return json.Dump(); |
} |
grpc_json* ServerNode::RenderJson() { |
// We need to track these three json objects to build our object
grpc_json* top_level_json = grpc_json_create(GRPC_JSON_OBJECT); |
grpc_json* json = top_level_json; |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the ref child
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "ref", nullptr, |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json, json_iterator, |
"serverId", uuid()); |
// reset json iterators to top level object
json = top_level_json; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the data child.
grpc_json* data = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "data", nullptr, |
json = data; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
// fill in the channel trace if applicable
grpc_json* trace_json = trace_.RenderJson(); |
if (trace_json != nullptr) { |
trace_json->key = "trace"; // this object is named trace in channelz.proto
grpc_json_link_child(json, trace_json, nullptr); |
Json ServerNode::RenderJson() { |
Json::Object data; |
// Fill in the channel trace if applicable.
Json trace_json = trace_.RenderJson(); |
if (trace_json.type() != Json::Type::JSON_NULL) { |
data["trace"] = std::move(trace_json); |
} |
// ask CallCountingHelper to populate trace and call count data.
call_counter_.PopulateCallCounts(json); |
json = top_level_json; |
// Render listen sockets
MutexLock lock(&child_mu_); |
if (!child_listen_sockets_.empty()) { |
grpc_json* array_parent = grpc_json_create_child( |
nullptr, json, "listenSocket", nullptr, GRPC_JSON_ARRAY, false); |
for (const auto& it : child_listen_sockets_) { |
json_iterator = |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, array_parent, nullptr, nullptr, |
grpc_json* sibling_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json_iterator, nullptr, "socketId", it.first); |
grpc_json_create_child(sibling_iterator, json_iterator, "name", |
it.second->name().c_str(), GRPC_JSON_STRING, |
false); |
// Ask CallCountingHelper to populate call count data.
call_counter_.PopulateCallCounts(&data); |
// Construct top-level object.
Json::Object object = { |
{"ref", |
Json::Object{ |
{"serverId", std::to_string(uuid())}, |
}}, |
{"data", std::move(data)}, |
}; |
// Render listen sockets.
{ |
MutexLock lock(&child_mu_); |
if (!child_listen_sockets_.empty()) { |
Json::Array array; |
for (const auto& it : child_listen_sockets_) { |
array.emplace_back(Json::Object{ |
{"socketId", std::to_string(it.first)}, |
{"name", it.second->name()}, |
}); |
} |
object["listenSocket"] = std::move(array); |
} |
} |
return top_level_json; |
return object; |
} |
@ -430,14 +378,10 @@ grpc_json* ServerNode::RenderJson() { |
namespace { |
void PopulateSocketAddressJson(grpc_json* json, const char* name, |
void PopulateSocketAddressJson(Json::Object* json, const char* name, |
const char* addr_str) { |
if (addr_str == nullptr) return; |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, name, nullptr, |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
Json::Object data; |
grpc_uri* uri = grpc_uri_parse(addr_str, true); |
if ((uri != nullptr) && ((strcmp(uri->scheme, "ipv4") == 0) || |
(strcmp(uri->scheme, "ipv6") == 0))) { |
@ -452,31 +396,22 @@ void PopulateSocketAddressJson(grpc_json* json, const char* name, |
} |
char* b64_host = |
grpc_base64_encode(host.get(), strlen(host.get()), false, false); |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "tcpip_address", |
nullptr, GRPC_JSON_OBJECT, false); |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json, json_iterator, |
"port", port_num); |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "ip_address", |
b64_host, GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
data["tcpip_address"] = Json::Object{ |
{"port", port_num}, |
{"ip_address", b64_host}, |
}; |
gpr_free(b64_host); |
} else if (uri != nullptr && strcmp(uri->scheme, "unix") == 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "uds_address", |
nullptr, GRPC_JSON_OBJECT, false); |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "filename", |
gpr_strdup(uri->path), GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
data["uds_address"] = Json::Object{ |
{"filename", uri->path}, |
}; |
} else { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "other_address", |
nullptr, GRPC_JSON_OBJECT, false); |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "name", |
addr_str, GRPC_JSON_STRING, false); |
data["other_address"] = Json::Object{ |
{"name", addr_str}, |
}; |
} |
grpc_uri_destroy(uri); |
(*json)[name] = std::move(data); |
} |
} // namespace
@ -509,45 +444,22 @@ void SocketNode::RecordMessageReceived() { |
MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
} |
grpc_json* SocketNode::RenderJson() { |
// We need to track these three json objects to build our object
grpc_json* top_level_json = grpc_json_create(GRPC_JSON_OBJECT); |
grpc_json* json = top_level_json; |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the ref child
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "ref", nullptr, |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json, json_iterator, |
"socketId", uuid()); |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child( |
json_iterator, json, "name", name().c_str(), GRPC_JSON_STRING, false); |
json = top_level_json; |
PopulateSocketAddressJson(json, "remote", remote_.c_str()); |
PopulateSocketAddressJson(json, "local", local_.c_str()); |
// reset json iterators to top level object
json = top_level_json; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the data child.
grpc_json* data = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "data", nullptr, |
json = data; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
Json SocketNode::RenderJson() { |
// Create and fill the data child.
Json::Object data; |
gpr_timespec ts; |
int64_t streams_started = streams_started_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (streams_started != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "streamsStarted", streams_started); |
data["streamsStarted"] = std::to_string(streams_started); |
gpr_cycle_counter last_local_stream_created_cycle = |
last_local_stream_created_cycle_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (last_local_stream_created_cycle != 0) { |
ts = gpr_convert_clock_type( |
gpr_cycle_counter_to_time(last_local_stream_created_cycle), |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child( |
json_iterator, json, "lastLocalStreamCreatedTimestamp", |
gpr_format_timespec(ts), GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
char* ts_str = gpr_format_timespec(ts); |
data["lastLocalStreamCreatedTimestamp"] = ts_str; |
gpr_free(ts_str); |
} |
gpr_cycle_counter last_remote_stream_created_cycle = |
last_remote_stream_created_cycle_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
@ -555,51 +467,57 @@ grpc_json* SocketNode::RenderJson() { |
ts = gpr_convert_clock_type( |
gpr_cycle_counter_to_time(last_remote_stream_created_cycle), |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child( |
json_iterator, json, "lastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp", |
gpr_format_timespec(ts), GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
char* ts_str = gpr_format_timespec(ts); |
data["lastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp"] = ts_str; |
gpr_free(ts_str); |
} |
} |
int64_t streams_succeeded = streams_succeeded_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (streams_succeeded != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "streamsSucceeded", streams_succeeded); |
data["streamsSucceeded"] = std::to_string(streams_succeeded); |
} |
int64_t streams_failed = streams_failed_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (streams_failed) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "streamsFailed", streams_failed); |
if (streams_failed != 0) { |
data["streamsFailed"] = std::to_string(streams_failed); |
} |
int64_t messages_sent = messages_sent_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (messages_sent != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "messagesSent", messages_sent); |
data["messagesSent"] = std::to_string(messages_sent); |
ts = gpr_convert_clock_type( |
gpr_cycle_counter_to_time( |
last_message_sent_cycle_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED)), |
json_iterator = |
grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "lastMessageSentTimestamp", |
gpr_format_timespec(ts), GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
char* ts_str = gpr_format_timespec(ts); |
data["lastMessageSentTimestamp"] = ts_str; |
gpr_free(ts_str); |
} |
int64_t messages_received = messages_received_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (messages_received != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "messagesReceived", messages_received); |
data["messagesReceived"] = std::to_string(messages_received); |
ts = gpr_convert_clock_type( |
gpr_cycle_counter_to_time( |
last_message_received_cycle_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED)), |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child( |
json_iterator, json, "lastMessageReceivedTimestamp", |
gpr_format_timespec(ts), GRPC_JSON_STRING, true); |
char* ts_str = gpr_format_timespec(ts); |
data["lastMessageReceivedTimestamp"] = ts_str; |
gpr_free(ts_str); |
} |
int64_t keepalives_sent = keepalives_sent_.Load(MemoryOrder::RELAXED); |
if (keepalives_sent != 0) { |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child( |
json, json_iterator, "keepAlivesSent", keepalives_sent); |
data["keepAlivesSent"] = std::to_string(keepalives_sent); |
} |
return top_level_json; |
// Create and fill the parent object.
Json::Object object = { |
{"ref", |
Json::Object{ |
{"socketId", std::to_string(uuid())}, |
{"name", name()}, |
}}, |
{"data", std::move(data)}, |
}; |
PopulateSocketAddressJson(&object, "remote", remote_.c_str()); |
PopulateSocketAddressJson(&object, "local", local_.c_str()); |
return object; |
} |
@ -610,24 +528,16 @@ ListenSocketNode::ListenSocketNode(std::string local_addr, std::string name) |
: BaseNode(EntityType::kSocket, std::move(name)), |
local_addr_(std::move(local_addr)) {} |
grpc_json* ListenSocketNode::RenderJson() { |
// We need to track these three json objects to build our object
grpc_json* top_level_json = grpc_json_create(GRPC_JSON_OBJECT); |
grpc_json* json = top_level_json; |
grpc_json* json_iterator = nullptr; |
// create and fill the ref child
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child(json_iterator, json, "ref", nullptr, |
json = json_iterator; |
json_iterator = nullptr; |
json_iterator = grpc_json_add_number_string_child(json, json_iterator, |
"socketId", uuid()); |
json_iterator = grpc_json_create_child( |
json_iterator, json, "name", name().c_str(), GRPC_JSON_STRING, false); |
json = top_level_json; |
PopulateSocketAddressJson(json, "local", local_addr_.c_str()); |
return top_level_json; |
Json ListenSocketNode::RenderJson() { |
Json::Object object = { |
{"ref", |
Json::Object{ |
{"socketId", std::to_string(uuid())}, |
{"name", name()}, |
}}, |
}; |
PopulateSocketAddressJson(&object, "local", local_addr_.c_str()); |
return object; |
} |
} // namespace channelz