Merge pull request #5079 from nicolasnoble/underscores_are_the_root_of_all_evil

Removing underscores in CENSUS_API, GRPC_API and GPR_API.
David G. Quintas 9 years ago
commit 2afed4ca44
  1. 92
  2. 14
  3. 133
  4. 73
  5. 14
  6. 26
  7. 10
  8. 12
  9. 30
  10. 34
  11. 44
  12. 46
  13. 12
  14. 24
  15. 4
  16. 44
  17. 4
  18. 2
  19. 4
  20. 10
  21. 18
  22. 2

@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ enum census_features {
* census_initialize() will return a non-zero value. It is an error to call
* census_initialize() more than once (without an intervening
* census_shutdown()). */
CENSUS_API int census_initialize(int features);
CENSUS_API void census_shutdown(void);
CENSUSAPI int census_initialize(int features);
CENSUSAPI void census_shutdown(void);
/** Return the features supported by the current census implementation (not all
* features will be available on all platforms). */
CENSUS_API int census_supported(void);
CENSUSAPI int census_supported(void);
/** Return the census features currently enabled. */
CENSUS_API int census_enabled(void);
CENSUSAPI int census_enabled(void);
A Census Context is a handle used by Census to represent the current tracing
@ -145,16 +145,16 @@ typedef struct {
tags used in its creation.
@return A new, valid census_context.
CENSUS_API census_context *census_context_create(
CENSUSAPI census_context *census_context_create(
const census_context *base, const census_tag *tags, int ntags,
census_context_status const **status);
/* Destroy a context. Once this function has been called, the context cannot
be reused. */
CENSUS_API void census_context_destroy(census_context *context);
CENSUSAPI void census_context_destroy(census_context *context);
/* Get a pointer to the original status from the context creation. */
CENSUS_API const census_context_status *census_context_get_status(
CENSUSAPI const census_context_status *census_context_get_status(
const census_context *context);
/* Structure used for iterating over the tegs in a context. API clients should
@ -168,18 +168,18 @@ typedef struct {
} census_context_iterator;
/* Initialize a census_tag_iterator. Must be called before first use. */
CENSUS_API void census_context_initialize_iterator(
CENSUSAPI void census_context_initialize_iterator(
const census_context *context, census_context_iterator *iterator);
/* Get the contents of the "next" tag in the context. If there are no more
tags, returns 0 (and 'tag' contents will be unchanged), otherwise returns 1.
CENSUS_API int census_context_next_tag(census_context_iterator *iterator,
census_tag *tag);
CENSUSAPI int census_context_next_tag(census_context_iterator *iterator,
census_tag *tag);
/* Get a context tag by key. Returns 0 if the key is not present. */
CENSUS_API int census_context_get_tag(const census_context *context,
const char *key, census_tag *tag);
CENSUSAPI int census_context_get_tag(const census_context *context,
const char *key, census_tag *tag);
/* Tag set encode/decode functionality. These functionas are intended
for use by RPC systems only, for purposes of transmitting/receiving contexts.
@ -201,17 +201,16 @@ CENSUS_API int census_context_get_tag(const census_context *context,
[buffer, buffer + *print_buf_size) and binary tags into
[returned-ptr, returned-ptr + *bin_buf_size) (and the returned
pointer should be buffer + *print_buf_size) */
CENSUS_API char *census_context_encode(const census_context *context,
char *buffer, size_t buf_size,
size_t *print_buf_size,
size_t *bin_buf_size);
CENSUSAPI char *census_context_encode(const census_context *context,
char *buffer, size_t buf_size,
size_t *print_buf_size,
size_t *bin_buf_size);
/* Decode context buffers encoded with census_context_encode(). Returns NULL
if there is an error in parsing either buffer. */
CENSUS_API census_context *census_context_decode(const char *buffer,
size_t size,
const char *bin_buffer,
size_t bin_size);
CENSUSAPI census_context *census_context_decode(const char *buffer, size_t size,
const char *bin_buffer,
size_t bin_size);
/* Distributed traces can have a number of options. */
enum census_trace_mask_values {
@ -221,10 +220,10 @@ enum census_trace_mask_values {
/** Get the current trace mask associated with this context. The value returned
will be the logical or of census_trace_mask_values values. */
CENSUS_API int census_trace_mask(const census_context *context);
CENSUSAPI int census_trace_mask(const census_context *context);
/** Set the trace mask associated with a context. */
CENSUS_API void census_set_trace_mask(int trace_mask);
CENSUSAPI void census_set_trace_mask(int trace_mask);
/* The concept of "operation" is a fundamental concept for Census. In an RPC
system, and operation typcially represents a single RPC, or a significant
@ -272,7 +271,7 @@ typedef struct {
@return A timestamp representing the operation start time.
CENSUS_API census_timestamp census_start_rpc_op_timestamp(void);
CENSUSAPI census_timestamp census_start_rpc_op_timestamp(void);
Represent functions to map RPC name ID to service/method names. Census
@ -324,7 +323,7 @@ typedef struct {
@return A new census context.
CENSUS_API census_context *census_start_client_rpc_op(
CENSUSAPI census_context *census_start_client_rpc_op(
const census_context *context, int64_t rpc_name_id,
const census_rpc_name_info *rpc_name_info, const char *peer, int trace_mask,
const census_timestamp *start_time);
@ -332,8 +331,8 @@ CENSUS_API census_context *census_start_client_rpc_op(
Add peer information to a context representing a client RPC operation.
CENSUS_API void census_set_rpc_client_peer(census_context *context,
const char *peer);
CENSUSAPI void census_set_rpc_client_peer(census_context *context,
const char *peer);
Start a server RPC operation. Returns a new context to be used in future
@ -353,7 +352,7 @@ CENSUS_API void census_set_rpc_client_peer(census_context *context,
@return A new census context.
CENSUS_API census_context *census_start_server_rpc_op(
CENSUSAPI census_context *census_start_server_rpc_op(
const char *buffer, int64_t rpc_name_id,
const census_rpc_name_info *rpc_name_info, const char *peer, int trace_mask,
census_timestamp *start_time);
@ -383,9 +382,9 @@ CENSUS_API census_context *census_start_server_rpc_op(
@return A new census context.
CENSUS_API census_context *census_start_op(census_context *context,
const char *family, const char *name,
int trace_mask);
CENSUSAPI census_context *census_start_op(census_context *context,
const char *family, const char *name,
int trace_mask);
End an operation started by any of the census_start_*_op*() calls. The
@ -396,7 +395,7 @@ CENSUS_API census_context *census_start_op(census_context *context,
@param status status associated with the operation. Not interpreted by
CENSUS_API void census_end_op(census_context *context, int status);
CENSUSAPI void census_end_op(census_context *context, int status);
#define CENSUS_TRACE_RECORD_START_OP ((uint32_t)0)
#define CENSUS_TRACE_RECORD_END_OP ((uint32_t)1)
@ -408,8 +407,8 @@ CENSUS_API void census_end_op(census_context *context, int status);
@param buffer Pointer to buffer to use
@param n Number of bytes in buffer
CENSUS_API void census_trace_print(census_context *context, uint32_t type,
const char *buffer, size_t n);
CENSUSAPI void census_trace_print(census_context *context, uint32_t type,
const char *buffer, size_t n);
/** Trace record. */
typedef struct {
@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ typedef struct {
while scanning is ongoing.
@returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure (e.g. if a scan is already ongoing)
CENSUS_API int census_trace_scan_start(int consume);
CENSUSAPI int census_trace_scan_start(int consume);
/** Get a trace record. The data pointed to by the trace buffer is guaranteed
stable until the next census_get_trace_record() call (if the consume
@ -441,10 +440,10 @@ CENSUS_API int census_trace_scan_start(int consume);
census_trace_scan_start()), 0 if there is no more trace data (and
trace_record will not be modified) or 1 otherwise.
CENSUS_API int census_get_trace_record(census_trace_record *trace_record);
CENSUSAPI int census_get_trace_record(census_trace_record *trace_record);
/** End a scan previously started by census_trace_scan_start() */
CENSUS_API void census_trace_scan_end();
CENSUSAPI void census_trace_scan_end();
/* Core stats collection API's. The following concepts are used:
* Aggregation: A collection of values. Census supports the following
@ -475,8 +474,8 @@ typedef struct {
} census_value;
/* Record new usage values against the given context. */
CENSUS_API void census_record_values(census_context *context,
census_value *values, size_t nvalues);
CENSUSAPI void census_record_values(census_context *context,
census_value *values, size_t nvalues);
/** Type representing a particular aggregation */
typedef struct census_aggregation_ops census_aggregation_ops;
@ -508,24 +507,24 @@ typedef struct census_view census_view;
/* TODO(aveitch): consider if context is the right argument type to pass in
tags. */
CENSUS_API census_view *census_view_create(
CENSUSAPI census_view *census_view_create(
uint32_t metric_id, const census_context *tags,
const census_aggregation *aggregations, size_t naggregations);
/** Destroy a previously created view. */
CENSUS_API void census_view_delete(census_view *view);
CENSUSAPI void census_view_delete(census_view *view);
/** Metric ID associated with a view */
CENSUS_API size_t census_view_metric(const census_view *view);
CENSUSAPI size_t census_view_metric(const census_view *view);
/** Number of aggregations associated with view. */
CENSUS_API size_t census_view_naggregations(const census_view *view);
CENSUSAPI size_t census_view_naggregations(const census_view *view);
/** Get tags associated with view. */
CENSUS_API const census_context *census_view_tags(const census_view *view);
CENSUSAPI const census_context *census_view_tags(const census_view *view);
/** Get aggregation descriptors associated with a view. */
CENSUS_API const census_aggregation *census_view_aggregrations(
CENSUSAPI const census_aggregation *census_view_aggregrations(
const census_view *view);
/** Holds all the aggregation data for a particular view instantiation. Forms
@ -545,11 +544,10 @@ typedef struct {
@param view View from which to get data.
@return Full set of data for all aggregations for the view.
CENSUS_API const census_view_data *census_view_get_data(
const census_view *view);
CENSUSAPI const census_view_data *census_view_get_data(const census_view *view);
/** Reset all view data to zero for the specified view */
CENSUS_API void census_view_reset(census_view *view);
CENSUSAPI void census_view_reset(census_view *view);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -46,33 +46,33 @@ extern "C" {
/** Parses the first \a name_length bytes of \a name as a
* grpc_compression_algorithm instance, updating \a algorithm. Returns 1 upon
* success, 0 otherwise. */
GRPC_API int grpc_compression_algorithm_parse(
GRPCAPI int grpc_compression_algorithm_parse(
const char *name, size_t name_length,
grpc_compression_algorithm *algorithm);
/** Updates \a name with the encoding name corresponding to a valid \a
* algorithm. Returns 1 upon success, 0 otherwise. */
GRPC_API int grpc_compression_algorithm_name(
GRPCAPI int grpc_compression_algorithm_name(
grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm, char **name);
/** Returns the compression algorithm corresponding to \a level.
* It abort()s for unknown levels . */
GRPC_API grpc_compression_algorithm
GRPCAPI grpc_compression_algorithm
grpc_compression_algorithm_for_level(grpc_compression_level level);
GRPC_API void grpc_compression_options_init(grpc_compression_options *opts);
GRPCAPI void grpc_compression_options_init(grpc_compression_options *opts);
/** Mark \a algorithm as enabled in \a opts. */
GRPC_API void grpc_compression_options_enable_algorithm(
GRPCAPI void grpc_compression_options_enable_algorithm(
grpc_compression_options *opts, grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm);
/** Mark \a algorithm as disabled in \a opts. */
GRPC_API void grpc_compression_options_disable_algorithm(
GRPCAPI void grpc_compression_options_disable_algorithm(
grpc_compression_options *opts, grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm);
/** Returns true if \a algorithm is marked as enabled in \a opts. */
GRPC_API int grpc_compression_options_is_algorithm_enabled(
GRPCAPI int grpc_compression_options_is_algorithm_enabled(
const grpc_compression_options *opts, grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ extern "C" {
* functionality lives in grpc_security.h.
GRPC_API void grpc_metadata_array_init(grpc_metadata_array *array);
GRPC_API void grpc_metadata_array_destroy(grpc_metadata_array *array);
GRPCAPI void grpc_metadata_array_init(grpc_metadata_array *array);
GRPCAPI void grpc_metadata_array_destroy(grpc_metadata_array *array);
GRPC_API void grpc_call_details_init(grpc_call_details *details);
GRPC_API void grpc_call_details_destroy(grpc_call_details *details);
GRPCAPI void grpc_call_details_init(grpc_call_details *details);
GRPCAPI void grpc_call_details_destroy(grpc_call_details *details);
/** Registers a plugin to be initialized and destroyed with the library.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_call_details_destroy(grpc_call_details *details);
(and hence so will \a init and \a destroy).
It is safe to pass NULL to either argument. Plugins are destroyed in
the reverse order they were initialized. */
GRPC_API void grpc_register_plugin(void (*init)(void), void (*destroy)(void));
GRPCAPI void grpc_register_plugin(void (*init)(void), void (*destroy)(void));
/** Initialize the grpc library.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_register_plugin(void (*init)(void), void (*destroy)(void));
(To avoid overhead, little checking is done, and some things may work. We
do not warrant that they will continue to do so in future revisions of this
library). */
GRPC_API void grpc_init(void);
GRPCAPI void grpc_init(void);
/** Shut down the grpc library.
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_init(void);
executing within the grpc library.
Prior to calling, all application owned grpc objects must have been
destroyed. */
GRPC_API void grpc_shutdown(void);
GRPCAPI void grpc_shutdown(void);
/** Return a string representing the current version of grpc */
GRPC_API const char *grpc_version_string(void);
GRPCAPI const char *grpc_version_string(void);
/** Create a completion queue */
GRPC_API grpc_completion_queue *grpc_completion_queue_create(void *reserved);
GRPCAPI grpc_completion_queue *grpc_completion_queue_create(void *reserved);
/** Blocks until an event is available, the completion queue is being shut down,
or deadline is reached.
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ GRPC_API grpc_completion_queue *grpc_completion_queue_create(void *reserved);
Callers must not call grpc_completion_queue_next and
grpc_completion_queue_pluck simultaneously on the same completion queue. */
GRPC_API grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_next(grpc_completion_queue *cq,
gpr_timespec deadline,
void *reserved);
GRPCAPI grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_next(grpc_completion_queue *cq,
gpr_timespec deadline,
void *reserved);
/** Blocks until an event with tag 'tag' is available, the completion queue is
being shutdown or deadline is reached.
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ GRPC_API grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_next(grpc_completion_queue *cq,
Completion queues support a maximum of GRPC_MAX_COMPLETION_QUEUE_PLUCKERS
concurrently executing plucks at any time. */
GRPC_API grpc_event
grpc_completion_queue_pluck(grpc_completion_queue *cq, void *tag,
gpr_timespec deadline, void *reserved);
GRPCAPI grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_pluck(grpc_completion_queue *cq,
void *tag, gpr_timespec deadline,
void *reserved);
/** Maximum number of outstanding grpc_completion_queue_pluck executions per
completion queue */
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ grpc_completion_queue_pluck(grpc_completion_queue *cq, void *tag,
After calling this function applications should ensure that no
NEW work is added to be published on this completion queue. */
GRPC_API void grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(grpc_completion_queue *cq);
GRPCAPI void grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(grpc_completion_queue *cq);
/** Destroy a completion queue. The caller must ensure that the queue is
drained and no threads are executing grpc_completion_queue_next */
GRPC_API void grpc_completion_queue_destroy(grpc_completion_queue *cq);
GRPCAPI void grpc_completion_queue_destroy(grpc_completion_queue *cq);
/** Create a completion queue alarm instance associated to \a cq.
@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_completion_queue_destroy(grpc_completion_queue *cq);
* grpc_alarm_cancel), an event with tag \a tag will be added to \a cq. If the
* alarm expired, the event's success bit will be true, false otherwise (ie,
* upon cancellation). */
GRPC_API grpc_alarm *grpc_alarm_create(grpc_completion_queue *cq,
gpr_timespec deadline, void *tag);
GRPCAPI grpc_alarm *grpc_alarm_create(grpc_completion_queue *cq,
gpr_timespec deadline, void *tag);
/** Cancel a completion queue alarm. Calling this function over an alarm that
* has already fired has no effect. */
GRPC_API void grpc_alarm_cancel(grpc_alarm *alarm);
GRPCAPI void grpc_alarm_cancel(grpc_alarm *alarm);
/** Destroy the given completion queue alarm, cancelling it in the process. */
GRPC_API void grpc_alarm_destroy(grpc_alarm *alarm);
GRPCAPI void grpc_alarm_destroy(grpc_alarm *alarm);
/** Check the connectivity state of a channel. */
GRPC_API grpc_connectivity_state
GRPCAPI grpc_connectivity_state
grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(grpc_channel *channel,
int try_to_connect);
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(grpc_channel *channel,
tag will be enqueued on cq with success=1.
If deadline expires BEFORE the state is changed, tag will be enqueued on cq
with success=0. */
GRPC_API void grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
grpc_channel *channel, grpc_connectivity_state last_observed_state,
gpr_timespec deadline, grpc_completion_queue *cq, void *tag);
@ -173,24 +173,23 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
If parent_call is non-NULL, it must be a server-side call. It will be used
to propagate properties from the server call to this new client call.
GRPC_API grpc_call *grpc_channel_create_call(
GRPCAPI grpc_call *grpc_channel_create_call(
grpc_channel *channel, grpc_call *parent_call, uint32_t propagation_mask,
grpc_completion_queue *completion_queue, const char *method,
const char *host, gpr_timespec deadline, void *reserved);
/** Ping the channels peer (load balanced channels will select one sub-channel
to ping); if the channel is not connected, posts a failed. */
GRPC_API void grpc_channel_ping(grpc_channel *channel,
grpc_completion_queue *cq, void *tag,
void *reserved);
GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_ping(grpc_channel *channel, grpc_completion_queue *cq,
void *tag, void *reserved);
/** Pre-register a method/host pair on a channel. */
GRPC_API void *grpc_channel_register_call(grpc_channel *channel,
const char *method, const char *host,
void *reserved);
GRPCAPI void *grpc_channel_register_call(grpc_channel *channel,
const char *method, const char *host,
void *reserved);
/** Create a call given a handle returned from grpc_channel_register_call */
GRPC_API grpc_call *grpc_channel_create_registered_call(
GRPCAPI grpc_call *grpc_channel_create_registered_call(
grpc_channel *channel, grpc_call *parent_call, uint32_t propagation_mask,
grpc_completion_queue *completion_queue, void *registered_call_handle,
gpr_timespec deadline, void *reserved);
@ -206,9 +205,9 @@ GRPC_API grpc_call *grpc_channel_create_registered_call(
needs to be synchronized. As an optimization, you may synchronize batches
containing just send operations independently from batches containing just
receive operations. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_error grpc_call_start_batch(grpc_call *call,
const grpc_op *ops, size_t nops,
void *tag, void *reserved);
GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_call_start_batch(grpc_call *call,
const grpc_op *ops, size_t nops,
void *tag, void *reserved);
/** Returns a newly allocated string representing the endpoint to which this
call is communicating with. The string is in the uri format accepted by
@ -218,36 +217,36 @@ GRPC_API grpc_call_error grpc_call_start_batch(grpc_call *call,
WARNING: this value is never authenticated or subject to any security
related code. It must not be used for any authentication related
functionality. Instead, use grpc_auth_context. */
GRPC_API char *grpc_call_get_peer(grpc_call *call);
GRPCAPI char *grpc_call_get_peer(grpc_call *call);
struct census_context;
/* Set census context for a call; Must be called before first call to
grpc_call_start_batch(). */
GRPC_API void grpc_census_call_set_context(grpc_call *call,
struct census_context *context);
GRPCAPI void grpc_census_call_set_context(grpc_call *call,
struct census_context *context);
/* Retrieve the calls current census context. */
GRPC_API struct census_context *grpc_census_call_get_context(grpc_call *call);
GRPCAPI struct census_context *grpc_census_call_get_context(grpc_call *call);
/** Return a newly allocated string representing the target a channel was
created for. */
GRPC_API char *grpc_channel_get_target(grpc_channel *channel);
GRPCAPI char *grpc_channel_get_target(grpc_channel *channel);
/** Create a client channel to 'target'. Additional channel level configuration
MAY be provided by grpc_channel_args, though the expectation is that most
clients will want to simply pass NULL. See grpc_channel_args definition for
more on this. The data in 'args' need only live through the invocation of
this function. */
GRPC_API grpc_channel *grpc_insecure_channel_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_channel *grpc_insecure_channel_create(
const char *target, const grpc_channel_args *args, void *reserved);
/** Create a lame client: this client fails every operation attempted on it. */
GRPC_API grpc_channel *grpc_lame_client_channel_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_channel *grpc_lame_client_channel_create(
const char *target, grpc_status_code error_code, const char *error_message);
/** Close and destroy a grpc channel */
GRPC_API void grpc_channel_destroy(grpc_channel *channel);
GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_destroy(grpc_channel *channel);
/* Error handling for grpc_call
Most grpc_call functions return a grpc_error. If the error is not GRPC_OK
@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_channel_destroy(grpc_channel *channel);
THREAD-SAFETY grpc_call_cancel and grpc_call_cancel_with_status
are thread-safe, and can be called at any point before grpc_call_destroy
is called.*/
GRPC_API grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel(grpc_call *call, void *reserved);
GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel(grpc_call *call, void *reserved);
/** Called by clients to cancel an RPC on the server.
Can be called multiple times, from any thread.
@ -268,13 +267,13 @@ GRPC_API grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel(grpc_call *call, void *reserved);
and description passed in.
Importantly, this function does not send status nor description to the
remote endpoint. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_error
GRPCAPI grpc_call_error
grpc_call_cancel_with_status(grpc_call *call, grpc_status_code status,
const char *description, void *reserved);
/** Destroy a call.
THREAD SAFETY: grpc_call_destroy is thread-compatible */
GRPC_API void grpc_call_destroy(grpc_call *call);
GRPCAPI void grpc_call_destroy(grpc_call *call);
/** Request notification of a new call.
Once a call is received, a notification tagged with \a tag_new is added to
@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_call_destroy(grpc_call *call);
to \a cq_bound_to_call.
Note that \a cq_for_notification must have been registered to the server via
\a grpc_server_register_completion_queue. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_error
GRPCAPI grpc_call_error
grpc_server_request_call(grpc_server *server, grpc_call **call,
grpc_call_details *details,
grpc_metadata_array *request_metadata,
@ -299,14 +298,13 @@ grpc_server_request_call(grpc_server *server, grpc_call **call,
registered_method (as returned by this function).
Must be called before grpc_server_start.
Returns NULL on failure. */
GRPC_API void *grpc_server_register_method(grpc_server *server,
const char *method,
const char *host);
GRPCAPI void *grpc_server_register_method(grpc_server *server,
const char *method, const char *host);
/** Request notification of a new pre-registered call. 'cq_for_notification'
must have been registered to the server via
grpc_server_register_completion_queue. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_error grpc_server_request_registered_call(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_server_request_registered_call(
grpc_server *server, void *registered_method, grpc_call **call,
gpr_timespec *deadline, grpc_metadata_array *request_metadata,
grpc_byte_buffer **optional_payload,
@ -317,25 +315,25 @@ GRPC_API grpc_call_error grpc_server_request_registered_call(
be specified with args. If no additional configuration is needed, args can
be NULL. See grpc_channel_args for more. The data in 'args' need only live
through the invocation of this function. */
GRPC_API grpc_server *grpc_server_create(const grpc_channel_args *args,
void *reserved);
GRPCAPI grpc_server *grpc_server_create(const grpc_channel_args *args,
void *reserved);
/** Register a completion queue with the server. Must be done for any
notification completion queue that is passed to grpc_server_request_*_call
and to grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify. Must be performed prior to
grpc_server_start. */
GRPC_API void grpc_server_register_completion_queue(grpc_server *server,
grpc_completion_queue *cq,
void *reserved);
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_register_completion_queue(grpc_server *server,
grpc_completion_queue *cq,
void *reserved);
/** Add a HTTP2 over plaintext over tcp listener.
Returns bound port number on success, 0 on failure.
REQUIRES: server not started */
GRPC_API int grpc_server_add_insecure_http2_port(grpc_server *server,
const char *addr);
GRPCAPI int grpc_server_add_insecure_http2_port(grpc_server *server,
const char *addr);
/** Start a server - tells all listeners to start listening */
GRPC_API void grpc_server_start(grpc_server *server);
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_start(grpc_server *server);
/** Begin shutting down a server.
After completion, no new calls or connections will be admitted.
@ -344,19 +342,19 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_server_start(grpc_server *server);
Shutdown is idempotent, and all tags will be notified at once if multiple
grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify calls are made. 'cq' must have been
registered to this server via grpc_server_register_completion_queue. */
GRPC_API void grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(grpc_server *server,
grpc_completion_queue *cq,
void *tag);
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(grpc_server *server,
grpc_completion_queue *cq,
void *tag);
/** Cancel all in-progress calls.
Only usable after shutdown. */
GRPC_API void grpc_server_cancel_all_calls(grpc_server *server);
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_cancel_all_calls(grpc_server *server);
/** Destroy a server.
Shutdown must have completed beforehand (i.e. all tags generated by
grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify must have been received, and at least
one call to grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify must have been made). */
GRPC_API void grpc_server_destroy(grpc_server *server);
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_destroy(grpc_server *server);
/** Enable or disable a tracer.
@ -366,18 +364,17 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_server_destroy(grpc_server *server);
Use of this function is not strictly thread-safe, but the
thread-safety issues raised by it should not be of concern. */
GRPC_API int grpc_tracer_set_enabled(const char *name, int enabled);
GRPCAPI int grpc_tracer_set_enabled(const char *name, int enabled);
/** Check whether a metadata key is legal (will be accepted by core) */
GRPC_API int grpc_header_key_is_legal(const char *key, size_t length);
GRPCAPI int grpc_header_key_is_legal(const char *key, size_t length);
/** Check whether a non-binary metadata value is legal (will be accepted by
core) */
GRPC_API int grpc_header_nonbin_value_is_legal(const char *value,
size_t length);
GRPCAPI int grpc_header_nonbin_value_is_legal(const char *value, size_t length);
/** Check whether a metadata key corresponds to a binary value */
GRPC_API int grpc_is_binary_header(const char *key, size_t length);
GRPCAPI int grpc_is_binary_header(const char *key, size_t length);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -65,39 +65,39 @@ typedef struct grpc_auth_property {
} grpc_auth_property;
/* Returns NULL when the iterator is at the end. */
GRPC_API const grpc_auth_property *grpc_auth_property_iterator_next(
GRPCAPI const grpc_auth_property *grpc_auth_property_iterator_next(
grpc_auth_property_iterator *it);
/* Iterates over the auth context. */
GRPC_API grpc_auth_property_iterator
GRPCAPI grpc_auth_property_iterator
grpc_auth_context_property_iterator(const grpc_auth_context *ctx);
/* Gets the peer identity. Returns an empty iterator (first _next will return
NULL) if the peer is not authenticated. */
GRPC_API grpc_auth_property_iterator
GRPCAPI grpc_auth_property_iterator
grpc_auth_context_peer_identity(const grpc_auth_context *ctx);
/* Finds a property in the context. May return an empty iterator (first _next
will return NULL) if no property with this name was found in the context. */
GRPC_API grpc_auth_property_iterator
GRPCAPI grpc_auth_property_iterator
grpc_auth_context_find_properties_by_name(const grpc_auth_context *ctx,
const char *name);
/* Gets the name of the property that indicates the peer identity. Will return
NULL if the peer is not authenticated. */
GRPC_API const char *grpc_auth_context_peer_identity_property_name(
GRPCAPI const char *grpc_auth_context_peer_identity_property_name(
const grpc_auth_context *ctx);
/* Returns 1 if the peer is authenticated, 0 otherwise. */
GRPC_API int grpc_auth_context_peer_is_authenticated(
GRPCAPI int grpc_auth_context_peer_is_authenticated(
const grpc_auth_context *ctx);
/* Gets the auth context from the call. Caller needs to call
grpc_auth_context_release on the returned context. */
GRPC_API grpc_auth_context *grpc_call_auth_context(grpc_call *call);
GRPCAPI grpc_auth_context *grpc_call_auth_context(grpc_call *call);
/* Releases the auth context returned from grpc_call_auth_context. */
GRPC_API void grpc_auth_context_release(grpc_auth_context *context);
GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_context_release(grpc_auth_context *context);
/* --
The following auth context methods should only be called by a server metadata
@ -105,19 +105,18 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_auth_context_release(grpc_auth_context *context);
-- */
/* Add a property. */
GRPC_API void grpc_auth_context_add_property(grpc_auth_context *ctx,
const char *name,
const char *value,
size_t value_length);
GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_context_add_property(grpc_auth_context *ctx,
const char *name, const char *value,
size_t value_length);
/* Add a C string property. */
GRPC_API void grpc_auth_context_add_cstring_property(grpc_auth_context *ctx,
const char *name,
const char *value);
GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_context_add_cstring_property(grpc_auth_context *ctx,
const char *name,
const char *value);
/* Sets the property name. Returns 1 if successful or 0 in case of failure
(which means that no property with this name exists). */
GRPC_API int grpc_auth_context_set_peer_identity_property_name(
GRPCAPI int grpc_auth_context_set_peer_identity_property_name(
grpc_auth_context *ctx, const char *name);
/* --- grpc_channel_credentials object. ---
@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ typedef struct grpc_channel_credentials grpc_channel_credentials;
/* Releases a channel credentials object.
The creator of the credentials object is responsible for its release. */
GRPC_API void grpc_channel_credentials_release(grpc_channel_credentials *creds);
GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_credentials_release(grpc_channel_credentials *creds);
/* Environment variable that points to the google default application
credentials json key or refresh token. Used in the
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_channel_credentials_release(grpc_channel_credentials *creds);
/* Creates default credentials to connect to a google gRPC service.
WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as
this could result in an oauth2 token leak. */
GRPC_API grpc_channel_credentials *grpc_google_default_credentials_create(void);
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials *grpc_google_default_credentials_create(void);
/* Environment variable that points to the default SSL roots file. This file
must be a PEM encoded file with all the roots such as the one that can be
@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ typedef struct {
- pem_key_cert_pair is a pointer on the object containing client's private
key and certificate chain. This parameter can be NULL if the client does
not have such a key/cert pair. */
GRPC_API grpc_channel_credentials *grpc_ssl_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials *grpc_ssl_credentials_create(
const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pair,
void *reserved);
@ -206,32 +205,32 @@ typedef struct grpc_call_credentials grpc_call_credentials;
/* Releases a call credentials object.
The creator of the credentials object is responsible for its release. */
GRPC_API void grpc_call_credentials_release(grpc_call_credentials *creds);
GRPCAPI void grpc_call_credentials_release(grpc_call_credentials *creds);
/* Creates a composite channel credentials object. */
GRPC_API grpc_channel_credentials *grpc_composite_channel_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials *grpc_composite_channel_credentials_create(
grpc_channel_credentials *channel_creds, grpc_call_credentials *call_creds,
void *reserved);
/* Creates a composite call credentials object. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *grpc_composite_call_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *grpc_composite_call_credentials_create(
grpc_call_credentials *creds1, grpc_call_credentials *creds2,
void *reserved);
/* Creates a compute engine credentials object for connecting to Google.
WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as
this could result in an oauth2 token leak. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *grpc_google_compute_engine_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *grpc_google_compute_engine_credentials_create(
void *reserved);
GRPC_API gpr_timespec grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime();
GRPCAPI gpr_timespec grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime();
/* Creates a JWT credentials object. May return NULL if the input is invalid.
- json_key is the JSON key string containing the client's private key.
- token_lifetime is the lifetime of each Json Web Token (JWT) created with
this credentials. It should not exceed grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime or
will be cropped to this value. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *
grpc_service_account_jwt_access_credentials_create(const char *json_key,
gpr_timespec token_lifetime,
void *reserved);
@ -242,16 +241,16 @@ grpc_service_account_jwt_access_credentials_create(const char *json_key,
this could result in an oauth2 token leak.
- json_refresh_token is the JSON string containing the refresh token itself
along with a client_id and client_secret. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *grpc_google_refresh_token_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *grpc_google_refresh_token_credentials_create(
const char *json_refresh_token, void *reserved);
/* Creates an Oauth2 Access Token credentials with an access token that was
aquired by an out of band mechanism. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *grpc_access_token_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *grpc_access_token_credentials_create(
const char *access_token, void *reserved);
/* Creates an IAM credentials object for connecting to Google. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *grpc_google_iam_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *grpc_google_iam_credentials_create(
const char *authorization_token, const char *authority_selector,
void *reserved);
@ -313,13 +312,13 @@ typedef struct {
} grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin;
/* Creates a credentials object from a plugin. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_credentials *grpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin(
GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials *grpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin(
grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin plugin, void *reserved);
/* --- Secure channel creation. --- */
/* Creates a secure channel using the passed-in credentials. */
GRPC_API grpc_channel *grpc_secure_channel_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_channel *grpc_secure_channel_create(
grpc_channel_credentials *creds, const char *target,
const grpc_channel_args *args, void *reserved);
@ -332,7 +331,7 @@ typedef struct grpc_server_credentials grpc_server_credentials;
/* Releases a server_credentials object.
The creator of the server_credentials object is responsible for its release.
GRPC_API void grpc_server_credentials_release(grpc_server_credentials *creds);
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_credentials_release(grpc_server_credentials *creds);
/* Creates an SSL server_credentials object.
- pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of
@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ GRPC_API void grpc_server_credentials_release(grpc_server_credentials *creds);
- force_client_auth, if set to non-zero will force the client to authenticate
with an SSL cert. Note that this option is ignored if pem_root_certs is
NULL. */
GRPC_API grpc_server_credentials *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(
const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs,
size_t num_key_cert_pairs, int force_client_auth, void *reserved);
@ -354,15 +353,15 @@ GRPC_API grpc_server_credentials *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(
/* Add a HTTP2 over an encrypted link over tcp listener.
Returns bound port number on success, 0 on failure.
REQUIRES: server not started */
GRPC_API int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server *server,
const char *addr,
grpc_server_credentials *creds);
GRPCAPI int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server *server,
const char *addr,
grpc_server_credentials *creds);
/* --- Call specific credentials. --- */
/* Sets a credentials to a call. Can only be called on the client side before
grpc_call_start_batch. */
GRPC_API grpc_call_error
GRPCAPI grpc_call_error
grpc_call_set_credentials(grpc_call *call, grpc_call_credentials *creds);
/* --- Auth Metadata Processing --- */
@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ typedef struct {
void *state;
} grpc_auth_metadata_processor;
GRPC_API void grpc_server_credentials_set_auth_metadata_processor(
GRPCAPI void grpc_server_credentials_set_auth_metadata_processor(
grpc_server_credentials *creds, grpc_auth_metadata_processor processor);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -49,23 +49,23 @@ typedef struct gpr_allocation_functions {
} gpr_allocation_functions;
/* malloc, never returns NULL */
GPR_API void *gpr_malloc(size_t size);
GPRAPI void *gpr_malloc(size_t size);
/* free */
GPR_API void gpr_free(void *ptr);
GPRAPI void gpr_free(void *ptr);
/* realloc, never returns NULL */
GPR_API void *gpr_realloc(void *p, size_t size);
GPRAPI void *gpr_realloc(void *p, size_t size);
/* aligned malloc, never returns NULL, will align to 1 << alignment_log */
GPR_API void *gpr_malloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment_log);
GPRAPI void *gpr_malloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment_log);
/* free memory allocated by gpr_malloc_aligned */
GPR_API void gpr_free_aligned(void *ptr);
GPRAPI void gpr_free_aligned(void *ptr);
/** Request the family of allocation functions in \a functions be used. NOTE
* that this request will be honored in a *best effort* basis and that no
* guarantees are made about the default functions (eg, malloc) being called. */
GPR_API void gpr_set_allocation_functions(gpr_allocation_functions functions);
GPRAPI void gpr_set_allocation_functions(gpr_allocation_functions functions);
/** Return the family of allocation functions currently in effect. */
GPR_API gpr_allocation_functions gpr_get_allocation_functions();
GPRAPI gpr_allocation_functions gpr_get_allocation_functions();
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ typedef struct grpc_byte_buffer grpc_byte_buffer;
* Increases the reference count for all \a slices processed. The user is
* responsible for invoking grpc_byte_buffer_destroy on the returned instance.*/
GRPC_API grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(gpr_slice *slices,
size_t nslices);
GRPCAPI grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(gpr_slice *slices,
size_t nslices);
/** Returns a *compressed* RAW byte buffer instance over the given slices (up to
* \a nslices). The \a compression argument defines the compression algorithm
@ -74,44 +74,44 @@ GRPC_API grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(gpr_slice *slices,
* Increases the reference count for all \a slices processed. The user is
* responsible for invoking grpc_byte_buffer_destroy on the returned instance.*/
GRPC_API grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_compressed_byte_buffer_create(
GRPCAPI grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_compressed_byte_buffer_create(
gpr_slice *slices, size_t nslices, grpc_compression_algorithm compression);
/** Copies input byte buffer \a bb.
* Increases the reference count of all the source slices. The user is
* responsible for calling grpc_byte_buffer_destroy over the returned copy. */
GRPC_API grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_byte_buffer_copy(grpc_byte_buffer *bb);
GRPCAPI grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_byte_buffer_copy(grpc_byte_buffer *bb);
/** Returns the size of the given byte buffer, in bytes. */
GRPC_API size_t grpc_byte_buffer_length(grpc_byte_buffer *bb);
GRPCAPI size_t grpc_byte_buffer_length(grpc_byte_buffer *bb);
/** Destroys \a byte_buffer deallocating all its memory. */
GRPC_API void grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(grpc_byte_buffer *byte_buffer);
GRPCAPI void grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(grpc_byte_buffer *byte_buffer);
/** Reader for byte buffers. Iterates over slices in the byte buffer */
struct grpc_byte_buffer_reader;
typedef struct grpc_byte_buffer_reader grpc_byte_buffer_reader;
/** Initialize \a reader to read over \a buffer */
GRPC_API void grpc_byte_buffer_reader_init(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader,
grpc_byte_buffer *buffer);
GRPCAPI void grpc_byte_buffer_reader_init(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader,
grpc_byte_buffer *buffer);
/** Cleanup and destroy \a reader */
GRPC_API void grpc_byte_buffer_reader_destroy(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader);
GRPCAPI void grpc_byte_buffer_reader_destroy(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader);
/** Updates \a slice with the next piece of data from from \a reader and returns
* 1. Returns 0 at the end of the stream. Caller is responsible for calling
* gpr_slice_unref on the result. */
GRPC_API int grpc_byte_buffer_reader_next(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader,
gpr_slice *slice);
GRPCAPI int grpc_byte_buffer_reader_next(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader,
gpr_slice *slice);
/** Merge all data from \a reader into single slice */
GRPC_API gpr_slice
GRPCAPI gpr_slice
grpc_byte_buffer_reader_readall(grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader);
/** Returns a RAW byte buffer instance from the output of \a reader. */
GRPC_API grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_byte_buffer_from_reader(
GRPCAPI grpc_byte_buffer *grpc_raw_byte_buffer_from_reader(
grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ const char *gpr_log_severity_string(gpr_log_severity severity);
/* Log a message. It's advised to use GPR_xxx above to generate the context
* for each message */
GPR_API void gpr_log(const char *file, int line, gpr_log_severity severity,
const char *format, ...);
GPRAPI void gpr_log(const char *file, int line, gpr_log_severity severity,
const char *format, ...);
GPR_API void gpr_log_message(const char *file, int line,
gpr_log_severity severity, const char *message);
GPRAPI void gpr_log_message(const char *file, int line,
gpr_log_severity severity, const char *message);
/* Log overrides: applications can use this API to intercept logging calls
and use their own implementations */
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ typedef struct {
} gpr_log_func_args;
typedef void (*gpr_log_func)(gpr_log_func_args *args);
GPR_API void gpr_set_log_function(gpr_log_func func);
GPRAPI void gpr_set_log_function(gpr_log_func func);
/* abort() the process if x is zero, having written a line to the log.

@ -347,16 +347,16 @@ typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
} while (0)
#ifndef GPR_API
#define GPR_API
#ifndef GPRAPI
#define GPRAPI
#ifndef GRPC_API
#ifndef GRPCAPI
#ifndef CENSUS_API

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ typedef struct gpr_slice {
/* Increment the refcount of s. Requires slice is initialized.
Returns s. */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_ref(gpr_slice s);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_ref(gpr_slice s);
/* Decrement the ref count of s. If the ref count of s reaches zero, all
slices sharing the ref count are destroyed, and considered no longer
@ -113,22 +113,22 @@ GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_ref(gpr_slice s);
len, dest) where dest!=NULL , then (*dest)(start) is called, else if s is
ultimately derived from a call to gpr_slice_new_with_len(start, len, dest)
where dest!=NULL , then (*dest)(start, len). Requires s initialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_unref(gpr_slice s);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_unref(gpr_slice s);
/* Create a slice pointing at some data. Calls malloc to allocate a refcount
for the object, and arranges that destroy will be called with the pointer
passed in at destruction. */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_new(void *p, size_t len, void (*destroy)(void *));
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_new(void *p, size_t len, void (*destroy)(void *));
/* Equivalent to gpr_slice_new, but with a two argument destroy function that
also takes the slice length. */
GPR_API gpr_slice
GPRAPI gpr_slice
gpr_slice_new_with_len(void *p, size_t len, void (*destroy)(void *, size_t));
/* Equivalent to gpr_slice_new(malloc(len), len, free), but saves one malloc()
Aborts if malloc() fails. */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_malloc(size_t length);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_malloc(size_t length);
/* Create a slice by copying a string.
Does not preserve null terminators.
@ -136,44 +136,44 @@ GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_malloc(size_t length);
size_t len = strlen(source);
gpr_slice slice = gpr_slice_malloc(len);
memcpy(slice->data, source, len); */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_from_copied_string(const char *source);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_from_copied_string(const char *source);
/* Create a slice by copying a buffer.
Equivalent to:
gpr_slice slice = gpr_slice_malloc(len);
memcpy(slice->data, source, len); */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer(const char *source, size_t len);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer(const char *source, size_t len);
/* Create a slice pointing to constant memory */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_from_static_string(const char *source);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_from_static_string(const char *source);
/* Return a result slice derived from s, which shares a ref count with s, where, and result.length==end-begin.
The ref count of s is increased by one.
Requires s initialized, begin <= end, begin <= s.length, and
end <= source->length. */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_sub(gpr_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_sub(gpr_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end);
/* The same as gpr_slice_sub, but without altering the ref count */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_sub_no_ref(gpr_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_sub_no_ref(gpr_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end);
/* Splits s into two: modifies s to be s[0:split], and returns a new slice,
sharing a refcount with s, that contains s[split:s.length].
Requires s intialized, split <= s.length */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_split_tail(gpr_slice *s, size_t split);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_split_tail(gpr_slice *s, size_t split);
/* Splits s into two: modifies s to be s[split:s.length], and returns a new
slice, sharing a refcount with s, that contains s[0:split].
Requires s intialized, split <= s.length */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_split_head(gpr_slice *s, size_t split);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_split_head(gpr_slice *s, size_t split);
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_empty_slice(void);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_empty_slice(void);
/* Returns <0 if a < b, ==0 if a == b, >0 if a > b
The order is arbitrary, and is not guaranteed to be stable across different
versions of the API. */
GPR_API int gpr_slice_cmp(gpr_slice a, gpr_slice b);
GPR_API int gpr_slice_str_cmp(gpr_slice a, const char *b);
GPRAPI int gpr_slice_cmp(gpr_slice a, gpr_slice b);
GPRAPI int gpr_slice_str_cmp(gpr_slice a, const char *b);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ typedef struct {
} gpr_slice_buffer;
/* initialize a slice buffer */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_init(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_init(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
/* destroy a slice buffer - unrefs any held elements */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_destroy(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_destroy(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
/* Add an element to a slice buffer - takes ownership of the slice.
This function is allowed to concatenate the passed in slice to the end of
some other slice if desired by the slice buffer. */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_add(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, gpr_slice slice);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_add(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, gpr_slice slice);
/* add an element to a slice buffer - takes ownership of the slice and returns
the index of the slice.
Guarantees that the slice will not be concatenated at the end of another
@ -73,30 +73,30 @@ GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_add(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, gpr_slice slice);
slice at the returned index in sb->slices)
The implementation MAY decide to concatenate data at the end of a small
slice added in this fashion. */
GPR_API size_t
GPRAPI size_t
gpr_slice_buffer_add_indexed(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, gpr_slice slice);
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_addn(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, gpr_slice *slices,
size_t n);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_addn(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, gpr_slice *slices,
size_t n);
/* add a very small (less than 8 bytes) amount of data to the end of a slice
buffer: returns a pointer into which to add the data */
GPR_API uint8_t *gpr_slice_buffer_tiny_add(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, size_t len);
GPRAPI uint8_t *gpr_slice_buffer_tiny_add(gpr_slice_buffer *sb, size_t len);
/* pop the last buffer, but don't unref it */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_pop(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_pop(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
/* clear a slice buffer, unref all elements */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_reset_and_unref(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_reset_and_unref(gpr_slice_buffer *sb);
/* swap the contents of two slice buffers */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_swap(gpr_slice_buffer *a, gpr_slice_buffer *b);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_swap(gpr_slice_buffer *a, gpr_slice_buffer *b);
/* move all of the elements of src into dst */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_move_into(gpr_slice_buffer *src,
gpr_slice_buffer *dst);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_move_into(gpr_slice_buffer *src,
gpr_slice_buffer *dst);
/* remove n bytes from the end of a slice buffer */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_trim_end(gpr_slice_buffer *src, size_t n,
gpr_slice_buffer *garbage);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_trim_end(gpr_slice_buffer *src, size_t n,
gpr_slice_buffer *garbage);
/* move the first n bytes of src into dst */
GPR_API void gpr_slice_buffer_move_first(gpr_slice_buffer *src, size_t n,
gpr_slice_buffer *dst);
GPRAPI void gpr_slice_buffer_move_first(gpr_slice_buffer *src, size_t n,
gpr_slice_buffer *dst);
/* take the first slice in the slice buffer */
GPR_API gpr_slice gpr_slice_buffer_take_first(gpr_slice_buffer *src);
GPRAPI gpr_slice gpr_slice_buffer_take_first(gpr_slice_buffer *src);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -78,26 +78,26 @@ extern "C" {
gpr_mu are uninitialized when first declared. */
/* Initialize *mu. Requires: *mu uninitialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_mu_init(gpr_mu *mu);
GPRAPI void gpr_mu_init(gpr_mu *mu);
/* Cause *mu no longer to be initialized, freeing any memory in use. Requires:
*mu initialized; no other concurrent operation on *mu. */
GPR_API void gpr_mu_destroy(gpr_mu *mu);
GPRAPI void gpr_mu_destroy(gpr_mu *mu);
/* Wait until no thread has a lock on *mu, cause the calling thread to own an
exclusive lock on *mu, then return. May block indefinitely or crash if the
calling thread has a lock on *mu. Requires: *mu initialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_mu_lock(gpr_mu *mu);
GPRAPI void gpr_mu_lock(gpr_mu *mu);
/* Release an exclusive lock on *mu held by the calling thread. Requires: *mu
initialized; the calling thread holds an exclusive lock on *mu. */
GPR_API void gpr_mu_unlock(gpr_mu *mu);
GPRAPI void gpr_mu_unlock(gpr_mu *mu);
/* Without blocking, attempt to acquire an exclusive lock on *mu for the
calling thread, then return non-zero iff success. Fail, if any thread holds
the lock; succeeds with high probability if no thread holds the lock.
Requires: *mu initialized. */
GPR_API int gpr_mu_trylock(gpr_mu *mu);
GPRAPI int gpr_mu_trylock(gpr_mu *mu);
/* --- Condition variable interface ---
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ GPR_API int gpr_mu_trylock(gpr_mu *mu);
uninitialized when first declared. */
/* Initialize *cv. Requires: *cv uninitialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_cv_init(gpr_cv *cv);
GPRAPI void gpr_cv_init(gpr_cv *cv);
/* Cause *cv no longer to be initialized, freeing any memory in use. Requires:
*cv initialized; no other concurrent operation on *cv.*/
GPR_API void gpr_cv_destroy(gpr_cv *cv);
GPRAPI void gpr_cv_destroy(gpr_cv *cv);
/* Atomically release *mu and wait on *cv. When the calling thread is woken
from *cv or the deadline abs_deadline is exceeded, execute gpr_mu_lock(mu)
@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ GPR_API void gpr_cv_destroy(gpr_cv *cv);
an absolute deadline, or a GPR_TIMESPAN. May return even when not
woken explicitly. Requires: *mu and *cv initialized; the calling thread
holds an exclusive lock on *mu. */
GPR_API int gpr_cv_wait(gpr_cv *cv, gpr_mu *mu, gpr_timespec abs_deadline);
GPRAPI int gpr_cv_wait(gpr_cv *cv, gpr_mu *mu, gpr_timespec abs_deadline);
/* If any threads are waiting on *cv, wake at least one.
Clients may treat this as an optimization of gpr_cv_broadcast()
for use in the case where waking more than one waiter is not useful.
Requires: *cv initialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_cv_signal(gpr_cv *cv);
GPRAPI void gpr_cv_signal(gpr_cv *cv);
/* Wake all threads waiting on *cv. Requires: *cv initialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_cv_broadcast(gpr_cv *cv);
GPRAPI void gpr_cv_broadcast(gpr_cv *cv);
/* --- One-time initialization ---
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ GPR_API void gpr_cv_broadcast(gpr_cv *cv);
If multiple threads call gpr_once() on the same gpr_once instance, one of
them will call (*init_routine)(), and the others will block until that call
GPR_API void gpr_once_init(gpr_once *once, void (*init_routine)(void));
GPRAPI void gpr_once_init(gpr_once *once, void (*init_routine)(void));
/* --- One-time event notification ---
@ -151,43 +151,43 @@ GPR_API void gpr_once_init(gpr_once *once, void (*init_routine)(void));
It requires no destruction. */
/* Initialize *ev. */
GPR_API void gpr_event_init(gpr_event *ev);
GPRAPI void gpr_event_init(gpr_event *ev);
/* Set *ev so that gpr_event_get() and gpr_event_wait() will return value.
Requires: *ev initialized; value != NULL; no prior or concurrent calls to
gpr_event_set(ev, ...) since initialization. */
GPR_API void gpr_event_set(gpr_event *ev, void *value);
GPRAPI void gpr_event_set(gpr_event *ev, void *value);
/* Return the value set by gpr_event_set(ev, ...), or NULL if no such call has
completed. If the result is non-NULL, all operations that occurred prior to
the gpr_event_set(ev, ...) set will be visible after this call returns.
Requires: *ev initialized. This operation is faster than acquiring a mutex
on most platforms. */
GPR_API void *gpr_event_get(gpr_event *ev);
GPRAPI void *gpr_event_get(gpr_event *ev);
/* Wait until *ev is set by gpr_event_set(ev, ...), or abs_deadline is
exceeded, then return gpr_event_get(ev). Requires: *ev initialized. Use
abs_deadline==gpr_inf_future for no deadline. When the event has been
signalled before the call, this operation is faster than acquiring a mutex
on most platforms. */
GPR_API void *gpr_event_wait(gpr_event *ev, gpr_timespec abs_deadline);
GPRAPI void *gpr_event_wait(gpr_event *ev, gpr_timespec abs_deadline);
/* --- Reference counting ---
These calls act on the type gpr_refcount. It requires no destruction. */
/* Initialize *r to value n. */
GPR_API void gpr_ref_init(gpr_refcount *r, int n);
GPRAPI void gpr_ref_init(gpr_refcount *r, int n);
/* Increment the reference count *r. Requires *r initialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_ref(gpr_refcount *r);
GPRAPI void gpr_ref(gpr_refcount *r);
/* Increment the reference count *r by n. Requires *r initialized, n > 0. */
GPR_API void gpr_refn(gpr_refcount *r, int n);
GPRAPI void gpr_refn(gpr_refcount *r, int n);
/* Decrement the reference count *r and return non-zero iff it has reached
zero. . Requires *r initialized. */
GPR_API int gpr_unref(gpr_refcount *r);
GPRAPI int gpr_unref(gpr_refcount *r);
/* --- Stats counters ---
@ -198,13 +198,13 @@ GPR_API int gpr_unref(gpr_refcount *r);
synchronize other events. */
/* Initialize *c to the value n. */
GPR_API void gpr_stats_init(gpr_stats_counter *c, intptr_t n);
GPRAPI void gpr_stats_init(gpr_stats_counter *c, intptr_t n);
/* *c += inc. Requires: *c initialized. */
GPR_API void gpr_stats_inc(gpr_stats_counter *c, intptr_t inc);
GPRAPI void gpr_stats_inc(gpr_stats_counter *c, intptr_t inc);
/* Return *c. Requires: *c initialized. */
GPR_API intptr_t gpr_stats_read(const gpr_stats_counter *c);
GPRAPI intptr_t gpr_stats_read(const gpr_stats_counter *c);
/* ==================Example use of interface===================
A producer-consumer queue of up to N integers,

@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ typedef struct gpr_timespec {
} gpr_timespec;
/* Time constants. */
GPR_API gpr_timespec
GPRAPI gpr_timespec
gpr_time_0(gpr_clock_type type); /* The zero time interval. */
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_inf_future(gpr_clock_type type); /* The far future */
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_inf_past(gpr_clock_type type); /* The far past. */
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_inf_future(gpr_clock_type type); /* The far future */
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_inf_past(gpr_clock_type type); /* The far past. */
#define GPR_MS_PER_SEC 1000
#define GPR_US_PER_SEC 1000000
@ -82,48 +82,46 @@ GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_inf_past(gpr_clock_type type); /* The far past. */
#define GPR_US_PER_MS 1000
/* initialize time subsystem */
GPR_API void gpr_time_init(void);
GPRAPI void gpr_time_init(void);
/* Return the current time measured from the given clocks epoch. */
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_now(gpr_clock_type clock);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_now(gpr_clock_type clock);
/* Convert a timespec from one clock to another */
GPR_API gpr_timespec
GPRAPI gpr_timespec
gpr_convert_clock_type(gpr_timespec t, gpr_clock_type target_clock);
/* Return -ve, 0, or +ve according to whether a < b, a == b, or a > b
respectively. */
GPR_API int gpr_time_cmp(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPRAPI int gpr_time_cmp(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_max(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_min(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_max(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_min(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
/* Add and subtract times. Calculations saturate at infinities. */
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_add(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_sub(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_add(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_sub(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b);
/* Return a timespec representing a given number of time units. INT64_MIN is
interpreted as gpr_inf_past, and INT64_MAX as gpr_inf_future. */
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_micros(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_nanos(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_millis(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPR_API gpr_timespec
gpr_time_from_seconds(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPR_API gpr_timespec
gpr_time_from_minutes(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPR_API gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_hours(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_micros(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_nanos(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_millis(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_seconds(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_minutes(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPRAPI gpr_timespec gpr_time_from_hours(int64_t x, gpr_clock_type clock_type);
GPR_API int32_t gpr_time_to_millis(gpr_timespec timespec);
GPRAPI int32_t gpr_time_to_millis(gpr_timespec timespec);
/* Return 1 if two times are equal or within threshold of each other,
0 otherwise */
GPR_API int gpr_time_similar(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b,
gpr_timespec threshold);
GPRAPI int gpr_time_similar(gpr_timespec a, gpr_timespec b,
gpr_timespec threshold);
/* Sleep until at least 'until' - an absolute timeout */
GPR_API void gpr_sleep_until(gpr_timespec until);
GPRAPI void gpr_sleep_until(gpr_timespec until);
GPR_API double gpr_timespec_to_micros(gpr_timespec t);
GPRAPI double gpr_timespec_to_micros(gpr_timespec t);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -69,23 +69,23 @@ typedef struct gpr_avl {
} gpr_avl;
/** create an immutable AVL tree */
GPR_API gpr_avl gpr_avl_create(const gpr_avl_vtable *vtable);
GPRAPI gpr_avl gpr_avl_create(const gpr_avl_vtable *vtable);
/** add a reference to an existing tree - returns
the tree as a convenience */
GPR_API gpr_avl gpr_avl_ref(gpr_avl avl);
GPRAPI gpr_avl gpr_avl_ref(gpr_avl avl);
/** remove a reference to a tree - destroying it if there
are no references left */
GPR_API void gpr_avl_unref(gpr_avl avl);
GPRAPI void gpr_avl_unref(gpr_avl avl);
/** return a new tree with (key, value) added to avl.
implicitly unrefs avl to allow easy chaining.
if key exists in avl, the new tree's key entry updated
(i.e. a duplicate is not created) */
GPR_API gpr_avl gpr_avl_add(gpr_avl avl, void *key, void *value);
GPRAPI gpr_avl gpr_avl_add(gpr_avl avl, void *key, void *value);
/** return a new tree with key deleted */
GPR_API gpr_avl gpr_avl_remove(gpr_avl avl, void *key);
GPRAPI gpr_avl gpr_avl_remove(gpr_avl avl, void *key);
/** lookup key, and return the associated value.
does not mutate avl.
returns NULL if key is not found. */
GPR_API void *gpr_avl_get(gpr_avl avl, void *key);
GPRAPI void *gpr_avl_get(gpr_avl avl, void *key);

@ -70,31 +70,31 @@ typedef struct gpr_cmdline gpr_cmdline;
/* Construct a command line parser: takes a short description of the tool
doing the parsing */
GPR_API gpr_cmdline *gpr_cmdline_create(const char *description);
GPRAPI gpr_cmdline *gpr_cmdline_create(const char *description);
/* Add an integer parameter, with a name (used on the command line) and some
helpful text (used in the command usage) */
GPR_API void gpr_cmdline_add_int(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name,
const char *help, int *value);
GPRAPI void gpr_cmdline_add_int(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name,
const char *help, int *value);
/* The same, for a boolean flag */
GPR_API void gpr_cmdline_add_flag(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name,
const char *help, int *value);
GPRAPI void gpr_cmdline_add_flag(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name,
const char *help, int *value);
/* And for a string */
GPR_API void gpr_cmdline_add_string(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name,
const char *help, char **value);
GPRAPI void gpr_cmdline_add_string(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name,
const char *help, char **value);
/* Set a callback for non-named arguments */
GPR_API void gpr_cmdline_on_extra_arg(
GPRAPI void gpr_cmdline_on_extra_arg(
gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *name, const char *help,
void (*on_extra_arg)(void *user_data, const char *arg), void *user_data);
/* Enable surviving failure: default behavior is to exit the process */
GPR_API void gpr_cmdline_set_survive_failure(gpr_cmdline *cl);
GPRAPI void gpr_cmdline_set_survive_failure(gpr_cmdline *cl);
/* Parse the command line; returns 1 on success, on failure either dies
(by default) or returns 0 if gpr_cmdline_set_survive_failure() has been
called */
GPR_API int gpr_cmdline_parse(gpr_cmdline *cl, int argc, char **argv);
GPRAPI int gpr_cmdline_parse(gpr_cmdline *cl, int argc, char **argv);
/* Destroy the parser */
GPR_API void gpr_cmdline_destroy(gpr_cmdline *cl);
GPRAPI void gpr_cmdline_destroy(gpr_cmdline *cl);
/* Get a string describing usage */
GPR_API char *gpr_cmdline_usage_string(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *argv0);
GPRAPI char *gpr_cmdline_usage_string(gpr_cmdline *cl, const char *argv0);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ extern "C" {
/* Return the number of CPU cores on the current system. Will return 0 if
the information is not available. */
GPR_API unsigned gpr_cpu_num_cores(void);
GPRAPI unsigned gpr_cpu_num_cores(void);
/* Return the CPU on which the current thread is executing; N.B. This should
be considered advisory only - it is possible that the thread is switched
to a different CPU at any time. Returns a value in range
[0, gpr_cpu_num_cores() - 1] */
GPR_API unsigned gpr_cpu_current_cpu(void);
GPRAPI unsigned gpr_cpu_current_cpu(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

@ -43,34 +43,34 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct gpr_histogram gpr_histogram;
GPR_API gpr_histogram *gpr_histogram_create(double resolution,
double max_bucket_start);
GPR_API void gpr_histogram_destroy(gpr_histogram *h);
GPR_API void gpr_histogram_add(gpr_histogram *h, double x);
GPRAPI gpr_histogram *gpr_histogram_create(double resolution,
double max_bucket_start);
GPRAPI void gpr_histogram_destroy(gpr_histogram *h);
GPRAPI void gpr_histogram_add(gpr_histogram *h, double x);
/* The following merges the second histogram into the first. It only works
if they have the same buckets and resolution. Returns 0 on failure, 1
on success */
GPR_API int gpr_histogram_merge(gpr_histogram *dst, const gpr_histogram *src);
GPRAPI int gpr_histogram_merge(gpr_histogram *dst, const gpr_histogram *src);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_percentile(gpr_histogram *histogram,
double percentile);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_mean(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_stddev(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_variance(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_maximum(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_minimum(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_count(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_sum(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API double gpr_histogram_sum_of_squares(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_percentile(gpr_histogram *histogram,
double percentile);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_mean(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_stddev(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_variance(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_maximum(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_minimum(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_count(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_sum(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPRAPI double gpr_histogram_sum_of_squares(gpr_histogram *histogram);
GPR_API const uint32_t *gpr_histogram_get_contents(gpr_histogram *histogram,
size_t *count);
GPR_API void gpr_histogram_merge_contents(gpr_histogram *histogram,
const uint32_t *data,
size_t data_count, double min_seen,
double max_seen, double sum,
double sum_of_squares, double count);
GPRAPI const uint32_t *gpr_histogram_get_contents(gpr_histogram *histogram,
size_t *count);
GPRAPI void gpr_histogram_merge_contents(gpr_histogram *histogram,
const uint32_t *data,
size_t data_count, double min_seen,
double max_seen, double sum,
double sum_of_squares, double count);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ extern "C" {
destroyed using gpr_free().
In the unlikely event of an error, returns -1 and sets *out to NULL. */
GPR_API int gpr_join_host_port(char **out, const char *host, int port);
GPRAPI int gpr_join_host_port(char **out, const char *host, int port);
/* Given a name in the form "host:port" or "[ho:st]:port", split into hostname
and port number, into newly allocated strings, which must later be
destroyed using gpr_free().
Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. Guarantees *host and *port == NULL on
failure. */
GPR_API int gpr_split_host_port(const char *name, char **host, char **port);
GPRAPI int gpr_split_host_port(const char *name, char **host, char **port);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ extern "C" {
* formatted error message, corresponding to the error messageid.
* Use in conjunction with GetLastError() et al.
GPR_API char *gpr_format_message(int messageid);
GPRAPI char *gpr_format_message(int messageid);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ extern "C" {
/* Returns a copy of src that can be passed to gpr_free().
If allocation fails or if src is NULL, returns NULL. */
GPR_API char *gpr_strdup(const char *src);
GPRAPI char *gpr_strdup(const char *src);
/* printf to a newly-allocated string. The set of supported formats may vary
between platforms.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ GPR_API char *gpr_strdup(const char *src);
On error, returns -1 and sets *strp to NULL. If the format string is bad,
the result is undefined. */
GPR_API int gpr_asprintf(char **strp, const char *format, ...);
GPRAPI int gpr_asprintf(char **strp, const char *format, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct gpr_subprocess gpr_subprocess;
/* .exe on windows, empty on unices */
GPR_API const char *gpr_subprocess_binary_extension();
GPRAPI const char *gpr_subprocess_binary_extension();
GPR_API gpr_subprocess *gpr_subprocess_create(int argc, const char **argv);
GPRAPI gpr_subprocess *gpr_subprocess_create(int argc, const char **argv);
/* if subprocess has not been joined, kill it */
GPR_API void gpr_subprocess_destroy(gpr_subprocess *p);
GPRAPI void gpr_subprocess_destroy(gpr_subprocess *p);
/* returns exit status; can be called at most once */
GPR_API int gpr_subprocess_join(gpr_subprocess *p);
GPR_API void gpr_subprocess_interrupt(gpr_subprocess *p);
GPRAPI int gpr_subprocess_join(gpr_subprocess *p);
GPRAPI void gpr_subprocess_interrupt(gpr_subprocess *p);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

@ -59,30 +59,30 @@ typedef struct {
in *t, and return true. If there are insufficient resources, return false.
If options==NULL, default options are used.
The thread is immediately runnable, and exits when (*thd_body)() returns. */
GPR_API int gpr_thd_new(gpr_thd_id *t, void (*thd_body)(void *arg), void *arg,
const gpr_thd_options *options);
GPRAPI int gpr_thd_new(gpr_thd_id *t, void (*thd_body)(void *arg), void *arg,
const gpr_thd_options *options);
/* Return a gpr_thd_options struct with all fields set to defaults. */
GPR_API gpr_thd_options gpr_thd_options_default(void);
GPRAPI gpr_thd_options gpr_thd_options_default(void);
/* Set the thread to become detached on startup - this is the default. */
GPR_API void gpr_thd_options_set_detached(gpr_thd_options *options);
GPRAPI void gpr_thd_options_set_detached(gpr_thd_options *options);
/* Set the thread to become joinable - mutually exclusive with detached. */
GPR_API void gpr_thd_options_set_joinable(gpr_thd_options *options);
GPRAPI void gpr_thd_options_set_joinable(gpr_thd_options *options);
/* Returns non-zero if the option detached is set. */
GPR_API int gpr_thd_options_is_detached(const gpr_thd_options *options);
GPRAPI int gpr_thd_options_is_detached(const gpr_thd_options *options);
/* Returns non-zero if the option joinable is set. */
GPR_API int gpr_thd_options_is_joinable(const gpr_thd_options *options);
GPRAPI int gpr_thd_options_is_joinable(const gpr_thd_options *options);
/* Returns the identifier of the current thread. */
GPR_API gpr_thd_id gpr_thd_currentid(void);
GPRAPI gpr_thd_id gpr_thd_currentid(void);
/* Blocks until the specified thread properly terminates.
Calling this on a detached thread has unpredictable results. */
GPR_API void gpr_thd_join(gpr_thd_id t);
GPRAPI void gpr_thd_join(gpr_thd_id t);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import sys
import yaml
def list_c_apis(filenames):
