@ -1100,22 +1100,24 @@ void grpc_chttp2_add_incoming_goaway(grpc_chttp2_transport* t, |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "%s: Got goaway [%d] err=%s", t->peer_string.c_str(), |
goaway_error, grpc_error_std_string(t->goaway_error).c_str()); |
} |
cancel_unstarted_streams(t, GRPC_ERROR_REF(t->goaway_error)); |
// Cancel all unseen streams
grpc_chttp2_stream_map_for_each( |
&t->stream_map, |
[](void* user_data, uint32_t /* key */, void* stream) { |
uint32_t last_stream_id = *(static_cast<uint32_t*>(user_data)); |
grpc_chttp2_stream* s = static_cast<grpc_chttp2_stream*>(stream); |
if (s->id > last_stream_id) { |
s->trailing_metadata_buffer.Set( |
grpc_core::GrpcStreamNetworkState(), |
grpc_core::GrpcStreamNetworkState::kNotSeenByServer); |
grpc_chttp2_cancel_stream(s->t, s, |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(s->t->goaway_error)); |
} |
}, |
&last_stream_id); |
if (t->is_client) { |
cancel_unstarted_streams(t, GRPC_ERROR_REF(t->goaway_error)); |
// Cancel all unseen streams
grpc_chttp2_stream_map_for_each( |
&t->stream_map, |
[](void* user_data, uint32_t /* key */, void* stream) { |
uint32_t last_stream_id = *(static_cast<uint32_t*>(user_data)); |
grpc_chttp2_stream* s = static_cast<grpc_chttp2_stream*>(stream); |
if (s->id > last_stream_id) { |
s->trailing_metadata_buffer.Set( |
grpc_core::GrpcStreamNetworkState(), |
grpc_core::GrpcStreamNetworkState::kNotSeenByServer); |
grpc_chttp2_cancel_stream(s->t, s, |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(s->t->goaway_error)); |
} |
}, |
&last_stream_id); |
} |
absl::Status status = grpc_error_to_absl_status(t->goaway_error); |
// When a client receives a GOAWAY with error code ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM and debug
// data equal to "too_many_pings", it should log the occurrence at a log level