improve C#

Jan Tattermusch 6 years ago
parent 53ec44298a
commit 2699ee6243
  1. 10

@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ PREREQUISITES
When using gRPC C# under .NET Core you only need to [install .NET Core](
In addition to that, you can also use gRPC C# with these runtimes / IDEs
- Windows: .NET Framework 4.5+, Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, Visual Studio Code
- Linux: Mono 4+, Visual Studio Code, MonoDevelop 5.9+
- Mac OS X: Mono 4+, Visual Studio Code, Xamarin Studio 5.9+
- Windows: .NET Framework 4.5+, Visual Studio 2013 or newer, Visual Studio Code
- Linux: Mono 4+, Visual Studio Code
- Mac OS X: Mono 4+, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac
**Windows, Linux, Mac OS X**
- Open Visual Studio / MonoDevelop / Xamarin Studio and start a new project/solution (alternatively, you can create a new project from command line with `dotnet` SDK)
- Open Visual Studio and start a new project/solution (alternatively, you can create a new project from command line with `dotnet` SDK)
- Add the [Grpc]( NuGet package as a dependency (Project options -> Manage NuGet Packages).
- To be able to generate code from Protocol Buffer (`.proto`) file definitions, add the [Grpc.Tools]( NuGet package that contains Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_) and the gRPC _protoc_ plugin.
- To be able to generate code from Protocol Buffer (`.proto`) file definitions, add the [Grpc.Tools]( NuGet package which provides [code generation integrated into your build](
**Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS (Experimental only)**
