@ -40,148 +40,148 @@ |
#include "src/core/lib/surface/channel.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/surface/channel.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/uri/uri_parser.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/uri/uri_parser.h" |
static void client_channel_factory_ref( |
namespace grpc_core { |
grpc_client_channel_factory* cc_factory) {} |
static void client_channel_factory_unref( |
class Chttp2SecureClientChannelFactory : public ClientChannelFactory { |
grpc_client_channel_factory* cc_factory) {} |
public: |
Subchannel* CreateSubchannel(const grpc_channel_args* args) override { |
static grpc_channel_args* get_secure_naming_channel_args( |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = GetSecureNamingChannelArgs(args); |
const grpc_channel_args* args) { |
if (new_args == nullptr) { |
grpc_channel_credentials* channel_credentials = |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
grpc_channel_credentials_find_in_args(args); |
"Failed to create channel args during subchannel creation."); |
if (channel_credentials == nullptr) { |
return nullptr; |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Can't create subchannel: channel credentials missing for secure " |
"channel."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
// Make sure security connector does not already exist in args.
if (grpc_security_connector_find_in_args(args) != nullptr) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Can't create subchannel: security connector already present in " |
"channel args."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
// To which address are we connecting? By default, use the server URI.
const grpc_arg* server_uri_arg = |
grpc_channel_args_find(args, GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI); |
const char* server_uri_str = grpc_channel_arg_get_string(server_uri_arg); |
GPR_ASSERT(server_uri_str != nullptr); |
grpc_uri* server_uri = |
grpc_uri_parse(server_uri_str, true /* supress errors */); |
GPR_ASSERT(server_uri != nullptr); |
const grpc_core::TargetAuthorityTable* target_authority_table = |
grpc_core::FindTargetAuthorityTableInArgs(args); |
grpc_core::UniquePtr<char> authority; |
if (target_authority_table != nullptr) { |
// Find the authority for the target.
const char* target_uri_str = |
grpc_core::Subchannel::GetUriFromSubchannelAddressArg(args); |
grpc_uri* target_uri = |
grpc_uri_parse(target_uri_str, false /* suppress errors */); |
GPR_ASSERT(target_uri != nullptr); |
if (target_uri->path[0] != '\0') { // "path" may be empty
const grpc_slice key = grpc_slice_from_static_string( |
target_uri->path[0] == '/' ? target_uri->path + 1 : target_uri->path); |
const grpc_core::UniquePtr<char>* value = |
target_authority_table->Get(key); |
if (value != nullptr) authority.reset(gpr_strdup(value->get())); |
grpc_slice_unref_internal(key); |
} |
} |
grpc_uri_destroy(target_uri); |
grpc_connector* connector = grpc_chttp2_connector_create(); |
} |
Subchannel* s = Subchannel::Create(connector, new_args); |
// If the authority hasn't already been set (either because no target
grpc_connector_unref(connector); |
// authority table was present or because the target was not present
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args); |
// in the table), fall back to using the original server URI.
return s; |
if (authority == nullptr) { |
authority = |
grpc_core::ResolverRegistry::GetDefaultAuthority(server_uri_str); |
} |
} |
grpc_arg args_to_add[2]; |
size_t num_args_to_add = 0; |
grpc_channel* CreateChannel(const char* target, |
if (grpc_channel_args_find(args, GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY) == nullptr) { |
const grpc_channel_args* args) override { |
// If the channel args don't already contain GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY, add
if (target == nullptr) { |
// the arg, setting it to the value just obtained.
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "cannot create channel with NULL target name"); |
args_to_add[num_args_to_add++] = grpc_channel_arg_string_create( |
return nullptr; |
const_cast<char*>(GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY), authority.get()); |
} |
// Add channel arg containing the server URI.
UniquePtr<char> canonical_target = |
ResolverRegistry::AddDefaultPrefixIfNeeded(target); |
grpc_arg arg = grpc_channel_arg_string_create( |
const_cast<char*>(GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI), canonical_target.get()); |
const char* to_remove[] = {GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI}; |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = |
grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add_and_remove(args, to_remove, 1, &arg, 1); |
grpc_channel* channel = |
grpc_channel_create(target, new_args, GRPC_CLIENT_CHANNEL, nullptr); |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args); |
return channel; |
} |
} |
grpc_channel_args* args_with_authority = |
grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add(args, args_to_add, num_args_to_add); |
private: |
grpc_uri_destroy(server_uri); |
static grpc_channel_args* GetSecureNamingChannelArgs( |
// Create the security connector using the credentials and target name.
const grpc_channel_args* args) { |
grpc_channel_args* new_args_from_connector = nullptr; |
grpc_channel_credentials* channel_credentials = |
grpc_core::RefCountedPtr<grpc_channel_security_connector> |
grpc_channel_credentials_find_in_args(args); |
subchannel_security_connector = |
if (channel_credentials == nullptr) { |
channel_credentials->create_security_connector( |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
/*call_creds=*/nullptr, authority.get(), args_with_authority, |
"Can't create subchannel: channel credentials missing for secure " |
&new_args_from_connector); |
"channel."); |
if (subchannel_security_connector == nullptr) { |
return nullptr; |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
} |
"Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name '%s'", |
// Make sure security connector does not already exist in args.
authority.get()); |
if (grpc_security_connector_find_in_args(args) != nullptr) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Can't create subchannel: security connector already present in " |
"channel args."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
// To which address are we connecting? By default, use the server URI.
const grpc_arg* server_uri_arg = |
grpc_channel_args_find(args, GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI); |
const char* server_uri_str = grpc_channel_arg_get_string(server_uri_arg); |
GPR_ASSERT(server_uri_str != nullptr); |
grpc_uri* server_uri = |
grpc_uri_parse(server_uri_str, true /* suppress errors */); |
GPR_ASSERT(server_uri != nullptr); |
const TargetAuthorityTable* target_authority_table = |
FindTargetAuthorityTableInArgs(args); |
UniquePtr<char> authority; |
if (target_authority_table != nullptr) { |
// Find the authority for the target.
const char* target_uri_str = |
Subchannel::GetUriFromSubchannelAddressArg(args); |
grpc_uri* target_uri = |
grpc_uri_parse(target_uri_str, false /* suppress errors */); |
GPR_ASSERT(target_uri != nullptr); |
if (target_uri->path[0] != '\0') { // "path" may be empty
const grpc_slice key = grpc_slice_from_static_string( |
target_uri->path[0] == '/' ? target_uri->path + 1 |
: target_uri->path); |
const UniquePtr<char>* value = target_authority_table->Get(key); |
if (value != nullptr) authority.reset(gpr_strdup(value->get())); |
grpc_slice_unref_internal(key); |
} |
grpc_uri_destroy(target_uri); |
} |
// If the authority hasn't already been set (either because no target
// authority table was present or because the target was not present
// in the table), fall back to using the original server URI.
if (authority == nullptr) { |
authority = ResolverRegistry::GetDefaultAuthority(server_uri_str); |
} |
grpc_arg args_to_add[2]; |
size_t num_args_to_add = 0; |
if (grpc_channel_args_find(args, GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY) == nullptr) { |
// If the channel args don't already contain GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY,
// add the arg, setting it to the value just obtained.
args_to_add[num_args_to_add++] = grpc_channel_arg_string_create( |
const_cast<char*>(GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY), authority.get()); |
} |
grpc_channel_args* args_with_authority = |
grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add(args, args_to_add, num_args_to_add); |
grpc_uri_destroy(server_uri); |
// Create the security connector using the credentials and target name.
grpc_channel_args* new_args_from_connector = nullptr; |
RefCountedPtr<grpc_channel_security_connector> |
subchannel_security_connector = |
channel_credentials->create_security_connector( |
/*call_creds=*/nullptr, authority.get(), args_with_authority, |
&new_args_from_connector); |
if (subchannel_security_connector == nullptr) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name '%s'", |
authority.get()); |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(args_with_authority); |
return nullptr; |
} |
grpc_arg new_security_connector_arg = |
grpc_security_connector_to_arg(subchannel_security_connector.get()); |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add( |
new_args_from_connector != nullptr ? new_args_from_connector |
: args_with_authority, |
&new_security_connector_arg, 1); |
subchannel_security_connector.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "lb_channel_create"); |
if (new_args_from_connector != nullptr) { |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args_from_connector); |
} |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(args_with_authority); |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(args_with_authority); |
return nullptr; |
return new_args; |
} |
} |
grpc_arg new_security_connector_arg = |
}; |
grpc_security_connector_to_arg(subchannel_security_connector.get()); |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add( |
} // namespace grpc_core
new_args_from_connector != nullptr ? new_args_from_connector |
: args_with_authority, |
&new_security_connector_arg, 1); |
subchannel_security_connector.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "lb_channel_create"); |
namespace { |
if (new_args_from_connector != nullptr) { |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args_from_connector); |
} |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(args_with_authority); |
return new_args; |
} |
static grpc_core::Subchannel* client_channel_factory_create_subchannel( |
grpc_core::Chttp2SecureClientChannelFactory* g_factory; |
grpc_client_channel_factory* cc_factory, const grpc_channel_args* args) { |
gpr_once g_factory_once; |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = get_secure_naming_channel_args(args); |
if (new_args == nullptr) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Failed to create channel args during subchannel creation."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
grpc_connector* connector = grpc_chttp2_connector_create(); |
grpc_core::Subchannel* s = grpc_core::Subchannel::Create(connector, new_args); |
grpc_connector_unref(connector); |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args); |
return s; |
} |
static grpc_channel* client_channel_factory_create_channel( |
void FactoryInit() { |
grpc_client_channel_factory* cc_factory, const char* target, |
g_factory = grpc_core::New<grpc_core::Chttp2SecureClientChannelFactory>(); |
grpc_client_channel_type type, const grpc_channel_args* args) { |
if (target == nullptr) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "cannot create channel with NULL target name"); |
return nullptr; |
} |
// Add channel arg containing the server URI.
grpc_core::UniquePtr<char> canonical_target = |
grpc_core::ResolverRegistry::AddDefaultPrefixIfNeeded(target); |
grpc_arg arg = grpc_channel_arg_string_create((char*)GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI, |
canonical_target.get()); |
const char* to_remove[] = {GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI}; |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = |
grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add_and_remove(args, to_remove, 1, &arg, 1); |
grpc_channel* channel = |
grpc_channel_create(target, new_args, GRPC_CLIENT_CHANNEL, nullptr); |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args); |
return channel; |
} |
} |
static const grpc_client_channel_factory_vtable client_channel_factory_vtable = |
} // namespace
{client_channel_factory_ref, client_channel_factory_unref, |
client_channel_factory_create_subchannel, |
client_channel_factory_create_channel}; |
static grpc_client_channel_factory client_channel_factory = { |
&client_channel_factory_vtable}; |
// Create a secure client channel:
// Create a secure client channel:
// Asynchronously: - resolve target
// Asynchronously: - resolve target
@ -201,16 +201,15 @@ grpc_channel* grpc_secure_channel_create(grpc_channel_credentials* creds, |
if (creds != nullptr) { |
if (creds != nullptr) { |
// Add channel args containing the client channel factory and channel
// Add channel args containing the client channel factory and channel
// credentials.
// credentials.
gpr_once_init(&g_factory_once, FactoryInit); |
grpc_arg args_to_add[] = { |
grpc_arg args_to_add[] = { |
grpc_client_channel_factory_create_channel_arg(&client_channel_factory), |
grpc_core::ClientChannelFactory::CreateChannelArg(g_factory), |
grpc_channel_credentials_to_arg(creds)}; |
grpc_channel_credentials_to_arg(creds)}; |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add( |
grpc_channel_args* new_args = grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add( |
args, args_to_add, GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(args_to_add)); |
args, args_to_add, GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(args_to_add)); |
new_args = creds->update_arguments(new_args); |
new_args = creds->update_arguments(new_args); |
// Create channel.
// Create channel.
channel = client_channel_factory_create_channel( |
channel = g_factory->CreateChannel(target, new_args); |
&client_channel_factory, target, GRPC_CLIENT_CHANNEL_TYPE_REGULAR, |
new_args); |
// Clean up.
// Clean up.
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args); |
grpc_channel_args_destroy(new_args); |
} |
} |