26 changed files with 491 additions and 431 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ |
* |
* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors. |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
*/ |
#include <map> |
#include <memory> |
#include <vector> |
#include <grpc/impl/codegen/compression_types.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call_op_set.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/callback_common.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/completion_queue_tag.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/config.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/create_auth_context.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/metadata_map.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/security/auth_context.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/server_interceptor.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/string_ref.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/time.h> |
struct grpc_metadata; |
struct grpc_call; |
struct census_context; |
namespace grpc_impl { |
class CompletionQueue; |
class Server; |
} // namespace grpc_impl
namespace grpc { |
class ClientContext; |
class GenericServerContext; |
class ServerInterface; |
template <class W, class R> |
class ServerAsyncReader; |
template <class W> |
class ServerAsyncWriter; |
template <class W> |
class ServerAsyncResponseWriter; |
template <class W, class R> |
class ServerAsyncReaderWriter; |
template <class R> |
class ServerReader; |
template <class W> |
class ServerWriter; |
namespace internal { |
template <class W, class R> |
class ServerReaderWriterBody; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class RpcMethodHandler; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class ClientStreamingHandler; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class ServerStreamingHandler; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class BidiStreamingHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class CallbackUnaryHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class CallbackClientStreamingHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class CallbackServerStreamingHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
class CallbackBidiHandler; |
template <class Streamer, bool WriteNeeded> |
class TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler; |
template <StatusCode code> |
class ErrorMethodHandler; |
class Call; |
class ServerReactor; |
} // namespace internal
class ServerInterface; |
namespace testing { |
class InteropServerContextInspector; |
class ServerContextTestSpouse; |
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc
namespace grpc_impl { |
/// A ServerContext allows the person implementing a service handler to:
/// - Add custom initial and trailing metadata key-value pairs that will
/// propagated to the client side.
/// - Control call settings such as compression and authentication.
/// - Access metadata coming from the client.
/// - Get performance metrics (ie, census).
/// Context settings are only relevant to the call handler they are supplied to,
/// that is to say, they aren't sticky across multiple calls. Some of these
/// settings, such as the compression options, can be made persistent at server
/// construction time by specifying the appropriate \a ChannelArguments
/// to a \a grpc::ServerBuilder, via \a ServerBuilder::AddChannelArgument.
/// \warning ServerContext instances should \em not be reused across rpcs.
class ServerContext { |
public: |
ServerContext(); // for async calls
~ServerContext(); |
/// Return the deadline for the server call.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point deadline() const { |
return ::grpc::Timespec2Timepoint(deadline_); |
} |
/// Return a \a gpr_timespec representation of the server call's deadline.
gpr_timespec raw_deadline() const { return deadline_; } |
/// Add the (\a key, \a value) pair to the initial metadata
/// associated with a server call. These are made available at the client side
/// by the \a grpc::ClientContext::GetServerInitialMetadata() method.
/// \warning This method should only be called before sending initial metadata
/// to the client (which can happen explicitly, or implicitly when sending a
/// a response message or status to the client).
/// \param key The metadata key. If \a value is binary data, it must
/// end in "-bin".
/// \param value The metadata value. If its value is binary, the key name
/// must end in "-bin".
/// Metadata must conform to the following format:
/// Custom-Metadata -> Binary-Header / ASCII-Header
/// Binary-Header -> {Header-Name "-bin" } {binary value}
/// ASCII-Header -> Header-Name ASCII-Value
/// Header-Name -> 1*( %x30-39 / %x61-7A / "_" / "-" / ".") ; 0-9 a-z _ - .
/// ASCII-Value -> 1*( %x20-%x7E ) ; space and printable ASCII
void AddInitialMetadata(const grpc::string& key, const grpc::string& value); |
/// Add the (\a key, \a value) pair to the initial metadata
/// associated with a server call. These are made available at the client
/// side by the \a grpc::ClientContext::GetServerTrailingMetadata() method.
/// \warning This method should only be called before sending trailing
/// metadata to the client (which happens when the call is finished and a
/// status is sent to the client).
/// \param key The metadata key. If \a value is binary data,
/// it must end in "-bin".
/// \param value The metadata value. If its value is binary, the key name
/// must end in "-bin".
/// Metadata must conform to the following format:
/// Custom-Metadata -> Binary-Header / ASCII-Header
/// Binary-Header -> {Header-Name "-bin" } {binary value}
/// ASCII-Header -> Header-Name ASCII-Value
/// Header-Name -> 1*( %x30-39 / %x61-7A / "_" / "-" / ".") ; 0-9 a-z _ - .
/// ASCII-Value -> 1*( %x20-%x7E ) ; space and printable ASCII
void AddTrailingMetadata(const grpc::string& key, const grpc::string& value); |
/// IsCancelled is always safe to call when using sync or callback API.
/// When using async API, it is only safe to call IsCancelled after
/// the AsyncNotifyWhenDone tag has been delivered.
bool IsCancelled() const; |
/// Cancel the Call from the server. This is a best-effort API and
/// depending on when it is called, the RPC may still appear successful to
/// the client.
/// For example, if TryCancel() is called on a separate thread, it might race
/// with the server handler which might return success to the client before
/// TryCancel() was even started by the thread.
/// It is the caller's responsibility to prevent such races and ensure that if
/// TryCancel() is called, the serverhandler must return Status::CANCELLED.
/// The only exception is that if the serverhandler is already returning an
/// error status code, it is ok to not return Status::CANCELLED even if
/// TryCancel() was called.
/// Note that TryCancel() does not change any of the tags that are pending
/// on the completion queue. All pending tags will still be delivered
/// (though their ok result may reflect the effect of cancellation).
void TryCancel() const; |
/// Return a collection of initial metadata key-value pairs sent from the
/// client. Note that keys may happen more than
/// once (ie, a \a std::multimap is returned).
/// It is safe to use this method after initial metadata has been received,
/// Calls always begin with the client sending initial metadata, so this is
/// safe to access as soon as the call has begun on the server side.
/// \return A multimap of initial metadata key-value pairs from the server.
const std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>& client_metadata() |
const { |
return *; |
} |
/// Return the compression algorithm to be used by the server call.
grpc_compression_level compression_level() const { |
return compression_level_; |
} |
/// Set \a level to be the compression level used for the server call.
/// \param level The compression level used for the server call.
void set_compression_level(grpc_compression_level level) { |
compression_level_set_ = true; |
compression_level_ = level; |
} |
/// Return a bool indicating whether the compression level for this call
/// has been set (either implicitly or through a previous call to
/// \a set_compression_level.
bool compression_level_set() const { return compression_level_set_; } |
/// Return the compression algorithm the server call will request be used.
/// Note that the gRPC runtime may decide to ignore this request, for example,
/// due to resource constraints, or if the server is aware the client doesn't
/// support the requested algorithm.
grpc_compression_algorithm compression_algorithm() const { |
return compression_algorithm_; |
} |
/// Set \a algorithm to be the compression algorithm used for the server call.
/// \param algorithm The compression algorithm used for the server call.
void set_compression_algorithm(grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm); |
/// Set the serialized load reporting costs in \a cost_data for the call.
void SetLoadReportingCosts(const std::vector<grpc::string>& cost_data); |
/// Return the authentication context for this server call.
/// \see grpc::AuthContext.
std::shared_ptr<const ::grpc::AuthContext> auth_context() const { |
if (auth_context_.get() == nullptr) { |
auth_context_ = ::grpc::CreateAuthContext(call_); |
} |
return auth_context_; |
} |
/// Return the peer uri in a string.
/// WARNING: this value is never authenticated or subject to any security
/// related code. It must not be used for any authentication related
/// functionality. Instead, use auth_context.
grpc::string peer() const; |
/// Get the census context associated with this server call.
const struct census_context* census_context() const; |
/// Async only. Has to be called before the rpc starts.
/// Returns the tag in completion queue when the rpc finishes.
/// IsCancelled() can then be called to check whether the rpc was cancelled.
/// TODO(vjpai): Fix this so that the tag is returned even if the call never
/// starts (
void AsyncNotifyWhenDone(void* tag) { |
has_notify_when_done_tag_ = true; |
async_notify_when_done_tag_ = tag; |
} |
/// Should be used for framework-level extensions only.
/// Applications never need to call this method.
grpc_call* c_call() { return call_; } |
private: |
friend class ::grpc::testing::InteropServerContextInspector; |
friend class ::grpc::testing::ServerContextTestSpouse; |
friend class ::grpc::ServerInterface; |
friend class ::grpc_impl::Server; |
template <class W, class R> |
friend class ::grpc::ServerAsyncReader; |
template <class W> |
friend class ::grpc::ServerAsyncWriter; |
template <class W> |
friend class ::grpc::ServerAsyncResponseWriter; |
template <class W, class R> |
friend class ::grpc::ServerAsyncReaderWriter; |
template <class R> |
friend class ::grpc::ServerReader; |
template <class W> |
friend class ::grpc::ServerWriter; |
template <class W, class R> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::ServerReaderWriterBody; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::RpcMethodHandler; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::ClientStreamingHandler; |
template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::ServerStreamingHandler; |
template <class Streamer, bool WriteNeeded> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::CallbackUnaryHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::CallbackClientStreamingHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::CallbackServerStreamingHandler; |
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::CallbackBidiHandler; |
template <::grpc::StatusCode code> |
friend class ::grpc::internal::ErrorMethodHandler; |
friend class ::grpc::ClientContext; |
friend class ::grpc::GenericServerContext; |
/// Prevent copying.
ServerContext(const ServerContext&); |
ServerContext& operator=(const ServerContext&); |
class CompletionOp; |
void BeginCompletionOp(::grpc::internal::Call* call, |
std::function<void(bool)> callback, |
::grpc::internal::ServerReactor* reactor); |
/// Return the tag queued by BeginCompletionOp()
::grpc::internal::CompletionQueueTag* GetCompletionOpTag(); |
ServerContext(gpr_timespec deadline, grpc_metadata_array* arr); |
void set_call(grpc_call* call) { call_ = call; } |
void BindDeadlineAndMetadata(gpr_timespec deadline, grpc_metadata_array* arr); |
void Clear(); |
void Setup(gpr_timespec deadline); |
uint32_t initial_metadata_flags() const { return 0; } |
void SetCancelCallback(std::function<void()> callback); |
void ClearCancelCallback(); |
::grpc::experimental::ServerRpcInfo* set_server_rpc_info( |
const char* method, ::grpc::internal::RpcMethod::RpcType type, |
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr< |
::grpc::experimental::ServerInterceptorFactoryInterface>>& creators) { |
if (creators.size() != 0) { |
rpc_info_ = new ::grpc::experimental::ServerRpcInfo(this, method, type); |
rpc_info_->RegisterInterceptors(creators); |
} |
return rpc_info_; |
} |
CompletionOp* completion_op_; |
bool has_notify_when_done_tag_; |
void* async_notify_when_done_tag_; |
::grpc::internal::CallbackWithSuccessTag completion_tag_; |
gpr_timespec deadline_; |
grpc_call* call_; |
::grpc_impl::CompletionQueue* cq_; |
bool sent_initial_metadata_; |
mutable std::shared_ptr<const ::grpc::AuthContext> auth_context_; |
mutable ::grpc::internal::MetadataMap client_metadata_; |
std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string> initial_metadata_; |
std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string> trailing_metadata_; |
bool compression_level_set_; |
grpc_compression_level compression_level_; |
grpc_compression_algorithm compression_algorithm_; |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSet<::grpc::internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSendMessage> |
pending_ops_; |
bool has_pending_ops_; |
::grpc::experimental::ServerRpcInfo* rpc_info_; |
}; |
} // namespace grpc_impl
Reference in new issue