21 changed files with 1624 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ |
// Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h> |
#include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/tls/grpc_tls_certificate_distributor.h" |
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> |
#include <grpc/support/log.h> |
#include <grpc/support/string_util.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
void grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::SetKeyMaterials( |
const std::string& cert_name, absl::optional<std::string> pem_root_certs, |
absl::optional<PemKeyCertPairList> pem_key_cert_pairs) { |
GPR_ASSERT(pem_root_certs.has_value() || pem_key_cert_pairs.has_value()); |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
auto& cert_info = certificate_info_map_[cert_name]; |
if (pem_root_certs.has_value()) { |
// Successful credential updates will clear any pre-existing error.
cert_info.SetRootError(GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
for (auto* watcher_ptr : cert_info.root_cert_watchers) { |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_ptr != nullptr); |
const auto watcher_it = watchers_.find(watcher_ptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it != watchers_.end()); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it->second.root_cert_name.has_value()); |
absl::optional<PemKeyCertPairList> pem_key_cert_pairs_to_report; |
if (pem_key_cert_pairs.has_value() && |
watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name == cert_name) { |
pem_key_cert_pairs_to_report = pem_key_cert_pairs; |
} else if (watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name.has_value()) { |
auto& identity_cert_info = |
certificate_info_map_[*watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name]; |
pem_key_cert_pairs_to_report = identity_cert_info.pem_key_cert_pairs; |
} |
watcher_ptr->OnCertificatesChanged( |
pem_root_certs, std::move(pem_key_cert_pairs_to_report)); |
} |
cert_info.pem_root_certs = std::move(*pem_root_certs); |
} |
if (pem_key_cert_pairs.has_value()) { |
// Successful credential updates will clear any pre-existing error.
cert_info.SetIdentityError(GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
for (const auto watcher_ptr : cert_info.identity_cert_watchers) { |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_ptr != nullptr); |
const auto watcher_it = watchers_.find(watcher_ptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it != watchers_.end()); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name.has_value()); |
absl::optional<absl::string_view> pem_root_certs_to_report; |
if (pem_root_certs.has_value() && |
watcher_it->second.root_cert_name == cert_name) { |
// In this case, We've already sent the credential updates at the time
// when checking pem_root_certs, so we will skip here.
continue; |
} else if (watcher_it->second.root_cert_name.has_value()) { |
auto& root_cert_info = |
certificate_info_map_[*watcher_it->second.root_cert_name]; |
pem_root_certs_to_report = root_cert_info.pem_root_certs; |
} |
watcher_ptr->OnCertificatesChanged(pem_root_certs_to_report, |
pem_key_cert_pairs); |
} |
cert_info.pem_key_cert_pairs = std::move(*pem_key_cert_pairs); |
} |
} |
bool grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::HasRootCerts( |
const std::string& root_cert_name) { |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
const auto it = certificate_info_map_.find(root_cert_name); |
return it != certificate_info_map_.end() && |
!it->second.pem_root_certs.empty(); |
}; |
bool grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::HasKeyCertPairs( |
const std::string& identity_cert_name) { |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
const auto it = certificate_info_map_.find(identity_cert_name); |
return it != certificate_info_map_.end() && |
!it->second.pem_key_cert_pairs.empty(); |
}; |
void grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::SetErrorForCert( |
const std::string& cert_name, absl::optional<grpc_error*> root_cert_error, |
absl::optional<grpc_error*> identity_cert_error) { |
GPR_ASSERT(root_cert_error.has_value() || identity_cert_error.has_value()); |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
CertificateInfo& cert_info = certificate_info_map_[cert_name]; |
if (root_cert_error.has_value()) { |
for (auto* watcher_ptr : cert_info.root_cert_watchers) { |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_ptr != nullptr); |
const auto watcher_it = watchers_.find(watcher_ptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it != watchers_.end()); |
// identity_cert_error_to_report is the error of the identity cert this
// watcher is watching, if there is any.
grpc_error* identity_cert_error_to_report = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
if (identity_cert_error.has_value() && |
watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name == cert_name) { |
identity_cert_error_to_report = *identity_cert_error; |
} else if (watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name.has_value()) { |
auto& identity_cert_info = |
certificate_info_map_[*watcher_it->second.identity_cert_name]; |
identity_cert_error_to_report = identity_cert_info.identity_cert_error; |
} |
watcher_ptr->OnError(GRPC_ERROR_REF(*root_cert_error), |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(identity_cert_error_to_report)); |
} |
cert_info.SetRootError(*root_cert_error); |
} |
if (identity_cert_error.has_value()) { |
for (auto* watcher_ptr : cert_info.identity_cert_watchers) { |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_ptr != nullptr); |
const auto watcher_it = watchers_.find(watcher_ptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it != watchers_.end()); |
// root_cert_error_to_report is the error of the root cert this watcher is
// watching, if there is any.
grpc_error* root_cert_error_to_report = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
if (root_cert_error.has_value() && |
watcher_it->second.root_cert_name == cert_name) { |
// In this case, We've already sent the error updates at the time when
// checking root_cert_error, so we will skip here.
continue; |
} else if (watcher_it->second.root_cert_name.has_value()) { |
auto& root_cert_info = |
certificate_info_map_[*watcher_it->second.root_cert_name]; |
root_cert_error_to_report = root_cert_info.root_cert_error; |
} |
watcher_ptr->OnError(GRPC_ERROR_REF(root_cert_error_to_report), |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(*identity_cert_error)); |
} |
cert_info.SetIdentityError(*identity_cert_error); |
} |
}; |
void grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::SetError(grpc_error* error) { |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
for (const auto& watcher : watchers_) { |
const auto watcher_ptr = watcher.first; |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_ptr != nullptr); |
const auto& watcher_info = watcher.second; |
watcher_ptr->OnError( |
watcher_info.root_cert_name.has_value() ? GRPC_ERROR_REF(error) |
watcher_info.identity_cert_name.has_value() ? GRPC_ERROR_REF(error) |
} |
for (auto& cert_info_entry : certificate_info_map_) { |
auto& cert_info = cert_info_entry.second; |
cert_info.SetRootError(GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); |
cert_info.SetIdentityError(GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); |
} |
}; |
void grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::WatchTlsCertificates( |
std::unique_ptr<TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface> watcher, |
absl::optional<std::string> root_cert_name, |
absl::optional<std::string> identity_cert_name) { |
bool start_watching_root_cert = false; |
bool already_watching_identity_for_root_cert = false; |
bool start_watching_identity_cert = false; |
bool already_watching_root_for_identity_cert = false; |
GPR_ASSERT(root_cert_name.has_value() || identity_cert_name.has_value()); |
TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface* watcher_ptr = watcher.get(); |
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_ptr != nullptr); |
// Update watchers_ and certificate_info_map_.
{ |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
const auto watcher_it = watchers_.find(watcher_ptr); |
// The caller needs to cancel the watcher first if it wants to re-register
// the watcher.
GPR_ASSERT(watcher_it == watchers_.end()); |
watchers_[watcher_ptr] = {std::move(watcher), root_cert_name, |
identity_cert_name}; |
absl::optional<absl::string_view> updated_root_certs; |
absl::optional<PemKeyCertPairList> updated_identity_pairs; |
grpc_error* root_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
grpc_error* identity_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
if (root_cert_name.has_value()) { |
CertificateInfo& cert_info = certificate_info_map_[*root_cert_name]; |
start_watching_root_cert = cert_info.root_cert_watchers.empty(); |
already_watching_identity_for_root_cert = |
!cert_info.identity_cert_watchers.empty(); |
cert_info.root_cert_watchers.insert(watcher_ptr); |
root_error = GRPC_ERROR_REF(cert_info.root_cert_error); |
// Empty credentials will be treated as no updates.
if (!cert_info.pem_root_certs.empty()) { |
updated_root_certs = cert_info.pem_root_certs; |
} |
} |
if (identity_cert_name.has_value()) { |
CertificateInfo& cert_info = certificate_info_map_[*identity_cert_name]; |
start_watching_identity_cert = cert_info.identity_cert_watchers.empty(); |
already_watching_root_for_identity_cert = |
!cert_info.root_cert_watchers.empty(); |
cert_info.identity_cert_watchers.insert(watcher_ptr); |
identity_error = GRPC_ERROR_REF(cert_info.identity_cert_error); |
// Empty credentials will be treated as no updates.
if (!cert_info.pem_key_cert_pairs.empty()) { |
updated_identity_pairs = cert_info.pem_key_cert_pairs; |
} |
} |
// Notify this watcher if the certs it is watching already had some
// contents. Note that an *_cert_error in cert_info only indicates error
// occurred while trying to fetch the latest cert, but the updated_*_certs
// should always be valid. So we will send the updates regardless of
// *_cert_error.
if (updated_root_certs.has_value() || updated_identity_pairs.has_value()) { |
watcher_ptr->OnCertificatesChanged(updated_root_certs, |
std::move(updated_identity_pairs)); |
} |
// Notify this watcher if the certs it is watching already had some errors.
if (root_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE || identity_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { |
watcher_ptr->OnError(GRPC_ERROR_REF(root_error), |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(identity_error)); |
} |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(root_error); |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(identity_error); |
} |
// Invoke watch status callback if needed.
{ |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&callback_mu_); |
if (watch_status_callback_ != nullptr) { |
if (root_cert_name == identity_cert_name && |
(start_watching_root_cert || start_watching_identity_cert)) { |
watch_status_callback_(*root_cert_name, start_watching_root_cert, |
start_watching_identity_cert); |
} else { |
if (start_watching_root_cert) { |
watch_status_callback_(*root_cert_name, true, |
already_watching_identity_for_root_cert); |
} |
if (start_watching_identity_cert) { |
watch_status_callback_(*identity_cert_name, |
already_watching_root_for_identity_cert, true); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
void grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::CancelTlsCertificatesWatch( |
TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface* watcher) { |
absl::optional<std::string> root_cert_name; |
absl::optional<std::string> identity_cert_name; |
bool stop_watching_root_cert = false; |
bool already_watching_identity_for_root_cert = false; |
bool stop_watching_identity_cert = false; |
bool already_watching_root_for_identity_cert = false; |
// Update watchers_ and certificate_info_map_.
{ |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
auto it = watchers_.find(watcher); |
if (it == watchers_.end()) return; |
WatcherInfo& watcher_info = it->second; |
root_cert_name = std::move(watcher_info.root_cert_name); |
identity_cert_name = std::move(watcher_info.identity_cert_name); |
watchers_.erase(it); |
if (root_cert_name.has_value()) { |
auto it = certificate_info_map_.find(*root_cert_name); |
GPR_ASSERT(it != certificate_info_map_.end()); |
CertificateInfo& cert_info = it->second; |
cert_info.root_cert_watchers.erase(watcher); |
stop_watching_root_cert = cert_info.root_cert_watchers.empty(); |
already_watching_identity_for_root_cert = |
!cert_info.identity_cert_watchers.empty(); |
if (stop_watching_root_cert && !already_watching_identity_for_root_cert) { |
certificate_info_map_.erase(it); |
} |
} |
if (identity_cert_name.has_value()) { |
auto it = certificate_info_map_.find(*identity_cert_name); |
GPR_ASSERT(it != certificate_info_map_.end()); |
CertificateInfo& cert_info = it->second; |
cert_info.identity_cert_watchers.erase(watcher); |
stop_watching_identity_cert = cert_info.identity_cert_watchers.empty(); |
already_watching_root_for_identity_cert = |
!cert_info.root_cert_watchers.empty(); |
if (stop_watching_identity_cert && |
!already_watching_root_for_identity_cert) { |
certificate_info_map_.erase(it); |
} |
} |
} |
// Invoke watch status callback if needed.
{ |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&callback_mu_); |
if (watch_status_callback_ != nullptr) { |
if (root_cert_name == identity_cert_name && |
(stop_watching_root_cert || stop_watching_identity_cert)) { |
watch_status_callback_(*root_cert_name, !stop_watching_root_cert, |
!stop_watching_identity_cert); |
} else { |
if (stop_watching_root_cert) { |
watch_status_callback_(*root_cert_name, false, |
already_watching_identity_for_root_cert); |
} |
if (stop_watching_identity_cert) { |
watch_status_callback_(*identity_cert_name, |
already_watching_root_for_identity_cert, |
false); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ |
// Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h> |
#include <grpc/grpc_security.h> |
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h" |
#include "absl/types/optional.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/security/security_connector/ssl_utils.h" |
// TLS certificate distributor.
struct grpc_tls_certificate_distributor |
: public grpc_core::RefCounted<grpc_tls_certificate_distributor> { |
public: |
typedef absl::InlinedVector<grpc_core::PemKeyCertPair, 1> PemKeyCertPairList; |
// Interface for watching TLS certificates update.
class TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface { |
public: |
virtual ~TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface() = default; |
// Handles the delivery of the updated root and identity certificates.
// An absl::nullopt value indicates no corresponding contents for
// root_certs or key_cert_pairs. Note that we will send updates of the
// latest contents for both root and identity certificates, even when only
// one side of it got updated.
// @param root_certs the contents of the reloaded root certs.
// @param key_cert_pairs the contents of the reloaded identity key-cert
// pairs.
virtual void OnCertificatesChanged( |
absl::optional<absl::string_view> root_certs, |
absl::optional<PemKeyCertPairList> key_cert_pairs) = 0; |
// Handles an error that occurs while attempting to fetch certificate data.
// Note that if a watcher sees an error, it simply means the Provider is
// having problems renewing new data. If the watcher has previously received
// several OnCertificatesChanged, all the data received from that function
// is valid.
// In that case, watcher might simply log the error. If the watcher hasn't
// received any OnCertificatesChanged before the error occurs, no valid
// data is available yet, and the watcher should either fail or "waiting"
// for the valid data in a non-blocking way.
// @param root_cert_error the error occurred while reloading root
// certificates.
// @param identity_cert_error the error occurred while reloading identity
// certificates.
virtual void OnError(grpc_error* root_cert_error, |
grpc_error* identity_cert_error) = 0; |
}; |
// Sets the key materials based on their certificate name. Note that we are
// not doing any copies for pem_root_certs and pem_key_cert_pairs. For
// pem_root_certs, the original string contents need to outlive the
// distributor; for pem_key_cert_pairs, internally it is taking two
// unique_ptr(s) to the credential string, so the ownership is actually
// transferred.
// @param cert_name The name of the certificates being updated.
// @param pem_root_certs The content of root certificates.
// @param pem_key_cert_pairs The content of identity key-cert pairs.
void SetKeyMaterials(const std::string& cert_name, |
absl::optional<std::string> pem_root_certs, |
absl::optional<PemKeyCertPairList> pem_key_cert_pairs); |
bool HasRootCerts(const std::string& root_cert_name); |
bool HasKeyCertPairs(const std::string& identity_cert_name); |
// Propagates the error that the caller (e.g. Producer) encounters to all the
// watchers watching a particular certificate name.
// @param cert_name The watching cert name of the watchers that the caller
// wants to notify when encountering error.
// @param root_cert_error The error that the caller encounters when reloading
// root certs.
// @param identity_cert_error The error that the caller encounters when
// reloading identity certs.
void SetErrorForCert(const std::string& cert_name, |
absl::optional<grpc_error*> root_cert_error, |
absl::optional<grpc_error*> identity_cert_error); |
// Propagates the error that the caller (e.g. Producer) encounters to all
// watchers.
// @param error The error that the caller encounters.
void SetError(grpc_error* error); |
// Sets the TLS certificate watch status callback function. The
// grpc_tls_certificate_distributor will invoke this callback when a new
// certificate name is watched by a newly registered watcher, or when a
// certificate name is no longer watched by any watchers.
// Note that when the callback shows a cert is no longer being watched, the
// distributor will delete the corresponding certificate data from its cache,
// and clear the corresponding error, if there is any. This means that if the
// callback subsequently says the same cert is now being watched again, the
// provider must re-provide the credentials or re-invoke the errors to the
// distributor, to indicate a successful or failed reloading.
// @param callback The callback function being set by the caller, e.g the
// Producer. Note that this callback will be invoked for each certificate
// name.
// For the parameters in the callback function:
// string_value The name of the certificates being watched.
// bool_value_1 If the root certificates with the specific name are being
// watched. bool_value_2 If the identity certificates with the specific name
// are being watched.
void SetWatchStatusCallback( |
std::function<void(std::string, bool, bool)> callback) { |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
watch_status_callback_ = callback; |
}; |
// Registers a watcher. The caller may keep a raw pointer to the watcher,
// which may be used only for cancellation. (Because the caller does not own
// the watcher, the pointer must not be used for any other purpose.) At least
// one of root_cert_name and identity_cert_name must be specified.
// @param watcher The watcher being registered.
// @param root_cert_name The name of the root certificates that will be
// watched. If set to absl::nullopt, the root certificates won't be watched.
// @param identity_cert_name The name of the identity certificates that will
// be watched. If set to absl::nullopt, the identity certificates won't be
// watched.
void WatchTlsCertificates( |
std::unique_ptr<TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface> watcher, |
absl::optional<std::string> root_cert_name, |
absl::optional<std::string> identity_cert_name); |
// Cancels a watcher.
// @param watcher The watcher being cancelled.
void CancelTlsCertificatesWatch(TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface* watcher); |
private: |
// Contains the information about each watcher.
struct WatcherInfo { |
std::unique_ptr<TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface> watcher; |
absl::optional<std::string> root_cert_name; |
absl::optional<std::string> identity_cert_name; |
}; |
// CertificateInfo contains the credential contents and some additional
// watcher information.
// Note that having errors doesn't indicate the corresponding credentials are
// invalid. For example, if root_cert_error != nullptr but pem_root_certs has
// value, it simply means an error occurs while trying to fetch the latest
// root certs, while pem_root_certs still contains the valid old data.
struct CertificateInfo { |
// The contents of the root certificates.
std::string pem_root_certs; |
// The contents of the identity key-certificate pairs.
PemKeyCertPairList pem_key_cert_pairs; |
// The root cert reloading error propagated by the caller.
grpc_error* root_cert_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
// The identity cert reloading error propagated by the caller.
grpc_error* identity_cert_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
// The set of watchers watching root certificates.
// This is mainly used for quickly looking up the affected watchers while
// performing a credential reloading.
std::set<TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface*> root_cert_watchers; |
// The set of watchers watching identity certificates. This is mainly used
// for quickly looking up the affected watchers while performing a
// credential reloading.
std::set<TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface*> identity_cert_watchers; |
~CertificateInfo() { |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(root_cert_error); |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(identity_cert_error); |
} |
void SetRootError(grpc_error* error) { |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(root_cert_error); |
root_cert_error = error; |
} |
void SetIdentityError(grpc_error* error) { |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(identity_cert_error); |
identity_cert_error = error; |
} |
}; |
grpc_core::Mutex mu_; |
// We need a dedicated mutex for watch_status_callback_ for allowing
// callers(e.g. Producer) to directly set key materials in the callback
// functions.
grpc_core::Mutex callback_mu_; |
// Stores information about each watcher.
std::map<TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface*, WatcherInfo> watchers_; |
// The callback to notify the caller, e.g. the Producer, that the watch status
// is changed.
std::function<void(std::string, bool, bool)> watch_status_callback_; |
// Stores the names of each certificate, and their corresponding credential
// contents as well as some additional watcher information.
std::map<std::string, CertificateInfo> certificate_info_map_; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,968 @@ |
// Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/tls/grpc_tls_certificate_distributor.h" |
#include <gmock/gmock.h> |
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> |
#include <grpc/support/log.h> |
#include <grpc/support/string_util.h> |
#include <gtest/gtest.h> |
#include <deque> |
#include <list> |
#include <string> |
#include <thread> |
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h" |
#include "test/core/util/test_config.h" |
namespace testing { |
constexpr const char* kCertName1 = "cert_1_name"; |
constexpr const char* kCertName2 = "cert_2_name"; |
constexpr const char* kRootCert1Name = "root_cert_1_name"; |
constexpr const char* kRootCert1Contents = "root_cert_1_contents"; |
constexpr const char* kRootCert2Name = "root_cert_2_name"; |
constexpr const char* kRootCert2Contents = "root_cert_2_contents"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityCert1Name = "identity_cert_1_name"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityCert1PrivateKey = "identity_private_key_1"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityCert1Contents = "identity_cert_1_contents"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityCert2Name = "identity_cert_2_name"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityCert2PrivateKey = "identity_private_key_2"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityCert2Contents = "identity_cert_2_contents"; |
constexpr const char* kErrorMessage = "error_message"; |
constexpr const char* kRootErrorMessage = "root_error_message"; |
constexpr const char* kIdentityErrorMessage = "identity_error_message"; |
class GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest : public ::testing::Test { |
protected: |
// Forward declaration.
class TlsCertificatesTestWatcher; |
static grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::PemKeyCertPairList MakeCertKeyPairs( |
const char* private_key, const char* certs) { |
if (strcmp(private_key, "") == 0 && strcmp(certs, "") == 0) { |
return {}; |
} |
grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair* ssl_pair = |
static_cast<grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair*>( |
gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair))); |
ssl_pair->private_key = gpr_strdup(private_key); |
ssl_pair->cert_chain = gpr_strdup(certs); |
grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::PemKeyCertPairList pem_key_cert_pairs; |
pem_key_cert_pairs.emplace_back(ssl_pair); |
return pem_key_cert_pairs; |
} |
// CredentialInfo contains the parameters when calling OnCertificatesChanged
// of a watcher. When OnCertificatesChanged is invoked, we will push a
// CredentialInfo to the cert_update_queue of state_, and check in each test
// if the status updates are correct.
struct CredentialInfo { |
std::string root_certs; |
grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::PemKeyCertPairList key_cert_pairs; |
CredentialInfo( |
std::string root, |
grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::PemKeyCertPairList key_cert) |
: root_certs(std::move(root)), key_cert_pairs(std::move(key_cert)) {} |
bool operator==(const CredentialInfo& other) const { |
return root_certs == other.root_certs && |
key_cert_pairs == other.key_cert_pairs; |
} |
}; |
// ErrorInfo contains the parameters when calling OnError of a watcher. When
// OnError is invoked, we will push a ErrorInfo to the error_queue of state_,
// and check in each test if the status updates are correct.
struct ErrorInfo { |
std::string root_cert_str; |
std::string identity_cert_str; |
ErrorInfo(std::string root, std::string identity) |
: root_cert_str(std::move(root)), |
identity_cert_str(std::move(identity)) {} |
bool operator==(const ErrorInfo& other) const { |
return root_cert_str == other.root_cert_str && |
identity_cert_str == other.identity_cert_str; |
} |
}; |
struct WatcherState { |
TlsCertificatesTestWatcher* watcher = nullptr; |
std::deque<CredentialInfo> cert_update_queue; |
std::deque<ErrorInfo> error_queue; |
std::deque<CredentialInfo> GetCredentialQueue() { |
// We move the data member value so the data member will be re-initiated
// with size 0, and ready for the next check.
return std::move(cert_update_queue); |
} |
std::deque<ErrorInfo> GetErrorQueue() { |
// We move the data member value so the data member will be re-initiated
// with size 0, and ready for the next check.
return std::move(error_queue); |
} |
}; |
class TlsCertificatesTestWatcher : public grpc_tls_certificate_distributor:: |
TlsCertificatesWatcherInterface { |
public: |
// ctor sets state->watcher to this.
explicit TlsCertificatesTestWatcher(WatcherState* state) : state_(state) { |
state_->watcher = this; |
} |
// dtor sets state->watcher to nullptr.
~TlsCertificatesTestWatcher() { state_->watcher = nullptr; } |
void OnCertificatesChanged( |
absl::optional<absl::string_view> root_certs, |
absl::optional<grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::PemKeyCertPairList> |
key_cert_pairs) override { |
std::string updated_root; |
if (root_certs.has_value()) { |
updated_root = std::string(*root_certs); |
} |
grpc_tls_certificate_distributor::PemKeyCertPairList updated_identity; |
if (key_cert_pairs.has_value()) { |
updated_identity = std::move(*key_cert_pairs); |
} |
state_->cert_update_queue.emplace_back(std::move(updated_root), |
std::move(updated_identity)); |
} |
void OnError(grpc_error* root_cert_error, |
grpc_error* identity_cert_error) override { |
GPR_ASSERT(root_cert_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE || |
identity_cert_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
std::string root_error_str; |
std::string identity_error_str; |
if (root_cert_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { |
grpc_slice root_error_slice; |
GPR_ASSERT(grpc_error_get_str( |
root_cert_error, GRPC_ERROR_STR_DESCRIPTION, &root_error_slice)); |
root_error_str = |
std::string(grpc_core::StringViewFromSlice(root_error_slice)); |
} |
if (identity_cert_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { |
grpc_slice identity_error_slice; |
GPR_ASSERT(grpc_error_get_str(identity_cert_error, |
&identity_error_slice)); |
identity_error_str = |
std::string(grpc_core::StringViewFromSlice(identity_error_slice)); |
} |
state_->error_queue.emplace_back(std::move(root_error_str), |
std::move(identity_error_str)); |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(root_cert_error); |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(identity_cert_error); |
} |
private: |
WatcherState* state_; |
}; |
// CallbackStatus contains the parameters when calling watch_status_callback_
// of the distributor. When a particular callback is invoked, we will push a
// CallbackStatus to a callback_queue_, and check in each test if the status
// updates are correct.
struct CallbackStatus { |
std::string cert_name; |
bool root_being_watched; |
bool identity_being_watched; |
CallbackStatus(std::string name, bool root_watched, bool identity_watched) |
: cert_name(std::move(name)), |
root_being_watched(root_watched), |
identity_being_watched(identity_watched) {} |
bool operator==(const CallbackStatus& other) const { |
return cert_name == other.cert_name && |
root_being_watched == other.root_being_watched && |
identity_being_watched == other.identity_being_watched; |
} |
}; |
void SetUp() override { |
distributor_.SetWatchStatusCallback([this](std::string cert_name, |
bool root_being_watched, |
bool identity_being_watched) { |
callback_queue_.emplace_back(std::move(cert_name), root_being_watched, |
identity_being_watched); |
}); |
} |
WatcherState* MakeWatcher(absl::optional<std::string> root_cert_name, |
absl::optional<std::string> identity_cert_name) { |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
watchers_.emplace_back(); |
// TlsCertificatesTestWatcher ctor takes a pointer to the WatcherState.
// It sets WatcherState::watcher to point to itself.
// The TlsCertificatesTestWatcher dtor will set WatcherState::watcher back
// to nullptr to indicate that it's been destroyed.
auto watcher = |
absl::make_unique<TlsCertificatesTestWatcher>(&watchers_.back()); |
distributor_.WatchTlsCertificates(std::move(watcher), |
std::move(root_cert_name), |
std::move(identity_cert_name)); |
return &watchers_.back(); |
} |
void CancelWatch(WatcherState* state) { |
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
distributor_.CancelTlsCertificatesWatch(state->watcher); |
EXPECT_EQ(state->watcher, nullptr); |
} |
std::deque<CallbackStatus> GetCallbackQueue() { |
// We move the data member value so the data member will be re-initiated
// with size 0, and ready for the next check.
return std::move(callback_queue_); |
} |
grpc_tls_certificate_distributor distributor_; |
// Use a std::list<> here to avoid the address invalidation caused by internal
// reallocation of std::vector<>.
std::list<WatcherState> watchers_; |
std::deque<CallbackStatus> callback_queue_; |
// This is to make watchers_ and callback_queue_ thread-safe.
grpc_core::Mutex mu_; |
}; |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, BasicCredentialBehaviors) { |
EXPECT_FALSE(distributor_.HasRootCerts(kRootCert1Name)); |
EXPECT_FALSE(distributor_.HasKeyCertPairs(kIdentityCert1Name)); |
// After setting the certificates to the corresponding cert names, the
// distributor should possess the corresponding certs.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kRootCert1Name, kRootCert1Contents, |
absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_TRUE(distributor_.HasRootCerts(kRootCert1Name)); |
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kIdentityCert1Name, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
EXPECT_TRUE(distributor_.HasKeyCertPairs(kIdentityCert1Name)); |
// Querying a non-existing cert name should return false.
EXPECT_FALSE(distributor_.HasRootCerts(kRootCert2Name)); |
EXPECT_FALSE(distributor_.HasKeyCertPairs(kIdentityCert2Name)); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, UpdateCredentialsOnAnySide) { |
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
// SetKeyMaterials should trigger watcher's OnCertificatesChanged method.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Set root certs should trigger watcher's OnCertificatesChanged again.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kCertName1, kRootCert2Contents, absl::nullopt); |
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert2Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Set identity certs should trigger watcher's OnCertificatesChanged again.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)); |
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert2Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, SameIdentityNameDiffRootName) { |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = |
MakeWatcher(kRootCert1Name, kIdentityCert1Name); |
GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kRootCert1Name, true, false), |
CallbackStatus(kIdentityCert1Name, false, true))); |
// Register watcher 2.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = |
MakeWatcher(kRootCert2Name, kIdentityCert1Name); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus( |
kRootCert2Name, true, false))); |
// Push credential updates to kRootCert1Name and check if the status works as
// expected.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kRootCert1Name, kRootCert1Contents, |
absl::nullopt); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert1Contents, {}))); |
// Push credential updates to kRootCert2Name.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kRootCert2Name, kRootCert2Contents, |
absl::nullopt); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert2Contents, {}))); |
// Push credential updates to kIdentityCert1Name and check if the status works
// as expected.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kIdentityCert1Name, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1 and watcher 2.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert2Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Cancel watcher 1.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus( |
kRootCert1Name, false, false))); |
// Cancel watcher 2.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kRootCert2Name, false, false), |
CallbackStatus(kIdentityCert1Name, false, false))); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, SameRootNameDiffIdentityName) { |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = |
MakeWatcher(kRootCert1Name, kIdentityCert1Name); |
GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kRootCert1Name, true, false), |
CallbackStatus(kIdentityCert1Name, false, true))); |
// Register watcher 2.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = |
MakeWatcher(kRootCert1Name, kIdentityCert2Name); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus( |
kIdentityCert2Name, false, true))); |
// Push credential updates to kRootCert1Name and check if the status works as
// expected.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kRootCert1Name, kRootCert1Contents, |
absl::nullopt); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert1Contents, {}))); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert1Contents, {}))); |
// Push credential updates to SetKeyMaterials.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kIdentityCert1Name, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Push credential updates to kIdentityCert2Name.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kIdentityCert2Name, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)))); |
// Cancel watcher 1.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus( |
kIdentityCert1Name, false, false))); |
// Cancel watcher 2.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kRootCert1Name, false, false), |
CallbackStatus(kIdentityCert2Name, false, false))); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
AddAndCancelFirstWatcherForSameRootAndIdentityCertName) { |
// Register watcher 1 watching kCertName1 for both root and identity certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1 and check if the status works as
// expected.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Cancel watcher 1.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, false))); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
AddAndCancelFirstWatcherForIdentityCertNameWithRootBeingWatched) { |
// Register watcher 1 watching kCertName1 for root certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, false))); |
// Register watcher 2 watching kCertName1 for identity certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(absl::nullopt, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1 and check if the status works as
// expected.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert1Contents, {}))); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
"", MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, |
kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Push root cert updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kCertName1, kRootCert2Contents, absl::nullopt); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert2Contents, {}))); |
// Check the updates are not delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Push identity cert updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)); |
// Check the updates are not delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
"", MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, |
kIdentityCert2Contents)))); |
watcher_state_2->cert_update_queue.clear(); |
// Cancel watcher 2.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, false))); |
// Cancel watcher 1.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, false))); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
AddAndCancelFirstWatcherForRootCertNameWithIdentityBeingWatched) { |
// Register watcher 1 watching kCertName1 for identity certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(absl::nullopt, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, true))); |
// Register watcher 2 watching kCertName1 for root certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1 and check if the status works as
// expected.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
"", MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, |
kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert1Contents, {}))); |
// Push root cert updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kCertName1, kRootCert2Contents, absl::nullopt); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert2Contents, {}))); |
// Check the updates are not delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Push identity cert updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)); |
// Check the updates are not delivered to watcher 2.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
"", MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, |
kIdentityCert2Contents)))); |
// Cancel watcher 2.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, true))); |
// Cancel watcher 1.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, false))); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
RemoveAllWatchersForCertNameAndAddAgain) { |
// Register watcher 1 and watcher 2 watching kCertName1 for root and identity
// certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Cancel watcher 2.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Cancel watcher 1.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, false))); |
// Register watcher 3 watching kCertName for root and identity certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_3 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert2Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 3.
watcher_state_3->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert2Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)))); |
// Cancel watcher 3.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_3); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, false, false))); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, ResetCallbackToNull) { |
// Register watcher 1 watching kCertName1 for root and identity certs.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CallbackStatus(kCertName1, true, true))); |
// Reset callback to nullptr.
distributor_.SetWatchStatusCallback(nullptr); |
// Cancel watcher 1 shouldn't trigger any callback.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
EXPECT_THAT(GetCallbackQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, SetKeyMaterialsInCallback) { |
distributor_.SetWatchStatusCallback([this](std::string cert_name, |
bool root_being_watched, |
bool identity_being_watched) { |
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
cert_name, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
}); |
auto verify_function = [this](std::string cert_name) { |
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(cert_name, cert_name); |
// Check the updates are delivered to watcher 1.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, |
kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
}; |
// Start 1000 threads that will register a watcher to a new cert name, verify
// the key materials being set, and then cancel the watcher, to make sure the
// lock mechanism in the distributor is safe.
std::vector<std::thread> threads; |
threads.reserve(1000); |
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
threads.emplace_back(verify_function, std::to_string(i)); |
} |
for (auto& th : threads) { |
th.join(); |
} |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, WatchACertInfoWithValidCredentials) { |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Push root credential updates to kCertName2.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials(kRootCert2Name, kRootCert2Contents, |
absl::nullopt); |
// Push identity credential updates to kCertName2.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kIdentityCert2Name, absl::nullopt, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, kIdentityCert2Contents)); |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// watcher 1 should receive the credentials right away.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
// Register watcher 2.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kRootCert2Name, absl::nullopt); |
// watcher 2 should receive the root credentials right away.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo(kRootCert2Contents, {}))); |
// Register watcher 3.
WatcherState* watcher_state_3 = |
MakeWatcher(absl::nullopt, kIdentityCert2Name); |
// watcher 3 should received the identity credentials right away.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_3->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
"", MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert2PrivateKey, |
kIdentityCert2Contents)))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_3); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
SetErrorForCertForBothRootAndIdentity) { |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on both cert names should only call one OnError
// on watcher 1.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre( |
ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on root cert name should call OnError
// on watcher 1 again.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
absl::nullopt); |
watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on identity cert name should call OnError
// on watcher 1 again.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
kCertName1, absl::nullopt, |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kErrorMessage, kErrorMessage))); |
distributor_.CancelTlsCertificatesWatch(watcher_state_1->watcher); |
EXPECT_EQ(watcher_state_1->watcher, nullptr); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, SetErrorForCertForRootOrIdentity) { |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, absl::nullopt); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on root name should only call one OnError
// on watcher 1.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, ""))); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on identity name should do nothing.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
kCertName1, absl::nullopt, |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on both names should still get one OnError call.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, ""))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
// Register watcher 2.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(absl::nullopt, kCertName1); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on identity name should only call one OnError
// on watcher 2.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
kCertName1, absl::nullopt, |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo("", kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on root name should do nothing.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on both names should still get one OnError call.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo("", kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
SetErrorForIdentityNameWithPreexistingErrorForRootName) { |
// SetErrorForCert for kCertName1.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
// Register watcher 1 for kCertName1 as root and kCertName2 as identity.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName2); |
// Should trigger OnError call right away since kCertName1 has error.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, ""))); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on kCertName2 should trigger OnError with both
// errors, because kCertName1 also has error.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
kCertName2, absl::nullopt, |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre( |
ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
SetErrorForCertForRootNameWithSameNameForIdentityErrored) { |
// SetErrorForCert for kCertName1.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
// Register watcher 1 for kCertName2 as root and kCertName1 as identity.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName2, kCertName1); |
// Should trigger OnError call right away since kCertName2 has error.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo("", kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on kCertName2 should trigger OnError with both
// errors, because kCertName1 also has error.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre( |
ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
SetErrorForIdentityNameWithoutErrorForRootName) { |
// Register watcher 1 for kCertName1 as root and kCertName2 as identity.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName2); |
// Should not trigger OnError.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on kCertName2 should trigger OnError.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
kCertName2, absl::nullopt, |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo("", kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
// Register watcher 2 for kCertName2 as identity and a non-existing name
// kRootCert1Name as root.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kRootCert1Name, kCertName2); |
// Should not trigger OnError.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on kCertName2 should trigger OnError.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
kCertName2, absl::nullopt, |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->error_queue, |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo("", kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
SetErrorForRootNameWithPreexistingErrorForIdentityName) { |
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName2, kCertName1); |
// Should not trigger OnError.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on kCertName2 should trigger OnError.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, ""))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
// Register watcher 2 for kCertName2 as root and a non-existing name
// kIdentityCert1Name as identity.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kCertName2, kIdentityCert1Name); |
// Should not trigger OnError.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on kCertName2 should trigger OnError.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
absl::nullopt); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, ""))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
CancelTheLastWatcherOnAnErroredCertInfo) { |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on both cert names should only call one OnError
// on watcher 1.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre( |
ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
// When watcher 1 is removed, the cert info entry should be removed.
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
// Register watcher 2 on the same cert name.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// Should not trigger OnError call on watcher 2 right away.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
WatchErroredCertInfoWithValidCredentialData) { |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on both cert names.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// watcher 1 should receive both the old credentials and the error right away.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre( |
ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, |
SetErrorForCertThenSuccessfulCredentialUpdates) { |
// Calling SetErrorForCert on both cert names.
distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
// Push credential updates to kCertName1.
distributor_.SetKeyMaterials( |
kCertName1, kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)); |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// watcher 1 should only receive credential updates without any error, because
// the previous error is wiped out by a successful update.
watcher_state_1->GetCredentialQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(CredentialInfo( |
kRootCert1Contents, |
MakeCertKeyPairs(kIdentityCert1PrivateKey, kIdentityCert1Contents)))); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, WatchCertInfoThenInvokeSetError) { |
// Register watcher 1.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName1); |
// Register watcher 2.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(kRootCert1Name, absl::nullopt); |
// Register watcher 3.
WatcherState* watcher_state_3 = |
MakeWatcher(absl::nullopt, kIdentityCert1Name); |
distributor_.SetError(GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING(kErrorMessage)); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kErrorMessage, kErrorMessage))); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_2->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo(kErrorMessage, ""))); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_3->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre(ErrorInfo("", kErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_3); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, WatchErroredCertInfoBySetError) { |
// Register watcher 1 watching kCertName1 as root.
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, absl::nullopt); |
// Register watcher 2 watching kCertName2 as identity.
WatcherState* watcher_state_2 = MakeWatcher(absl::nullopt, kCertName2); |
// Call SetError and then cancel all watchers.
distributor_.SetError(GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING(kErrorMessage)); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_2); |
// Register watcher 3 watching kCertName1 as root and kCertName2 as identity
// should not get the error updates.
WatcherState* watcher_state_3 = MakeWatcher(kCertName1, kCertName2); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_3->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_3); |
// Register watcher 4 watching kCertName2 as root and kCertName1 as identity
// should not get the error updates.
WatcherState* watcher_state_4 = MakeWatcher(kCertName2, kCertName1); |
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_4->GetErrorQueue(), testing::ElementsAre()); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_4); |
} |
TEST_F(GrpcTlsCertificateDistributorTest, SetErrorForCertInCallback) { |
distributor_.SetWatchStatusCallback([this](std::string cert_name, |
bool root_being_watched, |
bool identity_being_watched) { |
this->distributor_.SetErrorForCert( |
cert_name, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING(kRootErrorMessage), |
}); |
auto verify_function = [this](std::string cert_name) { |
WatcherState* watcher_state_1 = MakeWatcher(cert_name, cert_name); |
// Check the errors are delivered to watcher 1.
EXPECT_THAT(watcher_state_1->GetErrorQueue(), |
testing::ElementsAre( |
ErrorInfo(kRootErrorMessage, kIdentityErrorMessage))); |
CancelWatch(watcher_state_1); |
}; |
// Start 1000 threads that will register a watcher to a new cert name, verify
// the key materials being set, and then cancel the watcher, to make sure the
// lock mechanism in the distributor is safe.
std::vector<std::thread> threads; |
threads.reserve(1000); |
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
threads.emplace_back(verify_function, std::to_string(i)); |
} |
for (auto& th : threads) { |
th.join(); |
} |
} |
} // namespace testing
int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(argc, argv); |
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); |
grpc_init(); |
int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); |
grpc_shutdown(); |
return ret; |
} |
Reference in new issue