@ -423,6 +423,102 @@ TEST_F(PickFirstTest, StaysInTransientFailureAfterAddressListUpdate) {
// This tests a real-world bug in which PF ignored a resolver update if
// it had just created the subchannels but had not yet seen their
// initial connectivity state notification.
TEST_F ( PickFirstTest , ResolverUpdateBeforeLeavingIdle ) {
constexpr std : : array < absl : : string_view , 2 > kAddresses = {
" ipv4: " , " ipv4: " } ;
constexpr std : : array < absl : : string_view , 2 > kNewAddresses = {
" ipv4: " , " ipv4: " } ;
// Send initial update containing two addresses.
absl : : Status status = ApplyUpdate (
BuildUpdate ( kAddresses , MakePickFirstConfig ( false ) ) , lb_policy ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( status . ok ( ) ) < < status ;
// LB policy should have created a subchannel for both addresses.
auto * subchannel = FindSubchannel ( kAddresses [ 0 ] ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( subchannel , nullptr ) ;
auto * subchannel2 = FindSubchannel ( kAddresses [ 1 ] ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( subchannel2 , nullptr ) ;
// When the LB policy receives the first subchannel's initial connectivity
// state notification (IDLE), it will request a connection.
EXPECT_TRUE ( subchannel - > ConnectionRequested ( ) ) ;
// This causes the subchannel to start to connect, so it reports CONNECTING.
subchannel - > SetConnectivityState ( GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING ) ;
// LB policy should have reported CONNECTING state.
ExpectConnectingUpdate ( ) ;
// The second subchannel should not be connecting.
EXPECT_FALSE ( subchannel2 - > ConnectionRequested ( ) ) ;
// When the first subchannel becomes connected, it reports READY.
subchannel - > SetConnectivityState ( GRPC_CHANNEL_READY ) ;
// The LB policy will report CONNECTING some number of times (doesn't
// matter how many) and then report READY.
auto picker = WaitForConnected ( ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( picker , nullptr ) ;
// Picker should return the same subchannel repeatedly.
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i ) {
EXPECT_EQ ( ExpectPickComplete ( picker . get ( ) ) , kAddresses [ 0 ] ) ;
// Now the connection is closed, so we go IDLE.
subchannel - > SetConnectivityState ( GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE ) ;
ExpectReresolutionRequest ( ) ;
ExpectState ( GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE ) ;
// Now we tell the LB policy to exit idle. This causes it to create a
// new subchannel list from the original update. However, before it
// can get the initial connectivity state notifications for those
// subchannels (i.e., before it can transition from IDLE to CONNECTING),
// we send a new update.
absl : : Notification notification ;
work_serializer_ - > Run (
[ & ] ( ) {
// Inject second update into WorkSerializer queue before we
// exit idle, so that the second update gets run before the initial
// subchannel connectivity state notifications from the first update
// are delivered.
work_serializer_ - > Run (
[ & ] ( ) {
// Second update.
absl : : Status status = lb_policy ( ) - > UpdateLocked (
BuildUpdate ( kNewAddresses , MakePickFirstConfig ( false ) ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( status . ok ( ) ) < < status ;
// Trigger notification once all connectivity state
// notifications have been delivered.
work_serializer_ - > Run ( [ & ] ( ) { notification . Notify ( ) ; } ,
} ,
// Exit idle.
lb_policy ( ) - > ExitIdleLocked ( ) ;
} ,
notification . WaitForNotification ( ) ;
// The LB policy should have created subchannels for the new addresses.
auto * subchannel3 = FindSubchannel ( kNewAddresses [ 0 ] ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( subchannel3 , nullptr ) ;
auto * subchannel4 = FindSubchannel ( kNewAddresses [ 1 ] ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( subchannel4 , nullptr ) ;
// The LB policy will request a connection on the first new subchannel,
// none of the others.
EXPECT_TRUE ( subchannel3 - > ConnectionRequested ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_FALSE ( subchannel - > ConnectionRequested ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_FALSE ( subchannel2 - > ConnectionRequested ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_FALSE ( subchannel4 - > ConnectionRequested ( ) ) ;
// The subchannel starts a connection attempt.
subchannel3 - > SetConnectivityState ( GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING ) ;
// The LB policy should now report CONNECTING.
ExpectConnectingUpdate ( ) ;
// The connection attempt succeeds.
subchannel3 - > SetConnectivityState ( GRPC_CHANNEL_READY ) ;
// The LB policy will report CONNECTING some number of times (doesn't
// matter how many) and then report READY.
picker = WaitForConnected ( ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( picker , nullptr ) ;
// Picker should return the same subchannel repeatedly.
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i ) {
EXPECT_EQ ( ExpectPickComplete ( picker . get ( ) ) , kNewAddresses [ 0 ] ) ;
TEST_F ( PickFirstTest , HappyEyeballs ) {
if ( ! IsPickFirstHappyEyeballsEnabled ( ) ) return ;
// Send an update containing three addresses.