@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
load (
" @bazel_tools//tools/cpp:cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl " ,
" action_config " ,
" artifact_name_pattern " ,
" feature " ,
" feature_set " ,
" flag_group " ,
@ -142,6 +143,34 @@ lto_index_actions = [
ACTION_NAMES . lto_index_for_nodeps_dynamic_library ,
def _sanitizer_feature ( name = " " , specific_compile_flags = [ ] , specific_link_flags = [ ] ) :
return feature (
name = name ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = all_compile_actions ,
flag_groups = [
flag_group ( flags = [
" -fno-omit-frame-pointer " ,
" -fno-sanitize-recover=all " ,
] + specific_compile_flags ) ,
] ,
with_features = [
with_feature_set ( features = [ name ] ) ,
] ,
) ,
flag_set (
actions = all_link_actions ,
flag_groups = [
flag_group ( flags = specific_link_flags ) ,
] ,
with_features = [
with_feature_set ( features = [ name ] ) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
def _impl ( ctx ) :
tool_paths = [
tool_path ( name = name , path = path )
@ -390,6 +419,7 @@ def _impl(ctx):
per_object_debug_info_feature = feature (
name = " per_object_debug_info " ,
enabled = True ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = [
@ -484,13 +514,19 @@ def _impl(ctx):
flag_groups = [
flag_group (
flags = [
" -Wl,-rpath,$EXEC_ORIGIN/ % {runtime_library_search_directories} " ,
" -Xlinker " ,
" -rpath " ,
" -Xlinker " ,
" $EXEC_ORIGIN/ % {runtime_library_search_directories} " ,
] ,
expand_if_true = " is_cc_test " ,
) ,
flag_group (
flags = [
" -Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/ % {runtime_library_search_directories} " ,
" -Xlinker " ,
" -rpath " ,
" -Xlinker " ,
" $ORIGIN/ % {runtime_library_search_directories} " ,
] ,
expand_if_false = " is_cc_test " ,
) ,
@ -511,7 +547,10 @@ def _impl(ctx):
flag_groups = [
flag_group (
flags = [
" -Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/ % {runtime_library_search_directories} " ,
" -Xlinker " ,
" -rpath " ,
" -Xlinker " ,
" $ORIGIN/ % {runtime_library_search_directories} " ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
@ -727,41 +766,6 @@ def _impl(ctx):
] ,
llvm_coverage_map_format_feature = feature (
name = " llvm_coverage_map_format " ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = [
ACTION_NAMES . preprocess_assemble ,
ACTION_NAMES . c_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . cpp_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . cpp_module_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . objc_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . objcpp_compile ,
] ,
flag_groups = [
flag_group (
flags = [
" -fprofile-instr-generate " ,
" -fcoverage-mapping " ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
flag_set (
actions = all_link_actions + lto_index_actions + [
" objc-executable " ,
" objc++-executable " ,
] ,
flag_groups = [
flag_group ( flags = [ " -fprofile-instr-generate " ] ) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
requires = [ feature_set ( features = [ " coverage " ] ) ] ,
provides = [ " profile " ] ,
strip_debug_symbols_feature = feature (
name = " strip_debug_symbols " ,
flag_sets = [
@ -905,7 +909,18 @@ def _impl(ctx):
iterate_over = " user_link_flags " ,
expand_if_available = " user_link_flags " ,
) ,
] + ( [ flag_group ( flags = ctx . attr . link_libs ) ] if ctx . attr . link_libs else [ ] ) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
default_link_libs_feature = feature (
name = " default_link_libs " ,
enabled = True ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = all_link_actions + lto_index_actions ,
flag_groups = [ flag_group ( flags = ctx . attr . link_libs ) ] if ctx . attr . link_libs else [ ] ,
) ,
] ,
@ -948,48 +963,38 @@ def _impl(ctx):
] ,
gcc_coverage_map_format _feature = feature (
name = " gcc_coverage_map_format " ,
archiver_flags _feature = feature (
name = " archiver_flags " ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = [
ACTION_NAMES . preprocess_assemble ,
ACTION_NAMES . c_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . cpp_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . cpp_module_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . objc_compile ,
ACTION_NAMES . objcpp_compile ,
" objc-executable " ,
" objc++-executable " ,
] ,
actions = [ ACTION_NAMES . cpp_link_static_library ] ,
flag_groups = [
flag_group ( flags = [ " rcsD " ] ) ,
flag_group (
flags = [ " -fprofile-arcs " , " -ftest-coverage " ] ,
expand_if_available = " gcov_gcno_file " ,
flags = [ " % {output_execpath} " ] ,
expand_if_available = " output_execpath " ,
) ,
] ,
with_features = [
with_feature_set (
not_features = [ " libtool " ] ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
flag_set (
actions = all_link_actions + lto_index_actions ,
flag_groups = [ flag_group ( flags = [ " --coverage " ] ) ] ,
) ,
] ,
requires = [ feature_set ( features = [ " coverage " ] ) ] ,
provides = [ " profile " ] ,
archiver_flags_feature = feature (
name = " archiver_flags " ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = [ ACTION_NAMES . cpp_link_static_library ] ,
flag_groups = [
flag_group ( flags = [ " rcsD " ] ) ,
flag_group ( flags = [ " -static " , " -s " ] ) ,
flag_group (
flags = [ " % {output_execpath} " ] ,
flags = [ " -o " , " % {output_execpath} " ] ,
expand_if_available = " output_execpath " ,
) ,
] ,
with_features = [
with_feature_set (
features = [ " libtool " ] ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
flag_set (
actions = [ ACTION_NAMES . cpp_link_static_library ] ,
@ -1017,6 +1022,14 @@ def _impl(ctx):
) ,
] ,
) ,
flag_set (
actions = [ ACTION_NAMES . cpp_link_static_library ] ,
flag_groups = ( [
flag_group (
flags = ctx . attr . archive_flags ,
) ,
] if ctx . attr . archive_flags else [ ] ) ,
) ,
] ,
@ -1089,7 +1102,6 @@ def _impl(ctx):
] ,
dynamic_library_linker_tool_path = tool_paths
dynamic_library_linker_tool_feature = feature (
name = " dynamic_library_linker_tool " ,
flag_sets = [
@ -1221,10 +1233,66 @@ def _impl(ctx):
] ,
treat_warnings_as_errors_feature = feature (
name = " treat_warnings_as_errors " ,
flag_sets = [
flag_set (
actions = [ ACTION_NAMES . c_compile , ACTION_NAMES . cpp_compile ] ,
flag_groups = [ flag_group ( flags = [ " -Werror " ] ) ] ,
) ,
flag_set (
actions = all_link_actions ,
flag_groups = [ flag_group ( flags = [ " -Wl,-fatal-warnings " ] ) ] ,
) ,
] ,
archive_param_file_feature = feature (
name = " archive_param_file " ,
enabled = True ,
asan_feature = _sanitizer_feature (
name = " asan " ,
specific_compile_flags = [
" -fsanitize=address " ,
" -fno-common " ,
] ,
specific_link_flags = [
" -fsanitize=address " ,
] ,
tsan_feature = _sanitizer_feature (
name = " tsan " ,
specific_compile_flags = [
" -fsanitize=thread " ,
] ,
specific_link_flags = [
" -fsanitize=thread " ,
] ,
ubsan_feature = _sanitizer_feature (
name = " ubsan " ,
specific_compile_flags = [
" -fsanitize=undefined " ,
] ,
specific_link_flags = [
" -fsanitize=undefined " ,
] ,
is_linux = ctx . attr . target_libc != " macosx "
libtool_feature = feature (
name = " libtool " ,
enabled = not is_linux ,
# TODO(#8303): Mac crosstool should also declare every feature.
if is_linux :
# Linux artifact name patterns are the default.
artifact_name_patterns = [ ]
features = [
dependency_file_feature ,
serialized_diagnostics_file_feature ,
@ -1249,12 +1317,16 @@ def _impl(ctx):
output_execpath_flags_feature ,
runtime_library_search_directories_feature ,
library_search_directories_feature ,
libtool_feature ,
archiver_flags_feature ,
force_pic_flags_feature ,
fission_support_feature ,
strip_debug_symbols_feature ,
coverage_feature ,
supports_pic_feature ,
asan_feature ,
tsan_feature ,
ubsan_feature ,
] + (
supports_start_end_lib_feature ,
@ -1264,6 +1336,7 @@ def _impl(ctx):
default_link_flags_feature ,
libraries_to_link_feature ,
user_link_flags_feature ,
default_link_libs_feature ,
static_libgcc_feature ,
fdo_optimize_feature ,
supports_dynamic_linker_feature ,
@ -1272,10 +1345,26 @@ def _impl(ctx):
user_compile_flags_feature ,
sysroot_feature ,
unfiltered_compile_flags_feature ,
treat_warnings_as_errors_feature ,
archive_param_file_feature ,
] + layering_check_features ( ctx . attr . compiler )
else :
# macOS artifact name patterns differ from the defaults only for dynamic
# libraries.
artifact_name_patterns = [
artifact_name_pattern (
category_name = " dynamic_library " ,
prefix = " lib " ,
extension = " .dylib " ,
) ,
features = [
libtool_feature ,
archiver_flags_feature ,
supports_pic_feature ,
asan_feature ,
tsan_feature ,
ubsan_feature ,
] + (
supports_start_end_lib_feature ,
@ -1285,6 +1374,7 @@ def _impl(ctx):
default_compile_flags_feature ,
default_link_flags_feature ,
user_link_flags_feature ,
default_link_libs_feature ,
fdo_optimize_feature ,
supports_dynamic_linker_feature ,
dbg_feature ,
@ -1292,12 +1382,15 @@ def _impl(ctx):
user_compile_flags_feature ,
sysroot_feature ,
unfiltered_compile_flags_feature ,
treat_warnings_as_errors_feature ,
archive_param_file_feature ,
] + layering_check_features ( ctx . attr . compiler )
return cc_common . create_cc_toolchain_config_info (
ctx = ctx ,
features = features ,
action_configs = action_configs ,
artifact_name_patterns = artifact_name_patterns ,
cxx_builtin_include_directories = ctx . attr . cxx_builtin_include_directories ,
toolchain_identifier = ctx . attr . toolchain_identifier ,
host_system_name = ctx . attr . host_system_name ,
@ -1329,6 +1422,7 @@ cc_toolchain_config = rule(
" opt_compile_flags " : attr . string_list ( ) ,
" cxx_flags " : attr . string_list ( ) ,
" link_flags " : attr . string_list ( ) ,
" archive_flags " : attr . string_list ( ) ,
" link_libs " : attr . string_list ( ) ,
" opt_link_flags " : attr . string_list ( ) ,
" unfiltered_compile_flags " : attr . string_list ( ) ,