@ -2458,6 +2458,39 @@ TEST_P(GlobalXdsClientTest, MultipleChannelsShareXdsClient) { |
EXPECT_EQ(1UL, balancer_->ads_service()->clients().size()); |
} |
GlobalXdsClientTest, |
MultipleChannelsShareXdsClientWithResourceUpdateAfterOneChannelGoesAway) { |
// Test for https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/28468. Makes sure that the
// XdsClient properly handles the case where there are multiple watchers on
// the same resource and one of them unsubscribes.
const char* kNewServerName = "new-server.example.com"; |
Listener listener = default_listener_; |
listener.set_name(kNewServerName); |
SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration(balancer_.get(), listener, |
default_route_config_); |
balancer_->ads_service()->SetEdsResource(BuildEdsResource(EdsResourceArgs({ |
{"locality0", CreateEndpointsForBackends(0, 1)}, |
}))); |
WaitForBackend(0); |
// Create second channel and tell it to connect to kNewServerName.
auto channel2 = CreateChannel(/*failover_timeout=*/0, kNewServerName); |
channel2->GetState(/*try_to_connect=*/true); |
channel2->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(100))); |
// Now, destroy the new channel, send an EDS update to use a different backend
// and test that the channel switches to that backend.
channel2.reset(); |
// This sleep is needed to be able to reproduce the bug and to give time for
// the buggy unsubscription to take place.
// TODO(yashykt): Figure out a way to do this without the sleep.
gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10)); |
balancer_->ads_service()->SetEdsResource(BuildEdsResource(EdsResourceArgs({ |
{"locality0", CreateEndpointsForBackends(1, 2)}, |
}))); |
WaitForBackend(1); |
} |
// Tests that the NACK for multiple bad LDS resources includes both errors.
TEST_P(GlobalXdsClientTest, MultipleBadResources) { |
constexpr char kServerName2[] = "server.other.com"; |