@ -110,5 +110,16 @@ How to get your contributions merged smoothly and quickly.
- Exceptions to the rules can be made if there's a compelling reason for doing
## Obtaining Commit Access
We grant Commit Access from time to time to contributors based on the following criteria:
* Sustained contribution to the gRPC project.
* Deep understanding of the areas contributed to, and good consideration of various reliability, usability and performance tradeoffs.
* Contributions demonstrate that obtaining Commit Access will significantly reduce friction for the contributors or others.
In addition to submitting PRs, a Contributor with Commit Access can:
* Review PRs and merge once other checks and criteria pass.
* Triage bugs and PRs and assign appropriate labels and reviewers.
### Obtaining Commit Access without Code Contributions
The [gRPC organization](https://github.com/grpc) is comprised of multiple repositories and commit access is usually restricted to one or more of these repositories. Some repositories such as the [grpc.github.io](https://github.com/grpc/grpc.github.io/) do not have code, but the same principle of sustained, high quality contributions, with a good understanding of the fundamentals, apply.