@ -45,15 +45,31 @@ pip install protobuf==3.0.0b2 |
# change to root directory |
cd $(dirname $0)/../.. |
# install protoc version 3 |
pushd third_party/protobuf |
apt-get install -y autoconf automake libtool curl |
./autogen.sh |
./configure |
make |
sudo make install |
sudo ldconfig |
popd |
if [ ! -x "/usr/local/bin/protoc" ]; then |
echo "Error: protoc not found in path" |
exit 1 |
fi |
readonly PROTOC_PATH='/usr/local/bin' |
# stack up and change to nanopb's proto generator directory |
pushd third_party/nanopb/generator/proto |
make |
# back to the root directory |
popd |
# nanopb-compile the proto to a temp location |
./tools/codegen/core/gen_load_balancing_proto.sh \ |
PATH="$PROTOC_PATH:$PATH" ./tools/codegen/core/gen_load_balancing_proto.sh \ |
src/proto/grpc/lb/v0/load_balancer.proto \ |