@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
# include <limits.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <map>
# include <vector>
# include "absl/strings/match.h"
@ -382,6 +383,65 @@ const grpc_channel_args* RemoveGrpcInternalArgs(const grpc_channel_args* src) {
return dst ;
const grpc_channel_args * UniquifyChannelArgKeys ( const grpc_channel_args * src ) {
if ( src = = nullptr ) return nullptr ;
std : : map < absl : : string_view , const grpc_arg * > values ;
std : : map < absl : : string_view , std : : vector < std : : string > > concatenated_values ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < src - > num_args ; i + + ) {
absl : : string_view key = src - > args [ i ] . key ;
// User-agent strings were traditionally multi-valued and concatenated.
// We preserve this behavior for backwards compatibility.
if ( src - > args [ i ] . type ! = GRPC_ARG_STRING ) {
gpr_log ( GPR_ERROR , " Channel argument '%s' should be a string " ,
std : : string ( key ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else {
concatenated_values [ key ] . push_back ( src - > args [ i ] . value . string ) ;
continue ;
auto it = values . find ( key ) ;
if ( it = = values . end ( ) ) {
values [ key ] = & src - > args [ i ] ;
} else {
// Traditional grpc_channel_args_find behavior was to pick the first
// value.
// For compatibility with existing users, we will do the same here.
if ( values . size ( ) + concatenated_values . size ( ) = = src - > num_args ) {
return grpc_channel_args_copy ( src ) ;
// Concatenate the concatenated values.
std : : map < absl : : string_view , std : : string > concatenated_values_str ;
for ( const auto & concatenated_value : concatenated_values ) {
concatenated_values_str [ concatenated_value . first ] =
absl : : StrJoin ( concatenated_value . second , " " ) ;
// Create the result
std : : vector < grpc_arg > argv ;
argv . reserve ( values . size ( ) ) ;
for ( const auto & a : values ) {
argv . push_back ( * a . second ) ;
for ( const auto & a : concatenated_values_str ) {
argv . push_back (
grpc_channel_arg_string_create ( const_cast < char * > ( a . first . data ( ) ) ,
const_cast < char * > ( a . second . c_str ( ) ) ) ) ;
grpc_channel_args args = { argv . size ( ) , argv . data ( ) } ;
// Log that we're mutating things
gpr_log ( GPR_INFO ,
" Uniquification pass on channel args is mutating them: {%s} is being "
" changed to {%s} " ,
grpc_channel_args_string ( src ) . c_str ( ) ,
grpc_channel_args_string ( & args ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Return the result (note we need to copy because we're borrowing the args
// from src still!)
return grpc_channel_args_copy ( & args ) ;
} // namespace grpc_core
namespace {