1. Port gRPC to one of the major BSD platforms ([FreeBSD](https://freebsd.org), [NetBSD](https://netbsd.org), and [OpenBSD](https://openbsd.org)) and create packages for them. Add [kqueue](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=kqueue) support in the process.
* **Required skills:** C programming language, BSD operating system.
1. Fix gRPC C-core's URI parser. The current parser does not qualify as a standard parser according to [RFC3986]( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986). Write test suites to verify this and make changes necessary to make the URI parser compliant.
* **Required skills:** C programming language, HTTP standard compliance.
1. HPACK compression efficiency evaluation - Figure out how to benchmark gRPC's compression efficiency (both in terms of bytes on the wire and cpu cycles). Implement benchmarks. Potentially extend this to other full-stack gRPC implementations (Java and Go).
* **Required skills:** C programming language, software performance benchmarking, potentially Java and Go.
1. [jRuby](http://jruby.org) support for gRPC. Develop a jRuby wrapper for gRPC based on grpc-java and ensure that it is API compatible with the existing Ruby implementation and passes all tests.