[xDS e2e tests] move xDS bootstrap and resource helpers into their own library (#34773)
This paves the way for reusing these helpers in a standalone xDS server for memory usage tests.pull/34785/head^2
12 changed files with 723 additions and 487 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ |
// Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "test/cpp/end2end/xds/xds_utils.h" |
#include <functional> |
#include <map> |
#include <memory> |
#include <set> |
#include <string> |
#include <thread> |
#include <vector> |
#include <gmock/gmock.h> |
#include <gtest/gtest.h> |
#include "absl/memory/memory.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_replace.h" |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "absl/types/optional.h" |
#include <grpcpp/security/tls_certificate_provider.h> |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/http/server/http_server_filter.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_channel_args.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_client_grpc.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gpr/tmpfile.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/env.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/load_file.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/surface/server.h" |
#include "src/cpp/client/secure_credentials.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/router.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "test/core/util/resolve_localhost_ip46.h" |
namespace grpc { |
namespace testing { |
using ::envoy::config::cluster::v3::Cluster; |
using ::envoy::config::core::v3::HealthStatus; |
using ::envoy::config::endpoint::v3::ClusterLoadAssignment; |
using ::envoy::config::listener::v3::Listener; |
using ::envoy::config::route::v3::RouteConfiguration; |
using ::envoy::extensions::filters::network::http_connection_manager::v3:: |
HttpConnectionManager; |
// XdsBootstrapBuilder
std::string XdsBootstrapBuilder::Build() { |
std::vector<std::string> fields; |
fields.push_back(MakeXdsServersText(top_server_)); |
if (!client_default_listener_resource_name_template_.empty()) { |
fields.push_back( |
absl::StrCat(" \"client_default_listener_resource_name_template\": \"", |
client_default_listener_resource_name_template_, "\"")); |
} |
fields.push_back(MakeNodeText()); |
if (!server_listener_resource_name_template_.empty()) { |
fields.push_back( |
absl::StrCat(" \"server_listener_resource_name_template\": \"", |
server_listener_resource_name_template_, "\"")); |
} |
fields.push_back(MakeCertificateProviderText()); |
fields.push_back(MakeAuthorityText()); |
return absl::StrCat("{", absl::StrJoin(fields, ",\n"), "}"); |
} |
std::string XdsBootstrapBuilder::MakeXdsServersText( |
absl::string_view server_uri) { |
constexpr char kXdsServerTemplate[] = |
" \"xds_servers\": [\n" |
" {\n" |
" \"server_uri\": \"<SERVER_URI>\",\n" |
" \"channel_creds\": [\n" |
" {\n" |
" \"type\": \"fake\"\n" |
" }\n" |
" ],\n" |
" \"server_features\": [<SERVER_FEATURES>]\n" |
" }\n" |
" ]"; |
std::vector<std::string> server_features; |
if (ignore_resource_deletion_) { |
server_features.push_back("\"ignore_resource_deletion\""); |
} |
return absl::StrReplaceAll( |
kXdsServerTemplate, |
{{"<SERVER_URI>", server_uri}, |
{"<SERVER_FEATURES>", absl::StrJoin(server_features, ", ")}}); |
} |
std::string XdsBootstrapBuilder::MakeNodeText() { |
constexpr char kXdsNode[] = |
" \"node\": {\n" |
" \"id\": \"xds_end2end_test\",\n" |
" \"cluster\": \"test\",\n" |
" \"metadata\": {\n" |
" \"foo\": \"bar\"\n" |
" },\n" |
" \"locality\": {\n" |
" \"region\": \"corp\",\n" |
" \"zone\": \"svl\",\n" |
" \"sub_zone\": \"mp3\"\n" |
" }\n" |
" }"; |
return kXdsNode; |
} |
std::string XdsBootstrapBuilder::MakeCertificateProviderText() { |
std::vector<std::string> entries; |
for (const auto& p : plugins_) { |
const std::string& key = p.first; |
const PluginInfo& plugin_info = p.second; |
std::vector<std::string> fields; |
fields.push_back(absl::StrFormat(" \"%s\": {", key)); |
if (!plugin_info.plugin_config.empty()) { |
fields.push_back( |
absl::StrFormat(" \"plugin_name\": \"%s\",", plugin_info.name)); |
fields.push_back(absl::StrCat(" \"config\": {\n", |
plugin_info.plugin_config, "\n }")); |
} else { |
fields.push_back( |
absl::StrFormat(" \"plugin_name\": \"%s\"", plugin_info.name)); |
} |
fields.push_back(" }"); |
entries.push_back(absl::StrJoin(fields, "\n")); |
} |
return absl::StrCat(" \"certificate_providers\": {\n", |
absl::StrJoin(entries, ",\n"), " \n}"); |
} |
std::string XdsBootstrapBuilder::MakeAuthorityText() { |
std::vector<std::string> entries; |
for (const auto& p : authorities_) { |
const std::string& name = p.first; |
const AuthorityInfo& authority_info = p.second; |
std::vector<std::string> fields = { |
MakeXdsServersText(authority_info.server)}; |
if (!authority_info.client_listener_resource_name_template.empty()) { |
fields.push_back(absl::StrCat( |
"\"client_listener_resource_name_template\": \"", |
authority_info.client_listener_resource_name_template, "\"")); |
} |
entries.push_back(absl::StrCat(absl::StrFormat("\"%s\": {\n ", name), |
absl::StrJoin(fields, ",\n"), "\n}")); |
} |
return absl::StrCat("\"authorities\": {\n", absl::StrJoin(entries, ",\n"), |
"\n}"); |
} |
// XdsResourceUtils::ClientHcmAccessor
HttpConnectionManager XdsResourceUtils::ClientHcmAccessor::Unpack( |
const Listener& listener) const { |
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager; |
listener.api_listener().api_listener().UnpackTo(&http_connection_manager); |
return http_connection_manager; |
} |
void XdsResourceUtils::ClientHcmAccessor::Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm, |
Listener* listener) const { |
auto* api_listener = listener->mutable_api_listener()->mutable_api_listener(); |
api_listener->PackFrom(hcm); |
} |
// XdsResourceUtils::ServerHcmAccessor
HttpConnectionManager XdsResourceUtils::ServerHcmAccessor::Unpack( |
const Listener& listener) const { |
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager; |
listener.default_filter_chain().filters().at(0).typed_config().UnpackTo( |
&http_connection_manager); |
return http_connection_manager; |
} |
void XdsResourceUtils::ServerHcmAccessor::Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm, |
Listener* listener) const { |
auto* filters = listener->mutable_default_filter_chain()->mutable_filters(); |
if (filters->empty()) filters->Add(); |
filters->at(0).mutable_typed_config()->PackFrom(hcm); |
} |
// XdsResourceUtils
const char XdsResourceUtils::kDefaultLocalityRegion[] = |
"xds_default_locality_region"; |
const char XdsResourceUtils::kDefaultLocalityZone[] = |
"xds_default_locality_zone"; |
const char XdsResourceUtils::kServerName[] = "server.example.com"; |
const char XdsResourceUtils::kDefaultRouteConfigurationName[] = |
"route_config_name"; |
const char XdsResourceUtils::kDefaultClusterName[] = "cluster_name"; |
const char XdsResourceUtils::kDefaultEdsServiceName[] = "eds_service_name"; |
const char XdsResourceUtils::kDefaultServerRouteConfigurationName[] = |
"default_server_route_config_name"; |
Listener XdsResourceUtils::DefaultListener() { |
Listener listener; |
listener.set_name(kServerName); |
ClientHcmAccessor().Pack(DefaultHcm(), &listener); |
return listener; |
} |
RouteConfiguration XdsResourceUtils::DefaultRouteConfig() { |
RouteConfiguration route_config; |
route_config.set_name(kDefaultRouteConfigurationName); |
auto* virtual_host = route_config.add_virtual_hosts(); |
virtual_host->add_domains("*"); |
auto* route = virtual_host->add_routes(); |
route->mutable_match()->set_prefix(""); |
route->mutable_route()->set_cluster(kDefaultClusterName); |
return route_config; |
} |
Cluster XdsResourceUtils::DefaultCluster() { |
Cluster cluster; |
cluster.set_name(kDefaultClusterName); |
cluster.set_type(Cluster::EDS); |
auto* eds_config = cluster.mutable_eds_cluster_config(); |
eds_config->mutable_eds_config()->mutable_self(); |
eds_config->set_service_name(kDefaultEdsServiceName); |
cluster.set_lb_policy(Cluster::ROUND_ROBIN); |
return cluster; |
} |
Listener XdsResourceUtils::DefaultServerListener() { |
Listener listener; |
listener.mutable_address()->mutable_socket_address()->set_address( |
grpc_core::LocalIp()); |
ServerHcmAccessor().Pack(DefaultHcm(), &listener); |
return listener; |
} |
RouteConfiguration XdsResourceUtils::DefaultServerRouteConfig() { |
RouteConfiguration route_config; |
route_config.set_name(kDefaultServerRouteConfigurationName); |
auto* virtual_host = route_config.add_virtual_hosts(); |
virtual_host->add_domains("*"); |
auto* route = virtual_host->add_routes(); |
route->mutable_match()->set_prefix(""); |
route->mutable_non_forwarding_action(); |
return route_config; |
} |
HttpConnectionManager XdsResourceUtils::DefaultHcm() { |
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager; |
auto* filter = http_connection_manager.add_http_filters(); |
filter->set_name("router"); |
filter->mutable_typed_config()->PackFrom( |
envoy::extensions::filters::http::router::v3::Router()); |
return http_connection_manager; |
} |
std::string XdsResourceUtils::GetServerListenerName(int port) { |
return absl::StrCat("grpc/server?xds.resource.listening_address=", |
grpc_core::LocalIp(), ":", port); |
} |
Listener XdsResourceUtils::PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort( |
const Listener& listener_template, int port) { |
Listener listener = listener_template; |
listener.set_name(GetServerListenerName(port)); |
listener.mutable_address()->mutable_socket_address()->set_port_value(port); |
return listener; |
} |
void XdsResourceUtils::SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration( |
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, Listener listener, |
const RouteConfiguration& route_config, bool use_rds, |
const HcmAccessor& hcm_accessor) { |
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager = hcm_accessor.Unpack(listener); |
if (use_rds) { |
auto* rds = http_connection_manager.mutable_rds(); |
rds->set_route_config_name(route_config.name()); |
rds->mutable_config_source()->mutable_self(); |
ads_service->SetRdsResource(route_config); |
} else { |
*http_connection_manager.mutable_route_config() = route_config; |
} |
hcm_accessor.Pack(http_connection_manager, &listener); |
ads_service->SetLdsResource(listener); |
} |
void XdsResourceUtils::SetRouteConfiguration( |
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, const RouteConfiguration& route_config, |
bool use_rds, const Listener* listener_to_copy) { |
if (use_rds) { |
ads_service->SetRdsResource(route_config); |
} else { |
Listener listener(listener_to_copy == nullptr ? DefaultListener() |
: *listener_to_copy); |
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager = |
ClientHcmAccessor().Unpack(listener); |
*(http_connection_manager.mutable_route_config()) = route_config; |
ClientHcmAccessor().Pack(http_connection_manager, &listener); |
ads_service->SetLdsResource(listener); |
} |
} |
ClusterLoadAssignment XdsResourceUtils::BuildEdsResource( |
const EdsResourceArgs& args, absl::string_view eds_service_name) { |
ClusterLoadAssignment assignment; |
assignment.set_cluster_name(eds_service_name); |
for (const auto& locality : args.locality_list) { |
auto* endpoints = assignment.add_endpoints(); |
endpoints->mutable_load_balancing_weight()->set_value(locality.lb_weight); |
endpoints->set_priority(locality.priority); |
endpoints->mutable_locality()->set_region(kDefaultLocalityRegion); |
endpoints->mutable_locality()->set_zone(kDefaultLocalityZone); |
endpoints->mutable_locality()->set_sub_zone(locality.sub_zone); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < locality.endpoints.size(); ++i) { |
const auto& endpoint = locality.endpoints[i]; |
auto* lb_endpoints = endpoints->add_lb_endpoints(); |
if (locality.endpoints.size() > i && |
locality.endpoints[i].health_status != HealthStatus::UNKNOWN) { |
lb_endpoints->set_health_status(endpoint.health_status); |
} |
if (locality.endpoints.size() > i && endpoint.lb_weight >= 1) { |
lb_endpoints->mutable_load_balancing_weight()->set_value( |
endpoint.lb_weight); |
} |
auto* endpoint_proto = lb_endpoints->mutable_endpoint(); |
auto* socket_address = |
endpoint_proto->mutable_address()->mutable_socket_address(); |
socket_address->set_address(grpc_core::LocalIp()); |
socket_address->set_port_value(endpoint.port); |
for (int port : endpoint.additional_ports) { |
socket_address = endpoint_proto->add_additional_addresses() |
->mutable_address() |
->mutable_socket_address(); |
socket_address->set_address(grpc_core::LocalIp()); |
socket_address->set_port_value(port); |
} |
} |
} |
if (!args.drop_categories.empty()) { |
auto* policy = assignment.mutable_policy(); |
for (const auto& p : args.drop_categories) { |
const std::string& name = p.first; |
const uint32_t parts_per_million = p.second; |
auto* drop_overload = policy->add_drop_overloads(); |
drop_overload->set_category(name); |
auto* drop_percentage = drop_overload->mutable_drop_percentage(); |
drop_percentage->set_numerator(parts_per_million); |
drop_percentage->set_denominator(args.drop_denominator); |
} |
} |
return assignment; |
} |
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ |
// Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string> |
#include <vector> |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/cluster.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/endpoint.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/http_connection_manager.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/listener.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/route.pb.h" |
#include "test/cpp/end2end/xds/xds_server.h" |
namespace grpc { |
namespace testing { |
// A builder for the xDS bootstrap config.
class XdsBootstrapBuilder { |
public: |
XdsBootstrapBuilder() {} |
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetIgnoreResourceDeletion() { |
ignore_resource_deletion_ = true; |
return *this; |
} |
// If ignore_if_set is true, sets the default server only if it has
// not already been set.
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetDefaultServer(const std::string& server, |
bool ignore_if_set = false) { |
if (!ignore_if_set || top_server_.empty()) top_server_ = server; |
return *this; |
} |
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetClientDefaultListenerResourceNameTemplate( |
const std::string& client_default_listener_resource_name_template) { |
client_default_listener_resource_name_template_ = |
client_default_listener_resource_name_template; |
return *this; |
} |
XdsBootstrapBuilder& AddCertificateProviderPlugin( |
const std::string& key, const std::string& name, |
const std::string& plugin_config = "") { |
plugins_[key] = {name, plugin_config}; |
return *this; |
} |
XdsBootstrapBuilder& AddAuthority( |
const std::string& authority, const std::string& server = "", |
const std::string& client_listener_resource_name_template = "") { |
authorities_[authority] = {server, client_listener_resource_name_template}; |
return *this; |
} |
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetServerListenerResourceNameTemplate( |
const std::string& server_listener_resource_name_template = "") { |
server_listener_resource_name_template_ = |
server_listener_resource_name_template; |
return *this; |
} |
std::string Build(); |
private: |
struct PluginInfo { |
std::string name; |
std::string plugin_config; |
}; |
struct AuthorityInfo { |
std::string server; |
std::string client_listener_resource_name_template; |
}; |
std::string MakeXdsServersText(absl::string_view server_uri); |
std::string MakeNodeText(); |
std::string MakeCertificateProviderText(); |
std::string MakeAuthorityText(); |
bool ignore_resource_deletion_ = false; |
std::string top_server_; |
std::string client_default_listener_resource_name_template_; |
std::map<std::string /*key*/, PluginInfo> plugins_; |
std::map<std::string /*authority_name*/, AuthorityInfo> authorities_; |
std::string server_listener_resource_name_template_ = |
"grpc/server?xds.resource.listening_address=%s"; |
}; |
// Utilities for constructing xDS resources.
class XdsResourceUtils { |
public: |
using HttpConnectionManager = envoy::extensions::filters::network:: |
http_connection_manager::v3::HttpConnectionManager; |
using Listener = envoy::config::listener::v3::Listener; |
using RouteConfiguration = envoy::config::route::v3::RouteConfiguration; |
using Cluster = envoy::config::cluster::v3::Cluster; |
using ClusterLoadAssignment = |
envoy::config::endpoint::v3::ClusterLoadAssignment; |
// Interface for accessing HttpConnectionManager config in Listener.
class HcmAccessor { |
public: |
virtual ~HcmAccessor() = default; |
virtual HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const = 0; |
virtual void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm, |
Listener* listener) const = 0; |
}; |
// Client-side impl.
class ClientHcmAccessor : public HcmAccessor { |
public: |
HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const override; |
void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm, |
Listener* listener) const override; |
}; |
// Server-side impl.
class ServerHcmAccessor : public HcmAccessor { |
public: |
HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const override; |
void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm, |
Listener* listener) const override; |
}; |
// Default values for locality fields.
static const char kDefaultLocalityRegion[]; |
static const char kDefaultLocalityZone[]; |
static const uint32_t kDefaultLocalityWeight = 3; |
static const int kDefaultLocalityPriority = 0; |
// Default resource names.
static const char kServerName[]; |
static const char kDefaultRouteConfigurationName[]; |
static const char kDefaultClusterName[]; |
static const char kDefaultEdsServiceName[]; |
static const char kDefaultServerRouteConfigurationName[]; |
// Returns default xDS resources.
static Listener DefaultListener(); |
static RouteConfiguration DefaultRouteConfig(); |
static Cluster DefaultCluster(); |
static Listener DefaultServerListener(); |
static RouteConfiguration DefaultServerRouteConfig(); |
static HttpConnectionManager DefaultHcm(); |
// Returns the name of the server-side xDS Listener resource for a
// backend on the specified port.
static std::string GetServerListenerName(int port); |
// Returns a copy of listener_template with the server-side resource
// name and the port in the socket address populated.
static Listener PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort( |
const Listener& listener_template, int port); |
// Sets the Listener and RouteConfiguration resource on the specified
// balancer. If RDS is in use, they will be set as separate resources;
// otherwise, the RouteConfig will be inlined into the Listener.
static void SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration( |
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, Listener listener, |
const RouteConfiguration& route_config, bool use_rds = false, |
const HcmAccessor& hcm_accessor = ClientHcmAccessor()); |
// A convenient wrapper for setting the Listener and
// RouteConfiguration resources on the server side.
static void SetServerListenerNameAndRouteConfiguration( |
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, Listener listener, int port, |
const RouteConfiguration& route_config, bool use_rds = false) { |
SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration( |
ads_service, PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort(listener, port), |
route_config, use_rds, ServerHcmAccessor()); |
} |
// Sets the RouteConfiguration resource on the specified balancer.
// If RDS is in use, it will be set directly as an independent
// resource; otherwise, it will be inlined into a Listener resource
// (either listener_to_copy, or if that is null, default_listener_).
static void SetRouteConfiguration(AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, |
const RouteConfiguration& route_config, |
bool use_rds = false, |
const Listener* listener_to_copy = nullptr); |
// Arguments for constructing an EDS resource.
struct EdsResourceArgs { |
// An individual endpoint for a backend running on a specified port.
struct Endpoint { |
explicit Endpoint(int port, |
::envoy::config::core::v3::HealthStatus health_status = |
::envoy::config::core::v3::HealthStatus::UNKNOWN, |
int lb_weight = 1, |
std::vector<int> additional_ports = {}) |
: port(port), |
health_status(health_status), |
lb_weight(lb_weight), |
additional_ports(std::move(additional_ports)) {} |
int port; |
::envoy::config::core::v3::HealthStatus health_status; |
int lb_weight; |
std::vector<int> additional_ports; |
}; |
// A locality.
struct Locality { |
Locality(std::string sub_zone, std::vector<Endpoint> endpoints, |
uint32_t lb_weight = kDefaultLocalityWeight, |
int priority = kDefaultLocalityPriority) |
: sub_zone(std::move(sub_zone)), |
endpoints(std::move(endpoints)), |
lb_weight(lb_weight), |
priority(priority) {} |
const std::string sub_zone; |
std::vector<Endpoint> endpoints; |
uint32_t lb_weight; |
int priority; |
}; |
EdsResourceArgs() = default; |
explicit EdsResourceArgs(std::vector<Locality> locality_list) |
: locality_list(std::move(locality_list)) {} |
std::vector<Locality> locality_list; |
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> drop_categories; |
::envoy::type::v3::FractionalPercent::DenominatorType drop_denominator = |
::envoy::type::v3::FractionalPercent::MILLION; |
}; |
// Constructs an EDS resource.
static ClusterLoadAssignment BuildEdsResource( |
const EdsResourceArgs& args, |
absl::string_view eds_service_name = kDefaultEdsServiceName); |
}; |
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc
Reference in new issue