@ -296,28 +296,28 @@ static grpc_error *hc_mutate_op(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx,
* MDELEM by appending base64 encoded query to the path */
const int k_url_safe = 1 ;
const int k_multi_line = 0 ;
const char * k_query_separator = " ? " ;
const size_t k_query_separator_len = 1 ; /* strlen(k_query_separator) */
const unsigned char k_query_separator = ' ? ' ;
grpc_slice path_slice =
GRPC_MDVALUE ( op - > send_initial_metadata - > idx . named . path - > md ) ;
/* sum up individual component's lengths and allocate enough memory to
* hold combined path + query */
size_t estimated_len = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH ( path_slice ) ;
estimated_len + = k_query_separator_len ;
estimated_len + + ; /* for the '?' */
estimated_len + = grpc_base64_estimate_encoded_size (
op - > send_message - > length , k_url_safe , k_multi_line ) ;
estimated_len + = 1 ; /* for the trailing 0 */
grpc_slice path_with_query_slice = grpc_slice_malloc ( estimated_len ) ;
/* memcopy individual pieces into this slice */
uint8_t * write_ptr = ( uint8_t * ) GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR ( path_with_query_slice ) ;
uint8_t * write_ptr =
( uint8_t * ) GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR ( path_with_query_slice ) ;
uint8_t * original_path = ( uint8_t * ) GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR ( path_slice ) ;
memcpy ( write_ptr , original_path , GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH ( path_slice ) ) ;
write_ptr + = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH ( path_slice ) ;
memcpy ( write_ptr , k_query_separator , k_query_separator_len ) ;
write_ptr + = k_query_separator_len ;
* write_ptr = k_query_separator ;
write_ptr + + ; /* for the '?' */
grpc_base64_encode_core ( ( char * ) write_ptr , calld - > payload_bytes ,
op - > send_message - > length , k_url_safe ,
@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ static grpc_error *hc_mutate_op(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx,
/* remove trailing unused memory and add trailing 0 to terminate string
char * t = ( char * ) GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR ( path_with_query_slice ) ;
/* safe to use strlen since base64_encode will always add '\0' */
size_t path_length = strlen ( t ) + 1 ;
* ( t + path_length ) = ' \0 ' ;
path_with_query_slice =