Missed reviewer comments

Yash Tibrewal 6 years ago
parent 1ea195b6f3
commit 005eb29298
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 149

@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ class CallOpSet : public CallOpSetInterface,
CallOpSet() : cq_tag_(this), return_tag_(this) {}
// The copy constructor and assignment operator reset the value of
// cq_tag_ and return_tag_ since those are only meaningful on a specific
// object, not across objects.
// cq_tag_, return_tag_, done_intercepting_ and interceptor_methods_ since
// those are only meaningful on a specific object, not across objects.
CallOpSet(const CallOpSet& other)
: cq_tag_(this),

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class ClientRpcInfo {
grpc::ChannelInterface* channel_ = nullptr;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<experimental::Interceptor>> interceptors_;
bool hijacked_ = false;
int hijacked_interceptor_ = false;
size_t hijacked_interceptor_ = false;
friend class internal::InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl;
friend class grpc::ClientContext;

@ -50,32 +50,32 @@ class InternalInterceptorBatchMethods
virtual void SetRecvMessage(void* message) = 0;
virtual void SetRecvInitialMetadata(internal::MetadataMap* map) = 0;
virtual void SetRecvInitialMetadata(MetadataMap* map) = 0;
virtual void SetRecvStatus(Status* status) = 0;
virtual void SetRecvTrailingMetadata(internal::MetadataMap* map) = 0;
virtual void SetRecvTrailingMetadata(MetadataMap* map) = 0;
class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl() {
for (auto i = 0;
i < static_cast<int>(
i++) {
hooks_[i] = false;
for (auto i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(0);
i < experimental::InterceptionHookPoints::NUM_INTERCEPTION_HOOKS;
i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(
static_cast<size_t>(i) + 1)) {
hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(i)] = false;
virtual ~InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl() {}
~InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl() {}
virtual bool QueryInterceptionHookPoint(
bool QueryInterceptionHookPoint(
experimental::InterceptionHookPoints type) override {
return hooks_[static_cast<int>(type)];
return hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
virtual void Proceed() override { /* fill this */
void Proceed() override { /* fill this */
if (call_->client_rpc_info() != nullptr) {
return ProceedClient();
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
virtual void Hijack() override {
void Hijack() override {
// Only the client can hijack when sending down initial metadata
GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(!reverse_ && ops_ != nullptr &&
call_->client_rpc_info() != nullptr);
@ -91,99 +91,94 @@ class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
auto* rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
rpc_info->hijacked_ = true;
rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_ = curr_iteration_;
rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_ = current_interceptor_index_;
ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = true;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
virtual void AddInterceptionHookPoint(
void AddInterceptionHookPoint(
experimental::InterceptionHookPoints type) override {
hooks_[static_cast<int>(type)] = true;
hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(type)] = true;
virtual ByteBuffer* GetSendMessage() override { return send_message_; }
ByteBuffer* GetSendMessage() override { return send_message_; }
virtual std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* GetSendInitialMetadata()
override {
std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* GetSendInitialMetadata() override {
return send_initial_metadata_;
virtual Status GetSendStatus() override {
Status GetSendStatus() override {
return Status(static_cast<StatusCode>(*code_), *error_message_,
virtual void ModifySendStatus(const Status& status) override {
void ModifySendStatus(const Status& status) override {
*code_ = static_cast<grpc_status_code>(status.error_code());
*error_details_ = status.error_details();
*error_message_ = status.error_message();
virtual std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* GetSendTrailingMetadata()
std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* GetSendTrailingMetadata()
override {
return send_trailing_metadata_;
virtual void* GetRecvMessage() override { return recv_message_; }
void* GetRecvMessage() override { return recv_message_; }
virtual std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>*
GetRecvInitialMetadata() override {
std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>* GetRecvInitialMetadata()
override {
return recv_initial_metadata_->map();
virtual Status* GetRecvStatus() override { return recv_status_; }
Status* GetRecvStatus() override { return recv_status_; }
virtual std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>*
GetRecvTrailingMetadata() override {
std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>* GetRecvTrailingMetadata()
override {
return recv_trailing_metadata_->map();
virtual void SetSendMessage(ByteBuffer* buf) override { send_message_ = buf; }
void SetSendMessage(ByteBuffer* buf) override { send_message_ = buf; }
virtual void SetSendInitialMetadata(
void SetSendInitialMetadata(
std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* metadata) override {
send_initial_metadata_ = metadata;
virtual void SetSendStatus(grpc_status_code* code,
grpc::string* error_details,
grpc::string* error_message) override {
void SetSendStatus(grpc_status_code* code, grpc::string* error_details,
grpc::string* error_message) override {
code_ = code;
error_details_ = error_details;
error_message_ = error_message;
virtual void SetSendTrailingMetadata(
void SetSendTrailingMetadata(
std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* metadata) override {
send_trailing_metadata_ = metadata;
virtual void SetRecvMessage(void* message) override {
recv_message_ = message;
void SetRecvMessage(void* message) override { recv_message_ = message; }
virtual void SetRecvInitialMetadata(internal::MetadataMap* map) override {
void SetRecvInitialMetadata(MetadataMap* map) override {
recv_initial_metadata_ = map;
virtual void SetRecvStatus(Status* status) override { recv_status_ = status; }
void SetRecvStatus(Status* status) override { recv_status_ = status; }
virtual void SetRecvTrailingMetadata(internal::MetadataMap* map) override {
void SetRecvTrailingMetadata(MetadataMap* map) override {
recv_trailing_metadata_ = map;
virtual std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface> GetInterceptedChannel() override {
std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface> GetInterceptedChannel() override {
auto* info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (info == nullptr) {
return std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface>(nullptr);
// The intercepted channel starts from the interceptor just after the
// current interceptor
return std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface>(new internal::InterceptedChannel(
curr_iteration_ + 1));
return std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface>(new InterceptedChannel(
info->channel(), current_interceptor_index_ + 1));
// Clears all state
@ -256,60 +251,63 @@ class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
void RunClientInterceptors() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (!reverse_) {
curr_iteration_ = 0;
current_interceptor_index_ = 0;
} else {
if (rpc_info->hijacked_) {
curr_iteration_ = rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_;
current_interceptor_index_ = rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_;
} else {
curr_iteration_ = rpc_info->interceptors_.size() - 1;
current_interceptor_index_ = rpc_info->interceptors_.size() - 1;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
void RunServerInterceptors() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
if (!reverse_) {
curr_iteration_ = 0;
current_interceptor_index_ = 0;
} else {
curr_iteration_ = rpc_info->interceptors_.size() - 1;
current_interceptor_index_ = rpc_info->interceptors_.size() - 1;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
void ProceedClient() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (rpc_info->hijacked_ && !reverse_ &&
curr_iteration_ == rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_ &&
static_cast<size_t>(current_interceptor_index_) ==
rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_ &&
!ran_hijacking_interceptor_) {
// We now need to provide hijacked recv ops to this interceptor
ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = true;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
if (!reverse_) {
// We are going down the stack of interceptors
if (curr_iteration_ < static_cast<long>(rpc_info->interceptors_.size())) {
if (static_cast<size_t>(current_interceptor_index_) <
rpc_info->interceptors_.size()) {
if (rpc_info->hijacked_ &&
curr_iteration_ > rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_) {
static_cast<size_t>(current_interceptor_index_) >
rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_) {
// This is a hijacked RPC and we are done with hijacking
} else {
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else {
// we are done running all the interceptors without any hijacking
} else {
// We are going up the stack of interceptors
if (curr_iteration_ >= 0) {
if (current_interceptor_index_ >= 0) {
// Continue running interceptors
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else {
// we are done running all the interceptors without any hijacking
@ -320,18 +318,19 @@ class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
void ProceedServer() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
if (!reverse_) {
if (curr_iteration_ < static_cast<long>(rpc_info->interceptors_.size())) {
return rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
if (static_cast<size_t>(current_interceptor_index_) <
rpc_info->interceptors_.size()) {
return rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else if (ops_) {
return ops_->ContinueFillOpsAfterInterception();
} else {
// We are going up the stack of interceptors
if (curr_iteration_ >= 0) {
if (current_interceptor_index_ >= 0) {
// Continue running interceptors
return rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, curr_iteration_);
return rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else if (ops_) {
return ops_->ContinueFinalizeResultAfterInterception();
@ -341,20 +340,20 @@ class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
void ClearHookPoints() {
for (auto i = 0;
i < static_cast<int>(
i++) {
hooks_[i] = false;
for (auto i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(0);
i < experimental::InterceptionHookPoints::NUM_INTERCEPTION_HOOKS;
i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(
static_cast<size_t>(i) + 1)) {
hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(i)] = false;
int curr_iteration_ = 0; // Current iterator
long current_interceptor_index_ = 0; // Current iterator
bool reverse_ = false;
bool ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = false;
Call* call_ =
@ -375,11 +374,11 @@ class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl : public InternalInterceptorBatchMethods {
void* recv_message_ = nullptr;
internal::MetadataMap* recv_initial_metadata_ = nullptr;
MetadataMap* recv_initial_metadata_ = nullptr;
Status* recv_status_ = nullptr;
internal::MetadataMap* recv_trailing_metadata_ = nullptr;
MetadataMap* recv_trailing_metadata_ = nullptr;
} // namespace internal
