The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3799 lines
116 KiB

# gRPC Bazel BUILD file.
# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
features = [
visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"],
name = "grpc_no_ares",
values = {"define": "grpc_no_ares=true"},
name = "grpc_no_xds_define",
values = {"define": "grpc_no_xds=true"},
# When gRPC is build as shared library, binder transport code might still
# get included even when user's code does not depend on it. In that case
# --define=grpc_no_binder=true can be used to disable binder transport
# related code to reduce binary size.
# For users using build system other than bazel, they can define
# GRPC_NO_BINDER to achieve the same effect.
name = "grpc_no_binder_define",
values = {"define": "grpc_no_binder=true"},
name = "android",
values = {"crosstool_top": "//external:android/crosstool"},
name = "ios",
values = {"apple_platform_type": "ios"},
name = "grpc_no_xds",
match_any = [
# In addition to disabling XDS support when --define=grpc_no_xds=true is
# specified, we also disable it on mobile platforms where it is not
# likely to be needed and where reducing the binary size is more
# important.
name = "grpc_no_binder",
match_any = [
# We do not need binder on ios.
name = "grpc_no_rls",
match_any = [
# Disable RLS support on mobile platforms where it is not likely to be
# needed and where reducing the binary size is more important.
# Fuzzers can be built as fuzzers or as tests
name = "grpc_build_fuzzers",
values = {"define": "grpc_build_fuzzers=true"},
name = "grpc_allow_exceptions",
values = {"define": "GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=1"},
name = "grpc_disallow_exceptions",
values = {"define": "GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=0"},
name = "remote_execution",
values = {"define": "GRPC_PORT_ISOLATED_RUNTIME=1"},
name = "windows",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"},
name = "windows_msvc",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows_msvc"},
name = "mac_x86_64",
values = {"cpu": "darwin"},
name = "use_strict_warning",
values = {"define": "use_strict_warning=true"},
# This should be updated along with build_handwritten.yaml
g_stands_for = "gribkoff" # @unused
core_version = "29.0.0" # @unused
version = "1.52.0-dev" # @unused
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
6 years ago
name = "grpc_unsecure",
8 years ago
srcs = [
8 years ago
defines = ["GRPC_NO_XDS"],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
8 years ago
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
# Not xDS-specific but currently only used by xDS.
name = "grpc",
srcs = [
defines = select({
"grpc_no_xds": ["GRPC_NO_XDS"],
"//conditions:default": [],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
select_deps = [
"grpc_no_xds": [],
"//conditions:default": GRPC_XDS_TARGETS,
tags = [
visibility = [
8 years ago
deps = [
name = "gpr",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GPR_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "gpr_public_hdrs",
tags = [
name = "cpp_impl_of",
hdrs = ["//src/core:lib/gprpp/cpp_impl_of.h"],
language = "c++",
name = "grpc_common",
defines = select({
"grpc_no_rls": ["GRPC_NO_RLS"],
"//conditions:default": [],
language = "c++",
select_deps = [
"grpc_no_rls": [],
"//conditions:default": ["//src/core:grpc_lb_policy_rls"],
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
deps = [
# standard plugins
name = "grpc_public_hdrs",
tags = [
deps = ["gpr_public_hdrs"],
name = "grpc++_public_hdrs",
external_deps = [
tags = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "grpc++",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
select_deps = [
"grpc_no_xds": [],
"//conditions:default": [
"grpc_no_binder": [],
"//conditions:default": [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = [
deps = [
name = "grpc_cronet_hdrs",
hdrs = [
deps = [
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc_authorization_provider",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc++_authorization_provider",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
deps = [
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc_cel_engine",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc++_binder",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
defines = select({
"grpc_no_binder": ["GRPC_NO_BINDER"],
"//conditions:default": [],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_xds_client",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc++_xds_server",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:xds"],
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "grpc++_unsecure",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
tags = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
8 years ago
name = "grpc++_error_details",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
standalone = True,
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = ["grpc++"],
name = "grpc++_alts",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["upb_lib"],
language = "c++",
standalone = True,
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi"],
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "census",
srcs = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
8 years ago
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
# A library that vends only port_platform, so that libraries that don't need
# anything else from gpr can still be portable!
name = "gpr_platform",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
name = "event_engine_base_hdrs",
external_deps = [
tags = [
deps = [
name = "grpc_base",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
] +
# TODO(ctiller): remove these
# These headers used to be vended by this target, but they have been split
# out into separate targets now. In order to transition downstream code, we
# re-export these headers from here for now, and when LSC's have completed
# to clean this up, we'll remove these.
external_deps = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "lb_load_data_store",
8 years ago
srcs = [
8 years ago
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "lb_server_load_reporting_service_server_builder_plugin",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
5 years ago
name = "grpcpp_server_load_reporting",
5 years ago
srcs = [
5 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
deps = [
name = "lb_load_reporter_service",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
deps = [
name = "lb_get_cpu_stats",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "lb_load_reporter",
srcs = [
8 years ago
hdrs = [
8 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "grpc_security_base",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_base",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi_interface"],
deps = [
name = "alts_util",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["upb_lib"],
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi"],
deps = [
name = "tsi",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_base",
srcs = GRPCXX_SRCS + [
hdrs = GRPCXX_HDRS + [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc++_base_legacy"],
deps = [
# TODO(chengyuc): Give it another try to merge this to `grpc++_base` after
# codegen files are removed.
name = "grpc++_base_unsecure",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = [
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc++_base_unsecure_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_codegen_proto",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_config_proto",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
name = "grpc++_reflection",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_call_metric_recorder",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpcpp_orca_interceptor",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpcpp_orca_service",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_channelz",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:channelz"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_csds",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_admin",
srcs = [
hdrs = [],
defines = select({
"grpc_no_xds": ["GRPC_NO_XDS"],
"//conditions:default": [],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
select_deps = [{
"grpc_no_xds": [],
"//conditions:default": ["//:grpcpp_csds"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpc++_test",
testonly = True,
srcs = [
external_deps = ["gtest"],
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:grpc++_test"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_opencensus_plugin",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:grpc_opencensus_plugin"],
deps = [
# This is an EXPERIMENTAL target subject to change.
name = "grpcpp_gcp_observability",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:grpcpp_gcp_observability"],
deps = [
name = "work_serializer",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/base:core_headers"],
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_trace",
srcs = ["//src/core:lib/debug/"],
hdrs = ["//src/core:lib/debug/trace.h"],
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:trace"],
deps = [
name = "config",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "debug_location",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["//src/core:lib/gprpp/debug_location.h"],
visibility = ["@grpc:debug_location"],
name = "orphanable",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["//src/core:lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"],
visibility = [
deps = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
4 years ago
name = "promise",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "ref_counted_ptr",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["//src/core:lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"],
visibility = ["@grpc:ref_counted_ptr"],
deps = [
name = "handshaker",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "http_connect_handshaker",
srcs = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
4 years ago
external_deps = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
4 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
4 years ago
deps = [
name = "exec_ctx",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
visibility = [
deps = [
name = "sockaddr_utils",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "iomgr_timer",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
] + [
# TODO(hork): deduplicate
external_deps = [
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:iomgr_timer"],
deps = [
name = "uri_parser",
8 years ago
srcs = [
hdrs = [
8 years ago
external_deps = [
8 years ago
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = ["gpr"],
name = "backoff",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/random"],
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "stats",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
visibility = [
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "channel_stack_builder",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_service_config_impl",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "server_address",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
8 years ago
external_deps = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_client_channel",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_dns_ares",
srcs = [
8 years ago
hdrs = [
8 years ago
external_deps = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "httpcli",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:httpcli"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_alts_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_fake_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
visibility = [
deps = [
name = "grpc_jwt_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_credentials_util",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_alts_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_ssl_session_cache",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_ssl_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_http_filters",
srcs = [
[promises] Compression filter conversion (#31204) * Convert compress filter * decompress sketch * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * progress * got the new filter impls compiling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * declare the bits * allocate control types * stub in pipe accessors * init pipes * send-path * working through the state machines * [arena] pool allocator * add tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * better sizes * iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * first pass cut fragments * fix1 * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * iwyu * build-deps * fix for windows * fix * fixes * better-logs * better-logs * callpushpush-->tryconcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * logging improvements * logging improvements * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * respect flag * handle eos * cancel_after_client_done * handle failed sends * more error handling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * more stuff * remove unnecessary conversion * hackity hack hack * fixes * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * capture metadata from promise to recieve up * spacing * debug,fix * not-used * fix * fix * tune * unify compress/decompress * fixes * send_message/send_trailing_metadata ordering * cleanup loop * remove minimal stack bits * better error generation * fix-build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cancellation of recv message for forwarded receives * fix * compile fix * fix clobbering * fix test, convert to gtest * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fixes * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * add test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * no need to store message per filter * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * danke yash * iwyu * clang-tidy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * [promise] CallPushPull -> more general TryConcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * [promise] Introduce map_pipe, cleanup factories * [promise] Promise based filter changes for messages * [log] Longer space for filenames * [test] Add some debugability affordances to async_end2end_test * add comment * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix-merge * fix-merge * fix * [chttp2] Fix a bug whereby trailers-only is not reported We don't report trailers-only if the trailers are parsed prior to executing recv_initial_metadata * comments * fix for ruby * review feedback * merge * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix bm? * re-add dropped flag * turn on some traces to try and debug ruby * debug for ruby problem * proposed chttp2 fix * Revert "turn on some traces to try and debug ruby" This reverts commit 1bf3cfd552af6fb3dbeb041c40f5da9955a6ad25. Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
2 years ago
hdrs = [
[promises] Compression filter conversion (#31204) * Convert compress filter * decompress sketch * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * progress * got the new filter impls compiling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * declare the bits * allocate control types * stub in pipe accessors * init pipes * send-path * working through the state machines * [arena] pool allocator * add tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * better sizes * iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * first pass cut fragments * fix1 * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * iwyu * build-deps * fix for windows * fix * fixes * better-logs * better-logs * callpushpush-->tryconcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * logging improvements * logging improvements * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * respect flag * handle eos * cancel_after_client_done * handle failed sends * more error handling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * more stuff * remove unnecessary conversion * hackity hack hack * fixes * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * capture metadata from promise to recieve up * spacing * debug,fix * not-used * fix * fix * tune * unify compress/decompress * fixes * send_message/send_trailing_metadata ordering * cleanup loop * remove minimal stack bits * better error generation * fix-build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cancellation of recv message for forwarded receives * fix * compile fix * fix clobbering * fix test, convert to gtest * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fixes * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * add test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * no need to store message per filter * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * danke yash * iwyu * clang-tidy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * [promise] CallPushPull -> more general TryConcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * [promise] Introduce map_pipe, cleanup factories * [promise] Promise based filter changes for messages * [log] Longer space for filenames * [test] Add some debugability affordances to async_end2end_test * add comment * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix-merge * fix-merge * fix * [chttp2] Fix a bug whereby trailers-only is not reported We don't report trailers-only if the trailers are parsed prior to executing recv_initial_metadata * comments * fix for ruby * review feedback * merge * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix bm? * re-add dropped flag * turn on some traces to try and debug ruby * debug for ruby problem * proposed chttp2 fix * Revert "turn on some traces to try and debug ruby" This reverts commit 1bf3cfd552af6fb3dbeb041c40f5da9955a6ad25. Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
2 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:http"],
deps = [
[promises] Compression filter conversion (#31204) * Convert compress filter * decompress sketch * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * progress * got the new filter impls compiling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * declare the bits * allocate control types * stub in pipe accessors * init pipes * send-path * working through the state machines * [arena] pool allocator * add tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * better sizes * iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * first pass cut fragments * fix1 * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * iwyu * build-deps * fix for windows * fix * fixes * better-logs * better-logs * callpushpush-->tryconcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * logging improvements * logging improvements * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * respect flag * handle eos * cancel_after_client_done * handle failed sends * more error handling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * more stuff * remove unnecessary conversion * hackity hack hack * fixes * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * capture metadata from promise to recieve up * spacing * debug,fix * not-used * fix * fix * tune * unify compress/decompress * fixes * send_message/send_trailing_metadata ordering * cleanup loop * remove minimal stack bits * better error generation * fix-build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cancellation of recv message for forwarded receives * fix * compile fix * fix clobbering * fix test, convert to gtest * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fixes * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * add test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * no need to store message per filter * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * danke yash * iwyu * clang-tidy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * [promise] CallPushPull -> more general TryConcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * [promise] Introduce map_pipe, cleanup factories * [promise] Promise based filter changes for messages * [log] Longer space for filenames * [test] Add some debugability affordances to async_end2end_test * add comment * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix-merge * fix-merge * fix * [chttp2] Fix a bug whereby trailers-only is not reported We don't report trailers-only if the trailers are parsed prior to executing recv_initial_metadata * comments * fix for ruby * review feedback * merge * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix bm? * re-add dropped flag * turn on some traces to try and debug ruby * debug for ruby problem * proposed chttp2 fix * Revert "turn on some traces to try and debug ruby" This reverts commit 1bf3cfd552af6fb3dbeb041c40f5da9955a6ad25. Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
2 years ago
[promises] Compression filter conversion (#31204) * Convert compress filter * decompress sketch * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * progress * got the new filter impls compiling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * declare the bits * allocate control types * stub in pipe accessors * init pipes * send-path * working through the state machines * [arena] pool allocator * add tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * better sizes * iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * first pass cut fragments * fix1 * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * iwyu * build-deps * fix for windows * fix * fixes * better-logs * better-logs * callpushpush-->tryconcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * logging improvements * logging improvements * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * respect flag * handle eos * cancel_after_client_done * handle failed sends * more error handling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * more stuff * remove unnecessary conversion * hackity hack hack * fixes * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * capture metadata from promise to recieve up * spacing * debug,fix * not-used * fix * fix * tune * unify compress/decompress * fixes * send_message/send_trailing_metadata ordering * cleanup loop * remove minimal stack bits * better error generation * fix-build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cancellation of recv message for forwarded receives * fix * compile fix * fix clobbering * fix test, convert to gtest * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fixes * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * add test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * no need to store message per filter * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * danke yash * iwyu * clang-tidy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * [promise] CallPushPull -> more general TryConcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * [promise] Introduce map_pipe, cleanup factories * [promise] Promise based filter changes for messages * [log] Longer space for filenames * [test] Add some debugability affordances to async_end2end_test * add comment * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix-merge * fix-merge * fix * [chttp2] Fix a bug whereby trailers-only is not reported We don't report trailers-only if the trailers are parsed prior to executing recv_initial_metadata * comments * fix for ruby * review feedback * merge * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix bm? * re-add dropped flag * turn on some traces to try and debug ruby * debug for ruby problem * proposed chttp2 fix * Revert "turn on some traces to try and debug ruby" This reverts commit 1bf3cfd552af6fb3dbeb041c40f5da9955a6ad25. Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
2 years ago
[promises] Compression filter conversion (#31204) * Convert compress filter * decompress sketch * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * progress * got the new filter impls compiling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * declare the bits * allocate control types * stub in pipe accessors * init pipes * send-path * working through the state machines * [arena] pool allocator * add tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * better sizes * iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * first pass cut fragments * fix1 * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * iwyu * build-deps * fix for windows * fix * fixes * better-logs * better-logs * callpushpush-->tryconcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * logging improvements * logging improvements * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * respect flag * handle eos * cancel_after_client_done * handle failed sends * more error handling * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * more stuff * remove unnecessary conversion * hackity hack hack * fixes * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * capture metadata from promise to recieve up * spacing * debug,fix * not-used * fix * fix * tune * unify compress/decompress * fixes * send_message/send_trailing_metadata ordering * cleanup loop * remove minimal stack bits * better error generation * fix-build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cancellation of recv message for forwarded receives * fix * compile fix * fix clobbering * fix test, convert to gtest * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fixes * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * add test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * no need to store message per filter * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * danke yash * iwyu * clang-tidy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * [promise] CallPushPull -> more general TryConcurrently * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * [promise] Introduce map_pipe, cleanup factories * [promise] Promise based filter changes for messages * [log] Longer space for filenames * [test] Add some debugability affordances to async_end2end_test * add comment * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix-merge * fix-merge * fix * [chttp2] Fix a bug whereby trailers-only is not reported We don't report trailers-only if the trailers are parsed prior to executing recv_initial_metadata * comments * fix for ruby * review feedback * merge * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix bm? * re-add dropped flag * turn on some traces to try and debug ruby * debug for ruby problem * proposed chttp2 fix * Revert "turn on some traces to try and debug ruby" This reverts commit 1bf3cfd552af6fb3dbeb041c40f5da9955a6ad25. Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
2 years ago
name = "grpc_grpclb_balancer_addresses",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:grpclb"],
deps = [
name = "xds_client",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["nofixdeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:xds_client_core"],
deps = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
name = "grpc_mock_cel",
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_fake",
srcs = ["//src/core:ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/fake/"],
hdrs = ["//src/core:ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/fake/fake_resolver.h"],
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
external_deps = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
deps = [
LB policies: convert to new JSON API (#30468) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * update grpclb parsing * fix build * convert outlier_detection LB config * convert priority LB policy * convert ring_hash LB config * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * WIP on RLS parsing conversion * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixed RLS parser tests * fix error prefix in OD, priority, and ring_hash policies * convert weighted_target policy * convert xds_cluster_manager * convert cds policy * convert xds_cluster_resolver * convert xds_cluster_impl * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix test * fix xds_cluster_impl drop config parsing * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * attempt to fix mac build * work around gcc6 problem * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix move assignment operator * fix build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build and simplify RLS duplicate key check * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * iwyu * fix build * fix sanity * add LoadRefCountedFromJson() and use it to eliminate some moves * fix build * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
name = "chttp2_frame",
hdrs = [
deps = ["gpr"],
name = "http_trace",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "hpack_parser_table",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
deps = [
name = "hpack_parser",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
deps = [
name = "hpack_encoder",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
deps = [
name = "chttp2_bin_encoder",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "chttp2_varint",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/base:core_headers"],
deps = ["gpr"],
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
name = "grpc_transport_chttp2",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
external_deps = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:grpclb"],
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
deps = [
Declarative JSON parser (#30442) * Declarative JSON parser * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * shrinking stuff a little * static vtables * separate fns * simpler? * make maps work * windows fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * simplify code * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * vtable-test * dont always create vec/map impls for every type * comments * make error consistent * move method private * progress * durations! * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * post-load * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * document JsonPostLoad() and add static_assert * don't copy field names, to avoid length limitations * use absl::Status * accept either string or number for numeric values * add test for direct data member of another struct type * remove unused method * add support for retaining part of the JSON wirthout processing * update test for changes in Json::Parse() API * add absl::optional support * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix tests, improve error messages, and add overload to parse to existing object * remove overload of LoadFromJson() * change special case for Json to instead use Json::Object * fix build * improve error structure, add missing types, and improve tests * clang-format * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix build * add LoadJsonObjectField(), add LoadFromJson() overload that takes an ErrorList parameter, and add tests for parsing bare top-level types * fix msan * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix error message * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add mechanism to conditionally disable individual fields * fix build Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Craig Tiller <> Co-authored-by: markdroth <>
2 years ago
# TODO(yashykt): Remove the UPB definitions from here once they are no longer needed
### UPB Targets
name = "envoy_admin_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/admin/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_cluster_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/cluster/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_cluster_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/cluster/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_core_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/core/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_endpoint_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/endpoint/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_endpoint_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/endpoint/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_listener_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/listener/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_listener_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/listener/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_rbac_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/rbac/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_route_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/route/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_route_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/route/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_clusters_aggregate_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_clusters_aggregate_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_common_fault_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/common/fault/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_fault_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_fault_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_rbac_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/rbac/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_rbac_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/rbac/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_router_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/router/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_router_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/router/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_load_balancing_policies_ring_hash_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/load_balancing_policies/ring_hash/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_load_balancing_policies_wrr_locality_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/load_balancing_policies/wrr_locality/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_network_http_connection_manager_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_network_http_connection_manager_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_transport_sockets_tls_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_transport_sockets_tls_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_discovery_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/discovery/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_discovery_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/discovery/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_load_stats_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/load_stats/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_load_stats_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/load_stats/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_status_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/status/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_status_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/status/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_type_matcher_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/type/matcher/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_type_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/type/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_type_upb",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/type/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_type_upbdefs",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/type/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_orca_upb",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/data/orca/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_orca_service_upb",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/service/orca/v3:pkg"],
name = "grpc_health_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/health/v1:health_proto_descriptor"],
name = "google_rpc_status_upb",
deps = ["@com_google_googleapis//google/rpc:status_proto"],
name = "google_rpc_status_upbdefs",
deps = ["@com_google_googleapis//google/rpc:status_proto"],
name = "google_type_expr_upb",
deps = ["@com_google_googleapis//google/type:expr_proto"],
6 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lb/v1:load_balancer_proto_descriptor"],
name = "alts_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/gcp:alts_handshaker_proto"],
name = "rls_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1:rls_proto_descriptor"],
name = "rls_config_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1:rls_config_proto_descriptor"],
name = "rls_config_upbdefs",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1:rls_config_proto_descriptor"],
name = "protobuf_" + target + "_upb",
deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:" + target + "_proto"],
name = "protobuf_" + target + "_upbdefs",
deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:" + target + "_proto"],
name = "root_certificates",
srcs = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],