The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

265 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/cluster.pb.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/endpoint.pb.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/http_connection_manager.pb.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/listener.pb.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/route.pb.h"
#include "test/cpp/end2end/xds/xds_server.h"
namespace grpc {
namespace testing {
// A builder for the xDS bootstrap config.
class XdsBootstrapBuilder {
XdsBootstrapBuilder() {}
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetIgnoreResourceDeletion() {
ignore_resource_deletion_ = true;
return *this;
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetServers(absl::Span<const absl::string_view> servers) {
servers_ = std::vector<std::string>(servers.begin(), servers.end());
return *this;
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetXdsChannelCredentials(
const std::string& type, const std::string& config = "") {
xds_channel_creds_type_ = type;
xds_channel_creds_config_ = config;
return *this;
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetClientDefaultListenerResourceNameTemplate(
const std::string& client_default_listener_resource_name_template) {
client_default_listener_resource_name_template_ =
return *this;
XdsBootstrapBuilder& AddCertificateProviderPlugin(
const std::string& key, const std::string& name,
const std::string& plugin_config = "") {
plugins_[key] = {name, plugin_config};
return *this;
XdsBootstrapBuilder& AddAuthority(
const std::string& authority, const std::string& server = "",
const std::string& client_listener_resource_name_template = "") {
return AddAuthority(authority,
server.empty() ? std::vector<std::string>()
: std::vector<std::string>({server}),
XdsBootstrapBuilder& AddAuthority(
const std::string& authority, const std::vector<std::string>& servers,
const std::string& client_listener_resource_name_template = "") {
authorities_[authority] = {servers, client_listener_resource_name_template};
return *this;
XdsBootstrapBuilder& SetServerListenerResourceNameTemplate(
const std::string& server_listener_resource_name_template = "") {
server_listener_resource_name_template_ =
return *this;
std::string Build();
struct PluginInfo {
std::string name;
std::string plugin_config;
struct AuthorityInfo {
std::vector<std::string> servers;
std::string client_listener_resource_name_template;
std::string MakeXdsServersText(absl::Span<const std::string> server_uris);
std::string MakeNodeText();
std::string MakeCertificateProviderText();
std::string MakeAuthorityText();
bool ignore_resource_deletion_ = false;
std::vector<std::string> servers_;
std::string xds_channel_creds_type_ = "fake";
std::string xds_channel_creds_config_;
std::string client_default_listener_resource_name_template_;
std::map<std::string /*key*/, PluginInfo> plugins_;
std::map<std::string /*authority_name*/, AuthorityInfo> authorities_;
std::string server_listener_resource_name_template_ =
// Utilities for constructing xDS resources.
class XdsResourceUtils {
using HttpConnectionManager = envoy::extensions::filters::network::
using Listener = envoy::config::listener::v3::Listener;
using RouteConfiguration = envoy::config::route::v3::RouteConfiguration;
using Cluster = envoy::config::cluster::v3::Cluster;
using ClusterLoadAssignment =
// Interface for accessing HttpConnectionManager config in Listener.
class HcmAccessor {
virtual ~HcmAccessor() = default;
virtual HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const = 0;
virtual void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm,
Listener* listener) const = 0;
// Client-side impl.
class ClientHcmAccessor : public HcmAccessor {
HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const override;
void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm,
Listener* listener) const override;
// Server-side impl.
class ServerHcmAccessor : public HcmAccessor {
HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const override;
void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm,
Listener* listener) const override;
// Default values for locality fields.
static const char kDefaultLocalityRegion[];
static const char kDefaultLocalityZone[];
static const uint32_t kDefaultLocalityWeight = 3;
static const int kDefaultLocalityPriority = 0;
// Default resource names.
static const char kServerName[];
static const char kDefaultRouteConfigurationName[];
static const char kDefaultClusterName[];
static const char kDefaultEdsServiceName[];
static const char kDefaultServerRouteConfigurationName[];
// Returns default xDS resources.
static Listener DefaultListener();
static RouteConfiguration DefaultRouteConfig();
static Cluster DefaultCluster();
static Listener DefaultServerListener();
static RouteConfiguration DefaultServerRouteConfig();
static HttpConnectionManager DefaultHcm();
// Returns the name of the server-side xDS Listener resource for a
// backend on the specified port.
static std::string GetServerListenerName(int port);
// Returns a copy of listener_template with the server-side resource
// name and the port in the socket address populated.
static Listener PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort(
const Listener& listener_template, int port);
// Sets the Listener and RouteConfiguration resource on the specified
// balancer. If RDS is in use, they will be set as separate resources;
// otherwise, the RouteConfig will be inlined into the Listener.
static void SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration(
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, Listener listener,
const RouteConfiguration& route_config, bool use_rds = false,
const HcmAccessor& hcm_accessor = ClientHcmAccessor());
// A convenient wrapper for setting the Listener and
// RouteConfiguration resources on the server side.
static void SetServerListenerNameAndRouteConfiguration(
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service, Listener listener, int port,
const RouteConfiguration& route_config, bool use_rds = false) {
ads_service, PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort(listener, port),
route_config, use_rds, ServerHcmAccessor());
// Sets the RouteConfiguration resource on the specified balancer.
// If RDS is in use, it will be set directly as an independent
// resource; otherwise, it will be inlined into a Listener resource
// (either listener_to_copy, or if that is null, default_listener_).
static void SetRouteConfiguration(AdsServiceImpl* ads_service,
const RouteConfiguration& route_config,
bool use_rds = false,
const Listener* listener_to_copy = nullptr);
// Returns a string representing the locality with the specified sub_zone.
static std::string LocalityNameString(absl::string_view sub_zone);
// Arguments for constructing an EDS resource.
struct EdsResourceArgs {
// An individual endpoint for a backend running on a specified port.
struct Endpoint {
explicit Endpoint(int port,
::envoy::config::core::v3::HealthStatus health_status =
int lb_weight = 1,
std::vector<int> additional_ports = {})
: port(port),
additional_ports(std::move(additional_ports)) {}
int port;
::envoy::config::core::v3::HealthStatus health_status;
int lb_weight;
std::vector<int> additional_ports;
// A locality.
struct Locality {
Locality(std::string sub_zone, std::vector<Endpoint> endpoints,
uint32_t lb_weight = kDefaultLocalityWeight,
int priority = kDefaultLocalityPriority)
: sub_zone(std::move(sub_zone)),
priority(priority) {}
const std::string sub_zone;
std::vector<Endpoint> endpoints;
uint32_t lb_weight;
int priority;
EdsResourceArgs() = default;
explicit EdsResourceArgs(std::vector<Locality> locality_list)
: locality_list(std::move(locality_list)) {}
std::vector<Locality> locality_list;
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> drop_categories;
::envoy::type::v3::FractionalPercent::DenominatorType drop_denominator =
// Constructs an EDS resource.
static ClusterLoadAssignment BuildEdsResource(
const EdsResourceArgs& args,
absl::string_view eds_service_name = kDefaultEdsServiceName);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc