The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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%YAML 1.2
--- |
# This file has been automatically generated from a template file.
# Please make modifications to `templates/gRPC-C++.podspec.template`
# instead. This file can be regenerated from the template by running
# `tools/buildgen/`.
# gRPC C++ CocoaPods podspec
# Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
lib_maps = { lib for lib in libs}
filegroup_maps = { filegroup for filegroup in filegroups}
def ruby_multiline_list(files, indent):
return (',\n' + indent*' ').join('\'%s\'' % f for f in files)
def is_absl_lib(target_name):
return target_name.startswith("absl/")
def get_absl_spec_name(label):
# e.g. absl/apple:banana -> abseil/apple/banana
return "abseil/" + label[5:].replace(":", "/")
def lib_and_transitive_deps(lib):
"""Return names of lib itself and all of its transitive dependencies."""
[build metadata] Bazel to "other build systems" improvements (#33803) - Extract build metadata for some external dependencies from bazel build. This is achieved by letting analyze some external libraries and sources. The logic is basically the same as for internal libraries, I only needed to teach which external libraries it is allowed to analyze. * currently, the list of source files is automatically determined for `z`, `upb`, `re2` and `gtest` dependencies (at least for the case where we're building in "embedded" mode - e.g. mostly native extensions for python, php, ruby etc. - cmake has the ability to replace some of these dependencies by actual cmake dependency.) - Eliminate the need for manually written for some dependencies. - Make the info on target dependencies in build_autogenerated.yaml more accurate and complete. Until now, there were some depdendencies that were allowed to show up in build_autogenerated.yaml and some that were being skipped. This made generating the CMakeLists.txt and Makefile quite confusing (since some dependencies are being explicitly mentioned and some had to be assumed by the build system). - Overhaul the Makefile * the Makefile is currently only used internally (e.g. for ruby and PHP builds) * until now, the makefile wasn't really using the info about which targets depend on what libraries, but it was effectively hardcoding the depedendency data (by magically "knowing" what is the list of all the stuff that e.g. "grpc" depends on). * After the overhaul, the Makefile.template now actually looks at the library dependencies and uses them when generating the makefile. This gives a more correct and easier to maintain makefile. * since csharp is no longer on the master branch, remove all mentions of "csharp" targets in the Makefile. Other notable changes: - make capable of resolving workspace bind() rules (so that it knows the real name of the target that is referred to as e.g. `//external:xyz`) TODO: - [DONE] ~~pkgconfig C++ distribtest~~ - [DONE} ~~update third_party/README to reflect changes in how some deps get updated now.~~ Planned followups: - cleanup naming of some targets in build metadata and buildsystem templates: libssl vs boringssl, ares vs cares etc. - further cleanup of Makefile - further cleanup of CMakeLists.txt - remote the need from manually hardcoding extra metadata for targets in build_autogenerated.yaml. Either add logic that determines the properties of targets automatically, or use metadata from bazel BUILD.
2 years ago
transitive_deps = []
lib_metadata = lib_maps.get(lib, None)
if lib_metadata:
transitive_deps = lib_metadata.transitive_deps
return list(sorted(set({lib} | set(transitive_deps))))
def non_abseil_lib_and_transitive_deps(lib):
return [l for l in lib_and_transitive_deps(lib) if not is_absl_lib(l)]
def list_abseil_specs(lib):
# This returns a list of abseil specs which the given lib and
# its non-abseil transitive dependencies depend on.
# As a result, internal abseil libraries are excluded from the result.
absl_specs = set()
for lib_name in lib_and_transitive_deps(lib):
if is_absl_lib(lib_name): continue
[build metadata] Bazel to "other build systems" improvements (#33803) - Extract build metadata for some external dependencies from bazel build. This is achieved by letting analyze some external libraries and sources. The logic is basically the same as for internal libraries, I only needed to teach which external libraries it is allowed to analyze. * currently, the list of source files is automatically determined for `z`, `upb`, `re2` and `gtest` dependencies (at least for the case where we're building in "embedded" mode - e.g. mostly native extensions for python, php, ruby etc. - cmake has the ability to replace some of these dependencies by actual cmake dependency.) - Eliminate the need for manually written for some dependencies. - Make the info on target dependencies in build_autogenerated.yaml more accurate and complete. Until now, there were some depdendencies that were allowed to show up in build_autogenerated.yaml and some that were being skipped. This made generating the CMakeLists.txt and Makefile quite confusing (since some dependencies are being explicitly mentioned and some had to be assumed by the build system). - Overhaul the Makefile * the Makefile is currently only used internally (e.g. for ruby and PHP builds) * until now, the makefile wasn't really using the info about which targets depend on what libraries, but it was effectively hardcoding the depedendency data (by magically "knowing" what is the list of all the stuff that e.g. "grpc" depends on). * After the overhaul, the Makefile.template now actually looks at the library dependencies and uses them when generating the makefile. This gives a more correct and easier to maintain makefile. * since csharp is no longer on the master branch, remove all mentions of "csharp" targets in the Makefile. Other notable changes: - make capable of resolving workspace bind() rules (so that it knows the real name of the target that is referred to as e.g. `//external:xyz`) TODO: - [DONE] ~~pkgconfig C++ distribtest~~ - [DONE} ~~update third_party/README to reflect changes in how some deps get updated now.~~ Planned followups: - cleanup naming of some targets in build metadata and buildsystem templates: libssl vs boringssl, ares vs cares etc. - further cleanup of Makefile - further cleanup of CMakeLists.txt - remote the need from manually hardcoding extra metadata for targets in build_autogenerated.yaml. Either add logic that determines the properties of targets automatically, or use metadata from bazel BUILD.
2 years ago
lib_metadata = lib_maps.get(lib_name, None)
if lib_metadata:
for dep in lib_metadata.deps:
if is_absl_lib(dep):
return list(sorted(absl_specs))
def collect_files_for_libs(libs, fields):
files = set()
for lib_name in libs:
lib = lib_maps.get(lib_name, None)
if lib:
[build metadata] Bazel to "other build systems" improvements (#33803) - Extract build metadata for some external dependencies from bazel build. This is achieved by letting analyze some external libraries and sources. The logic is basically the same as for internal libraries, I only needed to teach which external libraries it is allowed to analyze. * currently, the list of source files is automatically determined for `z`, `upb`, `re2` and `gtest` dependencies (at least for the case where we're building in "embedded" mode - e.g. mostly native extensions for python, php, ruby etc. - cmake has the ability to replace some of these dependencies by actual cmake dependency.) - Eliminate the need for manually written for some dependencies. - Make the info on target dependencies in build_autogenerated.yaml more accurate and complete. Until now, there were some depdendencies that were allowed to show up in build_autogenerated.yaml and some that were being skipped. This made generating the CMakeLists.txt and Makefile quite confusing (since some dependencies are being explicitly mentioned and some had to be assumed by the build system). - Overhaul the Makefile * the Makefile is currently only used internally (e.g. for ruby and PHP builds) * until now, the makefile wasn't really using the info about which targets depend on what libraries, but it was effectively hardcoding the depedendency data (by magically "knowing" what is the list of all the stuff that e.g. "grpc" depends on). * After the overhaul, the Makefile.template now actually looks at the library dependencies and uses them when generating the makefile. This gives a more correct and easier to maintain makefile. * since csharp is no longer on the master branch, remove all mentions of "csharp" targets in the Makefile. Other notable changes: - make capable of resolving workspace bind() rules (so that it knows the real name of the target that is referred to as e.g. `//external:xyz`) TODO: - [DONE] ~~pkgconfig C++ distribtest~~ - [DONE} ~~update third_party/README to reflect changes in how some deps get updated now.~~ Planned followups: - cleanup naming of some targets in build metadata and buildsystem templates: libssl vs boringssl, ares vs cares etc. - further cleanup of Makefile - further cleanup of CMakeLists.txt - remote the need from manually hardcoding extra metadata for targets in build_autogenerated.yaml. Either add logic that determines the properties of targets automatically, or use metadata from bazel BUILD.
2 years ago
for field in fields:
files.update(lib.get(field, []))
return list(sorted(files))
def filter_grpcpp(files):
return sorted([file for file in files if not file.startswith("include/grpc++")])
# ObjectiveC doesn't use c-ares so we don't need address_sorting and cares files at all.
# absl deps will be declared explicitly so we also don't need to include them.
grpc_full_deps = set(non_abseil_lib_and_transitive_deps("grpc")) - set({"address_sorting", "cares"})
grpc_private_headers = collect_files_for_libs(grpc_full_deps, ("headers", ))
# grpc++ dependencies minus grpc and the libraries grpc itself depends on.
grpcpp_full_deps = set(non_abseil_lib_and_transitive_deps("grpc++")) - set(lib_and_transitive_deps("grpc"))
# TODO(jtattermusch): build.yaml no longer has filegroups, so the files here are just hand-listed
# This template shouldn't be touching the filegroups anyway, so this is only a bit more fragile.
grpcpp_proto_files = ['include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/config_protobuf.h',
grpcpp_private_files = filter_grpcpp(
set(collect_files_for_libs(grpcpp_full_deps, ("headers", "src")))
# We exclude proto related files in this particular podspec so that we can provide a protobuf-independent lib
- set(grpcpp_proto_files)
grpcpp_private_headers = filter_grpcpp(
set(collect_files_for_libs(grpcpp_full_deps, ("headers", )))
# We exclude proto related files in this particular podspec so that we can provide a protobuf-independent lib
- set(grpcpp_proto_files)
grpcpp_public_headers = filter_grpcpp(
set(collect_files_for_libs(grpcpp_full_deps, ("public_headers", )))
# We exclude proto related files in this particular podspec so that we can provide a protobuf-independent lib
- set(grpcpp_proto_files)
grpcpp_abseil_specs = list_abseil_specs("grpc++")
%> do |s| = 'gRPC-C++'
# TODO (mxyan): use version that match gRPC version when pod is stabilized
version = '${settings.version}'
s.version = version
s.summary = 'gRPC C++ library'
s.homepage = ''
s.license = 'Apache License, Version 2.0'
s.authors = { 'The gRPC contributors' => '' }
s.source = {
:git => '',
:tag => "v#{version}",
s.ios.deployment_target = '11.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.14'
s.tvos.deployment_target = '13.0'
s.watchos.deployment_target = '6.0'
s.visionos.deployment_target = '1.0'
s.requires_arc = false
name = 'grpcpp'
# Use `grpcpp` as framework name so that `#include <grpcpp/xxx.h>` works when built as
# framework.
s.module_name = name
# Add include prefix `grpcpp` so that `#include <grpcpp/xxx.h>` works when built as static
# library.
s.header_dir = name
s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(inherited)" "$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/include"',
' "$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/src/core/ext/upb-gen"'${"\\"}
' "$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/src/core/ext/upbdefs-gen"'${"\\"}
' "$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/third_party/re2"'${"\\"}
' "$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/third_party/upb"'${"\\"}
' "$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/third_party/xxhash"',
# If we don't set these two settings, `include/grpc/support/time.h` and
# `src/core/lib/support/string.h` shadow the system `<time.h>` and `<string.h>`, breaking the
# build.
s.libraries = 'c++'
s.compiler_flags = '-Wno-comma -Wno-unreachable-code -Wno-shorten-64-to-32'
s.default_subspecs = 'Interface', 'Implementation'
# Certificates, to be able to establish TLS connections:
s.resource_bundles = { 'gRPCCertificates-Cpp' => ['etc/roots.pem'] }
s.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpcpp'
# Exposes the privacy manifest. Depended on by any subspecs containing
# non-interface files.
s.subspec 'Privacy' do |ss|
ss.resource_bundles = {
s.module_name => 'src/objective-c/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy'
s.subspec 'Interface' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpcpp'
ss.source_files = ${ruby_multiline_list(grpcpp_public_headers, 22)}
s.subspec 'Implementation' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = '.'
ss.dependency "#{}/Privacy", version
ss.dependency "#{}/Interface", version
ss.dependency 'gRPC-Core', version
abseil_version = '~> 1.20240722.0'
% for abseil_spec in grpcpp_abseil_specs:
ss.dependency '${abseil_spec}', abseil_version
% endfor
ss.source_files = ${ruby_multiline_list(sorted(grpcpp_private_files + grpc_private_headers), 22)}
ss.private_header_files = ${ruby_multiline_list(sorted(grpcpp_private_headers + grpc_private_headers), 30)}
s.subspec 'Protobuf' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpcpp'
ss.dependency "#{}/Interface", version
ss.source_files = ${ruby_multiline_list(grpcpp_proto_files, 22)}
s.subspec 'Cronet-Interface' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpcpp'
ss.public_header_files = "include/grpcpp/security/cronet_credentials.h",
ss.source_files = "include/grpcpp/security/cronet_credentials.h",
s.subspec 'Cronet-Implementation' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = '.'
5 years ago
ss.dependency "#{}/Cronet-Interface", version
ss.dependency "#{}/Implementation", version
ss.dependency "#{}/Privacy", version
5 years ago
ss.dependency 'gRPC-Core/Cronet-Implementation', version
ss.source_files = "src/cpp/client/"
# patch include of openssl to openssl_grpc
s.prepare_command = <<-END_OF_COMMAND
set -e
find src/core -type f \\( -path '*.h' -or -path '*.cc' \\) -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sed -E -i'.grpc_back' 's;#include <openssl/(.*)>;#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include <openssl_grpc/\\1>\\\n#else\\\n #include <openssl/\\1>\\\n#endif;g'
find src/core/ -type f -name '*.grpc_back' -print0 | xargs -0 rm