The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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10 years ago
# GRPC global makefile
# This currently builds C and C++ code.
# Copyright 2014, Google Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
# distribution.
# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
# this software without specific prior written permission.
10 years ago
# Basic platform detection
HOST_SYSTEM = $(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d_)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),)
# Configurations
CC_opt = gcc
CXX_opt = g++
LD_opt = gcc
LDXX_opt = g++
CPPFLAGS_opt = -O2
CC_dbg = gcc
CXX_dbg = g++
LD_dbg = gcc
LDXX_dbg = g++
CPPFLAGS_dbg = -O0
VALID_CONFIG_valgrind = 1
CC_valgrind = gcc
CXX_valgrind = g++
LD_valgrind = gcc
LDXX_valgrind = g++
CPPFLAGS_valgrind = -O0
LDFLAGS_valgrind =
CC_tsan = clang
CXX_tsan = clang++
LD_tsan = clang
LDXX_tsan = clang++
CPPFLAGS_tsan = -O1 -fsanitize=thread -fno-omit-frame-pointer
OPENSSL_CONFIG_tsan = no-asm
LDFLAGS_tsan = -fsanitize=thread
CC_asan = clang
CXX_asan = clang++
LD_asan = clang
LDXX_asan = clang++
CPPFLAGS_asan = -O1 -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
OPENSSL_CONFIG_asan = no-asm
LDFLAGS_asan = -fsanitize=address
CC_msan = clang
CXX_msan = clang++-libc++
LD_msan = clang
LDXX_msan = clang++-libc++
CPPFLAGS_msan = -O1 -fsanitize=memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE=0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=1
OPENSSL_CONFIG_msan = no-asm
LDFLAGS_msan = -fsanitize=memory -DGTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE=0 -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=1
10 years ago
VALID_CONFIG_ubsan = 1
CC_ubsan = clang
CXX_ubsan = clang++
LD_ubsan = clang
LDXX_ubsan = clang++
CPPFLAGS_ubsan = -O1 -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer
OPENSSL_CONFIG_ubsan = no-asm
LDFLAGS_ubsan = -fsanitize=undefined
CC_gcov = gcc
CXX_gcov = g++
LD_gcov = gcc
LDXX_gcov = g++
CPPFLAGS_gcov = -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
LDFLAGS_gcov = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
10 years ago
# General settings.
# You may want to change these depending on your system.
prefix ?= /usr/local
PROTOC = protoc
CONFIG ?= opt
CC = $(CC_$(CONFIG))
LD = $(LD_$(CONFIG))
10 years ago
AR = ar
STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded
INSTALL = install -D
RM = rm -f
$(error Invalid CONFIG value '$(CONFIG)')
# The HOST compiler settings are used to compile the protoc plugins.
# In most cases, you won't have to change anything, but if you are
# cross-compiling, you can override these variables from GNU make's
# command line: make CC=cross-gcc HOST_CC=gcc
10 years ago
CFLAGS += -std=c89 -pedantic
CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
CPPFLAGS += -g -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-long-long -Wno-unused-parameter
10 years ago
10 years ago
INCLUDES = . include $(GENDIR)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
INCLUDES += /usr/local/ssl/include /opt/local/include
LIBS = m z
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/opt/local/lib
LIBS = rt m z pthread
LDFLAGS += -pthread
10 years ago
ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/src/gtest/src/,)
GTEST_LIB = /usr/src/gtest/src/ -I/usr/src/gtest
GTEST_LIB = -lgtest
GTEST_LIB += -lgflags
10 years ago
ifeq ($(V),1)
E = @:
Q =
E = @echo
Q = @
CPPFLAGS_NO_ARCH += $(addprefix -I, $(INCLUDES)) $(addprefix -D, $(DEFINES))
LDLIBS += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBS))
LDLIBSXX += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBSXX))
10 years ago
# These are automatically computed variables.
# There shouldn't be any need to change anything from now on.
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
SHARED_EXT = dylib
ifeq ($(SHARED_EXT),)
ifeq ($(wildcard .git),)
OPENSSL_ALPN_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/openssl-alpn.c -lssl -lcrypto -ldl $(LDFLAGS)
ZLIB_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/zlib.c -lz $(LDFLAGS)
PERFTOOLS_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/perftools.c -lprofiler $(LDFLAGS)
PROTOBUF_CHECK_CMD = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/ -lprotobuf $(LDFLAGS)
PROTOC_CHECK_CMD = protoc --version | grep -q libprotoc.3
HAS_SYSTEM_PERFTOOLS = $(shell $(PERFTOOLS_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)
LIBS += profiler
HAS_SYSTEM_OPENSSL_ALPN = $(shell $(OPENSSL_ALPN_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)
HAS_SYSTEM_ZLIB = $(shell $(ZLIB_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)
HAS_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF = $(shell $(PROTOBUF_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)
# override system libraries if the config requires a custom compiled library
HAS_VALID_PROTOC = $(shell $(PROTOC_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)
ifeq ($(wildcard third_party/openssl/ssl/ssl.h),)
ifeq ($(wildcard third_party/zlib/zlib.h),)
ifeq ($(wildcard third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h),)
ifneq ($(HAS_VALID_PROTOC),true)
NO_PROTOC = true
ifeq ($(HAS_SYSTEM_ZLIB),false)
ifeq ($(HAS_EMBEDDED_ZLIB),true)
ZLIB_DEP = $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/zlib/libz.a
CPPFLAGS += -Ithird_party/zlib
10 years ago
OPENSSL_DEP = $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/openssl/libssl.a
OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS += $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/openssl/libssl.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/openssl/libcrypto.a
CPPFLAGS += -Ithird_party/openssl/include
10 years ago
LDFLAGS += -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/openssl
NO_SECURE = true
LIBS_SECURE = ssl crypto dl
LDLIBS_SECURE += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBS_SECURE))
ifeq ($(HAS_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF),false)
PROTOBUF_DEP = $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf/libprotobuf.a
CPPFLAGS += -Ithird_party/protobuf/src
10 years ago
LDFLAGS += -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf
PROTOC = $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf/protoc
LIBS_PROTOBUF = protobuf
LIBS_PROTOC = protoc protobuf
LDLIBS_PROTOBUF += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBS_PROTOBUF))
HOST_LDLIBS_PROTOC += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBS_PROTOC))
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
NO_DEPS = true
10 years ago
.SECONDARY = %.pb.h
PROTOC_PLUGINS= $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin
ifeq ($(DEP_MISSING),)
10 years ago
all: static shared
@echo "You shouldn't see this message - all of your dependencies are correct."
all: dep_error git_update stop
@echo "You are missing system dependencies that are essential to build grpc,"
@echo "and the third_party directory doesn't have them:"
@echo " $(DEP_MISSING)"
@echo "Installing the development packages for your system will solve"
@echo "this issue. Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@echo " make run_dep_checks"
ifeq ($(IS_GIT_FOLDER),true)
@echo "Additionally, since you are in a git clone, you can download the"
@echo "missing dependencies in third_party by running the following command:"
@echo " git submodule update --init"
openssl_dep_error: openssl_dep_message git_update stop
protobuf_dep_error: protobuf_dep_message git_update stop
protoc_dep_error: protoc_dep_message git_update stop
@echo "The target you are trying to run requires OpenSSL with ALPN support."
@echo "Your system doesn't have it, and neither does the third_party directory."
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@echo " make run_dep_checks"
@echo "The target you are trying to run requires protobuf 3.0.0+"
@echo "Your system doesn't have it, and neither does the third_party directory."
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@echo " make run_dep_checks"
@echo "The target you are trying to run requires protobuf-compiler 3.0.0+"
@echo "Your system doesn't have it, and neither does the third_party directory."
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@echo " make run_dep_checks"
alarm_heap_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test
alarm_list_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test
alarm_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test
alpn_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test
bin_encoder_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test
census_hash_table_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test
census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test
census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test
census_statistics_performance_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test
census_statistics_quick_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test
census_statistics_small_log_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test
census_stats_store_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test
census_stub_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test
census_trace_store_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test
census_window_stats_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test
chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test
chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test
chttp2_stream_map_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test
chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test
dualstack_socket_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test
echo_client: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_client
echo_server: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_server
echo_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_test
fd_posix_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test
fling_client: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_client
fling_server: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_server
fling_stream_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test
fling_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_test
gen_hpack_tables: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables
gpr_cancellable_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test
gpr_cmdline_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test
gpr_env_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_env_test
gpr_file_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_file_test
gpr_histogram_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test
gpr_host_port_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test
gpr_log_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test
gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test
gpr_slice_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test
gpr_string_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test
gpr_sync_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test
gpr_thd_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test
gpr_time_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test
gpr_useful_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test
grpc_base64_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test
grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test
grpc_channel_stack_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test
grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark
grpc_completion_queue_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test
grpc_credentials_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test
grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2
grpc_json_token_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test
grpc_stream_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test
hpack_parser_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test
hpack_table_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test
httpcli_format_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test
httpcli_parser_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test
httpcli_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test
json_rewrite: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite
json_rewrite_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite_test
json_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_test
lame_client_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test
low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark
message_compress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test
metadata_buffer_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test
multi_init_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/multi_init_test
murmur_hash_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test
no_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test
poll_kick_posix_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_posix_test
resolve_address_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test
secure_endpoint_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test
sockaddr_utils_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test
tcp_client_posix_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test
tcp_posix_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test
tcp_server_posix_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test
time_averaged_stats_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test
time_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_test
timeout_encoding_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test
transport_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test
async_end2end_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test
channel_arguments_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test
cpp_plugin: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin
credentials_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test
end2end_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test
interop_client: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client
interop_server: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server
pubsub_client: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_client
pubsub_publisher_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_publisher_test
pubsub_subscriber_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_subscriber_test
qps_client: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_client
qps_server: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_server
ruby_plugin: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin
status_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test
thread_pool_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test
chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test
chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test
chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test
chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test
chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test
chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test
chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test
chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test
chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test
chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test
chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test
chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test
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chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
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chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test
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chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
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chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
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chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test
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chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test
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chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test
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chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test
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chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
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chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test
chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test
chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test
chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test
chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test
chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test
chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
$(ZLIB_CHECK_CMD) || true
$(E) "[MAKE] Building zlib"
$(Q)(cd third_party/zlib ; CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./configure --static)
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/zlib clean
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/zlib
$(Q)mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/zlib
$(Q)cp third_party/zlib/libz.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/zlib
$(E) "[MAKE] Building openssl for $(SYSTEM)"
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q)(cd third_party/openssl ; CC="$(CC) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc $(OPENSSL_CONFIG_$(CONFIG)))
$(Q)(cd third_party/openssl ; CC="$(CC) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./config $(OPENSSL_CONFIG_$(CONFIG)))
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/openssl clean
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/openssl build_crypto build_ssl
$(Q)mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/openssl
$(Q)cp third_party/openssl/libssl.a third_party/openssl/libcrypto.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/openssl
$(E) "[AUTOGEN] Preparing protobuf"
$(Q)(cd third_party/protobuf ; autoreconf -f -i -Wall,no-obsolete)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf/libprotobuf.a: third_party/protobuf/configure
$(E) "[MAKE] Building protobuf"
$(Q)(cd third_party/protobuf ; CC="$(CC)" CXX="$(CXX)" LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) -g" CXXFLAGS="-DLANG_CXX11 -std=c++11" CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) -g" ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static)
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/protobuf clean
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/protobuf
$(Q)mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf
$(Q)mkdir -p $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf
$(Q)cp third_party/protobuf/src/.libs/libprotoc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf
$(Q)cp third_party/protobuf/src/.libs/libprotobuf.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf
$(Q)cp third_party/protobuf/src/protoc $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/protobuf
static: static_c static_cxx
10 years ago
static_c: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a
10 years ago
static_cxx: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a
10 years ago
shared: shared_c shared_cxx
10 years ago
shared_c: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT)
10 years ago
shared_cxx: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT)
10 years ago
shared_csharp: shared_c $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT)
grpc_csharp_ext: shared_csharp
privatelibs: privatelibs_c privatelibs_cxx
privatelibs_c: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a
privatelibs_cxx: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a
buildtests: buildtests_c buildtests_cxx
buildtests_c: privatelibs_c $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_env_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_file_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/multi_init_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_posix_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and
buildtests_cxx: privatelibs_cxx $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_publisher_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_subscriber_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test
test: test_c test_cxx
test_c: buildtests_c
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_heap_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test || ( echo test alarm_heap_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_list_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test || ( echo test alarm_list_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test || ( echo test alarm_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing alpn_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test || ( echo test alpn_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing bin_encoder_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test || ( echo test bin_encoder_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_hash_table_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test || ( echo test census_hash_table_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test || ( echo test census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_multiple_writers_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test || ( echo test census_statistics_multiple_writers_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_performance_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test || ( echo test census_statistics_performance_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_quick_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test || ( echo test census_statistics_quick_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_small_log_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test || ( echo test census_statistics_small_log_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_stub_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test || ( echo test census_stub_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing census_window_stats_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test || ( echo test census_window_stats_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_status_conversion_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test || ( echo test chttp2_status_conversion_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_stream_encoder_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test || ( echo test chttp2_stream_encoder_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_stream_map_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test || ( echo test chttp2_stream_map_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_transport_end2end_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test || ( echo test chttp2_transport_end2end_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing dualstack_socket_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test || ( echo test dualstack_socket_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing echo_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_test || ( echo test echo_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing fd_posix_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test || ( echo test fd_posix_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing fling_stream_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test || ( echo test fling_stream_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing fling_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_test || ( echo test fling_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_cancellable_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test || ( echo test gpr_cancellable_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_cmdline_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test || ( echo test gpr_cmdline_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_env_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_env_test || ( echo test gpr_env_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_file_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_file_test || ( echo test gpr_file_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_histogram_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test || ( echo test gpr_histogram_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_host_port_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test || ( echo test gpr_host_port_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_log_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test || ( echo test gpr_log_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_slice_buffer_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test || ( echo test gpr_slice_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_slice_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test || ( echo test gpr_slice_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_string_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test || ( echo test gpr_string_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_sync_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test || ( echo test gpr_sync_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_thd_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test || ( echo test gpr_thd_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_time_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test || ( echo test gpr_time_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_useful_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test || ( echo test gpr_useful_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_base64_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test || ( echo test grpc_base64_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test || ( echo test grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_channel_stack_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test || ( echo test grpc_channel_stack_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_completion_queue_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test || ( echo test grpc_completion_queue_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_credentials_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test || ( echo test grpc_credentials_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_json_token_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test || ( echo test grpc_json_token_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_stream_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test || ( echo test grpc_stream_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing hpack_parser_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test || ( echo test hpack_parser_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing hpack_table_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test || ( echo test hpack_table_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing httpcli_format_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test || ( echo test httpcli_format_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing httpcli_parser_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test || ( echo test httpcli_parser_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing httpcli_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test || ( echo test httpcli_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing json_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_test || ( echo test json_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing lame_client_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test || ( echo test lame_client_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing message_compress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test || ( echo test message_compress_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing metadata_buffer_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test || ( echo test metadata_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing multi_init_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/multi_init_test || ( echo test multi_init_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing murmur_hash_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test || ( echo test murmur_hash_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing no_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test || ( echo test no_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing poll_kick_posix_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_posix_test || ( echo test poll_kick_posix_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing resolve_address_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test || ( echo test resolve_address_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing secure_endpoint_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test || ( echo test secure_endpoint_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing sockaddr_utils_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test || ( echo test sockaddr_utils_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_client_posix_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_client_posix_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_posix_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_posix_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_server_posix_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_server_posix_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing time_averaged_stats_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test || ( echo test time_averaged_stats_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing time_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_test || ( echo test time_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing timeout_encoding_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test || ( echo test timeout_encoding_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing transport_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test || ( echo test transport_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test failed ; exit 1 )
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
test_cxx: buildtests_cxx
$(E) "[RUN] Testing async_end2end_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test || ( echo test async_end2end_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing channel_arguments_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test || ( echo test channel_arguments_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing credentials_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test || ( echo test credentials_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing end2end_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test || ( echo test end2end_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing pubsub_publisher_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_publisher_test || ( echo test pubsub_publisher_test failed ; exit 1 )
$(E) "[RUN] Testing pubsub_subscriber_test"
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_subscriber_test || ( echo test pubsub_subscriber_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing status_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test || ( echo test status_test failed ; exit 1 )
10 years ago
$(E) "[RUN] Testing thread_pool_test"
10 years ago
$(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test || ( echo test thread_pool_test failed ; exit 1 )
tools: privatelibs $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2
10 years ago
buildbenchmarks: privatelibs $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark
10 years ago
benchmarks: buildbenchmarks
strip: strip-static strip-shared
strip-static: strip-static_c strip-static_cxx
strip-shared: strip-shared_c strip-shared_cxx
# TODO(nnoble): the strip target is stripping in-place, instead
# of copying files in a temporary folder.
# This prevents proper debugging after running make install.
strip-static_c: static_c
ifeq ($(CONFIG),opt)
10 years ago
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping libgpr.a"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping libgrpc.a"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping libgrpc_unsecure.a"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a
10 years ago
strip-static_cxx: static_cxx
ifeq ($(CONFIG),opt)
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping libgrpc++.a"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a
strip-shared_c: shared_c
ifeq ($(CONFIG),opt)
10 years ago
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT)
10 years ago
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT)
10 years ago
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT)
10 years ago
strip-shared_cxx: shared_cxx
ifeq ($(CONFIG),opt)
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT)
strip-shared_csharp: shared_csharp
ifeq ($(CONFIG),opt)
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping"
$(Q) $(STRIP) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT)
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ examples/pubsub/empty.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ examples/pubsub/label.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ examples/pubsub/pubsub.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ test/cpp/interop/empty.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ test/cpp/interop/messages.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ test/cpp/interop/test.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/ test/cpp/qps/qpstest.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ test/cpp/util/echo.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true)
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ protoc_dep_error
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ test/cpp/util/messages.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $<
10 years ago
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/%.o : %.c
10 years ago
$(E) "[C] Compiling $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $@)) -c -o $@ $<
10 years ago
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/%.o : $(GENDIR)/
10 years ago
$(E) "[CXX] Compiling $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $@)) -c -o $@ $<
10 years ago
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/%.o : src/compiler/
$(E) "[HOSTCXX] Compiling $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(HOST_CXX) $(HOST_CXXFLAGS) $(HOST_CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $@)) -c -o $@ $<
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/%.o :
10 years ago
$(E) "[CXX] Compiling $<"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $@)) -c -o $@ $<
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
10 years ago
install: install_c install_cxx
install_c: install-headers_c install-static_c install-shared_c
install_cxx: install-headers_cxx install-static_cxx install-shared_cxx
install_csharp: install-shared_csharp install_c
install_grpc_csharp_ext: install_csharp
install-headers: install-headers_c install-headers_cxx
10 years ago
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing public C headers"
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_C), $(INSTALL) $(h) $(prefix)/$(h) && ) exit 0 || exit 1
10 years ago
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing public C++ headers"
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_CXX), $(INSTALL) $(h) $(prefix)/$(h) && ) exit 0 || exit 1
install-static: install-static_c install-static_cxx
install-static_c: static_c strip-static_c
10 years ago
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgpr.a"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(prefix)/lib/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc.a"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc_unsecure.a"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc_unsecure.a
10 years ago
install-static_cxx: static_cxx strip-static_cxx
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc++.a"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc++.a
install-shared_c: shared_c strip-shared_c
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing gpr.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/gpr.$(SHARED_EXT)
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr-imp.a $(prefix)/lib/libgpr-imp.a
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ln -sf libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing grpc.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/grpc.$(SHARED_EXT)
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc-imp.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc-imp.a
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing grpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/grpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT)
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure-imp.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc_unsecure-imp.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ldconfig
10 years ago
install-shared_cxx: shared_cxx strip-shared_cxx
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing grpc++.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/grpc++.$(SHARED_EXT)
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++-imp.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc++-imp.a
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ldconfig
install-shared_csharp: shared_csharp strip-shared_csharp
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing grpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/grpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT)
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext-imp.a $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc_csharp_ext-imp.a
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT)"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(prefix)/lib/
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ldconfig
10 years ago
$(Q) $(RM) -rf $(OBJDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(GENDIR)
10 years ago
# The various libraries
src/core/support/alloc.c \
src/core/support/cancellable.c \
src/core/support/cmdline.c \
src/core/support/cpu_linux.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/cpu_posix.c \
src/core/support/cpu_windows.c \
src/core/support/env_linux.c \
src/core/support/env_posix.c \
src/core/support/env_win32.c \
src/core/support/file.c \
src/core/support/file_posix.c \
src/core/support/file_win32.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/histogram.c \
src/core/support/host_port.c \
src/core/support/log.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/log_android.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/log_linux.c \
src/core/support/log_posix.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/log_win32.c \
src/core/support/murmur_hash.c \
src/core/support/slice.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/slice_buffer.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/string.c \
src/core/support/string_posix.c \
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
src/core/support/string_win32.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/sync.c \
src/core/support/sync_posix.c \
src/core/support/sync_win32.c \
10 years ago
src/core/support/thd_posix.c \
src/core/support/thd_win32.c \
src/core/support/time.c \
src/core/support/time_posix.c \
src/core/support/time_win32.c \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/alloc.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/atm.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/atm_gcc_atomic.h \
include/grpc/support/atm_gcc_sync.h \
include/grpc/support/atm_win32.h \
include/grpc/support/cancellable_platform.h \
include/grpc/support/cmdline.h \
include/grpc/support/histogram.h \
include/grpc/support/host_port.h \
include/grpc/support/log.h \
include/grpc/support/log_win32.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/port_platform.h \
include/grpc/support/slice.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/slice_buffer.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/sync.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/sync_generic.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/support/sync_posix.h \
include/grpc/support/sync_win32.h \
include/grpc/support/thd.h \
include/grpc/support/time.h \
include/grpc/support/useful.h \
LIBGPR_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGPR_SRC))))
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LIBGPR_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,--output-def=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr.def -Wl,--out-implib=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr-imp.a -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGPR_OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -dynamiclib -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGPR_OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGPR_OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
$(Q) ln -sf libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
$(Q) ln -sf libgpr.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGPR_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/util/test_config.c \
LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
10 years ago
test/core/util/test_config.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
src/core/security/auth.c \
src/core/security/base64.c \
src/core/security/credentials.c \
src/core/security/factories.c \
src/core/security/google_root_certs.c \
src/core/security/json_token.c \
src/core/security/secure_endpoint.c \
src/core/security/secure_transport_setup.c \
src/core/security/security_context.c \
src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c \
src/core/tsi/fake_transport_security.c \
src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.c \
src/core/tsi/transport_security.c \
10 years ago
src/core/channel/call_op_string.c \
src/core/channel/census_filter.c \
src/core/channel/channel_args.c \
src/core/channel/channel_stack.c \
src/core/channel/child_channel.c \
10 years ago
src/core/channel/client_channel.c \
src/core/channel/client_setup.c \
src/core/channel/connected_channel.c \
src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c \
src/core/channel/http_filter.c \
src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c \
src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c \
src/core/channel/noop_filter.c \
src/core/compression/algorithm.c \
src/core/compression/message_compress.c \
src/core/httpcli/format_request.c \
src/core/httpcli/httpcli.c \
src/core/httpcli/httpcli_security_context.c \
src/core/httpcli/parser.c \
src/core/iomgr/alarm.c \
src/core/iomgr/alarm_heap.c \
src/core/iomgr/endpoint.c \
src/core/iomgr/endpoint_pair_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/iocp_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c \
src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/iomgr_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_epoll.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/pollset_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/resolve_address.c \
src/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_linux.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_eventfd.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_nospecial.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_pipe.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_posix.c \
src/core/json/json.c \
src/core/json/json_reader.c \
src/core/json/json_string.c \
src/core/json/json_writer.c \
src/core/statistics/census_init.c \
src/core/statistics/census_log.c \
src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c \
src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c \
src/core/statistics/hash_table.c \
src/core/statistics/window_stats.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/byte_buffer.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/byte_buffer_queue.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader.c \
src/core/surface/call.c \
src/core/surface/call_details.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/channel.c \
src/core/surface/channel_create.c \
src/core/surface/client.c \
src/core/surface/completion_queue.c \
src/core/surface/event_string.c \
src/core/surface/init.c \
src/core/surface/lame_client.c \
src/core/surface/metadata_array.c \
src/core/surface/secure_channel_create.c \
src/core/surface/secure_server_create.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/server.c \
src/core/surface/server_chttp2.c \
src/core/surface/server_create.c \
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
src/core/transport/chttp2/alpn.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder.c \
10 years ago
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_data.c \
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_goaway.c \
10 years ago
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_ping.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_rst_stream.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_settings.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_window_update.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c \
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
src/core/transport/chttp2/huffsyms.c \
10 years ago
src/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c \
10 years ago
src/core/transport/metadata.c \
src/core/transport/stream_op.c \
src/core/transport/transport.c \
include/grpc/grpc_security.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc/byte_buffer.h \
include/grpc/byte_buffer_reader.h \
include/grpc/grpc.h \
include/grpc/status.h \
LIBGRPC_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a: openssl_dep_error
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc.$(SHARED_EXT): openssl_dep_error
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT): openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
src/core/security/auth.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/base64.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/credentials.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/factories.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/google_root_certs.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/json_token.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/secure_endpoint.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/secure_transport_setup.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/security_context.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/tsi/fake_transport_security.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/tsi/transport_security.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/call_op_string.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/census_filter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/channel_args.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/channel_stack.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/child_channel.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/client_channel.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/client_setup.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/connected_channel.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/http_filter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/channel/noop_filter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/compression/algorithm.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/compression/message_compress.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/httpcli/format_request.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/httpcli/httpcli.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/httpcli/httpcli_security_context.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/httpcli/parser.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/alarm.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/alarm_heap.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/endpoint.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/endpoint_pair_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/iocp_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/iomgr_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_epoll.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/pollset_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/resolve_address.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_linux.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/socket_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/tcp_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/tcp_windows.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_eventfd.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_nospecial.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_pipe.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/json/json.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/json/json_reader.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/json/json_string.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/json/json_writer.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/statistics/census_init.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/statistics/census_log.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/statistics/hash_table.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/statistics/window_stats.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/byte_buffer.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/core/surface/byte_buffer_queue.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/call.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/call_details.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/channel.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/channel_create.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/client.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/completion_queue.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/event_string.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/init.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/lame_client.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/metadata_array.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/secure_channel_create.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/secure_server_create.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/server.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/server_chttp2.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/surface/server_create.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/alpn.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_data.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_goaway.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_ping.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_rst_stream.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_settings.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_window_update.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/huffsyms.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/metadata.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/stream_op.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/core/transport/transport.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBGRPC_OBJS)
$(Q) rm -rf tmp-merge
$(Q) mkdir tmp-merge
10 years ago
$(Q) ( cd tmp-merge ; $(AR) x ../$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a )
$(Q) for l in $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) ; do ( cd tmp-merge ; ar x ../$${l} ) ; done
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a tmp-merge/__.SYMDEF*
$(Q) ar rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a tmp-merge/*
$(Q) rm -rf tmp-merge
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,--output-def=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc.def -Wl,--out-implib=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc-imp.a -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgpr-imp
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgpr
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGRPC_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
src/csharp/ext/grpc_csharp_ext.c \
LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.a: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT): openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT): openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
10 years ago
src/csharp/ext/grpc_csharp_ext.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.a $(LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OBJS)
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.a
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,--output-def=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_csharp_ext.def -Wl,--out-implib=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext-imp.a -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgpr-imp -lgrpc-imp
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -dynamiclib -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgpr -lgrpc
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgpr -lgrpc
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc_csharp_ext.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c \
test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c \
test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c \
test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c \
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c \
test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c \
test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.c \
test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.c \
10 years ago
test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c \
test/core/util/parse_hexstring.c \
10 years ago
test/core/util/port_posix.c \
10 years ago
test/core/util/slice_splitter.c \
LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/util/parse_hexstring.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
test/core/util/port_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/util/slice_splitter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
src/core/channel/call_op_string.c \
src/core/channel/census_filter.c \
src/core/channel/channel_args.c \
src/core/channel/channel_stack.c \
src/core/channel/child_channel.c \
src/core/channel/client_channel.c \
src/core/channel/client_setup.c \
src/core/channel/connected_channel.c \
src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c \
src/core/channel/http_filter.c \
src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c \
src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c \
src/core/channel/noop_filter.c \
src/core/compression/algorithm.c \
src/core/compression/message_compress.c \
src/core/httpcli/format_request.c \
src/core/httpcli/httpcli.c \
src/core/httpcli/httpcli_security_context.c \
src/core/httpcli/parser.c \
src/core/iomgr/alarm.c \
src/core/iomgr/alarm_heap.c \
src/core/iomgr/endpoint.c \
src/core/iomgr/endpoint_pair_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/iocp_windows.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c \
src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/iomgr_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_epoll.c \
src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/pollset_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/resolve_address.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_linux.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/socket_windows.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_windows.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/tcp_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_windows.c \
src/core/iomgr/tcp_windows.c \
10 years ago
src/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_eventfd.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_nospecial.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_pipe.c \
src/core/iomgr/wakeup_fd_posix.c \
src/core/json/json.c \
src/core/json/json_reader.c \
src/core/json/json_string.c \
src/core/json/json_writer.c \
10 years ago
src/core/statistics/census_init.c \
src/core/statistics/census_log.c \
src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c \
src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c \
src/core/statistics/hash_table.c \
src/core/statistics/window_stats.c \
src/core/surface/byte_buffer.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/byte_buffer_queue.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader.c \
src/core/surface/call.c \
src/core/surface/call_details.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/channel.c \
src/core/surface/channel_create.c \
src/core/surface/client.c \
src/core/surface/completion_queue.c \
src/core/surface/event_string.c \
src/core/surface/init.c \
src/core/surface/lame_client.c \
src/core/surface/metadata_array.c \
10 years ago
src/core/surface/secure_channel_create.c \
src/core/surface/secure_server_create.c \
src/core/surface/server.c \
src/core/surface/server_chttp2.c \
src/core/surface/server_create.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/alpn.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_data.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_goaway.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_ping.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_rst_stream.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_settings.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/frame_window_update.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/huffsyms.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.c \
src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c \
src/core/transport/metadata.c \
src/core/transport/stream_op.c \
src/core/transport/transport.c \
10 years ago
include/grpc/byte_buffer.h \
include/grpc/byte_buffer_reader.h \
include/grpc/grpc.h \
include/grpc/status.h \
LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_SRC))))
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,--output-def=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_unsecure.def -Wl,--out-implib=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure-imp.a -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) -lgpr-imp
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -dynamiclib -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) -lgpr
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) -lgpr
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc_unsecure.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
-include $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
src/cpp/client/ \
src/cpp/client/ \
src/cpp/client/ \
src/cpp/client/ \
10 years ago
src/cpp/client/ \
src/cpp/client/ \
src/cpp/client/ \
10 years ago
src/cpp/common/ \
src/cpp/common/ \
10 years ago
src/cpp/common/ \
src/cpp/proto/ \
src/cpp/server/ \
src/cpp/server/ \
10 years ago
src/cpp/server/ \
10 years ago
src/cpp/server/ \
src/cpp/server/ \
src/cpp/util/ \
src/cpp/util/ \
include/grpc++/async_unary_call.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc++/channel_arguments.h \
include/grpc++/channel_interface.h \
include/grpc++/client_context.h \
include/grpc++/completion_queue.h \
include/grpc++/config.h \
include/grpc++/create_channel.h \
include/grpc++/credentials.h \
include/grpc++/impl/call.h \
include/grpc++/impl/client_unary_call.h \
10 years ago
include/grpc++/impl/internal_stub.h \
include/grpc++/impl/rpc_method.h \
include/grpc++/impl/rpc_service_method.h \
include/grpc++/server.h \
include/grpc++/server_builder.h \
include/grpc++/server_context.h \
include/grpc++/server_credentials.h \
include/grpc++/status.h \
include/grpc++/stream.h \
LIBGRPC++_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC++_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc++.$(SHARED_EXT): openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT): openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOBUF),true)
# You can't build a C++ library if you don't have protobuf - a bit overreached, but still okay.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a: protobuf_dep_error
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc++.$(SHARED_EXT): protobuf_dep_error
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT): protobuf_dep_error
10 years ago
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
10 years ago
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/client/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/cpp/common/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/common/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/cpp/common/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/proto/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/server/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/server/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/cpp/server/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
src/cpp/server/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/server/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/util/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
src/cpp/util/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBGRPC++_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a
10 years ago
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,--output-def=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc++.def -Wl,--out-implib=$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++-imp.a -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC++_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgrpc-imp
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBGRPC++_OBJS) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(OPENSSL_MERGE_LIBS) -lgrpc
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
$(Q) ln -sf libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGRPC++_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ \
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ \
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ \
10 years ago
test/cpp/util/ \
LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOBUF),true)
# You can't build a C++ library if you don't have protobuf - a bit overreached, but still okay.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a: protobuf_dep_error
10 years ago
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/cpp/util/messages.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
test/cpp/util/echo.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/cpp/util/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.o: $(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ $(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/ $(GENDIR)/test/cpp/util/
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ \
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ \
$(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ \
examples/pubsub/ \
examples/pubsub/ \
LIBPUBSUB_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBPUBSUB_CLIENT_LIB_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a: openssl_dep_error
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOBUF),true)
# You can't build a C++ library if you don't have protobuf - a bit overreached, but still okay.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a: protobuf_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
examples/pubsub/label.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
examples/pubsub/empty.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
examples/pubsub/pubsub.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
examples/pubsub/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
examples/pubsub/ $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBPUBSUB_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBPUBSUB_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/examples/pubsub/publisher.o: $(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ $(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ $(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/examples/pubsub/subscriber.o: $(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ $(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/ $(GENDIR)/examples/pubsub/
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fake_security.c \
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fake_security.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fullstack.c \
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fullstack.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fullstack_uds.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fullstack_uds.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.c \
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.c \
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_socket_pair.c \
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_socket_pair.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.c \
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_OBJS)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_after_accept.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_after_invoke.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_before_invoke.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_in_a_vacuum.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/census_simple_request.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/disappearing_server.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/empty_batch.c \
LIBEND2END_TEST_EMPTY_BATCH_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EMPTY_BATCH_SRC))))
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EMPTY_BATCH_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EMPTY_BATCH_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/invoke_large_request.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/max_concurrent_streams.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/no_op.c \
LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_SRC))))
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/ping_pong_streaming.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_payload.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/request_with_large_metadata.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_with_payload.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/simple_delayed_request.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/simple_request.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/thread_stress.c \
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_after_accept_legacy.c \
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_OBJS)
10 years ago
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_after_invoke_legacy.c \
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_before_invoke_legacy.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/census_simple_request_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/disappearing_server_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/invoke_large_request_legacy.c \
10 years ago
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/max_concurrent_streams_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/no_op_legacy.c \
10 years ago
LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_LEGACY_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_LEGACY_SRC))))
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/tests/ping_pong_streaming_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_payload_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_with_large_metadata_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/request_with_payload_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/simple_delayed_request_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/simple_request_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/thread_stress_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/tests/writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.c \
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_OBJS)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c \
test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c \
10 years ago
test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c \
test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c \
LIBEND2END_CERTS_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBEND2END_CERTS_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a: openssl_dep_error
ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),)
# This is to ensure the embedded OpenSSL is built beforehand, properly
# installing headers to their final destination on the drive. We need this
# otherwise parallel compilation will fail if a source is compiled first.
test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP)
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a
$(Q) $(AR) rcs $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBEND2END_CERTS_OBJS)
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ranlib $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LIBEND2END_CERTS_OBJS:.o=.dep)
# All of the test targets, and protoc plugins
test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.c \
ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test: $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_alarm_heap_test: $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c \
ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test: $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_alarm_list_test: $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.c \
ALARM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test: $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_alarm_test: $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/chttp2/alpn_test.c \
ALPN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALPN_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test: $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/alpn_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_alpn_test: $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder_test.c \
BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test: $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_bin_encoder_test: $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c \
CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test: $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_hash_table_test: $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/statistics/performance_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/performance_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_statistics_performance_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/statistics/quick_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/quick_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_statistics_quick_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/statistics/small_log_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/small_log_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_statistics_small_log_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/statistics/rpc_stats_test.c \
CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test: $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/rpc_stats_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_stats_store_test: $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/statistics/census_stub_test.c \
CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test: $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/census_stub_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_stub_test: $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/statistics/trace_test.c \
CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test: $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/trace_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_trace_store_test: $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/statistics/window_stats_test.c \
CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test: $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/window_stats_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_census_window_stats_test: $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder_test.c \
CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c \
CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_chttp2_stream_map_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/chttp2_transport_end2end_test.c \
CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2_transport_end2end_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/end2end/dualstack_socket_test.c \
DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test: $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/dualstack_socket_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_dualstack_socket_test: $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/echo/client.c \
ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_CLIENT_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_client: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_client: $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_client
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/client.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_echo_client: $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/echo/server.c \
ECHO_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_SERVER_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_server: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_server: $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_server
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/server.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_echo_server: $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/echo/echo_test.c \
ECHO_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_test: $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/echo_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/echo_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_echo_test: $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c \
FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FD_POSIX_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test: $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_fd_posix_test: $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/fling/client.c \
FLING_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_CLIENT_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_client: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_client: $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_client
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/client.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_fling_client: $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/fling/server.c \
FLING_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_SERVER_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_server: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_server: $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_server
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/server.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_fling_server: $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.c \
FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test: $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_fling_stream_test: $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/fling/fling_test.c \
FLING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_test: $(FLING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/fling_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/fling_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_fling_test: $(FLING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(FLING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
src/core/transport/chttp2/gen_hpack_tables.c \
GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables: $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/core/transport/chttp2/gen_hpack_tables.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a
deps_gen_hpack_tables: $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/cancellable_test.c \
GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test: $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/cancellable_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_cancellable_test: $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/cmdline_test.c \
GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test: $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/cmdline_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_cmdline_test: $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/env_test.c \
GPR_ENV_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_ENV_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_env_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_env_test: $(GPR_ENV_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_ENV_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_env_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/env_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_env_test: $(GPR_ENV_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_ENV_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/file_test.c \
GPR_FILE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_FILE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_file_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_file_test: $(GPR_FILE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_FILE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_file_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/file_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_file_test: $(GPR_FILE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_FILE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/histogram_test.c \
GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test: $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/histogram_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_histogram_test: $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/host_port_test.c \
GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test: $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/host_port_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_host_port_test: $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/log_test.c \
GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_LOG_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test: $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/log_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_log_test: $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/slice_buffer_test.c \
GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/slice_buffer_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/slice_test.c \
GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test: $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/slice_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_slice_test: $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/string_test.c \
GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_STRING_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test: $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/string_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_string_test: $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/sync_test.c \
GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test: $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/sync_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_sync_test: $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/thd_test.c \
GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_THD_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test: $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/thd_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_thd_test: $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/time_test.c \
GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_TIME_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test: $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/time_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_time_test: $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/useful_test.c \
GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test: $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/useful_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_gpr_useful_test: $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/security/base64_test.c \
GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test: $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/base64_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_base64_test: $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader_test.c \
GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c \
GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test: $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_channel_stack_test: $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c \
GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_completion_queue_test: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/security/credentials_test.c \
GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test: $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/credentials_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_credentials_test: $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/security/fetch_oauth2.c \
GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/fetch_oauth2.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/security/json_token_test.c \
GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test: $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/json_token_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_json_token_test: $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/stream_op_test.c \
GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test: $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/stream_op_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_grpc_stream_op_test: $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser_test.c \
HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test: $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_hpack_parser_test: $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c \
HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test: $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_hpack_table_test: $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/httpcli/format_request_test.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test: $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/format_request_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_httpcli_format_request_test: $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/httpcli/parser_test.c \
HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test: $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/parser_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_httpcli_parser_test: $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/httpcli/httpcli_test.c \
HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test: $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/httpcli_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_httpcli_test: $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/json/json_rewrite.c \
JSON_REWRITE_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(JSON_REWRITE_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite: $(JSON_REWRITE_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(JSON_REWRITE_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/json/json_rewrite.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_json_rewrite: $(JSON_REWRITE_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(JSON_REWRITE_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/json/json_rewrite_test.c \
JSON_REWRITE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(JSON_REWRITE_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite_test: $(JSON_REWRITE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(JSON_REWRITE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_rewrite_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/json/json_rewrite_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_json_rewrite_test: $(JSON_REWRITE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(JSON_REWRITE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/json/json_test.c \
JSON_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(JSON_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_test: $(JSON_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(JSON_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/json_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/json/json_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_json_test: $(JSON_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(JSON_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/surface/lame_client_test.c \
LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test: $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/lame_client_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_lame_client_test: $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/network_benchmarks/low_level_ping_pong.c \
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/network_benchmarks/low_level_ping_pong.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/compression/message_compress_test.c \
MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test: $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/compression/message_compress_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_message_compress_test: $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c \
METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test: $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_metadata_buffer_test: $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/surface/multi_init_test.c \
MULTI_INIT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MULTI_INIT_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/multi_init_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/multi_init_test: $(MULTI_INIT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MULTI_INIT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/multi_init_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/multi_init_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_multi_init_test: $(MULTI_INIT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(MULTI_INIT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/support/murmur_hash_test.c \
MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test: $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/murmur_hash_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_murmur_hash_test: $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/end2end/no_server_test.c \
NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(NO_SERVER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test: $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/no_server_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_no_server_test: $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_posix_test.c \
POLL_KICK_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(POLL_KICK_POSIX_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_posix_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_posix_test: $(POLL_KICK_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(POLL_KICK_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_posix_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_posix_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_poll_kick_posix_test: $(POLL_KICK_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(POLL_KICK_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c \
RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test: $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_resolve_address_test: $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/security/secure_endpoint_test.c \
SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test: $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/secure_endpoint_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_secure_endpoint_test: $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c \
SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test: $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_sockaddr_utils_test: $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c \
TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test: $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_tcp_client_posix_test: $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.c \
TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test: $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_tcp_posix_test: $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.c \
TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test: $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_tcp_server_posix_test: $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.c \
TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test: $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_time_averaged_stats_test: $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/core/support/time_test.c \
TIME_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIME_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_test: $(TIME_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIME_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/time_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/time_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_time_test: $(TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.c \
TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test: $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_timeout_encoding_test: $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/core/transport/metadata_test.c \
TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test: $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/metadata_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_transport_metadata_test: $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
test/cpp/end2end/ \
ASYNC_END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ASYNC_END2END_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test: $(ASYNC_END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(ASYNC_END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/async_end2end_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_async_end2end_test: $(ASYNC_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(ASYNC_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/cpp/client/ \
CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test: $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_channel_arguments_test: $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
src/compiler/ \
src/compiler/ \
CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CPP_PLUGIN_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOBUF),true)
# You can't build the protoc plugins if you don't have protobuf 3.0.0+.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin: protobuf_dep_error
$(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
deps_cpp_plugin: $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/cpp/client/ \
CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test: $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_credentials_test: $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/cpp/end2end/ \
END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(END2END_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test: $(END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_end2end_test: $(END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ \
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ \
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ \
test/cpp/interop/ \
INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(INTEROP_CLIENT_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client: $(INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/empty.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/messages.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/client.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_interop_client: $(INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ \
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ \
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/interop/ \
test/cpp/interop/ \
INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(INTEROP_SERVER_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server: $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/empty.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/messages.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/server.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_interop_server: $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
examples/pubsub/ \
PUBSUB_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(PUBSUB_CLIENT_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_client: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_client: $(PUBSUB_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(PUBSUB_CLIENT_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_client
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/examples/pubsub/main.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_pubsub_client: $(PUBSUB_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(PUBSUB_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
examples/pubsub/ \
PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_publisher_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_publisher_test: $(PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_publisher_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/examples/pubsub/publisher_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_pubsub_publisher_test: $(PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
examples/pubsub/ \
PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBER_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_subscriber_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_subscriber_test: $(PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBER_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pubsub_subscriber_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/examples/pubsub/subscriber_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libpubsub_client_lib.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_pubsub_subscriber_test: $(PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/ \
test/cpp/qps/ \
QPS_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(QPS_CLIENT_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_client: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_client: $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_client
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_qps_client: $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
$(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/ \
test/cpp/qps/ \
QPS_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(QPS_SERVER_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_server: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_server: $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_server
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_qps_server: $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep)
src/compiler/ \
src/compiler/ \
RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(RUBY_PLUGIN_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_PROTOBUF),true)
# You can't build the protoc plugins if you don't have protobuf 3.0.0+.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin: protobuf_dep_error
$(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
deps_ruby_plugin: $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/cpp/util/ \
STATUS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(STATUS_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test: $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/status_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_status_test: $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
test/cpp/server/ \
THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test: $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test
$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
deps_thread_pool_test: $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
10 years ago
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_SRC))))
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack_uds.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_fullstack_uds_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_UDS_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
10 years ago
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
10 years ago
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
10 years ago
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test
10 years ago
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
10 years ago
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_SRC))))
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
-include $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_empty_batch.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_empty_batch_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EMPTY_BATCH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
10 years ago
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_large_metadata_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_large_metadata_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_LARGE_METADATA_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_with_payload_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_with_payload_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_WITH_PAYLOAD_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN.
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: openssl_dep_error
$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@"
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_legacy_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_LEGACY_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true)
ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true)
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
Updating moe_db.txt with the latest equivalence since the ruby import changed the exported structure. Change on 2014/12/01 by nnoble <> ------------- new [] file for grpc testing. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fix unfinished calls in thread_stress_test. Previously we had an early return if we cancelled a stream part way through a message. Correct this, so that half close and full close signals are propagated up the stack correctly so that higher level state machines can see the termination. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Remove dependency on internal C code. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Turn off the flaky bit from thread_stress_test. Change on 2014/12/02 by ctiller <> ------------- Add test cases of empty request/response, request streaming, response streaming, and half duplex streaming. Bring up the GFE/ESF for mannual test: [] build java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa:server_components_env []-bin/java/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/server_components_env --manual --rpc_port=25000 --use_autobahn Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Make echo/server.c and fling/server.c shutdown cleanly on SIGINT, and update the relevant tests to exercise this mechanism. Now "[] coverage" and the memory leak detector are able to see into the server processes. Change on 2014/12/02 by pmarks <> ------------- Allow the # of channels to be configurable in this performance test. The threads will use the channels in statically-defined round-robin order (not based on when RPCs complete on any channel). The interesting cases are #channels=1 or #channels=#threads (we previously only had the latter case) Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Fixed a typo and reworded a comment. Change on 2014/12/02 by gnezdo <> ------------- Require the grpc_call in this ClientContext to be NULL before allowing set_call to be invoked. Otherwise, it's an indication of a leak somewhere. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Correctly return status other than ok and add a test for it. Change on 2014/12/02 by yangg <> ------------- Better C++ guards for grpc_security.h Change on 2014/12/02 by nnoble <> ------------- Use nullptr instead of NULL for consistency. Change on 2014/12/02 by vpai <> ------------- Updates the ruby gRPC service class to require the serialization method to be a static method - this brings it inline with the proto3 ruby API - it adds a monkey patch to allow existing proto (beefcake) to continue working. Change on 2014/12/02 by temiola <> ------------- Adding a buildable unit to the blue print file. Added the buildable unit as its name will be usesd as tap project id. This test will fail right away in tap until tests are actually added. Change on 2014/12/02 by donnadionne <> ------------- Move interop ESF C++ server from Java to grpc directory. Tests passed: [] test javatests/com/google/net/[]/testing/integration/hexa/... [] test net/grpc/testing/interop/esf_server/... Change on 2014/12/02 by chenw <> ------------- Return a lame channel as opposed to NULL when secure channel creation fails. - Looks like we're going to need something similar server-side. - I changed the prototype of the lame client channel factory to take an explicit void as I think this is better practice in C. Let me know if you disagree and I will revert these changes. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- Putting ALPN support where it belongs. Change on 2014/12/02 by jboeuf <> ------------- GOAWAY send path. Sends a GOAWAY frame when shutting down. This is not read and understood yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Adds support for secure channels and servers. - wraps new C apis (credentials, server_credentials) and Server#add_secure_http_port - adds tests to ensure credentials and server credentials can be created - updates client_server_spec to run the client_server wrapper layer end-to-end tests using a secure channel Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Fix existing issues regarding out of order events. At the client side, using pluck as the client_metadata_read can happen anytime after invoke. At the server side, allow halfclose_ok and rpc_end to come in reverse order. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Don't track coverage of tests. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Change UnaryCall to conform standard test requirement of LargeUnaryCall. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- updating alpn version to h2-15 ensure all interop are on the same version and working. Java and go are not ready for h2-16 yet. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Add config to bring echo server in []. This is used to test production GFE as its bckend. Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- In preparation for fixing shutdown race issues, change em to take ownership of the file descriptor. Add an API to grpc_tcp to take an already created grpc_em_fd object, and change tcp_client to use that API. This is needed because otherwise an em user's close() of the file descriptor may race with libevent internals. That's not an issue yet because destroy() frees the events inline, but that can't be done safely if there is a concurrent poller. Change on 2014/12/03 by klempner <> ------------- Fixing TAP opensource build We don't want to compile and run C++ tests in the C target. Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Move and separate interop tests by languages. Small fixes to the test runner. Improving logging. Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Fixing the opensource build: -) The C/C++ split wasn't done up to the 'dep' target level -) The alpn.c file was missing from build.json Change on 2014/12/03 by nnoble <> ------------- Adding blue print files after projects exist Change on 2014/12/03 by donnadionne <> ------------- Refactor StreamContext using the new completion_queue_pluck API. The dedicated the poller thread has been removed. This CL keeps the current behavior to make it short. There is one following to make it usable for both client and server. The tags for pluck is based on the address of this StreamContext object for potential debug use. The Read/Write and Wait cannot be called concurrently now and this might need to be fixed. Change on 2014/12/03 by yangg <> ------------- Binary encoding utilities. Support base64 encoding, HPACK static huffman encoding, and doing both at once. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Enforce Makefile regeneration in presubmits. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Make CloseSend() send a real zero-length control message to indicate EOS. Change on 2014/12/03 by zhaoq <> ------------- Prefer to create dualstack sockets for TCP clients and servers, with automatic fallback for environments where IPV6_V6ONLY can't be turned off. Change on 2014/12/03 by pmarks <> ------------- Add opensource path to build targets. Ensure that MOE is going to run. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- Add PingPong test case. Delete FullDuplex test case. The latter is not specified for client in Change on 2014/12/03 by chenw <> ------------- Make check out the generated targets. Change on 2014/12/03 by ctiller <> ------------- rspec cleanup - stops declaring specs within the GRPC module - splits Bidi streaming specs into a separate test suite adding tests in the GRPC module was a mistake, it pollutes the module and can affect other tests that run later by the test runner the bidi tests are currently flaky, having them run in their own test suite allows having two separate continuous builds (once ruby gRPC is on GitHub), one that includes bidi where we tolerate flakiness, and another that does not, where there should be no flakiness at all Change on 2014/12/03 by temiola <> ------------- Adding support for composite and IAM credentials. - For now, we don't do any checks on credentials compatibility in the composite credentials. Maybe we'll add that later. - Refactored the end to end security tests so that we always use the public API (except for the fake security context which is not exposed). Change on 2014/12/03 by jboeuf <> ------------- Make GPR library buildable in Visual Studio 2013. Change on 2014/12/04 by jtattermusch <> ------------- Adds codegen for ruby This is being added now that ruby's proto and grpc apis are defined and stable Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Prevent NewStream() from sending negative or 0 timeout. Change on 2014/12/04 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add a grpc_sockaddr_to_string() function, and use it when logging bind failures. Also improve const-correctness in some earlier code. I'm not certain whether inet_ntop() will need any platform-specific implementations, but for now the compiler offers no complaints. Demo: $ []-bin/net/grpc/c/echo_server ... tcp_server.c:139] bind addr=[::ffff:]:80: Permission denied Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Refactoring - moves c wrapped classes to a submodule Google::RPC::Core - this allows for an explicit rule when reading through gRPC ruby code for telling when an object is pure ruby or wrapped C Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixes the bidi_call [] Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Fixing dev build when activating surface traces. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Updates the tests to reflect that fact that some Credentials compose works. Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Making the generate_project_test actually do something. Change on 2014/12/04 by nnoble <> ------------- Rename "esf_server" to "[]4_server". Delete "test_sever" from Java directory. Change on 2014/12/04 by chenw <> ------------- Added PHP client interop tests. Tested large_unary against the C++ server. Change on 2014/12/04 by mlumish <> ------------- Refactor grpc_create_dualstack_socket() by pulling the setsockopt into its own function. This separates the magic test flag from the real fallback logic. Change on 2014/12/04 by pmarks <> ------------- Fixes the type of the constant used for test cert hostname Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Disabling these tests as they're causing flakiness. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Change intptr --> uintptr. Handles the case where a void* turns into a negative number, which then gets hashed into a negative bucket and segfaults. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Add a test fixture to force parsers to handle one byte at a time. This should expand coverage and hopefully prevent errors at some point (it seems to pass out of the box for now though). Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- The code generator isn't +x. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Updates math_client and math_server to allow construction using crednetials By: - Extending rpc_server constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param - Extending client_stub constructor so that it takes a credentials keyword param Change on 2014/12/04 by temiola <> ------------- Format output a little more nicely. Print each line of output separately - previously was truncating this at some maximum length, and logs were getting lost. Change on 2014/12/04 by ctiller <> ------------- Up timeout for this test. Under TSAN, if we process one byte at a time, this timeout can be reached - and I think this is the cause of the following flake: [] Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Adding more error logging for ssl. Change on 2014/12/05 by jboeuf <> ------------- Read path for goaway. Still need to add hooks to deprecate a channel on the client side when goaway is received. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Separate accept() into server_accept() and server_end_of_initial_metadata(). This allows servers to initiate reads before finishing writing metadata. Change on 2014/12/05 by ctiller <> ------------- Fix for breakage 11512317 - adding missing test files. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- grpc c++ server side streaming support. This is based on [] There is a lot of room to clean up the internal implementation which may require refactoring of CompletionQueue. The current cl serves as a working implementation with the missing interfaces. The sample generated files are included and will be removed before submitting. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Changed to the latest timeout format again (search "grpc-timeout" in [] for the spec). Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Fixing opensource build. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Making absolutely sure we can do the moe export by adding a sh_test for it. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Change :scheme psuedo-header from "grpc" to "http" or "https". Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Add server credential wrapping for c++ server. It only wraps ssl and []2 for now. The ServerCredentials class and the factory class are in a similar fashion as client side wrapping. The difference is the factory method returns shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr as the server builder needs to keep a reference to it for actually creating the server later. The integration will happen in a following cl. Change on 2014/12/05 by yangg <> ------------- Fixed bugs in Change on 2014/12/05 by mlumish <> ------------- In secure endpoint, hold a refcount for the life of a write callback if the write does not complete immediately. Change on 2014/12/05 by klempner <> ------------- Add migration support to MOE and have TAP verify it doesn't break. Migration support allows mirroring commits from [] into the git repo, instead of just a dump of the current source. Change on 2014/12/05 by ejona <> ------------- Change initial window size to 65535 according http2 draft 15. Change on 2014/12/05 by zhaoq <> ------------- Re-enable the flaky cases in dualstack_socket_test, with additional logging to help track down the problem if it surfaces again. This also seems like a good opportunity to make grpc_socket_utils a separate library, as it's not really specific to TCP. Example output: logspam: [], 26570) resolved 2 addrs in 37ms: logspam: [0] [::1]:26570 logspam: [1] Change on 2014/12/05 by pmarks <> ------------- Opensource build fixes. -) A function that has a return type should actually return something. -) Don't pass unsigned chars to strlen and strncmp. Change on 2014/12/05 by nnoble <> ------------- Created by MOE: MOE_MIGRATED_REVID=81458281
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
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10 years ago