* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// IWYU pragma: private
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <grpc/impl/codegen/compression_types.h>
#include <grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/byte_buffer.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call_hook.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call_op_set_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/client_context.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/completion_queue_tag.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/config.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/core_codegen_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/intercepted_channel.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/interceptor_common.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/serialization_traits.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/slice.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/string_ref.h>
namespace grpc {
extern CoreCodegenInterface* g_core_codegen_interface;
namespace internal {
class Call;
class CallHook;
// TODO(yangg) if the map is changed before we send, the pointers will be a
// mess. Make sure it does not happen.
inline grpc_metadata* FillMetadataArray(
const std::multimap<std::string, std::string>& metadata,
size_t* metadata_count, const std::string& optional_error_details) {
*metadata_count = metadata.size() + (optional_error_details.empty() ? 0 : 1);
if (*metadata_count == 0) {
return nullptr;
grpc_metadata* metadata_array =
(*metadata_count) * sizeof(grpc_metadata)));
size_t i = 0;
for (auto iter = metadata.cbegin(); iter != metadata.cend(); ++iter, ++i) {
metadata_array[i].key = SliceReferencingString(iter->first);
metadata_array[i].value = SliceReferencingString(iter->second);
if (!optional_error_details.empty()) {
metadata_array[i].key =
kBinaryErrorDetailsKey, sizeof(kBinaryErrorDetailsKey) - 1);
metadata_array[i].value = SliceReferencingString(optional_error_details);
return metadata_array;
} // namespace internal
/// Per-message write options.
class WriteOptions {
WriteOptions() : flags_(0), last_message_(false) {}
/// Clear all flags.
inline void Clear() { flags_ = 0; }
/// Returns raw flags bitset.
inline uint32_t flags() const { return flags_; }
/// Sets flag for the disabling of compression for the next message write.
inline WriteOptions& set_no_compression() {
return *this;
/// Clears flag for the disabling of compression for the next message write.
inline WriteOptions& clear_no_compression() {
return *this;
/// Get value for the flag indicating whether compression for the next
/// message write is forcefully disabled.
inline bool get_no_compression() const {
/// Sets flag indicating that the write may be buffered and need not go out on
/// the wire immediately.
inline WriteOptions& set_buffer_hint() {
return *this;
/// Clears flag indicating that the write may be buffered and need not go out
/// on the wire immediately.
inline WriteOptions& clear_buffer_hint() {
return *this;
/// Get value for the flag indicating that the write may be buffered and need
/// not go out on the wire immediately.
inline bool get_buffer_hint() const { return GetBit(GRPC_WRITE_BUFFER_HINT); }
/// corked bit: aliases set_buffer_hint currently, with the intent that
/// set_buffer_hint will be removed in the future
inline WriteOptions& set_corked() {
return *this;
inline WriteOptions& clear_corked() {
return *this;
inline bool is_corked() const { return GetBit(GRPC_WRITE_BUFFER_HINT); }
/// last-message bit: indicates this is the last message in a stream
/// client-side: makes Write the equivalent of performing Write, WritesDone
/// in a single step
/// server-side: hold the Write until the service handler returns (sync api)
/// or until Finish is called (async api)
inline WriteOptions& set_last_message() {
last_message_ = true;
return *this;
/// Clears flag indicating that this is the last message in a stream,
/// disabling coalescing.
inline WriteOptions& clear_last_message() {
last_message_ = false;
return *this;
/// Guarantee that all bytes have been written to the socket before completing
/// this write (usually writes are completed when they pass flow control).
inline WriteOptions& set_write_through() {
return *this;
inline bool is_write_through() const { return GetBit(GRPC_WRITE_THROUGH); }
/// Get value for the flag indicating that this is the last message, and
/// should be coalesced with trailing metadata.
bool is_last_message() const { return last_message_; }
void SetBit(const uint32_t mask) { flags_ |= mask; }
void ClearBit(const uint32_t mask) { flags_ &= ~mask; }
bool GetBit(const uint32_t mask) const { return (flags_ & mask) != 0; }
uint32_t flags_;
bool last_message_;
namespace internal {
/// Default argument for CallOpSet. The Unused parameter is unused by
/// the class, but can be used for generating multiple names for the
/// same thing.
template <int Unused>
class CallNoOp {
void AddOp(grpc_op* /*ops*/, size_t* /*nops*/) {}
void FinishOp(bool* /*status*/) {}
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {}
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {}
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {
class CallOpSendInitialMetadata {
CallOpSendInitialMetadata() : send_(false) {
maybe_compression_level_.is_set = false;
void SendInitialMetadata(std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* metadata,
uint32_t flags) {
maybe_compression_level_.is_set = false;
send_ = true;
flags_ = flags;
metadata_map_ = metadata;
void set_compression_level(grpc_compression_level level) {
maybe_compression_level_.is_set = true;
maybe_compression_level_.level = level;
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (!send_ || hijacked_) return;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->flags = flags_;
op->reserved = nullptr;
initial_metadata_ =
FillMetadataArray(*metadata_map_, &initial_metadata_count_, "");
op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = initial_metadata_count_;
op->data.send_initial_metadata.metadata = initial_metadata_;
op->data.send_initial_metadata.maybe_compression_level.is_set =
if (maybe_compression_level_.is_set) {
op->data.send_initial_metadata.maybe_compression_level.level =
void FinishOp(bool* /*status*/) {
if (!send_ || hijacked_) return;
send_ = false;
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (!send_) return;
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {}
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {
hijacked_ = true;
bool hijacked_ = false;
bool send_;
uint32_t flags_;
size_t initial_metadata_count_;
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* metadata_map_;
grpc_metadata* initial_metadata_;
struct {
bool is_set;
grpc_compression_level level;
} maybe_compression_level_;
class CallOpSendMessage {
CallOpSendMessage() : send_buf_() {}
/// Send \a message using \a options for the write. The \a options are cleared
/// after use.
template <class M>
Status SendMessage(const M& message,
WriteOptions options) GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT;
template <class M>
Status SendMessage(const M& message) GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT;
/// Send \a message using \a options for the write. The \a options are cleared
/// after use. This form of SendMessage allows gRPC to reference \a message
/// beyond the lifetime of SendMessage.
template <class M>
Status SendMessagePtr(const M* message,
WriteOptions options) GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT;
/// This form of SendMessage allows gRPC to reference \a message beyond the
/// lifetime of SendMessage.
template <class M>
Status SendMessagePtr(const M* message) GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT;
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (msg_ == nullptr && !send_buf_.Valid()) return;
if (hijacked_) {
serializer_ = nullptr;
if (msg_ != nullptr) {
serializer_ = nullptr;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->flags = write_options_.flags();
op->reserved = nullptr;
op->data.send_message.send_message = send_buf_.c_buffer();
// Flags are per-message: clear them after use.
void FinishOp(bool* status) {
if (msg_ == nullptr && !send_buf_.Valid()) return;
if (hijacked_ && failed_send_) {
// Hijacking interceptor failed this Op
*status = false;
} else if (!*status) {
// This Op was passed down to core and the Op failed
failed_send_ = true;
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (msg_ == nullptr && !send_buf_.Valid()) return;
interceptor_methods->SetSendMessage(&send_buf_, &msg_, &failed_send_,
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (msg_ != nullptr || send_buf_.Valid()) {
msg_ = nullptr;
// The contents of the SendMessage value that was previously set
// has had its references stolen by core's operations
interceptor_methods->SetSendMessage(nullptr, nullptr, &failed_send_,
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {
hijacked_ = true;
const void* msg_ = nullptr; // The original non-serialized message
bool hijacked_ = false;
bool failed_send_ = false;
ByteBuffer send_buf_;
WriteOptions write_options_;
std::function<Status(const void*)> serializer_;
template <class M>
Status CallOpSendMessage::SendMessage(const M& message, WriteOptions options) {
write_options_ = options;
// Serialize immediately since we do not have access to the message pointer
bool own_buf;
// TODO(vjpai): Remove the void below when possible
// The void in the template parameter below should not be needed
// (since it should be implicit) but is needed due to an observed
// difference in behavior between clang and gcc for certain internal users
Status result = SerializationTraits<M, void>::Serialize(
message, send_buf_.bbuf_ptr(), &own_buf);
if (!own_buf) {
return result;
template <class M>
Status CallOpSendMessage::SendMessage(const M& message) {
return SendMessage(message, WriteOptions());
template <class M>
Status CallOpSendMessage::SendMessagePtr(const M* message,
WriteOptions options) {
msg_ = message;
write_options_ = options;
// Store the serializer for later since we have access to the message
serializer_ = [this](const void* message) {
bool own_buf;
// TODO(vjpai): Remove the void below when possible
// The void in the template parameter below should not be needed
// (since it should be implicit) but is needed due to an observed
// difference in behavior between clang and gcc for certain internal users
Status result = SerializationTraits<M, void>::Serialize(
*static_cast<const M*>(message), send_buf_.bbuf_ptr(), &own_buf);
if (!own_buf) {
return result;
return Status();
template <class M>
Status CallOpSendMessage::SendMessagePtr(const M* message) {
return SendMessagePtr(message, WriteOptions());
template <class R>
class CallOpRecvMessage {
void RecvMessage(R* message) { message_ = message; }
// Do not change status if no message is received.
void AllowNoMessage() { allow_not_getting_message_ = true; }
bool got_message = false;
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (message_ == nullptr || hijacked_) return;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->flags = 0;
op->reserved = nullptr;
op->data.recv_message.recv_message = recv_buf_.c_buffer_ptr();
void FinishOp(bool* status) {
if (message_ == nullptr) return;
if (recv_buf_.Valid()) {
if (*status) {
got_message = *status =
SerializationTraits<R>::Deserialize(recv_buf_.bbuf_ptr(), message_)
} else {
got_message = false;
} else if (hijacked_) {
if (hijacked_recv_message_failed_) {
} else {
// The op was hijacked and it was successful. There is no further action
// to be performed since the message is already in its non-serialized
// form.
} else {
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (message_ == nullptr) return;
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (message_ == nullptr) return;
if (!got_message) interceptor_methods->SetRecvMessage(nullptr, nullptr);
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
hijacked_ = true;
if (message_ == nullptr) return;
got_message = true;
// Sets got_message and \a status for a failed recv message op
void FinishOpRecvMessageFailureHandler(bool* status) {
got_message = false;
if (!allow_not_getting_message_) {
*status = false;
R* message_ = nullptr;
ByteBuffer recv_buf_;
bool allow_not_getting_message_ = false;
bool hijacked_ = false;
bool hijacked_recv_message_failed_ = false;
class DeserializeFunc {
virtual Status Deserialize(ByteBuffer* buf) = 0;
virtual ~DeserializeFunc() {}
template <class R>
class DeserializeFuncType final : public DeserializeFunc {
explicit DeserializeFuncType(R* message) : message_(message) {}
Status Deserialize(ByteBuffer* buf) override {
return SerializationTraits<R>::Deserialize(buf->bbuf_ptr(), message_);
~DeserializeFuncType() override {}
R* message_; // Not a managed pointer because management is external to this
class CallOpGenericRecvMessage {
template <class R>
void RecvMessage(R* message) {
// Use an explicit base class pointer to avoid resolution error in the
// following unique_ptr::reset for some old implementations.
DeserializeFunc* func = new DeserializeFuncType<R>(message);
message_ = message;
// Do not change status if no message is received.
void AllowNoMessage() { allow_not_getting_message_ = true; }
bool got_message = false;
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (!deserialize_ || hijacked_) return;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->flags = 0;
op->reserved = nullptr;
op->data.recv_message.recv_message = recv_buf_.c_buffer_ptr();
void FinishOp(bool* status) {
if (!deserialize_) return;
if (recv_buf_.Valid()) {
if (*status) {
got_message = true;
*status = deserialize_->Deserialize(&recv_buf_).ok();
} else {
got_message = false;
} else if (hijacked_) {
if (hijacked_recv_message_failed_) {
} else {
// The op was hijacked and it was successful. There is no further action
// to be performed since the message is already in its non-serialized
// form.
} else {
got_message = false;
if (!allow_not_getting_message_) {
*status = false;
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (!deserialize_) return;
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (!deserialize_) return;
if (!got_message) interceptor_methods->SetRecvMessage(nullptr, nullptr);
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
hijacked_ = true;
if (!deserialize_) return;
got_message = true;
// Sets got_message and \a status for a failed recv message op
void FinishOpRecvMessageFailureHandler(bool* status) {
got_message = false;
if (!allow_not_getting_message_) {
*status = false;
void* message_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<DeserializeFunc> deserialize_;
ByteBuffer recv_buf_;
bool allow_not_getting_message_ = false;
bool hijacked_ = false;
bool hijacked_recv_message_failed_ = false;
class CallOpClientSendClose {
CallOpClientSendClose() : send_(false) {}
void ClientSendClose() { send_ = true; }
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (!send_ || hijacked_) return;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->flags = 0;
op->reserved = nullptr;
void FinishOp(bool* /*status*/) { send_ = false; }
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (!send_) return;
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {}
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {
hijacked_ = true;
bool hijacked_ = false;
bool send_;
class CallOpServerSendStatus {
CallOpServerSendStatus() : send_status_available_(false) {}
void ServerSendStatus(
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* trailing_metadata,
const Status& status) {
send_error_details_ = status.error_details();
metadata_map_ = trailing_metadata;
send_status_available_ = true;
send_status_code_ = static_cast<grpc_status_code>(status.error_code());
send_error_message_ = status.error_message();
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (!send_status_available_ || hijacked_) return;
trailing_metadata_ = FillMetadataArray(
*metadata_map_, &trailing_metadata_count_, send_error_details_);
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->data.send_status_from_server.trailing_metadata_count =
op->data.send_status_from_server.trailing_metadata = trailing_metadata_;
op->data.send_status_from_server.status = send_status_code_;
error_message_slice_ = SliceReferencingString(send_error_message_);
op->data.send_status_from_server.status_details =
send_error_message_.empty() ? nullptr : &error_message_slice_;
op->flags = 0;
op->reserved = nullptr;
void FinishOp(bool* /*status*/) {
if (!send_status_available_ || hijacked_) return;
send_status_available_ = false;
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (!send_status_available_) return;
interceptor_methods->SetSendStatus(&send_status_code_, &send_error_details_,
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {}
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* /*interceptor_methods*/) {
hijacked_ = true;
bool hijacked_ = false;
bool send_status_available_;
grpc_status_code send_status_code_;
std::string send_error_details_;
std::string send_error_message_;
size_t trailing_metadata_count_;
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* metadata_map_;
grpc_metadata* trailing_metadata_;
grpc_slice error_message_slice_;
class CallOpRecvInitialMetadata {
CallOpRecvInitialMetadata() : metadata_map_(nullptr) {}
void RecvInitialMetadata(::grpc::ClientContext* context) {
context->initial_metadata_received_ = true;
metadata_map_ = &context->recv_initial_metadata_;
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (metadata_map_ == nullptr || hijacked_) return;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->data.recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = metadata_map_->arr();
op->flags = 0;
op->reserved = nullptr;
void FinishOp(bool* /*status*/) {
if (metadata_map_ == nullptr || hijacked_) return;
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (metadata_map_ == nullptr) return;
metadata_map_ = nullptr;
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
hijacked_ = true;
if (metadata_map_ == nullptr) return;
bool hijacked_ = false;
MetadataMap* metadata_map_;
class CallOpClientRecvStatus {
: recv_status_(nullptr), debug_error_string_(nullptr) {}
void ClientRecvStatus(::grpc::ClientContext* context, Status* status) {
client_context_ = context;
metadata_map_ = &client_context_->trailing_metadata_;
recv_status_ = status;
error_message_ = g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_empty_slice();
void AddOp(grpc_op* ops, size_t* nops) {
if (recv_status_ == nullptr || hijacked_) return;
grpc_op* op = &ops[(*nops)++];
op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = metadata_map_->arr();
op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &status_code_;
op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &error_message_;
op->data.recv_status_on_client.error_string = &debug_error_string_;
op->flags = 0;
op->reserved = nullptr;
void FinishOp(bool* /*status*/) {
if (recv_status_ == nullptr || hijacked_) return;
if (static_cast<StatusCode>(status_code_) == StatusCode::OK) {
Avoid creating and copying strings when Status is OK in FinishOp.
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.21µs ± 2% -0.73% (p=0.002 n=19+19)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.33µs ± 1% 1.33µs ± 1% -0.71% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/134217728 [polls/iter:0 ] 161ms ± 1% 160ms ± 1% -0.67% (p=0.002 n=16+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.21µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.32µs ± 1% 1.31µs ± 1% -0.81% (p=0.000 n=16+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.33µs ± 1% 1.32µs ± 1% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.36µs ± 1% 1.36µs ± 1% -0.43% (p=0.020 n=17+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.9µs ± 2% 10.8µs ± 2% -0.71% (p=0.022 n=18+20)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<MinInProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.21µs ± 1% 1.20µs ± 1% -0.89% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<MinInProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.20µs ± 1% -1.40% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.48µs ± 5% 6.25µs ± 4% -3.45% (p=0.000 n=20+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.60µs ± 6% 6.36µs ± 2% -3.66% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.61µs ± 7% 6.37µs ± 3% -3.59% (p=0.000 n=20+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.65µs ± 6% 6.48µs ± 3% -2.57% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.56µs ± 5% 6.35µs ± 3% -3.29% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.64µs ± 6% 6.55µs ± 5% -1.43% (p=0.050 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.64µs ± 6% 6.50µs ± 4% -2.10% (p=0.030 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.72µs ± 4% 6.56µs ± 1% -2.34% (p=0.000 n=18+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.69µs ± 2% 6.55µs ± 2% -2.12% (p=0.000 n=17+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.71µs ± 2% 6.55µs ± 2% -2.39% (p=0.000 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.97µs ± 3% 6.82µs ± 1% -2.16% (p=0.000 n=18+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.74µs ± 1% 7.60µs ± 1% -1.81% (p=0.000 n=20+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.77µs ± 2% 7.63µs ± 2% -1.74% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.98µs ± 1% 8.92µs ± 2% -0.61% (p=0.028 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.9µs ± 1% 15.8µs ± 0% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=19+15)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 16.3µs ± 1% 16.2µs ± 2% -0.77% (p=0.005 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 86.2µs ± 1% 86.1µs ± 0% -0.18% (p=0.036 n=19+15)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.44µs ± 6% 6.28µs ± 6% -2.50% (p=0.044 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.62µs ± 5% 6.39µs ± 5% -3.50% (p=0.008 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.57µs ± 7% 6.39µs ± 4% -2.71% (p=0.001 n=20+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.41µs ± 2% 6.35µs ± 6% -0.84% (p=0.001 n=18+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.60µs ± 3% 6.51µs ± 4% -1.33% (p=0.002 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.62µs ± 2% 6.47µs ± 1% -2.25% (p=0.000 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.87µs ± 1% 6.76µs ± 1% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=18+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.65µs ± 2% 7.59µs ± 3% -0.82% (p=0.006 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.66µs ± 1% 7.54µs ± 2% -1.52% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.91µs ± 2% 8.80µs ± 1% -1.20% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.8µs ± 0% 15.7µs ± 0% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=17+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 16.3µs ± 2% 16.1µs ± 1% -1.21% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 25.6µs ± 2% 25.4µs ± 1% -0.66% (p=0.002 n=19+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.16µs ± 5% 7.05µs ± 2% -1.45% (p=0.012 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.29µs ± 5% 7.12µs ± 2% -2.43% (p=0.001 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<10>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.66µs ± 3% 7.56µs ± 2% -1.28% (p=0.001 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.83µs ± 3% 7.70µs ± 2% -1.60% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.96µs ± 2% 7.83µs ± 2% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<10>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.13µs ± 5% 6.93µs ± 2% -2.73% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.14µs ± 2% 7.01µs ± 2% -1.88% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.24µs ± 2% 7.09µs ± 2% -2.17% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<10>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.96µs ± 1% 6.93µs ± 2% -0.53% (p=0.004 n=17+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<31>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.08µs ± 2% 6.99µs ± 1% -1.32% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<100>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.26µs ± 3% 7.19µs ± 1% -1.01% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<10>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.09µs ± 4% 6.89µs ± 1% -2.84% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<31>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.14µs ± 2% 7.05µs ± 2% -1.39% (p=0.000 n=16+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<100>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.37µs ± 4% 7.18µs ± 1% -2.62% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00009 ] 23.6µs ± 0% 23.5µs ± 0% -0.47% (p=0.024 n=6+3)
BM_UnaryPingPong<UDS, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00012 ] 20.7µs ± 1% 20.4µs ± 0% -1.50% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinUDS, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00017 ] 19.9µs ± 1% 19.7µs ± 1% -1.22% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 62.2µs ± 2% 61.2µs ± 1% -1.54% (p=0.029 n=9+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 64.6µs ± 1% 63.1µs ± 0% -2.28% (p=0.003 n=7+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.71µs ± 1% 5.65µs ± 1% -1.00% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.46µs ± 1% 8.39µs ± 1% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.42% (p=0.013 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.72µs ± 1% 8.66µs ± 1% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.6µs ± 1% 11.5µs ± 1% -0.37% (p=0.012 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.72µs ± 1% 8.66µs ± 1% -0.64% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.86µs ± 1% 8.82µs ± 1% -0.47% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.8µs ± 1% 11.7µs ± 1% -0.49% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.14µs ± 1% 9.08µs ± 0% -0.65% (p=0.000 n=20+16)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 12.3µs ± 0% 12.3µs ± 1% -0.43% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.2µs ± 1% 11.1µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 169µs ± 1% 171µs ± 2% +0.98% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 329µs ± 1% 331µs ± 2% +0.66% (p=0.007 n=18+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/2097152/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.08ms ±10% 2.14ms ± 1% +3.13% (p=0.043 n=20+15)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:4.00007 ] 16.4µs ± 2% 16.1µs ± 0% -2.00% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.45µs ± 1% 2.44µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.006 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.65µs ± 1% 2.67µs ± 1% +0.75% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.65µs ± 1% 2.67µs ± 1% +0.85% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.96µs ± 1% 2.98µs ± 1% +0.52% (p=0.009 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 4.83µs ± 2% 4.88µs ± 4% +1.19% (p=0.005 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 64.2µs ± 1% 63.4µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.017 n=5+6)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.71µs ± 1% 5.63µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.43µs ± 1% 8.34µs ± 1% -1.10% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 0% -0.57% (p=0.000 n=19+15)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.68µs ± 1% 8.59µs ± 1% -1.07% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.5µs ± 1% 11.4µs ± 1% -0.34% (p=0.002 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.71µs ± 1% 8.59µs ± 1% -1.47% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.82µs ± 1% 8.76µs ± 1% -0.75% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.7µs ± 1% 11.7µs ± 1% -0.48% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.13µs ± 1% 9.04µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.67% (p=0.002 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 28.1µs ± 1% 28.0µs ± 1% -0.54% (p=0.016 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/16777216/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 64.1ms ± 5% 65.2ms ± 4% +1.66% (p=0.020 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.43µs ± 1% 2.42µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.62µs ± 1% 2.64µs ± 0% +0.55% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.62µs ± 1% 2.64µs ± 1% +0.64% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.71µs ± 1% 2.71µs ± 1% -0.32% (p=0.015 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.94µs ± 1% 2.95µs ± 1% +0.32% (p=0.024 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcessCHTTP2, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/134217728/1/0 [polls/iter:5.75 writes/iter:10 ] 419ms ± 0% 417ms ± 1% -0.55% (p=0.030 n=5+7)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.36µs ± 1% 5.27µs ± 1% -1.80% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.36µs ± 1% 5.28µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.65µs ± 1% 7.59µs ± 1% -0.76% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 1% 10.3µs ± 1% -0.44% (p=0.021 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.22µs ± 2% 7.12µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.91µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.8µs ± 1% 10.8µs ± 1% -0.44% (p=0.008 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.48µs ± 2% 7.36µs ± 1% -1.65% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 1% 10.3µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.89µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 1% -0.58% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.47µs ± 1% 7.40µs ± 1% -0.94% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 10.9µs ± 1% -0.31% (p=0.034 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.77µs ± 7% 7.49µs ± 1% -3.67% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.6µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.45% (p=0.001 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.30µs ± 1% 8.26µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.002 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.87µs ± 1% 7.76µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.1µs ± 1% -0.38% (p=0.013 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 2% 10.3µs ± 2% -0.85% (p=0.009 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.5µs ± 2% 15.4µs ± 2% -0.65% (p=0.033 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.0µs ± 1% 9.8µs ± 2% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.1µs ± 2% 15.0µs ± 2% -0.56% (p=0.049 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.27µs ± 1% 5.18µs ± 1% -1.64% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.27µs ± 1% 5.19µs ± 1% -1.52% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.58µs ± 1% 7.49µs ± 1% -1.17% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.2µs ± 1% 10.1µs ± 1% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.16µs ± 1% 7.11µs ± 3% -0.67% (p=0.011 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.81µs ± 1% 9.76µs ± 1% -0.56% (p=0.001 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.82µs ± 1% 7.72µs ± 1% -1.31% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.7µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.38µs ± 1% 7.28µs ± 1% -1.26% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 1% -0.57% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.81µs ± 1% 7.74µs ± 1% -0.90% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.6µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.001 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.42µs ± 1% 7.32µs ± 1% -1.24% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 1% -0.45% (p=0.002 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.93µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 0% -1.20% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.9µs ± 1% 10.8µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.56µs ± 3% 7.43µs ± 1% -1.64% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.5µs ± 1% 10.5µs ± 1% -0.64% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.24µs ± 1% 8.14µs ± 1% -1.18% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.4µs ± 2% 11.4µs ± 1% -0.54% (p=0.003 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.84µs ± 2% 7.73µs ± 1% -1.42% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.39% (p=0.004 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 2% -0.74% (p=0.002 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.3µs ± 2% 15.3µs ± 2% -0.59% (p=0.035 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.92µs ± 2% 9.71µs ± 1% -2.12% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 62.2µs ± 2% 61.2µs ± 0% -1.65% (p=0.002 n=8+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 65.5µs ± 2% 64.7µs ± 3% -1.13% (p=0.045 n=8+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/1 [polls/iter:8.00022 ] 325µs ± 1% 321µs ± 0% -1.21% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 61.3µs ± 2% 60.1µs ± 1% -2.01% (p=0.008 n=7+6)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:12 ] 61.1µs ± 1% 59.9µs ± 1% -1.95% (p=0.016 n=5+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 63.5µs ± 1% 62.4µs ± 1% -1.75% (p=0.008 n=6+8)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcessCHTTP2, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/134217728/1/1 [polls/iter:5.75 writes/iter:10.25 ] 414ms ± 1% 419ms ± 0% +1.29% (p=0.033 n=7+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 65.6µs ± 2% 64.6µs ± 1% -1.52% (p=0.043 n=6+8)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768 [polls/iter:4.00009 ] 42.8µs ± 1% 42.3µs ± 0% -1.15% (p=0.048 n=6+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 63.6µs ± 1% 62.4µs ± 1% -1.86% (p=0.032 n=4+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 69.1µs ± 1% 68.4µs ± 0% -0.97% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
6 years ago
*recv_status_ = Status();
GPR_CODEGEN_DEBUG_ASSERT(debug_error_string_ == nullptr);
} else {
*recv_status_ =
? std::string()
: std::string(GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(error_message_),
Avoid creating and copying strings when Status is OK in FinishOp.
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.21µs ± 2% -0.73% (p=0.002 n=19+19)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.33µs ± 1% 1.33µs ± 1% -0.71% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/134217728 [polls/iter:0 ] 161ms ± 1% 160ms ± 1% -0.67% (p=0.002 n=16+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.21µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.32µs ± 1% 1.31µs ± 1% -0.81% (p=0.000 n=16+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.33µs ± 1% 1.32µs ± 1% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.36µs ± 1% 1.36µs ± 1% -0.43% (p=0.020 n=17+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.9µs ± 2% 10.8µs ± 2% -0.71% (p=0.022 n=18+20)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<MinInProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.21µs ± 1% 1.20µs ± 1% -0.89% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<MinInProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.20µs ± 1% -1.40% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.48µs ± 5% 6.25µs ± 4% -3.45% (p=0.000 n=20+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.60µs ± 6% 6.36µs ± 2% -3.66% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.61µs ± 7% 6.37µs ± 3% -3.59% (p=0.000 n=20+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.65µs ± 6% 6.48µs ± 3% -2.57% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.56µs ± 5% 6.35µs ± 3% -3.29% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.64µs ± 6% 6.55µs ± 5% -1.43% (p=0.050 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.64µs ± 6% 6.50µs ± 4% -2.10% (p=0.030 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.72µs ± 4% 6.56µs ± 1% -2.34% (p=0.000 n=18+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.69µs ± 2% 6.55µs ± 2% -2.12% (p=0.000 n=17+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.71µs ± 2% 6.55µs ± 2% -2.39% (p=0.000 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.97µs ± 3% 6.82µs ± 1% -2.16% (p=0.000 n=18+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.74µs ± 1% 7.60µs ± 1% -1.81% (p=0.000 n=20+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.77µs ± 2% 7.63µs ± 2% -1.74% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.98µs ± 1% 8.92µs ± 2% -0.61% (p=0.028 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.9µs ± 1% 15.8µs ± 0% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=19+15)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 16.3µs ± 1% 16.2µs ± 2% -0.77% (p=0.005 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 86.2µs ± 1% 86.1µs ± 0% -0.18% (p=0.036 n=19+15)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.44µs ± 6% 6.28µs ± 6% -2.50% (p=0.044 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.62µs ± 5% 6.39µs ± 5% -3.50% (p=0.008 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.57µs ± 7% 6.39µs ± 4% -2.71% (p=0.001 n=20+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.41µs ± 2% 6.35µs ± 6% -0.84% (p=0.001 n=18+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.60µs ± 3% 6.51µs ± 4% -1.33% (p=0.002 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.62µs ± 2% 6.47µs ± 1% -2.25% (p=0.000 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.87µs ± 1% 6.76µs ± 1% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=18+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.65µs ± 2% 7.59µs ± 3% -0.82% (p=0.006 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.66µs ± 1% 7.54µs ± 2% -1.52% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.91µs ± 2% 8.80µs ± 1% -1.20% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.8µs ± 0% 15.7µs ± 0% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=17+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 16.3µs ± 2% 16.1µs ± 1% -1.21% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 25.6µs ± 2% 25.4µs ± 1% -0.66% (p=0.002 n=19+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.16µs ± 5% 7.05µs ± 2% -1.45% (p=0.012 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.29µs ± 5% 7.12µs ± 2% -2.43% (p=0.001 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<10>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.66µs ± 3% 7.56µs ± 2% -1.28% (p=0.001 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.83µs ± 3% 7.70µs ± 2% -1.60% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.96µs ± 2% 7.83µs ± 2% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<10>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.13µs ± 5% 6.93µs ± 2% -2.73% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.14µs ± 2% 7.01µs ± 2% -1.88% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.24µs ± 2% 7.09µs ± 2% -2.17% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<10>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.96µs ± 1% 6.93µs ± 2% -0.53% (p=0.004 n=17+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<31>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.08µs ± 2% 6.99µs ± 1% -1.32% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<100>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.26µs ± 3% 7.19µs ± 1% -1.01% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<10>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.09µs ± 4% 6.89µs ± 1% -2.84% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<31>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.14µs ± 2% 7.05µs ± 2% -1.39% (p=0.000 n=16+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<100>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.37µs ± 4% 7.18µs ± 1% -2.62% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00009 ] 23.6µs ± 0% 23.5µs ± 0% -0.47% (p=0.024 n=6+3)
BM_UnaryPingPong<UDS, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00012 ] 20.7µs ± 1% 20.4µs ± 0% -1.50% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinUDS, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00017 ] 19.9µs ± 1% 19.7µs ± 1% -1.22% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 62.2µs ± 2% 61.2µs ± 1% -1.54% (p=0.029 n=9+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 64.6µs ± 1% 63.1µs ± 0% -2.28% (p=0.003 n=7+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.71µs ± 1% 5.65µs ± 1% -1.00% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.46µs ± 1% 8.39µs ± 1% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.42% (p=0.013 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.72µs ± 1% 8.66µs ± 1% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.6µs ± 1% 11.5µs ± 1% -0.37% (p=0.012 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.72µs ± 1% 8.66µs ± 1% -0.64% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.86µs ± 1% 8.82µs ± 1% -0.47% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.8µs ± 1% 11.7µs ± 1% -0.49% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.14µs ± 1% 9.08µs ± 0% -0.65% (p=0.000 n=20+16)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 12.3µs ± 0% 12.3µs ± 1% -0.43% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.2µs ± 1% 11.1µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 169µs ± 1% 171µs ± 2% +0.98% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 329µs ± 1% 331µs ± 2% +0.66% (p=0.007 n=18+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/2097152/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.08ms ±10% 2.14ms ± 1% +3.13% (p=0.043 n=20+15)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:4.00007 ] 16.4µs ± 2% 16.1µs ± 0% -2.00% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.45µs ± 1% 2.44µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.006 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.65µs ± 1% 2.67µs ± 1% +0.75% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.65µs ± 1% 2.67µs ± 1% +0.85% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.96µs ± 1% 2.98µs ± 1% +0.52% (p=0.009 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 4.83µs ± 2% 4.88µs ± 4% +1.19% (p=0.005 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 64.2µs ± 1% 63.4µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.017 n=5+6)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.71µs ± 1% 5.63µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.43µs ± 1% 8.34µs ± 1% -1.10% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 0% -0.57% (p=0.000 n=19+15)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.68µs ± 1% 8.59µs ± 1% -1.07% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.5µs ± 1% 11.4µs ± 1% -0.34% (p=0.002 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.71µs ± 1% 8.59µs ± 1% -1.47% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.82µs ± 1% 8.76µs ± 1% -0.75% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.7µs ± 1% 11.7µs ± 1% -0.48% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.13µs ± 1% 9.04µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.67% (p=0.002 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 28.1µs ± 1% 28.0µs ± 1% -0.54% (p=0.016 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/16777216/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 64.1ms ± 5% 65.2ms ± 4% +1.66% (p=0.020 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.43µs ± 1% 2.42µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.62µs ± 1% 2.64µs ± 0% +0.55% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.62µs ± 1% 2.64µs ± 1% +0.64% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.71µs ± 1% 2.71µs ± 1% -0.32% (p=0.015 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.94µs ± 1% 2.95µs ± 1% +0.32% (p=0.024 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcessCHTTP2, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/134217728/1/0 [polls/iter:5.75 writes/iter:10 ] 419ms ± 0% 417ms ± 1% -0.55% (p=0.030 n=5+7)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.36µs ± 1% 5.27µs ± 1% -1.80% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.36µs ± 1% 5.28µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.65µs ± 1% 7.59µs ± 1% -0.76% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 1% 10.3µs ± 1% -0.44% (p=0.021 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.22µs ± 2% 7.12µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.91µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.8µs ± 1% 10.8µs ± 1% -0.44% (p=0.008 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.48µs ± 2% 7.36µs ± 1% -1.65% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 1% 10.3µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.89µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 1% -0.58% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.47µs ± 1% 7.40µs ± 1% -0.94% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 10.9µs ± 1% -0.31% (p=0.034 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.77µs ± 7% 7.49µs ± 1% -3.67% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.6µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.45% (p=0.001 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.30µs ± 1% 8.26µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.002 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.87µs ± 1% 7.76µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.1µs ± 1% -0.38% (p=0.013 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 2% 10.3µs ± 2% -0.85% (p=0.009 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.5µs ± 2% 15.4µs ± 2% -0.65% (p=0.033 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.0µs ± 1% 9.8µs ± 2% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.1µs ± 2% 15.0µs ± 2% -0.56% (p=0.049 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.27µs ± 1% 5.18µs ± 1% -1.64% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.27µs ± 1% 5.19µs ± 1% -1.52% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.58µs ± 1% 7.49µs ± 1% -1.17% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.2µs ± 1% 10.1µs ± 1% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.16µs ± 1% 7.11µs ± 3% -0.67% (p=0.011 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.81µs ± 1% 9.76µs ± 1% -0.56% (p=0.001 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.82µs ± 1% 7.72µs ± 1% -1.31% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.7µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.38µs ± 1% 7.28µs ± 1% -1.26% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 1% -0.57% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.81µs ± 1% 7.74µs ± 1% -0.90% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.6µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.001 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.42µs ± 1% 7.32µs ± 1% -1.24% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 1% -0.45% (p=0.002 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.93µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 0% -1.20% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.9µs ± 1% 10.8µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.56µs ± 3% 7.43µs ± 1% -1.64% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.5µs ± 1% 10.5µs ± 1% -0.64% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.24µs ± 1% 8.14µs ± 1% -1.18% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.4µs ± 2% 11.4µs ± 1% -0.54% (p=0.003 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.84µs ± 2% 7.73µs ± 1% -1.42% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.39% (p=0.004 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 2% -0.74% (p=0.002 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.3µs ± 2% 15.3µs ± 2% -0.59% (p=0.035 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.92µs ± 2% 9.71µs ± 1% -2.12% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 62.2µs ± 2% 61.2µs ± 0% -1.65% (p=0.002 n=8+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 65.5µs ± 2% 64.7µs ± 3% -1.13% (p=0.045 n=8+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/1 [polls/iter:8.00022 ] 325µs ± 1% 321µs ± 0% -1.21% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 61.3µs ± 2% 60.1µs ± 1% -2.01% (p=0.008 n=7+6)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:12 ] 61.1µs ± 1% 59.9µs ± 1% -1.95% (p=0.016 n=5+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 63.5µs ± 1% 62.4µs ± 1% -1.75% (p=0.008 n=6+8)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcessCHTTP2, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/134217728/1/1 [polls/iter:5.75 writes/iter:10.25 ] 414ms ± 1% 419ms ± 0% +1.29% (p=0.033 n=7+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 65.6µs ± 2% 64.6µs ± 1% -1.52% (p=0.043 n=6+8)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768 [polls/iter:4.00009 ] 42.8µs ± 1% 42.3µs ± 0% -1.15% (p=0.048 n=6+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 63.6µs ± 1% 62.4µs ± 1% -1.86% (p=0.032 n=4+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 69.1µs ± 1% 68.4µs ± 0% -0.97% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
6 years ago
if (debug_error_string_ != nullptr) {
Avoid creating and copying strings when Status is OK in FinishOp.
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.21µs ± 2% -0.73% (p=0.002 n=19+19)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.33µs ± 1% 1.33µs ± 1% -0.71% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<InProcess>/134217728 [polls/iter:0 ] 161ms ± 1% 160ms ± 1% -0.67% (p=0.002 n=16+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.21µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.32µs ± 1% 1.31µs ± 1% -0.81% (p=0.000 n=16+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.33µs ± 1% 1.32µs ± 1% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.36µs ± 1% 1.36µs ± 1% -0.43% (p=0.020 n=17+20)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<InProcess>/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.9µs ± 2% 10.8µs ± 2% -0.71% (p=0.022 n=18+20)
BM_PumpStreamClientToServer<MinInProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.21µs ± 1% 1.20µs ± 1% -0.89% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_PumpStreamServerToClient<MinInProcess>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 1.22µs ± 1% 1.20µs ± 1% -1.40% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.48µs ± 5% 6.25µs ± 4% -3.45% (p=0.000 n=20+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.60µs ± 6% 6.36µs ± 2% -3.66% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.61µs ± 7% 6.37µs ± 3% -3.59% (p=0.000 n=20+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.65µs ± 6% 6.48µs ± 3% -2.57% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.56µs ± 5% 6.35µs ± 3% -3.29% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.64µs ± 6% 6.55µs ± 5% -1.43% (p=0.050 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.64µs ± 6% 6.50µs ± 4% -2.10% (p=0.030 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.72µs ± 4% 6.56µs ± 1% -2.34% (p=0.000 n=18+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.69µs ± 2% 6.55µs ± 2% -2.12% (p=0.000 n=17+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.71µs ± 2% 6.55µs ± 2% -2.39% (p=0.000 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.97µs ± 3% 6.82µs ± 1% -2.16% (p=0.000 n=18+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.74µs ± 1% 7.60µs ± 1% -1.81% (p=0.000 n=20+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.77µs ± 2% 7.63µs ± 2% -1.74% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.98µs ± 1% 8.92µs ± 2% -0.61% (p=0.028 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.9µs ± 1% 15.8µs ± 0% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=19+15)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 16.3µs ± 1% 16.2µs ± 2% -0.77% (p=0.005 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 86.2µs ± 1% 86.1µs ± 0% -0.18% (p=0.036 n=19+15)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.44µs ± 6% 6.28µs ± 6% -2.50% (p=0.044 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.62µs ± 5% 6.39µs ± 5% -3.50% (p=0.008 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.57µs ± 7% 6.39µs ± 4% -2.71% (p=0.001 n=20+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.41µs ± 2% 6.35µs ± 6% -0.84% (p=0.001 n=18+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.60µs ± 3% 6.51µs ± 4% -1.33% (p=0.002 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.62µs ± 2% 6.47µs ± 1% -2.25% (p=0.000 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.87µs ± 1% 6.76µs ± 1% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=18+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.65µs ± 2% 7.59µs ± 3% -0.82% (p=0.006 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.66µs ± 1% 7.54µs ± 2% -1.52% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.91µs ± 2% 8.80µs ± 1% -1.20% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.8µs ± 0% 15.7µs ± 0% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=17+16)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 16.3µs ± 2% 16.1µs ± 1% -1.21% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/32768 [polls/iter:0 ] 25.6µs ± 2% 25.4µs ± 1% -0.66% (p=0.002 n=19+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.16µs ± 5% 7.05µs ± 2% -1.45% (p=0.012 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.29µs ± 5% 7.12µs ± 2% -2.43% (p=0.001 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<10>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.66µs ± 3% 7.56µs ± 2% -1.28% (p=0.001 n=17+17)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.83µs ± 3% 7.70µs ± 2% -1.60% (p=0.000 n=18+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 2>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.96µs ± 2% 7.83µs ± 2% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<10>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.13µs ± 5% 6.93µs ± 2% -2.73% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<31>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.14µs ± 2% 7.01µs ± 2% -1.88% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomBinaryMetadata<100>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.24µs ± 2% 7.09µs ± 2% -2.17% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<10>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 6.96µs ± 1% 6.93µs ± 2% -0.53% (p=0.004 n=17+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<31>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.08µs ± 2% 6.99µs ± 1% -1.32% (p=0.000 n=17+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, Client_AddMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<100>, 1>, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.26µs ± 3% 7.19µs ± 1% -1.01% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<10>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.09µs ± 4% 6.89µs ± 1% -2.84% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<31>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.14µs ± 2% 7.05µs ± 2% -1.39% (p=0.000 n=16+19)
BM_UnaryPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, Server_AddInitialMetadata<RandomAsciiMetadata<100>, 1>>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.37µs ± 4% 7.18µs ± 1% -2.62% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_UnaryPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00009 ] 23.6µs ± 0% 23.5µs ± 0% -0.47% (p=0.024 n=6+3)
BM_UnaryPingPong<UDS, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00012 ] 20.7µs ± 1% 20.4µs ± 0% -1.50% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
BM_UnaryPingPong<MinUDS, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:3.00017 ] 19.9µs ± 1% 19.7µs ± 1% -1.22% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 62.2µs ± 2% 61.2µs ± 1% -1.54% (p=0.029 n=9+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 64.6µs ± 1% 63.1µs ± 0% -2.28% (p=0.003 n=7+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.71µs ± 1% 5.65µs ± 1% -1.00% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.46µs ± 1% 8.39µs ± 1% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.42% (p=0.013 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.72µs ± 1% 8.66µs ± 1% -0.80% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.6µs ± 1% 11.5µs ± 1% -0.37% (p=0.012 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.72µs ± 1% 8.66µs ± 1% -0.64% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.86µs ± 1% 8.82µs ± 1% -0.47% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.8µs ± 1% 11.7µs ± 1% -0.49% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.14µs ± 1% 9.08µs ± 0% -0.65% (p=0.000 n=20+16)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 12.3µs ± 0% 12.3µs ± 1% -0.43% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.2µs ± 1% 11.1µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 169µs ± 1% 171µs ± 2% +0.98% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 329µs ± 1% 331µs ± 2% +0.66% (p=0.007 n=18+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/2097152/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.08ms ±10% 2.14ms ± 1% +3.13% (p=0.043 n=20+15)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:4.00007 ] 16.4µs ± 2% 16.1µs ± 0% -2.00% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.45µs ± 1% 2.44µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.006 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.65µs ± 1% 2.67µs ± 1% +0.75% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.65µs ± 1% 2.67µs ± 1% +0.85% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.96µs ± 1% 2.98µs ± 1% +0.52% (p=0.009 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096 [polls/iter:0 ] 4.83µs ± 2% 4.88µs ± 4% +1.19% (p=0.005 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 64.2µs ± 1% 63.4µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.017 n=5+6)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.71µs ± 1% 5.63µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.43µs ± 1% 8.34µs ± 1% -1.10% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 0% -0.57% (p=0.000 n=19+15)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.68µs ± 1% 8.59µs ± 1% -1.07% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.5µs ± 1% 11.4µs ± 1% -0.34% (p=0.002 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.71µs ± 1% 8.59µs ± 1% -1.47% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.82µs ± 1% 8.76µs ± 1% -0.75% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.7µs ± 1% 11.7µs ± 1% -0.48% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.13µs ± 1% 9.04µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.67% (p=0.002 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 28.1µs ± 1% 28.0µs ± 1% -0.54% (p=0.016 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/16777216/2 [polls/iter:0 ] 64.1ms ± 5% 65.2ms ± 4% +1.66% (p=0.020 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.43µs ± 1% 2.42µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.62µs ± 1% 2.64µs ± 0% +0.55% (p=0.000 n=20+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.62µs ± 1% 2.64µs ± 1% +0.64% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.71µs ± 1% 2.71µs ± 1% -0.32% (p=0.015 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512 [polls/iter:0 ] 2.94µs ± 1% 2.95µs ± 1% +0.32% (p=0.024 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcessCHTTP2, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/134217728/1/0 [polls/iter:5.75 writes/iter:10 ] 419ms ± 0% 417ms ± 1% -0.55% (p=0.030 n=5+7)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.36µs ± 1% 5.27µs ± 1% -1.80% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.36µs ± 1% 5.28µs ± 1% -1.51% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.65µs ± 1% 7.59µs ± 1% -0.76% (p=0.000 n=17+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 1% 10.3µs ± 1% -0.44% (p=0.021 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.22µs ± 2% 7.12µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.91µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.8µs ± 1% 10.8µs ± 1% -0.44% (p=0.008 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.48µs ± 2% 7.36µs ± 1% -1.65% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 1% 10.3µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.89µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 1% -0.58% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.47µs ± 1% 7.40µs ± 1% -0.94% (p=0.000 n=18+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 10.9µs ± 1% -0.31% (p=0.034 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.77µs ± 7% 7.49µs ± 1% -3.67% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.6µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.45% (p=0.001 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.30µs ± 1% 8.26µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.002 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.87µs ± 1% 7.76µs ± 1% -1.36% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.1µs ± 1% 11.1µs ± 1% -0.38% (p=0.013 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.4µs ± 2% 10.3µs ± 2% -0.85% (p=0.009 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.5µs ± 2% 15.4µs ± 2% -0.65% (p=0.033 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.0µs ± 1% 9.8µs ± 2% -1.54% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.1µs ± 2% 15.0µs ± 2% -0.56% (p=0.049 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.27µs ± 1% 5.18µs ± 1% -1.64% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/0/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 5.27µs ± 1% 5.19µs ± 1% -1.52% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.58µs ± 1% 7.49µs ± 1% -1.17% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.2µs ± 1% 10.1µs ± 1% -0.97% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.16µs ± 1% 7.11µs ± 3% -0.67% (p=0.011 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.81µs ± 1% 9.76µs ± 1% -0.56% (p=0.001 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.82µs ± 1% 7.72µs ± 1% -1.31% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.7µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.82% (p=0.000 n=19+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.38µs ± 1% 7.28µs ± 1% -1.26% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 1% -0.57% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.81µs ± 1% 7.74µs ± 1% -0.90% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.6µs ± 1% 10.6µs ± 1% -0.50% (p=0.001 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.42µs ± 1% 7.32µs ± 1% -1.24% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 1% -0.45% (p=0.002 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.93µs ± 1% 7.84µs ± 0% -1.20% (p=0.000 n=19+18)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.9µs ± 1% 10.8µs ± 1% -0.60% (p=0.000 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.56µs ± 3% 7.43µs ± 1% -1.64% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.5µs ± 1% 10.5µs ± 1% -0.64% (p=0.000 n=20+19)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 8.24µs ± 1% 8.14µs ± 1% -1.18% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.4µs ± 2% 11.4µs ± 1% -0.54% (p=0.003 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 7.84µs ± 2% 7.73µs ± 1% -1.42% (p=0.000 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 11.0µs ± 1% 11.0µs ± 1% -0.39% (p=0.004 n=19+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 10.3µs ± 1% 10.2µs ± 2% -0.74% (p=0.002 n=18+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2/0 [polls/iter:0 ] 15.3µs ± 2% 15.3µs ± 2% -0.59% (p=0.035 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<MinInProcess, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/1/1 [polls/iter:0 ] 9.92µs ± 2% 9.71µs ± 1% -2.12% (p=0.000 n=20+20)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/8/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 62.2µs ± 2% 61.2µs ± 0% -1.65% (p=0.002 n=8+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 65.5µs ± 2% 64.7µs ± 3% -1.13% (p=0.045 n=8+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/262144/1 [polls/iter:8.00022 ] 325µs ± 1% 321µs ± 0% -1.21% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/1/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 61.3µs ± 2% 60.1µs ± 1% -2.01% (p=0.008 n=7+6)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/0/2 [polls/iter:12 ] 61.1µs ± 1% 59.9µs ± 1% -1.95% (p=0.016 n=5+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0001 ] 63.5µs ± 1% 62.4µs ± 1% -1.75% (p=0.008 n=6+8)
BM_StreamingPingPongWithCoalescingApi<InProcessCHTTP2, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/134217728/1/1 [polls/iter:5.75 writes/iter:10.25 ] 414ms ± 1% 419ms ± 0% +1.29% (p=0.033 n=7+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/512/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 65.6µs ± 2% 64.6µs ± 1% -1.52% (p=0.043 n=6+8)
BM_StreamingPingPongMsgs<TCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/32768 [polls/iter:4.00009 ] 42.8µs ± 1% 42.3µs ± 0% -1.15% (p=0.048 n=6+3)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/64/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 63.6µs ± 1% 62.4µs ± 1% -1.86% (p=0.032 n=4+5)
BM_StreamingPingPong<MinTCP, NoOpMutator, NoOpMutator>/4096/2 [polls/iter:12.0002 ] 69.1µs ± 1% 68.4µs ± 0% -0.97% (p=0.036 n=5+3)
6 years ago
// TODO(soheil): Find callers that set debug string even for status OK,
// and fix them.
void SetInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
void SetFinishInterceptionHookPoint(
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
if (recv_status_ == nullptr) return;
recv_status_ = nullptr;
void SetHijackingState(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl* interceptor_methods) {
hijacked_ = true;
if (recv_status_ == nullptr) return;
bool hijacked_ = false;
::grpc::ClientContext* client_context_;
MetadataMap* metadata_map_;
Status* recv_status_;
const char* debug_error_string_;
grpc_status_code status_code_;
grpc_slice error_message_;
template <class Op1 = CallNoOp<1>, class Op2 = CallNoOp<2>,
class Op3 = CallNoOp<3>, class Op4 = CallNoOp<4>,
class Op5 = CallNoOp<5>, class Op6 = CallNoOp<6>>
class CallOpSet;
/// Primary implementation of CallOpSetInterface.
/// Since we cannot use variadic templates, we declare slots up to
/// the maximum count of ops we'll need in a set. We leverage the
/// empty base class optimization to slim this class (especially
/// when there are many unused slots used). To avoid duplicate base classes,
/// the template parameter for CallNoOp is varied by argument position.
template <class Op1, class Op2, class Op3, class Op4, class Op5, class Op6>
class CallOpSet : public CallOpSetInterface,
public Op1,
public Op2,
public Op3,
public Op4,
public Op5,
public Op6 {
CallOpSet() : core_cq_tag_(this), return_tag_(this) {}
// The copy constructor and assignment operator reset the value of
// core_cq_tag_, return_tag_, done_intercepting_ and interceptor_methods_
// since those are only meaningful on a specific object, not across objects.
CallOpSet(const CallOpSet& other)
: core_cq_tag_(this),
interceptor_methods_(InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl()) {}
CallOpSet& operator=(const CallOpSet& other) {
if (&other == this) {
return *this;
core_cq_tag_ = this;
return_tag_ = this;
call_ = other.call_;
done_intercepting_ = false;
interceptor_methods_ = InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl();
return *this;
void FillOps(Call* call) override {
done_intercepting_ = false;
call_ =
*call; // It's fine to create a copy of call since it's just pointers
if (RunInterceptors()) {
} else {
// After the interceptors are run, ContinueFillOpsAfterInterception will
// be run
bool FinalizeResult(void** tag, bool* status) override {
if (done_intercepting_) {
// Complete the avalanching since we are done with this batch of ops
// We have already finished intercepting and filling in the results. This
// round trip from the core needed to be made because interceptors were
// run
*tag = return_tag_;
*status = saved_status_;
return true;
saved_status_ = *status;
if (RunInterceptorsPostRecv()) {
*tag = return_tag_;
return true;
// Interceptors are going to be run, so we can't return the tag just yet.
// After the interceptors are run, ContinueFinalizeResultAfterInterception
return false;
void set_output_tag(void* return_tag) { return_tag_ = return_tag; }
void* core_cq_tag() override { return core_cq_tag_; }
/// set_core_cq_tag is used to provide a different core CQ tag than "this".
/// This is used for callback-based tags, where the core tag is the core
/// callback function. It does not change the use or behavior of any other
/// function (such as FinalizeResult)
void set_core_cq_tag(void* core_cq_tag) { core_cq_tag_ = core_cq_tag; }
// This will be called while interceptors are run if the RPC is a hijacked
// RPC. This should set hijacking state for each of the ops.
void SetHijackingState() override {
// Should be called after interceptors are done running
void ContinueFillOpsAfterInterception() override {
static const size_t MAX_OPS = 6;
grpc_op ops[MAX_OPS];
size_t nops = 0;
this->Op1::AddOp(ops, &nops);
this->Op2::AddOp(ops, &nops);
this->Op3::AddOp(ops, &nops);
this->Op4::AddOp(ops, &nops);
this->Op5::AddOp(ops, &nops);
this->Op6::AddOp(ops, &nops);
grpc_call_error err = g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_call_start_batch(
call_.call(), ops, nops, core_cq_tag(), nullptr);
if (err != GRPC_CALL_OK) {
// A failure here indicates an API misuse; for example, doing a Write
// while another Write is already pending on the same RPC or invoking
// WritesDone multiple times
// gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "API misuse of type %s observed",
// g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_call_error_to_string(err));
// Should be called after interceptors are done running on the finalize result
// path
void ContinueFinalizeResultAfterInterception() override {
done_intercepting_ = true;
// The following call_start_batch is internally-generated so no need for an
// explanatory log on failure.
call_.call(), nullptr, 0, core_cq_tag(), nullptr) ==
// Returns true if no interceptors need to be run
bool RunInterceptors() {
if (interceptor_methods_.InterceptorsListEmpty()) {
return true;
// This call will go through interceptors and would need to
// schedule new batches, so delay completion queue shutdown
return interceptor_methods_.RunInterceptors();
// Returns true if no interceptors need to be run
bool RunInterceptorsPostRecv() {
// Call and OpSet had already been set on the set state.
// SetReverse also clears previously set hook points
return interceptor_methods_.RunInterceptors();
void* core_cq_tag_;
void* return_tag_;
Call call_;
bool done_intercepting_ = false;
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl interceptor_methods_;
bool saved_status_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace grpc