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# Getting started
10 years ago
## TODO: move this to the tutorial sub-folder
Welcome to the developer documentation for gRPC, a language-neutral,
platform-neutral remote procedure call (RPC) system developed at Google.
10 years ago
This document introduces you to gRPC with a quick overview and a simple
Hello World example. More documentation is coming soon!
10 years ago
## What is gRPC?
10 years ago
gRPC enables communication between clients and servers using any combination of gRPC's supported languages, helping you to build distributed applications and services.
10 years ago
10 years ago
In gRPC, like other RPC systems...
10 years ago
### Plays well with Protocol Buffers
While gRPC’s architecture allows it to be extended for use with other
data formats such as JSON, by default it uses protocol buffers, Google’s
mature open source mechanism for serializing structured data. As you'll
see in our example below, you define gRPC interfaces using proto files and
protocol buffer messages, letting you take advantage of protocol buffers’
efficient serialization, simple IDL, and easy interface updating. You
can find out lots more about protocol buffers in the [Protocol Buffers
Note that our examples use a new flavour of protocol buffers called proto3,
which has a slightly simplified syntax, some useful new features, and supports
lots more languages. This is currently available as an alpha release in
[languages] from [wherever it's going], with more languages in development. In
general, we recommend that you use proto3 with gRPC as it lets you use the
full range of gRPC-supported languages, as well as avoiding any compatibility
issues with proto2 clients talking to proto3 servers and vice versa.
If you need to continue using proto2 for Java, C++, or Python but want
to try gRPC, you can see an example using a proto2 gRPC client and server
[wherever we put it].
## TODO: basic conceptual intro (anything more in-depth will go in gRPC Concepts doc)
<a name="hello"></a>
## Hello gRPC!
10 years ago
Now that you know a bit more about gRPC, the easiest way to see how it
works is to look at a simple example. Our Hello World walks you through the
construction of a simple gRPC client-server application, showing you how to:
10 years ago
- Create a protocol buffers schema that defines a simple RPC service with a single
Hello World method.
- Create a Java server that implements the schema interface.
- Create a Java client that accesses the Java server.
- Create a Go client that accesses the same Java server.
- Update the service with more advanced features like RPC streaming.
10 years ago
The complete code for the example is available in the `grpc-common` GitHub repository. You can
work along with the example and hack on the code in the comfort of your own
computer, giving you hands-on practice of really writing
gRPC code. We use the Git versioning system for source code management:
however, you don't need to know anything about Git to follow along other
than how to install and run a few git commands.
10 years ago
This is an introductory example rather than a comprehensive tutorial, so
don't worry if you're not a Go or
Java developer - complete tutorials and reference documentation for all gRPC
languages are coming soon.
10 years ago
<a name="setup"></a>
### Setup
10 years ago
The rest of this page explains how to set up your local machine to work with
the example code.
If you just want to read the example, you can go straight to the [next step](#servicedef).
10 years ago
#### Install Git
10 years ago
You can download and install Git from Once
installed you should have access to the git command line tool. The main
commands that you will need to use are:
- git clone ... : clone a remote repository onto your local machine
- git checkout ... : check out a particular branch or a tagged version of
the code to hack on
10 years ago
#### Get the source code
10 years ago
The example code for this and our other examples lives in the `grpc-common` GitHub repository. Clone this repository to your local machine by running the
following command:
10 years ago
git clone
10 years ago
Change your current directory to grpc-common/java
10 years ago
cd grpc-common/java
10 years ago
#### Install Java 8
10 years ago
Java gRPC is designed to work with both Java 7 and Java 8 - our example uses
Java 8. See
[Install Java
for instructions if you need to install Java 8.
#### Install Maven
To simplify building and managing gRPC's dependencies, the Java client
and server are structured as a standard
project. See [Install Maven](
for instructions.
10 years ago
#### Install Go 1.4
10 years ago
Go gRPC requires Go 1.4, the latest version of Go. See
[Install Go]( for instructions.
10 years ago
#### (optional) Install protoc
10 years ago
gRPC uses the latest version of the [protocol
compiler, protoc.
10 years ago
Having protoc installed isn't strictly necessary to follow along with this
example, as all the
generated code is checked into the Git repository. However, if you want
to experiment
10 years ago
with generating the code yourself, download and install protoc from its
[Git repo](
<a name="servicedef"></a>
### Defining a service
The first step in creating our example is to define a *service*: an RPC
service specifies the methods that can be called remotely with their parameters
and return types. In gRPC, we use the protocol buffers interface definition
language (IDL) to define our service methods, and the parameters and return
types are defined as protocol buffer message types. Both the client and the
server use interface code generated from the service definition. If you're not
familiar with protocol buffers, you can find out more in the [Protocol Buffers
Developer Guide](
Here's our example service definition, defined using protocol buffers IDL in
[helloworld.proto](java/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto). The `Greeting` service
has one method, `hello`, that lets the server receive a single `HelloRequest`
message from the remote client containing the user's name, then send back
a greeting in a single `HelloReply`. This is the simplest type of RPC you
can specify in gRPC - we'll look at some other types later in this document.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "ex.grpc";
package helloworld;
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
optional string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
optional string message = 1;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeting {
// Sends a greeting
rpc hello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {
<a name="generating"></a>
### Generating gRPC code
Once we've defined our service, we use the protocol buffer compiler
`protoc` to generate the special client and server code we need to create
our application - right now we're going to generate Java code, though you
can generate gRPC code in any gRPC-supported language (as you'll see later
in this example). The generated code contains both stub code for clients to
use and an abstract interface for servers to implement, both with the method
defined in our `Greeting` service. A stub is code that initiates contact
with a gRPC service running remotely via the internet. [can probably define
this up in "what is gRPC"?]
(If you didn't install `protoc` on your system and are working along with
the example, you can skip this step and move
onto the next one where we examine the generated code.)
As this is our first time using gRPC, we need to build the protobuf plugin
that generates our RPC
classes. By default `protoc` just generates code for reading and writing
protocol buffers, so you need to use plugins to add additional features
to generated code. As we're creating Java code, we use the gRPC Java plugin.
To build the plugin:
$ pushd external/grpc_java
$ make java_plugin
$ popd
To use it to generate the code:
$ mkdir -p src/main/java
$ protoc -I . helloworld.proto
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=external/grpc_java/bins/opt/java_plugin \
--grpc_out=src/main/java \
This generates the following classes, which contain all the generated code
we need to create our example:
- [``](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/, which
has all the protocol buffer code to populate, serialize, and retrieve our
`HelloRequest` and `HelloReply` message types
- [``](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/,
which contains (along with some other useful code):
- an interface for `Greetings` servers to implement
public static interface Greetings {
public void hello(ex.grpc.Helloworld.HelloRequest request,<ex.grpc.Helloworld.HelloReply>
- _stub_ classes that clients can use to talk to a `Greetings` server. As you can see, they also implement the `Greetings` interface.
10 years ago
public static class GreetingsStub extends<GreetingsStub,
implements Greetings {
10 years ago
<a name="server"></a>
10 years ago
### Writing a server
Now let's write some code! First we'll create a server application to implement
our service. Note that we're not going to go into a lot of detail about how
to create a server in this section More detailed information will be in the
tutorial for your chosen language (coming soon).
Our server application has two classes:
- a simple service implementation
- a server that hosts the service implementation and allows access over the
network: [](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/
#### Service implementation
actually implements our GreetingService's required behaviour.
As you can see, the class `GreetingsImpl` implements the interface
`GreetingsGrpc.Greetings` that we [generated](#generating) from our proto
[IDL](java/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto) by implementing the method `hello`:
public void hello(Helloworld.HelloRequest req,
StreamObserver<Helloworld.HelloReply> responseObserver) {
Helloworld.HelloReply reply =
"Hello " + req.getName()).build();
- `hello's` signature is typesafe:
`hello(Helloworld.HelloRequest req, StreamObserver<Helloworld.HelloReply>
- `hello` takes two parameters:
-`Helloworld.HelloRequest`: the request
-`StreamObserver<Helloworld.HelloReply>`: a response observer, which is
a special interface for the server to call with its response
10 years ago
To return our response to the client and complete the call:
10 years ago
1. We construct and populate a `HelloReply` response object with our exciting
message, as specified in our interface definition.
10 years ago
2. We call `responseObserver.onValue()` with the `HelloReply` that we want to send back to the client.
3. Finally, we call `responseObserver.onCompleted()` to indicate that we're
finished dealing with this RPC.
10 years ago
#### Server implementation
10 years ago
shows the other main feature required to provide a gRPC service; making the service
implementation available from the network.
10 years ago
private ServerImpl server;
private void start() throws Exception {
server = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(port)
.addService(GreetingsGrpc.bindService(new GreetingsImpl()))
server.awaitRunning(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
The `GreetingsServer` class has a `ServerImpl` member that actually runs the
server. To create an appropriate `ServerImpl`, we use a special `ServerBuilder`
class (in this case a `NettyServerBuilder`) in the `GreetingsServer`'s `start`
method, binding the `GreetingsService` implementation that we created to a
port. Then we start the server running: the server is now ready to receive
requests from `Greetings` service clients on our specified port. We'll cover
how all this works in a bit more detail in our language-specific documentation.
`GreetingsServer` also has a `stop` method that takes care of shutting down
the service and cleaning up when the program exits.
#### Build it
Once we've implemented everything, we use Maven to build the server:
$ mvn package
We'll look at using a client to access the server in the next section.
<a name="client"></a>
### Writing a client
Client-side gRPC is pretty simple. In this step, we'll use the generated code
to write a simple client that can access the `Greetings` server we created
in the [previous section](#server). You can see the complete client code in
Again, we're not going to go into much detail about how to implement a client
- we'll leave that for the tutorial.
#### Connecting to the service
First let's look at how we connect to the `Greetings` server. The internet
is configured in the client constructor. gRPC `Channel` provides the
abstraction layer over
transport handling; its constructor accepts the host name and port of the
service. The channel in turn is used to construct the stub instance.
private final ChannelImpl channel;
private final GreetingGrpc.GreetingBlockingStub blockingStub;
public HelloClient(String host, int port) {
channel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(host, port)
blockingStub = GreetingGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
In this case, we create a blocking stub. This means that the RPC call waits
for the server to respond, and will either return a response or raise an
exception. gRPC Java has other kinds of stubs that make non-blocking calls
to the server, where the response is returned asynchronously.
#### Obtaining a greeting
The `greet()` method uses the stub to contact the service and obtain
a greeting.
To do this:
1. We construct and fill in a `HelloRequest` to send to the stub.
2. We call the RPC with our request and get a `HelloReply` from the stub,
from which we can get our greeting.
public void greet(String name) {
logger.debug("Will try to greet " + name + " ...");
try {
Helloworld.HelloRequest request =
Helloworld.HelloReply reply = blockingStub.hello(request);"Greeting: " + reply.getMessage());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "RPC failed", e);
#### Running from the command line
The main method puts together the example so that it can be run from a command
/* Access a service running on the local machine on port 50051 */
HelloClient client = new HelloClient("localhost", 50051);
String user = "world";
if (args.length > 1) {
user = args[1];
#### Build the client
This is the same as building the server: our client and server are part of
the same maven
package so the same command builds both.
$ mvn package
<a name="run"></a>
### Try it out!
We've added simple shell scripts to simplifying running the examples. Now
that they are built, you can run the server with:
$ ./
and in another terminal window confirm that it receives a message.
$ ./
### Adding another client
###TODO: Section on Go client for same server