The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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# This file has been automatically generated from a template file.
# Please make modifications to `templates/gRPC-Core.podspec.template`
# instead. This file can be regenerated from the template by running
# `tools/buildgen/`.
# gRPC Core CocoaPods podspec
# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License. do |s| = 'gRPC-Core'
version = '1.32.0-dev'
s.version = version
s.summary = 'Core cross-platform gRPC library, written in C'
s.homepage = ''
s.license = 'Apache License, Version 2.0'
s.authors = { 'The gRPC contributors' => '' }
s.source = {
:git => '',
:tag => "v#{version}",
:submodules => true,
# gRPC podspecs depend on fix for,
# which was released in Cocoapods v1.2.0.
s.cocoapods_version = '>= 1.2.0'
s.ios.deployment_target = '7.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.9'
s.tvos.deployment_target = '10.0'
s.watchos.deployment_target = '4.0'
s.requires_arc = false
name = 'grpc'
# When creating a dynamic framework, name it grpc.framework instead of gRPC-Core.framework.
# This lets users write their includes like `#include <grpc/grpc.h>` as opposed to `#include
# <gRPC-Core/grpc.h>`.
s.module_name = name
# When creating a dynamic framework, copy the headers under `include/grpc/` into the root of
# the `Headers/` directory of the framework (i.e., not under `Headers/include/grpc`).
# TODO(jcanizales): Debug why this doesn't work on macOS.
s.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpc'
# The above has an undesired effect when creating a static library: It forces users to write
# includes like `#include <gRPC-Core/grpc.h>`. `s.header_dir` adds a path prefix to that, and
# because Cocoapods lets omit the pod name when including headers of static libraries, the
# following lets users write `#include <grpc/grpc.h>`.
s.header_dir = name
# The module map created automatically by Cocoapods doesn't work for C libraries like gRPC-Core.
s.module_map = 'include/grpc/module.modulemap'
# To compile the library, we need the user headers search path (quoted includes) to point to the
# root of the repo, and the system headers search path (angled includes) to point to `include/`.
# Cocoapods effectively clones the repo under `<Podfile dir>/Pods/gRPC-Core/`, and sets a build
# variable called `$(PODS_ROOT)` to `<Podfile dir>/Pods/`, so we use that.
# Relying on the file structure under $(PODS_ROOT) isn't officially supported in Cocoapods, as it
# is taken as an implementation detail. We've asked for an alternative, and have been told that
# what we're doing should keep working:
# The `src_root` value of `$(PODS_ROOT)/gRPC-Core` assumes Cocoapods is installing this pod from
# its remote repo. For local development of this library, enabled by using `:path` in the Podfile,
# that assumption is wrong. In such case, the following settings need to be reset with the
# appropriate value of `src_root`. This can be accomplished in the `pre_install` hook of the
# Podfile; see `src/objective-c/tests/Podfile` for an example.
src_root = '$(PODS_ROOT)/gRPC-Core'
s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
'GRPC_SRC_ROOT' => src_root,
'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(inherited)" "$(GRPC_SRC_ROOT)/include"',
# If we don't set these two settings, `include/grpc/support/time.h` and
# `src/core/lib/gpr/string.h` shadow the system `<time.h>` and `<string.h>`, breaking the
# build.
s.default_subspecs = 'Interface', 'Implementation'
s.compiler_flags = '-DGRPC_ARES=0 -Wno-comma'
s.libraries = 'c++'
# Like many other C libraries, gRPC-Core has its public headers under `include/<libname>/` and its
# sources and private headers in other directories outside `include/`. Cocoapods' linter doesn't
# allow any header to be listed outside the `header_mappings_dir` (even though doing so works in
# practice). Because we need our `header_mappings_dir` to be `include/grpc/` for the reason
# mentioned above, we work around the linter limitation by dividing the pod into two subspecs, one
# for public headers and the other for implementation. Each gets its own `header_mappings_dir`,
# making the linter happy.
# The list of source files is generated by a template: `templates/gRPC-Core.podspec.template`. It
# can be regenerated from the template by running `tools/buildgen/`.
s.subspec 'Interface' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpc'
ss.source_files = 'include/grpc/byte_buffer.h',
s.subspec 'Implementation' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = '.'
ss.libraries = 'z'
ss.dependency "#{}/Interface", version
ss.dependency 'BoringSSL-GRPC', '0.0.12'
abseil_version = '1.20200225.0'
ss.dependency 'abseil/base/base', abseil_version
ss.dependency 'abseil/container/flat_hash_set', abseil_version
6 years ago
ss.dependency 'abseil/container/inlined_vector', abseil_version
ss.dependency 'abseil/memory/memory', abseil_version
ss.dependency 'abseil/status/status', abseil_version
ss.dependency 'abseil/strings/str_format', abseil_version
6 years ago
ss.dependency 'abseil/strings/strings', abseil_version
ss.dependency 'abseil/synchronization/synchronization', abseil_version
ss.dependency 'abseil/time/time', abseil_version
6 years ago
ss.dependency 'abseil/types/optional', abseil_version
ss.compiler_flags = '-DBORINGSSL_PREFIX=GRPC -Wno-unreachable-code -Wno-shorten-64-to-32'
ss.source_files = 'src/core/ext/filters/census/',
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
7 years ago
ss.private_header_files = 'src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/backend_metric.h',
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
5 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
7 years ago
6 years ago
# CFStream is now default. Leaving this subspec only for compatibility purpose.
7 years ago
s.subspec 'CFStream-Implementation' do |ss|
ss.dependency "#{}/Implementation", version
s.subspec 'Cronet-Interface' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = 'include/grpc'
ss.source_files = 'include/grpc/grpc_cronet.h'
9 years ago
s.subspec 'Cronet-Implementation' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = '.'
ss.dependency "#{}/Interface", version
ss.dependency "#{}/Implementation", version
ss.dependency "#{}/Cronet-Interface", version
ss.source_files = 'src/core/ext/transport/cronet/client/secure/',
9 years ago
s.subspec 'Tests' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = '.'
ss.dependency "#{}/Interface", version
ss.dependency "#{}/Implementation", version
ss.source_files = 'test/core/end2end/',
7 years ago
7 years ago
# TODO (mxyan): Instead of this hack, add include path "third_party" to C core's include path?
s.prepare_command = <<-END_OF_COMMAND
sed -E -i '' 's;#include <openssl/(.*)>;#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include <openssl_grpc/\\1>\\\n#else\\\n #include <openssl/\\1>\\\n#endif;g' $(find src/core -type f \\( -path '*.h' -or -path '*.cc' \\) -print | xargs grep -H -c '#include <openssl_grpc/' | grep 0$ | cut -d':' -f1)
find src/core/ src/cpp/ third_party/upb/ -type f \\( -name '*.h' -or -name '*.hpp' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.cc' \\) -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sed -E -i'.grpc_back' 's;#include "upb/(.*)";#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include "third_party/upb/upb/\\1"\\\n#else\\\n #include "upb/\\1"\\\n#endif;g'
find src/core/ src/cpp/ third_party/upb/ -type f -name '*.grpc_back' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
find src/core/ src/cpp/ -type f \\( -name '*.h' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.cc' \\) -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sed -E -i'.grpc_back' 's;#include "(.*).upb.h";#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include "src/core/ext/upb-generated/\\1.upb.h"\\\n#else\\\n #include "\\1.upb.h"\\\n#endif;g'
find src/core/ src/cpp/ -type f -name '*.grpc_back' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
find third_party/re2/re2/ third_party/re2/util/ -type f \\( -name '*.h' -or -name '*.cc' \\) -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sed -E -i'.grpc_back' 's;#include "re2/(.*)";#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include "third_party/re2/re2/\\1"\\\n#else\\\n #include "re2/\\1"\\\n#endif;g;s;#include "util/(.*)";#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include "third_party/re2/util/\\1"\\\n#else\\\n #include "util/\\1"\\\n#endif;g'
find src/core/ -type f \\( -name '*.h' -or -name '*.cc' \\) -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sed -E -i'.grpc_back' 's;#include "re2/(.*)";#if COCOAPODS==1\\\n #include "third_party/re2/re2/\\1"\\\n#else\\\n #include "re2/\\1"\\\n#endif;g'
find src/core/ third_party/re2/ -type f -name '*.grpc_back' -print0 | xargs -0 rm