The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

7229 lines
192 KiB

# gRPC Bazel BUILD file.
# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
features = [
name = "grpc_no_ares",
values = {"define": "grpc_no_ares=true"},
name = "grpc_no_xds_define",
values = {"define": "grpc_no_xds=true"},
# When gRPC is build as shared library, binder transport code might still
# get included even when user's code does not depend on it. In that case
# --define=grpc_no_binder=true can be used to disable binder transport
# related code to reduce binary size.
# For users using build system other than bazel, they can define
# GRPC_NO_BINDER to achieve the same effect.
name = "grpc_no_binder_define",
values = {"define": "grpc_no_binder=true"},
name = "android",
values = {"crosstool_top": "//external:android/crosstool"},
name = "ios",
values = {"apple_platform_type": "ios"},
name = "grpc_no_xds",
match_any = [
# In addition to disabling XDS support when --define=grpc_no_xds=true is
# specified, we also disable it on mobile platforms where it is not
# likely to be needed and where reducing the binary size is more
# important.
name = "grpc_no_binder",
match_any = [
# We do not need binder on ios.
name = "grpc_no_rls",
match_any = [
# Disable RLS support on mobile platforms where it is not likely to be
# needed and where reducing the binary size is more important.
# Fuzzers can be built as fuzzers or as tests
name = "grpc_build_fuzzers",
values = {"define": "grpc_build_fuzzers=true"},
name = "grpc_allow_exceptions",
values = {"define": "GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=1"},
name = "grpc_disallow_exceptions",
values = {"define": "GRPC_ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS=0"},
name = "remote_execution",
values = {"define": "GRPC_PORT_ISOLATED_RUNTIME=1"},
name = "windows",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"},
name = "windows_msvc",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows_msvc"},
name = "mac_x86_64",
values = {"cpu": "darwin"},
name = "use_strict_warning",
values = {"define": "use_strict_warning=true"},
name = "disable_use_abseil_status",
values = {"define": "use_abseil_status=false"},
# This should be updated along with build_handwritten.yaml
g_stands_for = "gamma" # @unused
core_version = "26.0.0" # @unused
version = "1.49.0-dev" # @unused
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
6 years ago
9 years ago
name = "gpr",
language = "c++",
8 years ago
public_hdrs = GPR_PUBLIC_HDRS,
9 years ago
standalone = True,
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
name = "channel_fwd",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
name = "transport_fwd",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
name = "atomic_utils",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/atomic_utils.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "grpc_unsecure",
9 years ago
srcs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
8 years ago
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
9 years ago
standalone = True,
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
# Not xDS-specific but currently only used by xDS.
name = "grpc",
srcs = [
defines = select({
"grpc_no_xds": ["GRPC_NO_XDS"],
"//conditions:default": [],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
select_deps = [
"grpc_no_xds": [],
"//conditions:default": GRPC_XDS_TARGETS,
9 years ago
standalone = True,
tags = ["grpc_avoid_dep"],
visibility = [
9 years ago
deps = [
name = "gpr_public_hdrs",
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
name = "grpc_public_hdrs",
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
deps = ["gpr_public_hdrs"],
name = "grpc++_public_hdrs",
external_deps = [
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = ["grpc_public_hdrs"],
9 years ago
name = "grpc++",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
select_deps = [
"grpc_no_xds": [],
"//conditions:default": [
"grpc_no_binder": [],
"//conditions:default": [
standalone = True,
visibility = [
deps = [
name = "grpc++_internals",
9 years ago
srcs = [
9 years ago
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_binder",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
defines = select({
"grpc_no_binder": ["GRPC_NO_BINDER"],
"//conditions:default": [],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "grpc++_xds_client",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc++_xds_server",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:xds"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_unsecure",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
standalone = True,
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_error_details",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
standalone = True,
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_alts",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
standalone = True,
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "census",
srcs = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
9 years ago
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_internal_hdrs_only",
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
deps = [
name = "useful",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gpr/useful.h"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "examine_stack",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/types:optional"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
9 years ago
name = "gpr_base",
srcs = [
7 years ago
4 years ago
9 years ago
hdrs = [
7 years ago
4 years ago
9 years ago
6 years ago
external_deps = [
6 years ago
6 years ago
language = "c++",
8 years ago
public_hdrs = GPR_PUBLIC_HDRS,
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_gpr_base_legacy"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "gpr_tls",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gpr/tls.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "chunked_vector",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/chunked_vector.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "construct_destruct",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/construct_destruct.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "cpp_impl_of",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/cpp_impl_of.h"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
name = "status_helper",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "unique_type_name",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/unique_type_name.h"],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = ["useful"],
9 years ago
name = "gpr_codegen",
language = "c++",
9 years ago
public_hdrs = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
# A library that vends only port_platform, so that libraries that don't need
# anything else from gpr can still be portable!
name = "gpr_platform",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
name = "grpc_trace",
srcs = ["src/core/lib/debug/"],
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/debug/trace.h"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:trace"],
deps = [
name = "config",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "debug_location",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:debug_location"],
name = "overload",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/overload.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "match",
external_deps = ["absl/types:variant"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/match.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "table",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/table.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "bitset",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/bitset.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "orphanable",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "poll",
external_deps = ["absl/types:variant"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "call_push_pull",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/promise/call_push_pull.h"],
external_deps = ["absl/types:variant"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "context",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "map",
external_deps = ["absl/types:variant"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/promise/map.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "sleep",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "promise",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "arena_promise",
external_deps = ["absl/meta:type_traits"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "promise_like",
external_deps = ["absl/meta:type_traits"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "promise_factory",
external_deps = ["absl/meta:type_traits"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "if",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/promise/if.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "promise_status",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "race",
external_deps = ["absl/types:variant"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/promise/race.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "loop",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "switch",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "basic_join",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "join",
external_deps = ["absl/meta:type_traits"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "try_join",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "basic_seq",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "seq",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "try_seq",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "activity",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "exec_ctx_wakeup_scheduler",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "wait_set",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "intra_activity_waiter",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "latch",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "observable",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "pipe",
external_deps = ["absl/types:optional"],
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "for_each",
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/promise/for_each.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "ref_counted",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "dual_ref_counted",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/dual_ref_counted.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "ref_counted_ptr",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = ["src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:ref_counted_ptr"],
deps = [
name = "handshaker",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "handshaker_factory",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "handshaker_registry",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "http_connect_handshaker",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "tcp_connect_handshaker",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "channel_creds_registry",
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "event_engine_memory_allocator",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
name = "memory_quota",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
deps = [
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
name = "periodic_update",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "arena",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/utility"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
name = "thread_quota",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/base:core_headers"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
deps = [
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
name = "resource_quota_trace",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
deps = [
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
name = "resource_quota",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
deps = [
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
Rewrite memory quota management in C++ with Promises library (#27327) * first pass new memory quota * forget the ee stuff - it should be a wrapper on top * beginning to finalize * compiles * basic tests pass * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * merge * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add rebind test * flesh out the rest * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add increase * prog * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * allow cancellation during run * fixes * clang-format * better allocation strategy * better allocation strategy * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Update * format * better comment * remove block size - this is probably unnecessary complexity * fmt * cleanup * size_t * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * move makeslice into memoryallocator * move makeslice into memoryallocator * add container allocator, tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * add some docs * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix doc * comment vector * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixes * ditch the thread * exec_ctx integration * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress! * fuzzer * initial_corpora * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * bigger_objects * better-fuzzer * add stress test * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Remove unused header * Iwyu * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Portability fix, comment * Fix unused arg * Remove unused names * Removed unused name * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * windows * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * cleanup * fix-mac * cleanup, eliminate atomicbarrier * exclude some platforms * Automated change: Fix sanity tests Co-authored-by: ctiller <>
4 years ago
name = "slice_refcount",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
public_hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "slice",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "slice_buffer",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "error",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "closure",
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "time",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings:str_format"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "exec_ctx",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "sockaddr_utils",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "iomgr_port",
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "iomgr_timer",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
] + [
# TODO(hork): deduplicate
external_deps = [
visibility = ["@grpc:iomgr_timer"],
deps = [
name = "iomgr_fwd",
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "grpc_sockaddr",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "avl",
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "event_engine_base_hdrs",
external_deps = [
deps = [
name = "default_event_engine_factory_hdrs",
hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "default_event_engine_factory",
srcs = [
external_deps = ["absl/memory"],
deps = [
name = "iomgr_ee_time_averaged_stats",
srcs = ["src/core/lib/event_engine/iomgr_engine/"],
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_base"],
name = "iomgr_ee_timer",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "iomgr_ee_thread_pool",
srcs = ["src/core/lib/event_engine/iomgr_engine/"],
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/functional:any_invocable"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_base"],
name = "iomgr_ee_timer_manager",
srcs = ["src/core/lib/event_engine/iomgr_engine/"],
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "iomgr_event_engine",
srcs = ["src/core/lib/event_engine/iomgr_engine/"],
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/event_engine/iomgr_engine/iomgr_engine.h"],
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "event_engine_common",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
deps = [
name = "event_engine_trace",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "event_engine_base",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
deps = [
name = "uri_parser",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "channel_args_preconditioning",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "pid_controller",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "bdp_estimator",
srcs = [
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/transport/bdp_estimator.h"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "percent_encoding",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_base",
9 years ago
srcs = [
8 years ago
9 years ago
hdrs = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
] +
# TODO(ctiller): remove these
# These headers used to be vended by this target, but they have been split
# out into separate targets now. In order to transition downstream code, we
# re-export these headers from here for now, and when LSC's have completed
# to clean this up, we'll remove these.
9 years ago
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
name = "channel_stack_type",
8 years ago
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "channel_init",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
8 years ago
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
8 years ago
deps = [
name = "single_set_ptr",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "channel_stack_builder",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
Convert grpc_channel to C++ (#29266) * begin * tests * fix * http * Filter fuzzer * progress * basics * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Revert "Revert "HTTP Client Filter --> promises (#29031)" (#29181)" This reverts commit 6ee276f67219d5b72bf48d327fc3dd6b6509258d. * stuff * debug * minimal reproduction * progress * progress * create call * progress * recv trailing metadata * wakeups * corpus * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * debug * fix state machine for c# * Revert "minimal reproduction" This reverts commit 4d02d2e7301172410d7243de70e993f5275c732b. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 7960842f48742575eb0c60aa5e983ee13793bbb5. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit a6f224e4a1fe8376d7dfc019c8c37074a4fd3de4. * no-logging * initial-metadata * Revert "Revert "debug"" This reverts commit 951844e8573caacf1061ac8f5e9c2ce73e747d2b. * Better int conversion * debug * Fix for Cronet * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 4d641c428142d60aa6133b71a5b78643ec9c929a. * Revert "Better int conversion" This reverts commit 4001b957cb775ca148b3f6f28a3faed3f087f9be. * Revert "Revert "Revert "debug""" This reverts commit d135c610432227393eedb954bab058f151ab0bc6. * progress * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix, c++ize * handle transport, use objects * enable more stuffs * remove placeholder * contexts * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * x * exceptional toast * include idle filters, time * fix * namespace * fixes * final info * progress * cleanup * progress * progress * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * Set int * Set int * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * fixes * fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * fix race * fix race * mac fix * review feedback * getgetget * fix ios Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Jan Tattermusch <>
3 years ago
external_deps = [
Convert grpc_channel to C++ (#29266) * begin * tests * fix * http * Filter fuzzer * progress * basics * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Revert "Revert "HTTP Client Filter --> promises (#29031)" (#29181)" This reverts commit 6ee276f67219d5b72bf48d327fc3dd6b6509258d. * stuff * debug * minimal reproduction * progress * progress * create call * progress * recv trailing metadata * wakeups * corpus * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * debug * fix state machine for c# * Revert "minimal reproduction" This reverts commit 4d02d2e7301172410d7243de70e993f5275c732b. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 7960842f48742575eb0c60aa5e983ee13793bbb5. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit a6f224e4a1fe8376d7dfc019c8c37074a4fd3de4. * no-logging * initial-metadata * Revert "Revert "debug"" This reverts commit 951844e8573caacf1061ac8f5e9c2ce73e747d2b. * Better int conversion * debug * Fix for Cronet * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 4d641c428142d60aa6133b71a5b78643ec9c929a. * Revert "Better int conversion" This reverts commit 4001b957cb775ca148b3f6f28a3faed3f087f9be. * Revert "Revert "Revert "debug""" This reverts commit d135c610432227393eedb954bab058f151ab0bc6. * progress * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix, c++ize * handle transport, use objects * enable more stuffs * remove placeholder * contexts * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * x * exceptional toast * include idle filters, time * fix * namespace * fixes * final info * progress * cleanup * progress * progress * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * progress * Set int * Set int * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * fix * fixes * fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * fix race * fix race * mac fix * review feedback * getgetget * fix ios Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Jan Tattermusch <>
3 years ago
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_common",
defines = select({
"grpc_no_rls": ["GRPC_NO_RLS"],
"//conditions:default": [],
language = "c++",
select_deps = [
"grpc_no_rls": [],
"//conditions:default": ["grpc_lb_policy_rls"],
deps = [
# standard plugins
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_service_config",
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_service_config_impl",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "service_config_parser",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "server_address",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_resolver",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
deps = [
name = "channel_args",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
Filter fuzzer (#29177) * begin * tests * fix * http * Filter fuzzer * progress * basics * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Revert "Revert "HTTP Client Filter --> promises (#29031)" (#29181)" This reverts commit 6ee276f67219d5b72bf48d327fc3dd6b6509258d. * stuff * debug * minimal reproduction * progress * progress * create call * progress * recv trailing metadata * wakeups * corpus * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * debug * fix state machine for c# * Revert "minimal reproduction" This reverts commit 4d02d2e7301172410d7243de70e993f5275c732b. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 7960842f48742575eb0c60aa5e983ee13793bbb5. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit a6f224e4a1fe8376d7dfc019c8c37074a4fd3de4. * no-logging * initial-metadata * Revert "Revert "debug"" This reverts commit 951844e8573caacf1061ac8f5e9c2ce73e747d2b. * Better int conversion * debug * Fix for Cronet * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 4d641c428142d60aa6133b71a5b78643ec9c929a. * Revert "Better int conversion" This reverts commit 4001b957cb775ca148b3f6f28a3faed3f087f9be. * Revert "Revert "Revert "debug""" This reverts commit d135c610432227393eedb954bab058f151ab0bc6. * progress * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix, c++ize * handle transport, use objects * enable more stuffs * remove placeholder * contexts * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * x * exceptional toast * include idle filters, time * fix * namespace * fixes * final info * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * combine cases Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Jan Tattermusch <>
3 years ago
name = "resolved_address",
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/iomgr/resolved_address.h"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_client_channel",
9 years ago
srcs = [
9 years ago
hdrs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:client_channel"],
9 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
7 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_server_config_selector",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_server_config_selector_filter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "idle_filter_state",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "grpc_channel_idle_filter",
srcs = [
Filter fuzzer (#29177) * begin * tests * fix * http * Filter fuzzer * progress * basics * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Revert "Revert "HTTP Client Filter --> promises (#29031)" (#29181)" This reverts commit 6ee276f67219d5b72bf48d327fc3dd6b6509258d. * stuff * debug * minimal reproduction * progress * progress * create call * progress * recv trailing metadata * wakeups * corpus * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * debug * fix state machine for c# * Revert "minimal reproduction" This reverts commit 4d02d2e7301172410d7243de70e993f5275c732b. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 7960842f48742575eb0c60aa5e983ee13793bbb5. * Revert "debug" This reverts commit a6f224e4a1fe8376d7dfc019c8c37074a4fd3de4. * no-logging * initial-metadata * Revert "Revert "debug"" This reverts commit 951844e8573caacf1061ac8f5e9c2ce73e747d2b. * Better int conversion * debug * Fix for Cronet * Revert "debug" This reverts commit 4d641c428142d60aa6133b71a5b78643ec9c929a. * Revert "Better int conversion" This reverts commit 4001b957cb775ca148b3f6f28a3faed3f087f9be. * Revert "Revert "Revert "debug""" This reverts commit d135c610432227393eedb954bab058f151ab0bc6. * progress * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix, c++ize * handle transport, use objects * enable more stuffs * remove placeholder * contexts * fix * fix * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * x * exceptional toast * include idle filters, time * fix * namespace * fixes * final info * progress * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fix * fix * combine cases Co-authored-by: ctiller <> Co-authored-by: Jan Tattermusch <>
3 years ago
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_deadline_filter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
8 years ago
deps = [
8 years ago
name = "grpc_client_authority_filter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_message_size_filter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_fault_injection_filter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_rbac_filter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_http_filters",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:http"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_codegen",
language = "c++",
9 years ago
public_hdrs = [
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_grpclb_balancer_addresses",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:grpclb"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_grpclb",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_backend_metric_data",
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "grpc_lb_policy_rls",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_xds_client",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
name = "grpc_xds_channel_stack_modifier",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_xds_server_config_fetcher",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "channel_creds_registry_init",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_google_mesh_ca_certificate_provider_factory",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_lb_policy_cds",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_xds_channel_args",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
name = "grpc_lb_xds_common",
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/memory"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_lb_policy_xds_cluster_resolver",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_xds_cluster_impl",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_lb_policy_xds_cluster_manager",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
5 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_address_filtering",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_lb_subchannel_list",
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_pick_first",
srcs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_ring_hash",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_round_robin",
srcs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
name = "grpc_outlier_detection_header",
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/types:optional"],
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_outlier_detection",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
deps = [
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
outlier detection: implement LB policy and xDS configuration (#29343) * Initial skeleton for outlier detection * fixing code review comments (modifying child policy) * Skeleton and all tests passing except for 1 * small code review comments fix * Adding the parsing of the policy in cds and put it in discovery mechansim json format * Parsing outlier detection json policy from parent * Adding parsing of the updates * Added Subchannel wrapper and watcher wrapper: and all states pass through and all tests still pass * added framework to do eject and uneject * fixing code review comments * restore a test * fixing code review comments * taking care of code review comments * removing debug code and rebuild build files * fixing according to code review comments * fixing code review comments * Adding address to subchannel map * addressing code review comments * adding call counter * Refcount SubchannelState (in the map) and store them in Subcahnnel Wrapper * fixing counterss * Call counter and tracker skleton added * Call counter * addressing code review comments * addressing code review comments * Added CallCounter and timer * fixing sanity; but more importantly: taking out timer temporarly as it was causing test failures. * sanity * fixing according to code review comments * addressing code review comments * all algorithms implemented * addressing code review comment about starting the timer * protect private vars * small fix * Added one more corner case * fixing EjectionTimer * Fixing according to code review suggestions. * fixing according to code reveiw comments * taking care of code review comments * fixing sanity issues * Adding proto to tests * First test * Fixing according to code review comments * Tests all working now * fixing a crash * fixing build files * fixing sanity * sanity * Simplifying tests * merge and update * format * sanity and format * Fixing asan error * fixing parsing logic and error handling * 6 more tests done * Added verifying unejection to tests * Added all the tests * fixing according to code review comments * fixing asan and ubsan * Fixing tests according to code review comments * Added both algorithm tests * added percentage enforcement tests * fixing tsan error * keeping debug, but fix warning * remove debugs * fixing IWYU and build errors after * test comments change only but very important * fixing code review comments * one more refactorying of util function * Removed debugs and added one more helper method * one more logic fix * Fixing last bit of code review comments and added disable tests * fixing code review comments * fixing IWYU * sanity format * protecting the feature with environment var: registering policy and generating policy * added a todo according to code review comments * fixing a clang finding at import time * build fix after synching to latest
3 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_policy_priority",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_lb_policy_weighted_target",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "lb_server_load_reporting_filter",
9 years ago
srcs = [
9 years ago
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
alwayslink = 1,
name = "lb_load_data_store",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "lb_server_load_reporting_service_server_builder_plugin",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpcpp_server_load_reporting",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
deps = [
name = "lb_load_reporter_service",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "lb_get_cpu_stats",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "lb_load_reporter",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "polling_resolver",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
6 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_dns_selection",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
6 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_dns_native",
srcs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
9 years ago
deps = [
6 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_dns_ares",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
deps = [
6 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_sockaddr",
srcs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_binder",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_resolver_fake",
srcs = ["src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/fake/"],
hdrs = ["src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/fake/fake_resolver.h"],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = [
deps = [
name = "grpc_resolver_xds_header",
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
6 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_xds",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
6 years ago
language = "c++",
deps = [
6 years ago
name = "grpc_resolver_c2p",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "httpcli",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:httpcli"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_authorization_base",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_fake_credentials",
srcs = [
9 years ago
hdrs = [
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = [
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_fake_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_insecure_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_local_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_local_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_alts_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_ssl_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_google_default_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
name = "grpc_tls_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_iam_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_jwt_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_oauth2_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_external_account_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "httpcli_ssl_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_secure",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_ssl_types",
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["libssl"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "grpc_security_base",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_credentials_util",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_alts_credentials",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_ssl_session_cache",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_ssl_credentials",
srcs = [
TLS Session Keys export for GRPC C++ (#26812) * Adding TLS Key export logic to core and c++ wrappers * Adding and end2end cpp tls key export test and updating broken test due to interface changes * regenerate projects * updating tls key export core logic with addition of APIs to grpc_security.h * undoing changes to tls_security_connector_test * regenerate projects * changing the logging format enum name as per GRFC comments * regenerate projects * removing some commented code * updating changes as per review comments * adding GRPCAPI annotations to functions defined in grpc_security.h * regenerate projects * fixed some code styling issues * removing grpc_security.h include from tls_credentials_options.h * updating files as per review comments * minor fixes * moving some code around * removing key log format from tls session key log config and converting it to a simple string * regenerate projects * fixing mistakes in recent merge with master * regenerate projects * regenerate projects * fixing some distrib and snity errors * fixing formatting errors * fixing more sanity checks and raising supported openssl versions to 1.1.1 * updating min supported openssl version to 1.1.1 * updating min supported openssl version in tls_key_export_test * updating test to fix incorrect vector initialization * updating as per latest comments * fixing sanity checks * addressing review comments * fixing sanity checks * fixed c++ comment style * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixing review comments Co-authored-by: Vignesh2208 <>
3 years ago
hdrs = [
TLS Session Keys export for GRPC C++ (#26812) * Adding TLS Key export logic to core and c++ wrappers * Adding and end2end cpp tls key export test and updating broken test due to interface changes * regenerate projects * updating tls key export core logic with addition of APIs to grpc_security.h * undoing changes to tls_security_connector_test * regenerate projects * changing the logging format enum name as per GRFC comments * regenerate projects * removing some commented code * updating changes as per review comments * adding GRPCAPI annotations to functions defined in grpc_security.h * regenerate projects * fixed some code styling issues * removing grpc_security.h include from tls_credentials_options.h * updating files as per review comments * minor fixes * moving some code around * removing key log format from tls session key log config and converting it to a simple string * regenerate projects * fixing mistakes in recent merge with master * regenerate projects * regenerate projects * fixing some distrib and snity errors * fixing formatting errors * fixing more sanity checks and raising supported openssl versions to 1.1.1 * updating min supported openssl version to 1.1.1 * updating min supported openssl version in tls_key_export_test * updating test to fix incorrect vector initialization * updating as per latest comments * fixing sanity checks * addressing review comments * fixing sanity checks * fixed c++ comment style * Automated change: Fix sanity tests * fixing review comments Co-authored-by: Vignesh2208 <>
3 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_mock_cel",
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
# This target depends on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
name = "grpc_matchers",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_base"],
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc_rbac_engine",
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
srcs = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc_authorization_provider",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPC_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc++_authorization_provider",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
# This target pulls in a dependency on RE2 and should not be linked into grpc by default for binary-size reasons.
name = "grpc_cel_engine",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
external_deps = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
deps = [
Basic class definition and constructor Cel eval engine Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor Iterate through policies and store CEL condition git push origin ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into celeval_constructor added class and constructor comments for CelEvaluationEngine CelEvaluationEngine class and constructor Added cel_evaluation_engine to build ran updated BUILD with cel_evaluation_engine added rbac.upb.h/cc to BUILD Rewrote cel_evaluation_engine code with upb conventions removed unnecessary deps for cel_evaluation_engine in BUILD Cel_evaluation_engine uses arenas to manage condition pointers Used upb::Arena instead of upb_arena*, added temp_arena to save memory Added action_allow_ member variable Added fullstops to comments initialize action_allow_ changed variable names to be more clear removed unnecessary headers correctly initialize the action_allow_ variable changed constructor to use an initializer list ran clang_tidy and clang_format scripts added cel_engine_test resolved merge conflicts and rewrote cel engine constructor to use new map api changed variables to be more clear and made them const changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed syntax.upb.h so the build succeeds changed version of upb in bazel_dpes regenerated upb files with new upb version added TODO regarding two-policy design modified CelEvaluationEngine and tests to use two rbac policies Made test messages consistent and added a case with too many policies changed name from cel_engine to authorization_engine fixed merge issues and updated authorization engine to v3 rbac made constructor public and added namespace grpc_core
5 years ago
name = "hpack_constants",
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = ["gpr_platform"],
name = "hpack_encoder_table",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = ["absl/container:inlined_vector"],
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "chttp2_flow_control",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_transport_chttp2",
srcs = [
7 years ago
9 years ago
hdrs = [
7 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:grpclb"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc_transport_chttp2_alpn",
srcs = [
9 years ago
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_transport_chttp2_client_connector",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_transport_chttp2_server",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc_transport_inproc",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "tsi_base",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi_interface"],
deps = [
name = "alts_util",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi"],
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "tsi",
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:tsi"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_base",
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc++_base_legacy"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_base_unsecure",
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = GRPCXX_PUBLIC_HDRS,
tags = ["avoid_dep"],
visibility = ["@grpc:alt_grpc++_base_unsecure_legacy"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_codegen_base",
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
7 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
9 years ago
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_codegen_base_src",
srcs = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
9 years ago
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_codegen_proto",
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
9 years ago
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
9 years ago
deps = [
9 years ago
name = "grpc++_config_proto",
external_deps = [
9 years ago
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
9 years ago
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
name = "grpc++_reflection",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_call_metric_recorder",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpcpp_orca_interceptor",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
name = "grpcpp_orca_service",
srcs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:public"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_channelz",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:channelz"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_csds",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpcpp_admin",
srcs = [
hdrs = [],
defines = select({
"grpc_no_xds": ["GRPC_NO_XDS"],
"//conditions:default": [],
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
public_hdrs = [
select_deps = [{
"grpc_no_xds": [],
"//conditions:default": ["//:grpcpp_csds"],
deps = [
alwayslink = 1,
name = "grpc++_test",
testonly = True,
srcs = [
external_deps = [
public_hdrs = [
visibility = ["@grpc:grpc++_test"],
deps = [
name = "grpc++_core_stats",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
language = "c++",
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "grpc_opencensus_plugin",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
7 years ago
external_deps = [
language = "c++",
visibility = ["@grpc:grpc_opencensus_plugin"],
deps = [
name = "json",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
external_deps = [
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
name = "json_util",
srcs = ["src/core/lib/json/"],
hdrs = ["src/core/lib/json/json_util.h"],
external_deps = ["absl/strings"],
tags = ["grpc-autodeps"],
deps = [
### UPB Targets
name = "envoy_admin_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/admin/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_cluster_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/cluster/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_cluster_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/cluster/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_core_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/core/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_endpoint_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/endpoint/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_endpoint_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/endpoint/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_listener_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/listener/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_listener_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/listener/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_rbac_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/rbac/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_route_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/route/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_config_route_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/config/route/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_clusters_aggregate_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_clusters_aggregate_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_common_fault_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/common/fault/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_fault_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_fault_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_rbac_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/rbac/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_rbac_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/rbac/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_router_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/router/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_http_router_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/http/router/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_load_balancing_policies_ring_hash_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/load_balancing_policies/ring_hash/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_load_balancing_policies_wrr_locality_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/load_balancing_policies/wrr_locality/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_network_http_connection_manager_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_filters_network_http_connection_manager_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_transport_sockets_tls_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_extensions_transport_sockets_tls_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_discovery_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/discovery/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_discovery_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/discovery/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_load_stats_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/load_stats/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_load_stats_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/load_stats/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_status_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/status/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_service_status_upbdefs",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/service/status/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_type_matcher_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/type/matcher/v3:pkg"],
name = "envoy_type_upb",
deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/type/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_type_upb",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/type/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_type_upbdefs",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/type/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_orca_upb",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/data/orca/v3:pkg"],
name = "xds_orca_service_upb",
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//xds/service/orca/v3:pkg"],
name = "grpc_health_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/health/v1:health_proto_descriptor"],
name = "google_rpc_status_upb",
deps = ["@com_google_googleapis//google/rpc:status_proto"],
name = "google_rpc_status_upbdefs",
deps = ["@com_google_googleapis//google/rpc:status_proto"],
name = "google_type_expr_upb",
deps = ["@com_google_googleapis//google/type:expr_proto"],
6 years ago
name = "grpc_lb_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lb/v1:load_balancer_proto_descriptor"],
name = "alts_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/gcp:alts_handshaker_proto"],
name = "rls_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1:rls_proto_descriptor"],
name = "rls_config_upb",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1:rls_config_proto_descriptor"],
name = "rls_config_upbdefs",
deps = ["//src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1:rls_config_proto_descriptor"],
name = "protobuf_" + target + "_upb",
deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:" + target + "_proto"],
name = "protobuf_" + target + "_upbdefs",
deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:" + target + "_proto"],
name = "root_certificates",
srcs = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],