The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)

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* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// IWYU pragma: private, include <grpcpp/support/interceptor.h>
#include <memory>
#include <grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/byte_buffer.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/config.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/core_codegen_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/metadata_map.h>
namespace grpc {
class ChannelInterface;
class Status;
namespace experimental {
/// An enumeration of different possible points at which the \a Intercept
/// method of the \a Interceptor interface may be called. Any given call
/// to \a Intercept will include one or more of these hook points, and
/// each hook point makes certain types of information available to the
/// interceptor.
/// In these enumeration names, PRE_SEND means that an interception has taken
/// place between the time the application provided a certain type of data
/// (e.g., initial metadata, status) and the time that that data goes to the
/// other side. POST_SEND means that the data has been committed for going to
/// the other side (even if it has not yet been received at the other side).
/// PRE_RECV means an interception between the time that a certain
/// operation has been requested and it is available. POST_RECV means that a
/// result is available but has not yet been passed back to the application.
/// A batch of interception points will only contain either PRE or POST hooks
/// but not both types. For example, a batch with PRE_SEND hook points will not
/// contain POST_RECV or POST_SEND ops. Likewise, a batch with POST_* ops can
/// not contain PRE_* ops.
enum class InterceptionHookPoints {
6 years ago
/// The first three in this list are for clients and servers
PRE_SEND_STATUS, // server only
PRE_SEND_CLOSE, // client only: WritesDone for stream; after write in unary
/// The following three are for hijacked clients only. A batch with PRE_RECV_*
/// hook points will never contain hook points of other types.
/// The following two are for all clients and servers
POST_RECV_STATUS, // client only
POST_RECV_CLOSE, // server only
/// This is a special hook point available to both clients and servers when
/// TryCancel() is performed.
/// - No other hook points will be present along with this.
/// - It is illegal for an interceptor to block/delay this operation.
/// - ALL interceptors see this hook point irrespective of whether the
/// RPC was hijacked or not.
/// Class that is passed as an argument to the \a Intercept method
/// of the application's \a Interceptor interface implementation. It has five
/// purposes:
/// 1. Indicate which hook points are present at a specific interception
/// 2. Allow an interceptor to inform the library that an RPC should
/// continue to the next stage of its processing (which may be another
/// interceptor or the main path of the library)
/// 3. Allow an interceptor to hijack the processing of the RPC (only for
/// client-side RPCs with PRE_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA) so that it does not
/// proceed with normal processing beyond that stage
/// 4. Access the relevant fields of an RPC at each interception point
/// 5. Set some fields of an RPC at each interception point, when possible
class InterceptorBatchMethods {
virtual ~InterceptorBatchMethods() {}
/// Determine whether the current batch has an interception hook point
/// of type \a type
virtual bool QueryInterceptionHookPoint(InterceptionHookPoints type) = 0;
/// Signal that the interceptor is done intercepting the current batch of the
/// RPC. Every interceptor must either call Proceed or Hijack on each
/// interception. In most cases, only Proceed will be used. Explicit use of
/// Proceed is what enables interceptors to delay the processing of RPCs
/// while they perform other work.
/// Proceed is a no-op if the batch contains PRE_SEND_CANCEL. Simply returning
/// from the Intercept method does the job of continuing the RPC in this case.
/// This is because PRE_SEND_CANCEL is always in a separate batch and is not
/// allowed to be delayed.
virtual void Proceed() = 0;
/// Indicate that the interceptor has hijacked the RPC (only valid if the
/// batch contains send_initial_metadata on the client side). Later
/// interceptors in the interceptor list will not be called. Later batches
/// on the same RPC will go through interception, but only up to the point
/// of the hijacking interceptor.
virtual void Hijack() = 0;
/// Send Message Methods
/// GetSerializedSendMessage and GetSendMessage/ModifySendMessage are the
/// available methods to view and modify the request payload. An interceptor
/// can access the payload in either serialized form or non-serialized form
/// but not both at the same time.
/// gRPC performs serialization in a lazy manner, which means
/// that a call to GetSerializedSendMessage will result in a serialization
/// operation if the payload stored is not in the serialized form already; the
/// non-serialized form will be lost and GetSendMessage will no longer return
/// a valid pointer, and this will remain true for later interceptors too.
/// This can change however if ModifySendMessage is used to replace the
/// current payload. Note that ModifySendMessage requires a new payload
/// message in the non-serialized form. This will overwrite the existing
/// payload irrespective of whether it had been serialized earlier. Also note
/// that gRPC Async API requires early serialization of the payload which
/// means that the payload would be available in the serialized form only
/// unless an interceptor replaces the payload with ModifySendMessage.
/// Returns a modifable ByteBuffer holding the serialized form of the message
/// that is going to be sent. Valid for PRE_SEND_MESSAGE interceptions.
/// A return value of nullptr indicates that this ByteBuffer is not valid.
virtual ByteBuffer* GetSerializedSendMessage() = 0;
/// Returns a non-modifiable pointer to the non-serialized form of the message
/// to be sent. Valid for PRE_SEND_MESSAGE interceptions. A return value of
/// nullptr indicates that this field is not valid.
virtual const void* GetSendMessage() = 0;
/// Overwrites the message to be sent with \a message. \a message should be in
/// the non-serialized form expected by the method. Valid for PRE_SEND_MESSAGE
/// interceptions. Note that the interceptor is responsible for maintaining
/// the life of the message till it is serialized or it receives the
/// POST_SEND_MESSAGE interception point, whichever happens earlier. The
/// modifying interceptor may itself force early serialization by calling
/// GetSerializedSendMessage.
virtual void ModifySendMessage(const void* message) = 0;
/// Checks whether the SEND MESSAGE op succeeded. Valid for POST_SEND_MESSAGE
/// interceptions.
virtual bool GetSendMessageStatus() = 0;
/// Returns a modifiable multimap of the initial metadata to be sent. Valid
/// for PRE_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA interceptions. A value of nullptr indicates
/// that this field is not valid.
virtual std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* GetSendInitialMetadata() = 0;
/// Returns the status to be sent. Valid for PRE_SEND_STATUS interceptions.
virtual Status GetSendStatus() = 0;
/// Overwrites the status with \a status. Valid for PRE_SEND_STATUS
/// interceptions.
virtual void ModifySendStatus(const Status& status) = 0;
/// Returns a modifiable multimap of the trailing metadata to be sent. Valid
/// for PRE_SEND_STATUS interceptions. A value of nullptr indicates
/// that this field is not valid.
virtual std::multimap<std::string, std::string>*
GetSendTrailingMetadata() = 0;
/// Returns a pointer to the modifiable received message. Note that the
/// message is already deserialized but the type is not set; the interceptor
/// should static_cast to the appropriate type before using it. This is valid
/// for PRE_RECV_MESSAGE and POST_RECV_MESSAGE interceptions; nullptr for not
/// valid
virtual void* GetRecvMessage() = 0;
/// Returns a modifiable multimap of the received initial metadata.
/// interceptions; nullptr if not valid
virtual std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>*
GetRecvInitialMetadata() = 0;
/// Returns a modifiable view of the received status on PRE_RECV_STATUS and
/// POST_RECV_STATUS interceptions; nullptr if not valid.
virtual Status* GetRecvStatus() = 0;
/// Returns a modifiable multimap of the received trailing metadata on
/// PRE_RECV_STATUS and POST_RECV_STATUS interceptions; nullptr if not valid
virtual std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>*
GetRecvTrailingMetadata() = 0;
/// Gets an intercepted channel. When a call is started on this interceptor,
/// only interceptors after the current interceptor are created from the
/// factory objects registered with the channel. This allows calls to be
/// started from interceptors without infinite regress through the interceptor
/// list.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface> GetInterceptedChannel() = 0;
/// On a hijacked RPC, an interceptor can decide to fail a PRE_RECV_MESSAGE
/// op. This would be a signal to the reader that there will be no more
/// messages, or the stream has failed or been cancelled.
virtual void FailHijackedRecvMessage() = 0;
/// On a hijacked RPC/ to-be hijacked RPC, this can be called to fail a SEND
/// MESSAGE op
virtual void FailHijackedSendMessage() = 0;
/// Interface for an interceptor. Interceptor authors must create a class
/// that derives from this parent class.
class Interceptor {
virtual ~Interceptor() {}
/// The one public method of an Interceptor interface. Override this to
/// trigger the desired actions at the hook points described above.
virtual void Intercept(InterceptorBatchMethods* methods) = 0;
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace grpc
7 years ago