import re
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Please provide at least one source file name as argument.")
for file_name in sys.argv[1:]:
print("Modifying format of {file} comments in place...".format(
file = file_name,
# Input
lines = []
with open(file_name, "r") as input_file:
lines = input_file.readlines()
def peek():
return lines[0]
def read_line():
return lines.pop(0)
def more_input_available():
return lines
# Output
output_lines = []
def write(line):
def flush_output():
with open(file_name, "w") as otuput_file:
for line in output_lines:
# Pattern matching
comment_regex = r'^(\s*)//\s(.*)$'
def is_comment(line):
return re.search(comment_regex, line)
def isnt_comment(line):
return not is_comment(line)
def next_line(predicate):
if not more_input_available():
return False
return predicate(peek())
# Transformation
def indentation_of(line):
match = re.search(comment_regex, line)
return match.group(1)
def content(line):
match = re.search(comment_regex, line)
return match.group(2)
def format_as_block(comment_block):
if len(comment_block) == 0:
return []
indent = indentation_of(comment_block[0])
if len(comment_block) == 1:
return [indent + "/** " + content(comment_block[0]) + " */\n"]
block = ["/**"] + [" * " + content(line) for line in comment_block] + [" */"]
return [indent + line.rstrip() + "\n" for line in block]
# Main algorithm
while more_input_available():
while next_line(isnt_comment):
comment_block = []
# Get all lines in the same comment block. We could restrict the indentation
# to be the same as the first line of the block, but it's probably ok.
while (next_line(is_comment)):
for line in format_as_block(comment_block):