The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)

537 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <grpc/impl/grpc_types.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/call.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/call_op_set_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/intercepted_channel.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/client_interceptor.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/server_interceptor.h>
namespace grpc {
namespace internal {
class InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl
: public experimental::InterceptorBatchMethods {
InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl() {
for (auto i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(0);
i < experimental::InterceptionHookPoints::NUM_INTERCEPTION_HOOKS;
i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(
static_cast<size_t>(i) + 1)) {
hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(i)] = false;
~InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl() override {}
bool QueryInterceptionHookPoint(
experimental::InterceptionHookPoints type) override {
return hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
void Proceed() override {
if (call_->client_rpc_info() != nullptr) {
return ProceedClient();
GPR_ASSERT(call_->server_rpc_info() != nullptr);
void Hijack() override {
// Only the client can hijack when sending down initial metadata
GPR_ASSERT(!reverse_ && ops_ != nullptr &&
call_->client_rpc_info() != nullptr);
// It is illegal to call Hijack twice
auto* rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
rpc_info->hijacked_ = true;
rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_ = current_interceptor_index_;
ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = true;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
void AddInterceptionHookPoint(experimental::InterceptionHookPoints type) {
hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(type)] = true;
ByteBuffer* GetSerializedSendMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(orig_send_message_ != nullptr);
if (*orig_send_message_ != nullptr) {
*orig_send_message_ = nullptr;
return send_message_;
const void* GetSendMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(orig_send_message_ != nullptr);
return *orig_send_message_;
void ModifySendMessage(const void* message) override {
GPR_ASSERT(orig_send_message_ != nullptr);
*orig_send_message_ = message;
bool GetSendMessageStatus() override { return !*fail_send_message_; }
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* GetSendInitialMetadata() override {
return send_initial_metadata_;
Status GetSendStatus() override {
return Status(static_cast<StatusCode>(*code_), *error_message_,
void ModifySendStatus(const Status& status) override {
*code_ = static_cast<grpc_status_code>(status.error_code());
*error_details_ = status.error_details();
*error_message_ = status.error_message();
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* GetSendTrailingMetadata() override {
return send_trailing_metadata_;
void* GetRecvMessage() override { return recv_message_; }
std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>* GetRecvInitialMetadata()
override {
return recv_initial_metadata_->map();
Status* GetRecvStatus() override { return recv_status_; }
void FailHijackedSendMessage() override {
*fail_send_message_ = true;
std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>* GetRecvTrailingMetadata()
override {
return recv_trailing_metadata_->map();
void SetSendMessage(ByteBuffer* buf, const void** msg,
bool* fail_send_message,
std::function<Status(const void*)> serializer) {
send_message_ = buf;
orig_send_message_ = msg;
fail_send_message_ = fail_send_message;
serializer_ = serializer;
void SetSendInitialMetadata(
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* metadata) {
send_initial_metadata_ = metadata;
void SetSendStatus(grpc_status_code* code, std::string* error_details,
std::string* error_message) {
code_ = code;
error_details_ = error_details;
error_message_ = error_message;
void SetSendTrailingMetadata(
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* metadata) {
send_trailing_metadata_ = metadata;
void SetRecvMessage(void* message, bool* hijacked_recv_message_failed) {
recv_message_ = message;
hijacked_recv_message_failed_ = hijacked_recv_message_failed;
void SetRecvInitialMetadata(MetadataMap* map) {
recv_initial_metadata_ = map;
void SetRecvStatus(Status* status) { recv_status_ = status; }
void SetRecvTrailingMetadata(MetadataMap* map) {
recv_trailing_metadata_ = map;
std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface> GetInterceptedChannel() override {
auto* info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (info == nullptr) {
return std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface>(nullptr);
// The intercepted channel starts from the interceptor just after the
// current interceptor
return std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface>(new InterceptedChannel(
info->channel(), current_interceptor_index_ + 1));
void FailHijackedRecvMessage() override {
*hijacked_recv_message_failed_ = true;
// Clears all state
void ClearState() {
reverse_ = false;
ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = false;
// Prepares for Post_recv operations
void SetReverse() {
reverse_ = true;
ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = false;
// This needs to be set before interceptors are run
void SetCall(Call* call) { call_ = call; }
// This needs to be set before interceptors are run using RunInterceptors().
// Alternatively, RunInterceptors(std::function<void(void)> f) can be used.
void SetCallOpSetInterface(CallOpSetInterface* ops) { ops_ = ops; }
// SetCall should have been called before this.
// Returns true if the interceptors list is empty
bool InterceptorsListEmpty() {
auto* client_rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (client_rpc_info != nullptr) {
return client_rpc_info->interceptors_.empty();
auto* server_rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
return server_rpc_info == nullptr || server_rpc_info->interceptors_.empty();
// This should be used only by subclasses of CallOpSetInterface. SetCall and
// SetCallOpSetInterface should have been called before this. After all the
// interceptors are done running, either ContinueFillOpsAfterInterception or
// ContinueFinalizeOpsAfterInterception will be called. Note that neither of
// them is invoked if there were no interceptors registered.
bool RunInterceptors() {
auto* client_rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (client_rpc_info != nullptr) {
if (client_rpc_info->interceptors_.empty()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
auto* server_rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
if (server_rpc_info == nullptr || server_rpc_info->interceptors_.empty()) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if no interceptors are run. Returns false otherwise if there
// are interceptors registered. After the interceptors are done running \a f
// will be invoked. This is to be used only by BaseAsyncRequest and
// SyncRequest.
bool RunInterceptors(std::function<void(void)> f) {
// This is used only by the server for initial call request
GPR_ASSERT(reverse_ == true);
GPR_ASSERT(call_->client_rpc_info() == nullptr);
auto* server_rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
if (server_rpc_info == nullptr || server_rpc_info->interceptors_.empty()) {
return true;
callback_ = std::move(f);
return false;
void RunClientInterceptors() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (!reverse_) {
current_interceptor_index_ = 0;
} else {
if (rpc_info->hijacked_) {
current_interceptor_index_ = rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_;
} else {
current_interceptor_index_ = rpc_info->interceptors_.size() - 1;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
void RunServerInterceptors() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
if (!reverse_) {
current_interceptor_index_ = 0;
} else {
current_interceptor_index_ = rpc_info->interceptors_.size() - 1;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
void ProceedClient() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->client_rpc_info();
if (rpc_info->hijacked_ && !reverse_ &&
current_interceptor_index_ == rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_ &&
!ran_hijacking_interceptor_) {
// We now need to provide hijacked recv ops to this interceptor
ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = true;
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
if (!reverse_) {
// We are going down the stack of interceptors
if (current_interceptor_index_ < rpc_info->interceptors_.size()) {
if (rpc_info->hijacked_ &&
current_interceptor_index_ > rpc_info->hijacked_interceptor_) {
// This is a hijacked RPC and we are done with hijacking
} else {
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else {
// we are done running all the interceptors without any hijacking
} else {
// We are going up the stack of interceptors
if (current_interceptor_index_ > 0) {
// Continue running interceptors
rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else {
// we are done running all the interceptors without any hijacking
void ProceedServer() {
auto* rpc_info = call_->server_rpc_info();
if (!reverse_) {
if (current_interceptor_index_ < rpc_info->interceptors_.size()) {
return rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else if (ops_) {
return ops_->ContinueFillOpsAfterInterception();
} else {
// We are going up the stack of interceptors
if (current_interceptor_index_ > 0) {
// Continue running interceptors
return rpc_info->RunInterceptor(this, current_interceptor_index_);
} else if (ops_) {
return ops_->ContinueFinalizeResultAfterInterception();
void ClearHookPoints() {
for (auto i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(0);
i < experimental::InterceptionHookPoints::NUM_INTERCEPTION_HOOKS;
i = static_cast<experimental::InterceptionHookPoints>(
static_cast<size_t>(i) + 1)) {
hooks_[static_cast<size_t>(i)] = false;
size_t current_interceptor_index_ = 0; // Current iterator
bool reverse_ = false;
bool ran_hijacking_interceptor_ = false;
Call* call_ = nullptr; // The Call object is present along with CallOpSet
// object/callback
CallOpSetInterface* ops_ = nullptr;
std::function<void(void)> callback_;
ByteBuffer* send_message_ = nullptr;
bool* fail_send_message_ = nullptr;
const void** orig_send_message_ = nullptr;
std::function<Status(const void*)> serializer_;
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* send_initial_metadata_;
grpc_status_code* code_ = nullptr;
std::string* error_details_ = nullptr;
std::string* error_message_ = nullptr;
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* send_trailing_metadata_ = nullptr;
void* recv_message_ = nullptr;
bool* hijacked_recv_message_failed_ = nullptr;
MetadataMap* recv_initial_metadata_ = nullptr;
Status* recv_status_ = nullptr;
MetadataMap* recv_trailing_metadata_ = nullptr;
// A special implementation of InterceptorBatchMethods to send a Cancel
// notification down the interceptor stack
class CancelInterceptorBatchMethods
: public experimental::InterceptorBatchMethods {
bool QueryInterceptionHookPoint(
experimental::InterceptionHookPoints type) override {
return type == experimental::InterceptionHookPoints::PRE_SEND_CANCEL;
void Proceed() override {
// This is a no-op. For actual continuation of the RPC simply needs to
// return from the Intercept method
void Hijack() override {
// Only the client can hijack when sending down initial metadata
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call Hijack on a method which has a "
"Cancel notification");
ByteBuffer* GetSerializedSendMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetSendMessage on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
bool GetSendMessageStatus() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetSendMessageStatus on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
return false;
const void* GetSendMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetOriginalSendMessage on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
void ModifySendMessage(const void* /*message*/) override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call ModifySendMessage on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* GetSendInitialMetadata() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetSendInitialMetadata on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
Status GetSendStatus() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetSendStatus on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
return Status();
void ModifySendStatus(const Status& /*status*/) override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call ModifySendStatus on a method "
"which has a Cancel notification");
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>* GetSendTrailingMetadata() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetSendTrailingMetadata on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
void* GetRecvMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetRecvMessage on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>* GetRecvInitialMetadata()
override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetRecvInitialMetadata on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
Status* GetRecvStatus() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetRecvStatus on a method which "
"has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>* GetRecvTrailingMetadata()
override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetRecvTrailingMetadata on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface> GetInterceptedChannel() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call GetInterceptedChannel on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
return std::unique_ptr<ChannelInterface>(nullptr);
void FailHijackedRecvMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call FailHijackedRecvMessage on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
void FailHijackedSendMessage() override {
GPR_ASSERT(false &&
"It is illegal to call FailHijackedSendMessage on a "
"method which has a Cancel notification");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace grpc