#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helper to upload Jenkins test results to BQ"""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import six
import sys
import time
import uuid
gcp_utils_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../gcp/utils'))
import big_query_utils
_DATASET_ID = 'jenkins_test_results'
_DESCRIPTION = 'Test results from master job run on Jenkins'
# 90 days in milliseconds
_EXPIRATION_MS = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
_PROJECT_ID = 'grpc-testing'
('job_name', 'STRING', 'Name of Jenkins job'),
('build_id', 'INTEGER', 'Build ID of Jenkins job'),
('build_url', 'STRING', 'URL of Jenkins job'),
('test_name', 'STRING', 'Individual test name'),
('language', 'STRING', 'Language of test'),
('platform', 'STRING', 'Platform used for test'),
('config', 'STRING', 'Config used for test'),
('compiler', 'STRING', 'Compiler used for test'),
('iomgr_platform', 'STRING', 'Iomgr used for test'),
('result', 'STRING', 'Test result: PASSED, TIMEOUT, FAILED, or SKIPPED'),
('timestamp', 'TIMESTAMP', 'Timestamp of test run'),
('elapsed_time', 'FLOAT', 'How long test took to run'),
('cpu_estimated', 'FLOAT', 'Estimated CPU usage of test'),
('cpu_measured', 'FLOAT', 'Actual CPU usage of test'),
('return_code', 'INTEGER', 'Exit code of test'),
def _get_build_metadata(test_results):
"""Add Jenkins/Kokoro build metadata to test_results based on environment
variables set by Jenkins/Kokoro.
build_id = os.getenv('BUILD_ID') or os.getenv('KOKORO_BUILD_NUMBER')
build_url = os.getenv('BUILD_URL') or os.getenv('KOKORO_BUILD_URL')
job_name = os.getenv('JOB_BASE_NAME') or os.getenv('KOKORO_JOB_NAME')
if build_id:
test_results['build_id'] = build_id
if build_url:
test_results['build_url'] = build_url
if job_name:
test_results['job_name'] = job_name
def upload_results_to_bq(resultset, bq_table, args, platform):
"""Upload test results to a BQ table.
resultset: dictionary generated by jobset.run
bq_table: string name of table to create/upload results to in BQ
args: args in run_tests.py, generated by argparse
platform: string name of platform tests were run on
bq = big_query_utils.create_big_query()
big_query_utils.create_partitioned_table(bq, _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET_ID, bq_table, _RESULTS_SCHEMA, _DESCRIPTION,
partition_type=_PARTITION_TYPE, expiration_ms= _EXPIRATION_MS)
for shortname, results in six.iteritems(resultset):
for result in results:
test_results = {}
test_results['compiler'] = args.compiler
test_results['config'] = args.config
test_results['cpu_estimated'] = result.cpu_estimated
test_results['cpu_measured'] = result.cpu_measured
test_results['elapsed_time'] = '%.2f' % result.elapsed_time
test_results['iomgr_platform'] = args.iomgr_platform
# args.language is a list, but will always have one element in the contexts
# this function is used.
test_results['language'] = args.language[0]
test_results['platform'] = platform
test_results['result'] = result.state
test_results['return_code'] = result.returncode
test_results['test_name'] = shortname
test_results['timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
row = big_query_utils.make_row(str(uuid.uuid4()), test_results)
# TODO(jtattermusch): rows are inserted one by one, very inefficient
max_retries = 3
for attempt in range(max_retries):
if big_query_utils.insert_rows(bq, _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET_ID, bq_table, [row]):
if attempt < max_retries - 1:
print('Error uploading result to bigquery, will retry.')
print('Error uploading result to bigquery, all attempts failed.')