GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework (grpc protobuff依赖)
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"""Load dependencies needed to use the googletest library as a 3rd-party consumer."""
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
load("//:fake_fuchsia_sdk.bzl", "fake_fuchsia_sdk")
def googletest_deps():
"""Loads common dependencies needed to use the googletest library."""
if not native.existing_rule("re2"):
name = "re2",
sha256 = "eb2df807c781601c14a260a507a5bb4509be1ee626024cb45acbd57cb9d4032b",
strip_prefix = "re2-2024-07-02",
urls = [""],
if not native.existing_rule("abseil-cpp"):
name = "abseil-cpp",
sha256 = "733726b8c3a6d39a4120d7e45ea8b41a434cdacde401cba500f14236c49b39dc",
strip_prefix = "abseil-cpp-20240116.2",
urls = [""],
if not native.existing_rule("fuchsia_sdk"):
name = "fuchsia_sdk",