@ -343,10 +343,14 @@
# endif // GTEST_HAS_RTTI
// Determines whether <pthread.h> is available .
// Determines whether Google Test can use the pthreads library .
// The user didn't tell us, so we need to figure it out.
// The user didn't tell us explicitly, so we assume pthreads support is
// available on Linux and Mac.
// To disable threading support in Google Test, add -DGTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0
// to your compiler flags.
// Determines whether Google Test can use tr1/tuple. You can define
@ -708,6 +712,27 @@ class GTestLog {
inline void LogToStderr ( ) { }
inline void FlushInfoLog ( ) { fflush ( NULL ) ; }
// GTEST_CHECK_ is an all-mode assert. It aborts the program if the condition
// is not satisfied.
// Synopsys:
// GTEST_CHECK_(boolean_condition);
// or
// GTEST_CHECK_(boolean_condition) << "Additional message";
// This checks the condition and if the condition is not satisfied
// it prints message about the condition violation, including the
// condition itself, plus additional message streamed into it, if any,
// and then it aborts the program. It aborts the program irrespective of
// whether it is built in the debug mode or not.
# define GTEST_CHECK_(condition) \
if ( : : testing : : internal : : IsTrue ( condition ) ) \
; \
else \
GTEST_LOG_ ( FATAL ) < < " Condition " # condition " failed. "
// Defines the stderr capturer:
@ -736,6 +761,260 @@ const ::std::vector<String>& GetArgvs();
// Defines synchronization primitives.
// gtest-port.h guarantees to #include <pthread.h> when GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD is
// true.
# include <pthread.h>
// MutexBase and Mutex implement mutex on pthreads-based platforms. They
// are used in conjunction with class MutexLock:
// Mutex mutex;
// ...
// MutexLock lock(&mutex); // Acquires the mutex and releases it at the end
// // of the current scope.
// MutexBase implements behavior for both statically and dynamically
// allocated mutexes. Do not use the MutexBase type directly. Instead,
// define a static mutex using the GTEST_DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_ macro:
// GTEST_DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_(g_some_mutex);
// Such mutex may also be forward-declared:
// Do not use MutexBase for dynamic mutexes either. Use the Mutex class
// for them.
class MutexBase {
public :
void Lock ( ) ;
void Unlock ( ) ;
// Does nothing if the current thread holds the mutex. Otherwise, crashes
// with high probability.
void AssertHeld ( ) const ;
// We must be able to initialize objects of MutexBase used as static
// mutexes with initializer lists. This means MutexBase has to be a POD.
// The class members have to be public.
public :
pthread_mutex_t mutex_ ;
pthread_t owner_ ;
} ;
// Forward-declares a static mutex.
extern : : testing : : internal : : MutexBase mutex
// Defines and statically initializes a static mutex.
# define GTEST_DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_(mutex) \
: : testing : : internal : : MutexBase mutex = { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER , 0 }
// The class Mutex supports only mutexes created at runtime. It shares its
// API with MutexBase otherwise.
class Mutex : public MutexBase {
public :
Mutex ( ) ;
~ Mutex ( ) ;
private :
} ;
// We cannot call it MutexLock directly as the ctor declaration would
// conflict with a macro named MutexLock, which is defined on some
// platforms. Hence the typedef trick below.
class GTestMutexLock {
public :
explicit GTestMutexLock ( MutexBase * mutex )
: mutex_ ( mutex ) { mutex_ - > Lock ( ) ; }
~ GTestMutexLock ( ) { mutex_ - > Unlock ( ) ; }
private :
MutexBase * const mutex_ ;
} ;
typedef GTestMutexLock MutexLock ;
// Implements thread-local storage on pthreads-based systems.
// // Thread 1
// ThreadLocal<int> tl(100);
// // Thread 2
// tl.set(150);
// EXPECT_EQ(150, tl.get());
// // Thread 1
// EXPECT_EQ(100, tl.get()); // On Thread 1, tl.get() returns original value.
// tl.set(200);
// EXPECT_EQ(200, tl.get());
// The default ThreadLocal constructor requires T to have a default
// constructor. The single param constructor requires a copy contructor
// from T. A per-thread object managed by a ThreadLocal instance for a
// thread is guaranteed to exist at least until the earliest of the two
// events: (a) the thread terminates or (b) the ThreadLocal object
// managing it is destroyed.
template < typename T >
class ThreadLocal {
public :
ThreadLocal ( )
: key_ ( CreateKey ( ) ) ,
default_ ( ) ,
instance_creator_func_ ( DefaultConstructNewInstance ) { }
explicit ThreadLocal ( const T & value )
: key_ ( CreateKey ( ) ) ,
default_ ( value ) ,
instance_creator_func_ ( CopyConstructNewInstance ) { }
~ ThreadLocal ( ) {
const int err = pthread_key_delete ( key_ ) ;
GTEST_CHECK_ ( err = = 0 ) < < " pthread_key_delete failed with error " < < err ;
T * pointer ( ) { return GetOrCreateValue ( ) ; }
const T * pointer ( ) const { return GetOrCreateValue ( ) ; }
const T & get ( ) const { return * pointer ( ) ; }
void set ( const T & value ) { * pointer ( ) = value ; }
private :
static pthread_key_t CreateKey ( ) {
pthread_key_t key ;
const int err = pthread_key_create ( & key , & DeleteData ) ;
GTEST_CHECK_ ( err = = 0 ) < < " pthread_key_create failed with error " < < err ;
return key ;
T * GetOrCreateValue ( ) const {
T * value = static_cast < T * > ( pthread_getspecific ( key_ ) ) ;
if ( value = = NULL ) {
value = ( * instance_creator_func_ ) ( default_ ) ;
const int err = pthread_setspecific ( key_ , value ) ;
GTEST_CHECK_ ( err = = 0 ) < < " pthread_setspecific failed with error " < < err ;
return value ;
static void DeleteData ( void * data ) { delete static_cast < T * > ( data ) ; }
static T * DefaultConstructNewInstance ( const T & ) { return new T ( ) ; }
// Copy constructs new instance of T from default_. Will not be
// instantiated unless this ThreadLocal is constructed by the single
// parameter constructor.
static T * CopyConstructNewInstance ( const T & t ) { return new T ( t ) ; }
// A key pthreads uses for looking up per-thread values.
const pthread_key_t key_ ;
// Contains the value that CopyConstructNewInstance copies from.
const T default_ ;
// Points to either DefaultConstructNewInstance or CopyConstructNewInstance.
T * ( * const instance_creator_func_ ) ( const T & default_ ) ;
} ;
// Allows the controller thread pause execution of newly created test
// threads until signalled. Instances of this class must be created and
// destroyed in the controller thread.
// This class is supplied only for the purpose of testing Google Test's own
// constructs. Do not use it in user tests, either directly or indirectly.
class ThreadStartSemaphore {
public :
ThreadStartSemaphore ( ) ;
~ ThreadStartSemaphore ( ) ;
// Signals to all test threads created with this semaphore to start. Must
// be called from the controlling thread.
void Signal ( ) ;
// Blocks until the controlling thread signals. Must be called from a test
// thread.
void Wait ( ) ;
private :
// We cannot use Mutex here as this class is intended for testing it.
pthread_mutex_t mutex_ ;
pthread_cond_t cond_ ;
bool signalled_ ;
GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_ ( ThreadStartSemaphore ) ;
} ;
// Helper class for testing Google Test's multithreading constructs.
// Use:
// void ThreadFunc(int param) { /* Do things with param */ }
// ThreadSemaphore semaphore;
// ...
// // The semaphore parameter is optional; you can supply NULL.
// ThredWithParam<int> thread(&ThreadFunc, 5, &semaphore);
// sem.Signal(); // Allows the thread to start.
// This class is supplied only for the purpose of testing Google Test's own
// constructs. Do not use it in user tests, either directly or indirectly.
template < typename T >
class ThreadWithParam {
public :
typedef void ( * UserThreadFunc ) ( T ) ;
ThreadWithParam ( UserThreadFunc func , T param , ThreadStartSemaphore * semaphore )
: func_ ( func ) ,
param_ ( param ) ,
start_semaphore_ ( semaphore ) ,
finished_ ( false ) {
// func_, param_, and start_semaphore_ must be initialized before
// pthread_create() is called.
const int err = pthread_create ( & thread_ , 0 , ThreadMainStatic , this ) ;
GTEST_CHECK_ ( err = = 0 ) < < " pthread_create failed with error: "
< < strerror ( err ) < < " ( " < < err < < " ) " ;
~ ThreadWithParam ( ) { Join ( ) ; }
void Join ( ) {
if ( ! finished_ ) {
const int err = pthread_join ( thread_ , 0 ) ;
GTEST_CHECK_ ( err = = 0 ) < < " pthread_join failed with error: "
< < strerror ( err ) < < " ( " < < err < < " ) " ;
finished_ = true ;
private :
void ThreadMain ( ) {
if ( start_semaphore_ ! = NULL )
start_semaphore_ - > Wait ( ) ;
func_ ( param_ ) ;
static void * ThreadMainStatic ( void * param ) {
static_cast < ThreadWithParam < T > * > ( param ) - > ThreadMain ( ) ;
return NULL ; // We are not interested in thread exit code.
// User supplied thread function.
const UserThreadFunc func_ ;
// User supplied parameter to UserThreadFunc.
const T param_ ;
// Native thread object.
pthread_t thread_ ;
// When non-NULL, used to block execution until the controller thread
// signals.
ThreadStartSemaphore * const start_semaphore_ ;
// true iff UserThreadFunc has not completed yet.
bool finished_ ;
} ;
// A dummy implementation of synchronization primitives (mutex, lock,
// and thread-local variable). Necessary for compiling Google Test where
// mutex is not supported - using Google Test in multiple threads is not
@ -744,14 +1023,14 @@ const ::std::vector<String>& GetArgvs();
class Mutex {
public :
Mutex ( ) { }
explicit Mutex ( int /*unused*/ ) { }
void AssertHeld ( ) const { }
} ;
// We cannot call it MutexLock directly as the ctor declaration would
// conflict with a macro named MutexLock, which is defined on some
// platforms. Hence the typedef trick below.
extern : : testing : : internal : : Mutex mutex
# define GTEST_DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_(mutex) ::testing::internal::Mutex mutex
class GTestMutexLock {
public :
explicit GTestMutexLock ( Mutex * ) { } // NOLINT
@ -772,14 +1051,16 @@ class ThreadLocal {
T value_ ;
} ;
// Returns the number of threads running in the process, or 0 to indicate that
// we cannot detect it.
size_t GetThreadCount ( ) ;
// The above synchronization primitives have dummy implementations.
// Therefore Google Test is not thread-safe.
// Returns the number of threads running in the process, or 0 to indicate that
// we cannot detect it.
size_t GetThreadCount ( ) ;
// Passing non-POD classes through ellipsis (...) crashes the ARM
// compiler and generates a warning in Sun Studio. The Nokia Symbian
// and the IBM XL C/C++ compiler try to instantiate a copy constructor
@ -1024,27 +1305,6 @@ typedef TypeWithSize<8>::Int TimeInMillis; // Represents time in milliseconds.
// Utilities for command line flags and environment variables.
// GTEST_CHECK_ is an all-mode assert. It aborts the program if the condition
// is not satisfied.
// Synopsys:
// GTEST_CHECK_(boolean_condition);
// or
// GTEST_CHECK_(boolean_condition) << "Additional message";
// This checks the condition and if the condition is not satisfied
// it prints message about the condition violation, including the
// condition itself, plus additional message streamed into it, if any,
// and then it aborts the program. It aborts the program irrespective of
// whether it is built in the debug mode or not.
# define GTEST_CHECK_(condition) \
if ( : : testing : : internal : : IsTrue ( condition ) ) \
; \
else \
GTEST_LOG_ ( FATAL ) < < " Condition " # condition " failed. "
// Macro for referencing flags.
# define GTEST_FLAG(name) FLAGS_gtest_##name