# GoogleTest
### Announcements
#### Live at Head
GoogleTest now follows the
[Abseil Live at Head philosophy ](https://abseil.io/about/philosophy#upgrade-support ).
We recommend
[updating to the latest commit in the `main` branch as often as possible ](https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/blob/master/FAQ.md#what-is-live-at-head-and-how-do-i-do-it ).
#### Documentation Updates
Our documentation is now live on GitHub Pages at
https://google.github.io/googletest/. We recommend browsing the documentation on
GitHub Pages rather than directly in the repository.
#### Release 1.12.1
[Release 1.12.1 ](https://github.com/google/googletest/releases/tag/release-1.12.1 )
is now available.
The 1.12.x branch will be the last to support C++11. Future releases will
require at least C++14.
#### Coming Soon
* We are planning to take a dependency on
[Abseil ](https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp ).
* More documentation improvements are planned.
## Welcome to **GoogleTest**, Google's C++ test framework!
This repository is a merger of the formerly separate GoogleTest and GoogleMock
projects. These were so closely related that it makes sense to maintain and
release them together.
### Getting Started
See the [GoogleTest User's Guide ](https://google.github.io/googletest/ ) for
documentation. We recommend starting with the
[GoogleTest Primer ](https://google.github.io/googletest/primer.html ).
More information about building GoogleTest can be found at
[googletest/README.md ](googletest/README.md ).
## Features
* An [xUnit ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XUnit ) test framework.
* Test discovery.
* A rich set of assertions.
* User-defined assertions.
* Death tests.
* Fatal and non-fatal failures.
* Value-parameterized tests.
* Type-parameterized tests.
* Various options for running the tests.
* XML test report generation.
## Supported Platforms
GoogleTest follows Google's
[Foundational C++ Support Policy ](https://opensource.google/documentation/policies/cplusplus-support ).
[this table ](https://github.com/google/oss-policies-info/blob/main/foundational-cxx-support-matrix.md )
for a list of currently supported versions compilers, platforms, and build
## Who Is Using GoogleTest?
In addition to many internal projects at Google, GoogleTest is also used by the
following notable projects:
* The [Chromium projects ](http://www.chromium.org/ ) (behind the Chrome browser
and Chrome OS).
* The [LLVM ](http://llvm.org/ ) compiler.
* [Protocol Buffers ](https://github.com/google/protobuf ), Google's data
interchange format.
* The [OpenCV ](http://opencv.org/ ) computer vision library.
## Related Open Source Projects
[GTest Runner ](https://github.com/nholthaus/gtest-runner ) is a Qt5 based
automated test-runner and Graphical User Interface with powerful features for
Windows and Linux platforms.
[GoogleTest UI ](https://github.com/ospector/gtest-gbar ) is a test runner that
runs your test binary, allows you to track its progress via a progress bar, and
displays a list of test failures. Clicking on one shows failure text. GoogleTest
UI is written in C#.
[GTest TAP Listener ](https://github.com/kinow/gtest-tap-listener ) is an event
listener for GoogleTest that implements the
[TAP protocol ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol ) for test
result output. If your test runner understands TAP, you may find it useful.
[gtest-parallel ](https://github.com/google/gtest-parallel ) is a test runner that
runs tests from your binary in parallel to provide significant speed-up.
[GoogleTest Adapter ](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DavidSchuldenfrei.gtest-adapter )
is a VS Code extension allowing to view GoogleTest in a tree view and run/debug
your tests.
[C++ TestMate ](https://github.com/matepek/vscode-catch2-test-adapter ) is a VS
Code extension allowing to view GoogleTest in a tree view and run/debug your
[Cornichon ](https://pypi.org/project/cornichon/ ) is a small Gherkin DSL parser
that generates stub code for GoogleTest.
## Contributing Changes
Please read
[`CONTRIBUTING.md` ](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md )
for details on how to contribute to this project.
Happy testing!