You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
617 lines
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617 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Google LLC |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
// |
// |
// |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
// limitations under the License. |
syntax = "proto3"; |
package; |
import "google/api/annotations.proto"; |
import "google/api/client.proto"; |
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; |
import "google/api/resource.proto"; |
import "google/cloud/discoveryengine/v1beta/common.proto"; |
import "google/cloud/discoveryengine/v1beta/document.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; |
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.DiscoveryEngine.V1Beta"; |
option go_package = ";discoveryenginepb"; |
option java_multiple_files = true; |
option java_outer_classname = "SearchServiceProto"; |
option java_package = ""; |
option objc_class_prefix = "DISCOVERYENGINE"; |
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\DiscoveryEngine\\V1beta"; |
option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta"; |
// Service for search. |
service SearchService { |
option (google.api.default_host) = ""; |
option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = |
""; |
// Performs a search. |
rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
post: "/v1beta/{serving_config=projects/*/locations/*/dataStores/*/servingConfigs/*}:search" |
body: "*" |
additional_bindings { |
post: "/v1beta/{serving_config=projects/*/locations/*/collections/*/dataStores/*/servingConfigs/*}:search" |
body: "*" |
} |
}; |
} |
} |
// Request message for |
// [SearchService.Search][] |
// method. |
message SearchRequest { |
// A facet specification to perform faceted search. |
message FacetSpec { |
// Specifies how a facet is computed. |
message FacetKey { |
// Required. Supported textual and numerical facet keys in |
// [Document][] object, over |
// which the facet values are computed. Facet key is case-sensitive. |
string key = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; |
// Set only if values should be bucketized into intervals. Must be set |
// for facets with numerical values. Must not be set for facet with text |
// values. Maximum number of intervals is 30. |
repeated Interval intervals = 2; |
// Only get facet for the given restricted values. Only supported on |
// textual fields. For example, suppose "category" has three values |
// "Action > 2022", "Action > 2021" and "Sci-Fi > 2022". If set |
// "restricted_values" to "Action > 2022", the "category" facet will only |
// contain "Action > 2022". Only supported on textual fields. Maximum |
// is 10. |
repeated string restricted_values = 3; |
// Only get facet values that start with the given string prefix. For |
// example, suppose "category" has three values "Action > 2022", |
// "Action > 2021" and "Sci-Fi > 2022". If set "prefixes" to "Action", the |
// "category" facet will only contain "Action > 2022" and "Action > 2021". |
// Only supported on textual fields. Maximum is 10. |
repeated string prefixes = 4; |
// Only get facet values that contains the given strings. For example, |
// suppose "category" has three values "Action > 2022", |
// "Action > 2021" and "Sci-Fi > 2022". If set "contains" to "2022", the |
// "category" facet will only contain "Action > 2022" and "Sci-Fi > 2022". |
// Only supported on textual fields. Maximum is 10. |
repeated string contains = 5; |
// True to make facet keys case insensitive when getting faceting |
// values with prefixes or contains; false otherwise. |
bool case_insensitive = 6; |
// The order in which documents are returned. |
// |
// Allowed values are: |
// |
// * "count desc", which means order by |
// [SearchResponse.Facet.values.count][] |
// descending. |
// |
// * "value desc", which means order by |
// [SearchResponse.Facet.values.value][] |
// descending. |
// Only applies to textual facets. |
// |
// If not set, textual values are sorted in [natural |
// order](; numerical |
// intervals are sorted in the order given by |
// [FacetSpec.FacetKey.intervals][]. |
string order_by = 7; |
} |
// Required. The facet key specification. |
FacetKey facet_key = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; |
// Maximum of facet values that should be returned for this facet. If |
// unspecified, defaults to 20. The maximum allowed value is 300. Values |
// above 300 will be coerced to 300. |
// |
// If this field is negative, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` is returned. |
int32 limit = 2; |
// List of keys to exclude when faceting. |
// |
// |
// By default, |
// [FacetKey.key][] |
// is not excluded from the filter unless it is listed in this field. |
// |
// Listing a facet key in this field allows its values to appear as facet |
// results, even when they are filtered out of search results. Using this |
// field does not affect what search results are returned. |
// |
// For example, suppose there are 100 documents with the color facet "Red" |
// and 200 documents with the color facet "Blue". A query containing the |
// filter "color:ANY("Red")" and having "color" as |
// [FacetKey.key][] |
// would by default return only "Red" documents in the search results, and |
// also return "Red" with count 100 as the only color facet. Although there |
// are also blue documents available, "Blue" would not be shown as an |
// available facet value. |
// |
// If "color" is listed in "excludedFilterKeys", then the query returns the |
// facet values "Red" with count 100 and "Blue" with count 200, because the |
// "color" key is now excluded from the filter. Because this field doesn't |
// affect search results, the search results are still correctly filtered to |
// return only "Red" documents. |
// |
// A maximum of 100 values are allowed. Otherwise, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` |
// error is returned. |
repeated string excluded_filter_keys = 3; |
// Enables dynamic position for this facet. If set to true, the position of |
// this facet among all facets in the response is determined automatically. |
// It will be ordered together with dynamic facets if dynamic |
// facets is enabled. If set to false, the position of this facet in the |
// response will be the same as in the request, and it will be ranked before |
// the facets with dynamic position enable and all dynamic facets. |
// |
// For example, you may always want to have rating facet returned in |
// the response, but it's not necessarily to always display the rating facet |
// at the top. In that case, you can set enable_dynamic_position to true so |
// that the position of rating facet in response will be determined |
// automatically. |
// |
// Another example, assuming you have the following facets in the request: |
// |
// * "rating", enable_dynamic_position = true |
// |
// * "price", enable_dynamic_position = false |
// |
// * "brands", enable_dynamic_position = false |
// |
// And also you have a dynamic facets enable, which will generate a facet |
// 'gender'. Then the final order of the facets in the response can be |
// ("price", "brands", "rating", "gender") or ("price", "brands", "gender", |
// "rating") depends on how API orders "gender" and "rating" facets. |
// However, notice that "price" and "brands" will always be |
// ranked at 1st and 2nd position since their enable_dynamic_position are |
// false. |
bool enable_dynamic_position = 4; |
} |
// Boost specification to boost certain documents. |
message BoostSpec { |
// Boost applies to documents which match a condition. |
message ConditionBoostSpec { |
// An expression which specifies a boost condition. The syntax and |
// supported fields are the same as a filter expression. See |
// [SearchRequest.filter][] |
// for detail syntax and limitations. |
// |
// Examples: |
// |
// * To boost documents with document ID "doc_1" or "doc_2", and |
// color |
// "Red" or "Blue": |
// * (id: ANY("doc_1", "doc_2")) AND (color: ANY("Red","Blue")) |
string condition = 1; |
// Strength of the condition boost, which should be in [-1, 1]. Negative |
// boost means demotion. Default is 0.0. |
// |
// Setting to 1.0 gives the document a big promotion. However, it does not |
// necessarily mean that the boosted document will be the top result at |
// all times, nor that other documents will be excluded. Results could |
// still be shown even when none of them matches the condition. And |
// results that are significantly more relevant to the search query can |
// still trump your heavily favored but irrelevant documents. |
// |
// Setting to -1.0 gives the document a big demotion. However, results |
// that are deeply relevant might still be shown. The document will have |
// an upstream battle to get a fairly high ranking, but it is not blocked |
// out completely. |
// |
// Setting to 0.0 means no boost applied. The boosting condition is |
// ignored. |
float boost = 2; |
} |
// Condition boost specifications. If a document matches multiple conditions |
// in the specifictions, boost scores from these specifications are all |
// applied and combined in a non-linear way. Maximum number of |
// specifications is 20. |
repeated ConditionBoostSpec condition_boost_specs = 1; |
} |
// Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should |
// occur. |
message QueryExpansionSpec { |
// Enum describing under which condition query expansion should occur. |
enum Condition { |
// Unspecified query expansion condition. In this case, server behavior |
// defaults to |
// [Condition.DISABLED][]. |
// Disabled query expansion. Only the exact search query is used, even if |
// [SearchResponse.total_size][] |
// is zero. |
// Automatic query expansion built by the Search API. |
AUTO = 2; |
} |
// The condition under which query expansion should occur. Default to |
// [Condition.DISABLED][]. |
Condition condition = 1; |
} |
// The specification for query spell correction. |
message SpellCorrectionSpec { |
// Enum describing under which mode spell correction should occur. |
enum Mode { |
// Unspecified spell correction mode. In this case, server behavior |
// defaults to |
// [Mode.AUTO][]. |
// Search API will try to find a spell suggestion if there |
// is any and put in the |
// [SearchResponse.corrected_query][]. |
// The spell suggestion will not be used as the search query. |
// Automatic spell correction built by the Search API. Search will |
// be based on the corrected query if found. |
AUTO = 2; |
} |
// The mode under which spell correction should take effect to |
// replace the original search query. Default to |
// [Mode.AUTO][]. |
Mode mode = 1; |
} |
// The specification that configs the desired behavior of the UCS content |
// search. |
message ContentSearchSpec { |
// The specification that configs the snippet in the search results. |
message SnippetSpec { |
// Max number of snippets returned in each search result. |
// |
// A snippet is an infomartive summary of a content with highlighting for |
// UI rendering. |
// |
// If the matching snippets is less than the max_snippet_count, return all |
// of the snippets; otherwise, return the max_snippet_count. |
// |
// At most 5 snippets will be returned for each SearchResult. |
int32 max_snippet_count = 1; |
// if true, only snippet reference is returned. |
bool reference_only = 2; |
} |
// The specification that configs the summary in the search response. |
message SummarySpec { |
// The number of top results the summary should be generated from. |
// If the number of returned results is less than summary_result_count, |
// then the summary would be derived from all the results; otherwise, the |
// summary would be derived from the top results. |
// |
// At most 5 results can be used for generating summary. |
int32 summary_result_count = 1; |
} |
// The specification that configs the extractive content in search results. |
message ExtractiveContentSpec { |
// The max number of extractive answers returned in each search result. |
// |
// An extractive answer is a verbatim answer extracted from the original |
// document, which provides precise and contextually relevant answer to |
// the search query. |
// |
// If the number of matching answers is less than the |
// extractive_answer_count, return all of the answers; otherwise, return |
// the extractive_answer_count. |
// |
// At most 5 answers will be returned for each SearchResult. |
int32 max_extractive_answer_count = 1; |
// The max number of extractive segments returned in each search result. |
// |
// An extractive segment is a text segment extracted from the original |
// document which is relevant to the search query and in general more |
// verbose than an extrative answer. The segment could then be used as |
// input for LLMs to generate summaries and answers. |
// |
// If the number of matching segments is less than the |
// max_extractive_segment_count, return all of the segments; otherwise, |
// return the max_extractive_segment_count. |
// |
// Currently one segment will be returned for each SearchResult. |
int32 max_extractive_segment_count = 2; |
} |
// If there is no snippet spec provided, there will be no snippet in the |
// search result. |
SnippetSpec snippet_spec = 1; |
// If there is no summary spec provided, there will be no summary in the |
// search response. |
SummarySpec summary_spec = 2; |
// If there is no extractive_content_spec provided, there will be no |
// extractive answer in the search response. |
ExtractiveContentSpec extractive_content_spec = 3; |
} |
// Required. The resource name of the Search serving config, such as |
// `projects/*/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataStores/default_data_store/servingConfigs/default_serving_config`. |
// This field is used to identify the serving configuration name, set |
// of models used to make the search. |
string serving_config = 1 [ |
(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, |
(google.api.resource_reference) = { |
type: "" |
} |
]; |
// The branch resource name, such as |
// `projects/*/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataStores/default_data_store/branches/0`. |
// |
// Use `default_branch` as the branch ID or leave this field empty, to search |
// documents under the default branch. |
string branch = 2 [(google.api.resource_reference) = { |
type: "" |
}]; |
// Raw search query. |
string query = 3; |
// Maximum number of [Document][]s |
// to return. If unspecified, defaults to a reasonable value. The maximum |
// allowed value is 100. Values above 100 will be coerced to 100. |
// |
// If this field is negative, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` is returned. |
int32 page_size = 4; |
// A page token received from a previous |
// [SearchService.Search][] |
// call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. |
// |
// When paginating, all other parameters provided to |
// [SearchService.Search][] |
// must match the call that provided the page token. Otherwise, an |
// `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error is returned. |
string page_token = 5; |
// A 0-indexed integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting |
// result location, amongst the |
// [Document][]s deemed by the API |
// as relevant) in search results. This field is only considered if |
// [page_token][] |
// is unset. |
// |
// If this field is negative, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` is returned. |
int32 offset = 6; |
// The filter syntax consists of an expression language for constructing a |
// predicate from one or more fields of the documents being filtered. Filter |
// expression is case-sensitive. |
// |
// If this field is unrecognizable, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` is returned. |
string filter = 7; |
// The order in which documents are returned. Document can be ordered by |
// a field in an [Document][] |
// object. Leave it unset if ordered by relevance. OrderBy expression is |
// case-sensitive. |
// |
// If this field is unrecognizable, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` is returned. |
string order_by = 8; |
// Information about the end user. |
// Highly recommended for analytics. The user_agent string in UserInfo will |
// be used to deduce device_type for analytics. |
UserInfo user_info = 21; |
// Facet specifications for faceted search. If empty, no facets are returned. |
// |
// A maximum of 100 values are allowed. Otherwise, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` |
// error is returned. |
repeated FacetSpec facet_specs = 9; |
// Boost specification to boost certain documents. |
BoostSpec boost_spec = 10; |
// Additional search parameters. |
// |
// For public website search only, supported values are: |
// |
// * `user_country_code`: string. Default empty. If set to non-empty, results |
// are restricted or boosted based on the location provided. |
// * `search_type`: double. Default empty. Enables non-webpage searching |
// depending on the value. The only valid non-default value is 1, |
// which enables image searching. |
map<string, google.protobuf.Value> params = 11; |
// The query expansion specification that specifies the conditions under which |
// query expansion will occur. |
QueryExpansionSpec query_expansion_spec = 13; |
// The spell correction specification that specifies the mode under |
// which spell correction will take effect. |
SpellCorrectionSpec spell_correction_spec = 14; |
// A unique identifier for tracking visitors. For example, this could be |
// implemented with an HTTP cookie, which should be able to uniquely identify |
// a visitor on a single device. This unique identifier should not change if |
// the visitor logs in or out of the website. |
// |
// This field should NOT have a fixed value such as `unknown_visitor`. |
// |
// This should be the same identifier as |
// [UserEvent.user_pseudo_id][] |
// and |
// [CompleteQueryRequest.user_pseudo_id][] |
// |
// The field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 |
// characters. Otherwise, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error is returned. |
string user_pseudo_id = 15; |
// The content search spec that configs the desired behavior of content |
// search. |
ContentSearchSpec content_search_spec = 24; |
// Whether to turn on safe search. This is only supported for |
// [ContentConfig.PUBLIC_WEBSITE][]. |
bool safe_search = 20; |
// The user labels applied to a resource must meet the following requirements: |
// |
// * Each resource can have multiple labels, up to a maximum of 64. |
// * Each label must be a key-value pair. |
// * Keys have a minimum length of 1 character and a maximum length of 63 |
// characters and cannot be empty. Values can be empty and have a maximum |
// length of 63 characters. |
// * Keys and values can contain only lowercase letters, numeric characters, |
// underscores, and dashes. All characters must use UTF-8 encoding, and |
// international characters are allowed. |
// * The key portion of a label must be unique. However, you can use the same |
// key with multiple resources. |
// * Keys must start with a lowercase letter or international character. |
// |
// See [Google Cloud |
// Document]( |
// for more details. |
map<string, string> user_labels = 22; |
} |
// Response message for |
// [SearchService.Search][] |
// method. |
message SearchResponse { |
// Represents the search results. |
message SearchResult { |
// [][] of the |
// searched [Document][]. |
string id = 1; |
// The document data snippet in the search response. Only fields that are |
// marked as retrievable are populated. |
Document document = 2; |
} |
// A facet result. |
message Facet { |
// A facet value which contains value names and their count. |
message FacetValue { |
// A facet value which contains values. |
oneof facet_value { |
// Text value of a facet, such as "Black" for facet "colors". |
string value = 1; |
// Interval value for a facet, such as [10, 20) for facet "price". It |
// matches |
// [SearchRequest.FacetSpec.FacetKey.intervals][]. |
Interval interval = 2; |
} |
// Number of items that have this facet value. |
int64 count = 3; |
} |
// The key for this facet. E.g., "colors" or "price". It matches |
// [SearchRequest.FacetSpec.FacetKey.key][]. |
string key = 1; |
// The facet values for this field. |
repeated FacetValue values = 2; |
// Whether the facet is dynamically generated. |
bool dynamic_facet = 3; |
} |
// Guided search result. The guided search helps user to refine the search |
// results and narrow down to the real needs from a broaded search results. |
message GuidedSearchResult { |
// Useful attribute for search result refinements. |
message RefinementAttribute { |
// Attribute key used to refine the results e.g. 'movie_type'. |
string attribute_key = 1; |
// Attribute value used to refine the results e.g. 'drama'. |
string attribute_value = 2; |
} |
// A list of ranked refinement attributes. |
repeated RefinementAttribute refinement_attributes = 1; |
} |
// Summary of the top N search result specified by the summary spec. |
message Summary { |
// The summary content. |
string summary_text = 1; |
} |
// A list of matched documents. The order represents the ranking. |
repeated SearchResult results = 1; |
// Results of facets requested by user. |
repeated Facet facets = 2; |
// Guided search result. |
GuidedSearchResult guided_search_result = 8; |
// The estimated total count of matched items irrespective of pagination. The |
// count of |
// [results][] |
// returned by pagination may be less than the |
// [total_size][] |
// that matches. |
int32 total_size = 3; |
// A unique search token. This should be included in the |
// [UserEvent][] logs resulting |
// from this search, which enables accurate attribution of search model |
// performance. |
string attribution_token = 4; |
// The URI of a customer-defined redirect page. If redirect action is |
// triggered, no search is performed, and only |
// [redirect_uri][] |
// and |
// [attribution_token][] |
// are set in the response. |
string redirect_uri = 12; |
// A token that can be sent as |
// [SearchRequest.page_token][] |
// to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no |
// subsequent pages. |
string next_page_token = 5; |
// Contains the spell corrected query, if found. If the spell correction type |
// is AUTOMATIC, then the search results are based on corrected_query. |
// Otherwise the original query is used for search. |
string corrected_query = 7; |
// A summary as part of the search results. |
// This field is only returned if |
// [SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.summary_spec][] |
// is set. |
Summary summary = 9; |
// Controls applied as part of the Control service. |
repeated string applied_controls = 10; |