Public interface definitions of Google APIs. Topics (grpc依赖)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "google/api/resource.proto";
import "google/cloud/batch/v1/task.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Batch.V1";
option go_package = ";batchpb";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "JobProto";
option java_package = "";
option objc_class_prefix = "GCB";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\Batch\\V1";
option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::Batch::V1";
// The Cloud Batch Job description.
message Job {
option (google.api.resource) = {
type: ""
pattern: "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job}"
// Output only. Job name.
// For example: "projects/123456/locations/us-central1/jobs/job01".
string name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Output only. A system generated unique ID (in UUID4 format) for the Job.
string uid = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Priority of the Job.
// The valid value range is [0, 100). Default value is 0.
// Higher value indicates higher priority.
// A job with higher priority value is more likely to run earlier if all other
// requirements are satisfied.
int64 priority = 3;
// Required. TaskGroups in the Job. Only one TaskGroup is supported now.
repeated TaskGroup task_groups = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
// Compute resource allocation for all TaskGroups in the Job.
AllocationPolicy allocation_policy = 7;
// Labels for the Job. Labels could be user provided or system generated.
// For example,
// "labels": {
// "department": "finance",
// "environment": "test"
// }
// You can assign up to 64 labels. [Google Compute Engine label
// restrictions](
// apply.
// Label names that start with "goog-" or "google-" are reserved.
map<string, string> labels = 8;
// Output only. Job status. It is read only for users.
JobStatus status = 9 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Output only. When the Job was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Output only. The last time the Job was updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Log preservation policy for the Job.
LogsPolicy logs_policy = 13;
// Notification configurations.
repeated JobNotification notifications = 14;
// LogsPolicy describes how outputs from a Job's Tasks (stdout/stderr) will be
// preserved.
message LogsPolicy {
// The destination (if any) for logs.
enum Destination {
// Logs are not preserved.
// Logs are streamed to Cloud Logging.
// Logs are saved to a file path.
PATH = 2;
// Where logs should be saved.
Destination destination = 1;
// The path to which logs are saved when the destination = PATH. This can be a
// local file path on the VM, or under the mount point of a Persistent Disk or
// Filestore, or a Cloud Storage path.
string logs_path = 2;
// Job status.
message JobStatus {
// VM instance status.
message InstanceStatus {
// The Compute Engine machine type.
string machine_type = 1;
// The VM instance provisioning model.
AllocationPolicy.ProvisioningModel provisioning_model = 2;
// The max number of tasks can be assigned to this instance type.
int64 task_pack = 3;
// The VM boot disk.
AllocationPolicy.Disk boot_disk = 4;
// Aggregated task status for a TaskGroup.
message TaskGroupStatus {
// Count of task in each state in the TaskGroup.
// The map key is task state name.
map<string, int64> counts = 1;
// Status of instances allocated for the TaskGroup.
repeated InstanceStatus instances = 2;
// Valid Job states.
enum State {
// Job is admitted (validated and persisted) and waiting for resources.
// Job is scheduled to run as soon as resource allocation is ready.
// The resource allocation may happen at a later time but with a high
// chance to succeed.
// Resource allocation has been successful. At least one Task in the Job is
// All Tasks in the Job have finished successfully.
// At least one Task in the Job has failed.
// The Job will be deleted, but has not been deleted yet. Typically this is
// because resources used by the Job are still being cleaned up.
// Job state
State state = 1;
// Job status events
repeated StatusEvent status_events = 2;
// Aggregated task status for each TaskGroup in the Job.
// The map key is TaskGroup ID.
map<string, TaskGroupStatus> task_groups = 4;
// The duration of time that the Job spent in status RUNNING.
google.protobuf.Duration run_duration = 5;
// Notification configurations.
message JobNotification {
// Message details.
// Describe the attribute that a message should have.
// Without specified message attributes, no message will be sent by default.
message Message {
// The message type.
Type type = 1;
// The new job state.
JobStatus.State new_job_state = 2;
// The new task state.
TaskStatus.State new_task_state = 3;
// The message type.
enum Type {
// Unspecified.
// Notify users that the job state has changed.
// Notify users that the task state has changed.
// The Pub/Sub topic where notifications like the job state changes
// will be published. This topic exist in the same project as the job
// and billings will be charged to this project.
// If not specified, no Pub/Sub messages will be sent.
// Topic format: `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.
string pubsub_topic = 1;
// The attribute requirements of messages to be sent to this Pub/Sub topic.
// Without this field, no message will be sent.
Message message = 2;
// A Job's resource allocation policy describes when, where, and how compute
// resources should be allocated for the Job.
message AllocationPolicy {
message LocationPolicy {
// A list of allowed location names represented by internal URLs.
// Each location can be a region or a zone.
// Only one region or multiple zones in one region is supported now.
// For example,
// ["regions/us-central1"] allow VMs in any zones in region us-central1.
// ["zones/us-central1-a", "zones/us-central1-c"] only allow VMs
// in zones us-central1-a and us-central1-c.
// All locations end up in different regions would cause errors.
// For example,
// ["regions/us-central1", "zones/us-central1-a", "zones/us-central1-b",
// "zones/us-west1-a"] contains 2 regions "us-central1" and
// "us-west1". An error is expected in this case.
repeated string allowed_locations = 1;
// A new persistent disk or a local ssd.
// A VM can only have one local SSD setting but multiple local SSD partitions.
// See and
message Disk {
// A data source from which a PD will be created.
oneof data_source {
// Name of a public or custom image used as the data source.
// For example, the following are all valid URLs:
// * Specify the image by its family name:
// projects/{project}/global/images/family/{image_family}
// * Specify the image version:
// projects/{project}/global/images/{image_version}
// You can also use Batch customized image in short names.
// The following image values are supported for a boot disk:
// * "batch-debian": use Batch Debian images.
// * "batch-centos": use Batch CentOS images.
// * "batch-cos": use Batch Container-Optimized images.
string image = 4;
// Name of a snapshot used as the data source.
// Snapshot is not supported as boot disk now.
string snapshot = 5;
// Disk type as shown in `gcloud compute disk-types list`.
// For example, local SSD uses type "local-ssd".
// Persistent disks and boot disks use "pd-balanced", "pd-extreme", "pd-ssd"
// or "pd-standard".
string type = 1;
// Disk size in GB.
// For persistent disk, this field is ignored if `data_source` is `image` or
// `snapshot`.
// For local SSD, size_gb should be a multiple of 375GB,
// otherwise, the final size will be the next greater multiple of 375 GB.
// For boot disk, Batch will calculate the boot disk size based on source
// image and task requirements if you do not speicify the size.
// If both this field and the boot_disk_mib field in task spec's
// compute_resource are defined, Batch will only honor this field.
int64 size_gb = 2;
// Local SSDs are available through both "SCSI" and "NVMe" interfaces.
// If not indicated, "NVMe" will be the default one for local ssds.
// We only support "SCSI" for persistent disks now.
string disk_interface = 6;
// A new or an existing persistent disk (PD) or a local ssd attached to a VM
// instance.
message AttachedDisk {
oneof attached {
Disk new_disk = 1;
// Name of an existing PD.
string existing_disk = 2;
// Device name that the guest operating system will see.
// It is used by Runnable.volumes field to mount disks. So please specify
// the device_name if you want Batch to help mount the disk, and it should
// match the device_name field in volumes.
string device_name = 3;
// Accelerator describes Compute Engine accelerators to be attached to the VM.
message Accelerator {
// The accelerator type. For example, "nvidia-tesla-t4".
// See `gcloud compute accelerator-types list`.
string type = 1;
// The number of accelerators of this type.
int64 count = 2;
// Deprecated: please use instances[0].install_gpu_drivers instead.
bool install_gpu_drivers = 3 [deprecated = true];
// InstancePolicy describes an instance type and resources attached to each VM
// created by this InstancePolicy.
message InstancePolicy {
// The Compute Engine machine type.
string machine_type = 2;
// The minimum CPU platform.
// See
string min_cpu_platform = 3;
// The provisioning model.
ProvisioningModel provisioning_model = 4;
// The accelerators attached to each VM instance.
repeated Accelerator accelerators = 5;
// Boot disk to be created and attached to each VM by this InstancePolicy.
// Boot disk will be deleted when the VM is deleted.
// Batch API now only supports booting from image.
Disk boot_disk = 8;
// Non-boot disks to be attached for each VM created by this InstancePolicy.
// New disks will be deleted when the VM is deleted.
repeated AttachedDisk disks = 6;
// Either an InstancePolicy or an instance template.
message InstancePolicyOrTemplate {
oneof policy_template {
// InstancePolicy.
InstancePolicy policy = 1;
// Name of an instance template used to create VMs.
// Named the field as 'instance_template' instead of 'template' to avoid
// c++ keyword conflict.
string instance_template = 2;
// Set this field true if users want Batch to help fetch drivers from a
// third party location and install them for GPUs specified in
// policy.accelerators or instance_template on their behalf. Default is
// false.
bool install_gpu_drivers = 3;
// A network interface.
message NetworkInterface {
// The URL of an existing network resource.
// You can specify the network as a full or partial URL.
// For example, the following are all valid URLs:
// *{project}/global/networks/{network}
// * projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}
// * global/networks/{network}
string network = 1;
// The URL of an existing subnetwork resource in the network.
// You can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL.
// For example, the following are all valid URLs:
// *{project}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}
// * projects/{project}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}
// * regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}
string subnetwork = 2;
// Default is false (with an external IP address). Required if
// no external public IP address is attached to the VM. If no external
// public IP address, additional configuration is required to allow the VM
// to access Google Services. See
// and
// for more
// information.
bool no_external_ip_address = 3;
// NetworkPolicy describes VM instance network configurations.
message NetworkPolicy {
// Network configurations.
repeated NetworkInterface network_interfaces = 1;
// PlacementPolicy describes a group placement policy for the VMs controlled
// by this AllocationPolicy.
message PlacementPolicy {
// want VMs to be located close to each other for low network latency
// between the VMs. No placement policy will be generated when collocation
string collocation = 1;
// When specified, causes the job to fail if more than max_distance logical
// switches are required between VMs. Batch uses the most compact possible
// placement of VMs even when max_distance is not specified. An explicit
// max_distance makes that level of compactness a strict requirement.
// Not yet implemented
int64 max_distance = 2;
// Compute Engine VM instance provisioning model.
enum ProvisioningModel {
// Unspecified.
// Standard VM.
SPOT = 2;
// Preemptible VM (PVM).
// Above SPOT VM is the preferable model for preemptible VM instances: the
// old preemptible VM model (indicated by this field) is the older model,
// and has been migrated to use the SPOT model as the underlying technology.
// This old model will still be supported.
// Location where compute resources should be allocated for the Job.
LocationPolicy location = 1;
// Describe instances that can be created by this AllocationPolicy.
// Only instances[0] is supported now.
repeated InstancePolicyOrTemplate instances = 8;
// Service account that VMs will run as.
ServiceAccount service_account = 9;
// Labels applied to all VM instances and other resources
// created by AllocationPolicy.
// Labels could be user provided or system generated.
// You can assign up to 64 labels. [Google Compute Engine label
// restrictions](
// apply.
// Label names that start with "goog-" or "google-" are reserved.
map<string, string> labels = 6;
// The network policy.
NetworkPolicy network = 7;
// The placement policy.
PlacementPolicy placement = 10;
// A TaskGroup defines one or more Tasks that all share the same TaskSpec.
message TaskGroup {
option (google.api.resource) = {
type: ""
pattern: "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/jobs/{job}/taskGroups/{task_group}"
// How Tasks in the TaskGroup should be scheduled relative to each other.
enum SchedulingPolicy {
// Unspecified.
// Run Tasks as soon as resources are available.
// Tasks might be executed in parallel depending on parallelism and
// task_count values.
// Run Tasks sequentially with increased task index.
// Output only. TaskGroup name.
// The system generates this field based on parent Job name.
// For example:
// "projects/123456/locations/us-west1/jobs/job01/taskGroups/group01".
string name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Required. Tasks in the group share the same task spec.
TaskSpec task_spec = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
// Number of Tasks in the TaskGroup.
// Default is 1.
int64 task_count = 4;
// Max number of tasks that can run in parallel.
// Default to min(task_count, 1000).
// Field parallelism must be 1 if the scheduling_policy is IN_ORDER.
int64 parallelism = 5;
// Scheduling policy for Tasks in the TaskGroup.
// The default value is AS_SOON_AS_POSSIBLE.
SchedulingPolicy scheduling_policy = 6;
// An array of environment variable mappings, which are passed to Tasks with
// matching indices. If task_environments is used then task_count should
// not be specified in the request (and will be ignored). Task count will be
// the length of task_environments.
// Tasks get a BATCH_TASK_INDEX and BATCH_TASK_COUNT environment variable, in
// addition to any environment variables set in task_environments, specifying
// the number of Tasks in the Task's parent TaskGroup, and the specific Task's
// index in the TaskGroup (0 through BATCH_TASK_COUNT - 1).
repeated Environment task_environments = 9;
// Max number of tasks that can be run on a VM at the same time.
// If not specified, the system will decide a value based on available
// compute resources on a VM and task requirements.
int64 task_count_per_node = 10;
// When true, Batch will populate a file with a list of all VMs assigned to
// the TaskGroup and set the BATCH_HOSTS_FILE environment variable to the path
// of that file. Defaults to false.
bool require_hosts_file = 11;
// When true, Batch will configure SSH to allow passwordless login between
// VMs running the Batch tasks in the same TaskGroup.
bool permissive_ssh = 12;
// Carries information about a Google Cloud service account.
message ServiceAccount {
// Email address of the service account. If not specified, the default
// Compute Engine service account for the project will be used. If instance
// template is being used, the service account has to be specified in the
// instance template and it has to match the email field here.
string email = 1;
// List of scopes to be enabled for this service account on the VM, in
// addition to the cloud-platform API scope that will be added by default.
repeated string scopes = 2;