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// Copyright 2023 Google LLC |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
// |
// |
// |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
// limitations under the License. |
syntax = "proto3"; |
package; |
import "google/api/annotations.proto"; |
import "google/api/client.proto"; |
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; |
import "google/api/resource.proto"; |
import "google/cloud/orchestration/airflow/service/v1/operations.proto"; |
import "google/longrunning/operations.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; |
option go_package = ";servicepb"; |
option java_multiple_files = true; |
option java_package = ""; |
// Managed Apache Airflow Environments. |
service Environments { |
option (google.api.default_host) = ""; |
option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = |
""; |
// Create a new environment. |
rpc CreateEnvironment(CreateEnvironmentRequest) |
returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
post: "/v1/{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/environments" |
body: "environment" |
}; |
option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent,environment"; |
option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { |
response_type: "Environment" |
metadata_type: "" |
}; |
} |
// Get an existing environment. |
rpc GetEnvironment(GetEnvironmentRequest) returns (Environment) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
get: "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/environments/*}" |
}; |
option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; |
} |
// List environments. |
rpc ListEnvironments(ListEnvironmentsRequest) |
returns (ListEnvironmentsResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
get: "/v1/{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/environments" |
}; |
option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; |
} |
// Update an environment. |
rpc UpdateEnvironment(UpdateEnvironmentRequest) |
returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
patch: "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/environments/*}" |
body: "environment" |
}; |
option (google.api.method_signature) = "name,environment,update_mask"; |
option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { |
response_type: "Environment" |
metadata_type: "" |
}; |
} |
// Delete an environment. |
rpc DeleteEnvironment(DeleteEnvironmentRequest) |
returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
delete: "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/environments/*}" |
}; |
option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; |
option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { |
response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" |
metadata_type: "" |
}; |
} |
// Creates a snapshots of a Cloud Composer environment. |
// |
// As a result of this operation, snapshot of environment's state is stored |
// in a location specified in the SaveSnapshotRequest. |
rpc SaveSnapshot(SaveSnapshotRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
post: "/v1/{environment=projects/*/locations/*/environments/*}:saveSnapshot" |
body: "*" |
}; |
option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { |
response_type: "" |
metadata_type: "" |
}; |
} |
// Loads a snapshot of a Cloud Composer environment. |
// |
// As a result of this operation, a snapshot of environment's specified in |
// LoadSnapshotRequest is loaded into the environment. |
rpc LoadSnapshot(LoadSnapshotRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { |
option (google.api.http) = { |
post: "/v1/{environment=projects/*/locations/*/environments/*}:loadSnapshot" |
body: "*" |
}; |
option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { |
response_type: "" |
metadata_type: "" |
}; |
} |
} |
// Create a new environment. |
message CreateEnvironmentRequest { |
// The parent must be of the form |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}". |
string parent = 1; |
// The environment to create. |
Environment environment = 2; |
} |
// Get an environment. |
message GetEnvironmentRequest { |
// The resource name of the environment to get, in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}" |
string name = 1; |
} |
// List environments in a project and location. |
message ListEnvironmentsRequest { |
// List environments in the given project and location, in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}" |
string parent = 1; |
// The maximum number of environments to return. |
int32 page_size = 2; |
// The next_page_token value returned from a previous List request, if any. |
string page_token = 3; |
} |
// The environments in a project and location. |
message ListEnvironmentsResponse { |
// The list of environments returned by a ListEnvironmentsRequest. |
repeated Environment environments = 1; |
// The page token used to query for the next page if one exists. |
string next_page_token = 2; |
} |
// Delete an environment. |
message DeleteEnvironmentRequest { |
// The environment to delete, in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}" |
string name = 1; |
} |
// Update an environment. |
message UpdateEnvironmentRequest { |
// The relative resource name of the environment to update, in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}" |
string name = 2; |
// A patch environment. Fields specified by the `updateMask` will be copied |
// from the patch environment into the environment under update. |
Environment environment = 1; |
// Required. A comma-separated list of paths, relative to `Environment`, of |
// fields to update. |
// For example, to set the version of scikit-learn to install in the |
// environment to 0.19.0 and to remove an existing installation of |
// numpy, the `updateMask` parameter would include the following two |
// `paths` values: "config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages.scikit-learn" and |
// "config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages.numpy". The included patch |
// environment would specify the scikit-learn version as follows: |
// |
// { |
// "config":{ |
// "softwareConfig":{ |
// "pypiPackages":{ |
// "scikit-learn":"==0.19.0" |
// } |
// } |
// } |
// } |
// |
// Note that in the above example, any existing PyPI packages |
// other than scikit-learn and numpy will be unaffected. |
// |
// Only one update type may be included in a single request's `updateMask`. |
// For example, one cannot update both the PyPI packages and |
// labels in the same request. However, it is possible to update multiple |
// members of a map field simultaneously in the same request. For example, |
// to set the labels "label1" and "label2" while clearing "label3" (assuming |
// it already exists), one can |
// provide the paths "labels.label1", "labels.label2", and "labels.label3" |
// and populate the patch environment as follows: |
// |
// { |
// "labels":{ |
// "label1":"new-label1-value" |
// "label2":"new-label2-value" |
// } |
// } |
// |
// Note that in the above example, any existing labels that are not |
// included in the `updateMask` will be unaffected. |
// |
// It is also possible to replace an entire map field by providing the |
// map field's path in the `updateMask`. The new value of the field will |
// be that which is provided in the patch environment. For example, to |
// delete all pre-existing user-specified PyPI packages and |
// install botocore at version 1.7.14, the `updateMask` would contain |
// the path "config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages", and |
// the patch environment would be the following: |
// |
// { |
// "config":{ |
// "softwareConfig":{ |
// "pypiPackages":{ |
// "botocore":"==1.7.14" |
// } |
// } |
// } |
// } |
// |
// **Note:** Only the following fields can be updated: |
// |
// * `config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages` |
// * Replace all custom custom PyPI packages. If a replacement |
// package map is not included in `environment`, all custom |
// PyPI packages are cleared. It is an error to provide both |
// this mask and a mask specifying an individual package. |
// * `config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages.`packagename |
// * Update the custom PyPI package *packagename*, |
// preserving other packages. To delete the package, include it in |
// `updateMask`, and omit the mapping for it in |
// `environment.config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages`. It is an error |
// to provide both a mask of this form and the |
// `config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages` mask. |
// * `labels` |
// * Replace all environment labels. If a replacement labels map is not |
// included in `environment`, all labels are cleared. It is an error to |
// provide both this mask and a mask specifying one or more individual |
// labels. |
// * `labels.`labelName |
// * Set the label named *labelName*, while preserving other |
// labels. To delete the label, include it in `updateMask` and omit its |
// mapping in `environment.labels`. It is an error to provide both a |
// mask of this form and the `labels` mask. |
// * `config.nodeCount` |
// * Horizontally scale the number of nodes in the environment. An integer |
// greater than or equal to 3 must be provided in the `config.nodeCount` |
// field. Supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
// * `config.webServerNetworkAccessControl` |
// * Replace the environment's current `WebServerNetworkAccessControl`. |
// * `config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides` |
// * Replace all Apache Airflow config overrides. If a replacement config |
// overrides map is not included in `environment`, all config overrides |
// are cleared. |
// It is an error to provide both this mask and a mask specifying one or |
// more individual config overrides. |
// * `config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides.`section-name |
// * Override the Apache Airflow config property *name* in the |
// section named *section*, preserving other properties. To |
// delete the property override, include it in `updateMask` and omit its |
// mapping in |
// `environment.config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides`. |
// It is an error to provide both a mask of this form and the |
// `config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides` mask. |
// * `config.softwareConfig.envVariables` |
// * Replace all environment variables. If a replacement environment |
// variable map is not included in `environment`, all custom environment |
// variables are cleared. |
// * `config.softwareConfig.schedulerCount` |
// * Horizontally scale the number of schedulers in Airflow. A positive |
// integer not greater than the number of nodes must be provided in the |
// `config.softwareConfig.schedulerCount` field. Supported for Cloud |
// Composer environments in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-2.*.*. |
// * `config.databaseConfig.machineType` |
// * Cloud SQL machine type used by Airflow database. |
// It has to be one of: db-n1-standard-2, db-n1-standard-4, |
// db-n1-standard-8 or db-n1-standard-16. Supported for Cloud Composer |
// environments in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
// * `config.webServerConfig.machineType` |
// * Machine type on which Airflow web server is running. |
// It has to be one of: composer-n1-webserver-2, composer-n1-webserver-4 |
// or composer-n1-webserver-8. Supported for Cloud Composer environments |
// in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 3; |
} |
// Request to create a snapshot of a Cloud Composer environment. |
message SaveSnapshotRequest { |
// The resource name of the source environment in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}" |
string environment = 1; |
// Location in a Cloud Storage where the snapshot is going to be stored, e.g.: |
// "gs://my-bucket/snapshots". |
string snapshot_location = 2; |
} |
// Response to SaveSnapshotRequest. |
message SaveSnapshotResponse { |
// The fully-resolved Cloud Storage path of the created snapshot, |
// e.g.: |
// "gs://my-bucket/snapshots/project_location_environment_timestamp". |
// This field is populated only if the snapshot creation was successful. |
string snapshot_path = 1; |
} |
// Request to load a snapshot into a Cloud Composer environment. |
message LoadSnapshotRequest { |
// The resource name of the target environment in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}" |
string environment = 1; |
// A Cloud Storage path to a snapshot to load, e.g.: |
// "gs://my-bucket/snapshots/project_location_environment_timestamp". |
string snapshot_path = 2; |
// Whether or not to skip installing Pypi packages when loading the |
// environment's state. |
bool skip_pypi_packages_installation = 3; |
// Whether or not to skip setting environment variables when loading the |
// environment's state. |
bool skip_environment_variables_setting = 4; |
// Whether or not to skip setting Airflow overrides when loading the |
// environment's state. |
bool skip_airflow_overrides_setting = 5; |
// Whether or not to skip copying Cloud Storage data when loading the |
// environment's state. |
bool skip_gcs_data_copying = 6; |
} |
// Response to LoadSnapshotRequest. |
message LoadSnapshotResponse {} |
// Configuration information for an environment. |
message EnvironmentConfig { |
// The size of the Cloud Composer environment. |
enum EnvironmentSize { |
// The size of the environment is unspecified. |
// The environment size is small. |
// The environment size is medium. |
// The environment size is large. |
} |
// Output only. The Kubernetes Engine cluster used to run this environment. |
string gke_cluster = 1; |
// Output only. The Cloud Storage prefix of the DAGs for this environment. |
// Although Cloud Storage objects reside in a flat namespace, a hierarchical |
// file tree can be simulated using "/"-delimited object name prefixes. DAG |
// objects for this environment reside in a simulated directory with the given |
// prefix. |
string dag_gcs_prefix = 2; |
// The number of nodes in the Kubernetes Engine cluster that will be |
// used to run this environment. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
int32 node_count = 3; |
// The configuration settings for software inside the environment. |
SoftwareConfig software_config = 4; |
// The configuration used for the Kubernetes Engine cluster. |
NodeConfig node_config = 5; |
// The configuration used for the Private IP Cloud Composer environment. |
PrivateEnvironmentConfig private_environment_config = 7; |
// Optional. The network-level access control policy for the Airflow web |
// server. If unspecified, no network-level access restrictions will be |
// applied. |
WebServerNetworkAccessControl web_server_network_access_control = 8 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The configuration settings for Cloud SQL instance used internally |
// by Apache Airflow software. |
DatabaseConfig database_config = 9 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The configuration settings for the Airflow web server App Engine |
// instance. |
WebServerConfig web_server_config = 10 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The encryption options for the Cloud Composer environment |
// and its dependencies. Cannot be updated. |
EncryptionConfig encryption_config = 11 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The maintenance window is the period when Cloud Composer |
// components may undergo maintenance. It is defined so that maintenance is |
// not executed during peak hours or critical time periods. |
// |
// The system will not be under maintenance for every occurrence of this |
// window, but when maintenance is planned, it will be scheduled |
// during the window. |
// |
// The maintenance window period must encompass at least 12 hours per week. |
// This may be split into multiple chunks, each with a size of |
// at least 4 hours. |
// |
// If this value is omitted, the default value for maintenance window will be |
// applied. The default value is Saturday and Sunday 00-06 GMT. |
MaintenanceWindow maintenance_window = 12 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The workloads configuration settings for the GKE cluster |
// associated with the Cloud Composer environment. The GKE cluster runs |
// Airflow scheduler, web server and workers workloads. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-2.*.*-airflow-*.*.* and newer. |
WorkloadsConfig workloads_config = 15 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The size of the Cloud Composer environment. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-2.*.*-airflow-*.*.* and newer. |
EnvironmentSize environment_size = 16 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Output only. The URI of the Apache Airflow Web UI hosted within this |
// environment (see [Airflow web |
// interface](/composer/docs/how-to/accessing/airflow-web-interface)). |
string airflow_uri = 6; |
// Optional. The configuration options for GKE cluster master authorized |
// networks. By default master authorized networks feature is: |
// - in case of private environment: enabled with no external networks |
// allowlisted. |
// - in case of public environment: disabled. |
MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig master_authorized_networks_config = 17 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The Recovery settings configuration of an environment. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-2.*.*-airflow-*.*.* and newer. |
RecoveryConfig recovery_config = 18 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Network-level access control policy for the Airflow web server. |
message WebServerNetworkAccessControl { |
// Allowed IP range with user-provided description. |
message AllowedIpRange { |
// IP address or range, defined using CIDR notation, of requests that this |
// rule applies to. |
// Examples: `` or `` or `2001:db8::/32` |
// or `2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334`. |
// |
// IP range prefixes should be properly truncated. For example, |
// `` should be truncated to ``. Similarly, for IPv6, |
// `2001:db8::1/32` should be truncated to `2001:db8::/32`. |
string value = 1; |
// Optional. User-provided description. It must contain at most 300 |
// characters. |
string description = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// A collection of allowed IP ranges with descriptions. |
repeated AllowedIpRange allowed_ip_ranges = 1; |
} |
// The configuration of Cloud SQL instance that is used by the Apache Airflow |
// software. |
message DatabaseConfig { |
// Optional. Cloud SQL machine type used by Airflow database. |
// It has to be one of: db-n1-standard-2, db-n1-standard-4, db-n1-standard-8 |
// or db-n1-standard-16. If not specified, db-n1-standard-2 will be used. |
// Supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
string machine_type = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The configuration settings for the Airflow web server App Engine instance. |
// Supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.* |
message WebServerConfig { |
// Optional. Machine type on which Airflow web server is running. |
// It has to be one of: composer-n1-webserver-2, composer-n1-webserver-4 or |
// composer-n1-webserver-8. |
// If not specified, composer-n1-webserver-2 will be used. |
// Value custom is returned only in response, if Airflow web server parameters |
// were manually changed to a non-standard values. |
string machine_type = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The encryption options for the Cloud Composer environment |
// and its dependencies.Supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
message EncryptionConfig { |
// Optional. Customer-managed Encryption Key available through Google's Key |
// Management Service. Cannot be updated. If not specified, Google-managed key |
// will be used. |
string kms_key_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The configuration settings for Cloud Composer maintenance window. |
// The following example: |
// |
// ``` |
// { |
// "startTime":"2019-08-01T01:00:00Z" |
// "endTime":"2019-08-01T07:00:00Z" |
// "recurrence":"FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE" |
// } |
// ``` |
// |
// would define a maintenance window between 01 and 07 hours UTC during |
// each Tuesday and Wednesday. |
message MaintenanceWindow { |
// Required. Start time of the first recurrence of the maintenance window. |
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; |
// Required. Maintenance window end time. It is used only to calculate the |
// duration of the maintenance window. The value for end-time must be in the |
// future, relative to `start_time`. |
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; |
// Required. Maintenance window recurrence. Format is a subset of |
// [RFC-5545]( `RRULE`. The only allowed |
// values for `FREQ` field are `FREQ=DAILY` and `FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=...` |
// Example values: `FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE`, `FREQ=DAILY`. |
string recurrence = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; |
} |
// Specifies the selection and configuration of software inside the environment. |
message SoftwareConfig { |
// The version of the software running in the environment. |
// This encapsulates both the version of Cloud Composer functionality and the |
// version of Apache Airflow. It must match the regular expression |
// `composer-([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-preview\.[0-9]+)?)?|latest)-airflow-([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)?)`. |
// When used as input, the server also checks if the provided version is |
// supported and denies the request for an unsupported version. |
// |
// The Cloud Composer portion of the image version is a full |
// [semantic version](, or an alias in the form of major |
// version number or `latest`. When an alias is provided, the server replaces |
// it with the current Cloud Composer version that satisfies the alias. |
// |
// The Apache Airflow portion of the image version is a full semantic version |
// that points to one of the supported Apache Airflow versions, or an alias in |
// the form of only major or major.minor versions specified. When an alias is |
// provided, the server replaces it with the latest Apache Airflow version |
// that satisfies the alias and is supported in the given Cloud Composer |
// version. |
// |
// In all cases, the resolved image version is stored in the same field. |
// |
// See also [version |
// list](/composer/docs/concepts/versioning/composer-versions) and [versioning |
// overview](/composer/docs/concepts/versioning/composer-versioning-overview). |
string image_version = 1; |
// Optional. Apache Airflow configuration properties to override. |
// |
// Property keys contain the section and property names, separated by a |
// hyphen, for example "core-dags_are_paused_at_creation". Section names must |
// not contain hyphens ("-"), opening square brackets ("["), or closing |
// square brackets ("]"). The property name must not be empty and must not |
// contain an equals sign ("=") or semicolon (";"). Section and property names |
// must not contain a period ("."). Apache Airflow configuration property |
// names must be written in |
// [snake_case]( Property values can |
// contain any character, and can be written in any lower/upper case format. |
// |
// Certain Apache Airflow configuration property values are |
// [blocked](/composer/docs/concepts/airflow-configurations), |
// and cannot be overridden. |
map<string, string> airflow_config_overrides = 2; |
// Optional. Custom Python Package Index (PyPI) packages to be installed in |
// the environment. |
// |
// Keys refer to the lowercase package name such as "numpy" |
// and values are the lowercase extras and version specifier such as |
// "==1.12.0", "[devel,gcp_api]", or "[devel]>=1.8.2, <1.9.2". To specify a |
// package without pinning it to a version specifier, use the empty string as |
// the value. |
map<string, string> pypi_packages = 3; |
// Optional. Additional environment variables to provide to the Apache Airflow |
// scheduler, worker, and webserver processes. |
// |
// Environment variable names must match the regular expression |
// `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`. They cannot specify Apache Airflow |
// software configuration overrides (they cannot match the regular expression |
// `AIRFLOW__[A-Z0-9_]+__[A-Z0-9_]+`), and they cannot match any of the |
// following reserved names: |
// |
// * `C_FORCE_ROOT` |
// * `DAGS_FOLDER` |
// * `GCP_PROJECT` |
// * `GCS_BUCKET` |
// * `SQL_PROJECT` |
// * `SQL_REGION` |
// * `SQL_USER` |
map<string, string> env_variables = 4; |
// Optional. The major version of Python used to run the Apache Airflow |
// scheduler, worker, and webserver processes. |
// |
// Can be set to '2' or '3'. If not specified, the default is '3'. Cannot be |
// updated. |
// |
// This field is only supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. Environments in newer versions always use |
// Python major version 3. |
string python_version = 6; |
// Optional. The number of schedulers for Airflow. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-2.*.*. |
int32 scheduler_count = 7 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Configuration for controlling how IPs are allocated in the |
// GKE cluster running the Apache Airflow software. |
message IPAllocationPolicy { |
// Optional. Whether or not to enable Alias IPs in the GKE cluster. |
// If `true`, a VPC-native cluster is created. |
// |
// This field is only supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. Environments in newer versions always use |
// VPC-native GKE clusters. |
bool use_ip_aliases = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Configuration of allocating IP addresses for pods in the GKE cluster. |
oneof cluster_ip_allocation { |
// Optional. The name of the GKE cluster's secondary range used to allocate |
// IP addresses to pods. |
// |
// For Cloud Composer environments in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*, |
// this field is applicable only when `use_ip_aliases` is true. |
string cluster_secondary_range_name = 2 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The IP address range used to allocate IP addresses to pods in |
// the GKE cluster. |
// |
// For Cloud Composer environments in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*, |
// this field is applicable only when `use_ip_aliases` is true. |
// |
// Set to blank to have GKE choose a range with the default size. |
// |
// Set to /netmask (e.g. `/14`) to have GKE choose a range with a specific |
// netmask. |
// |
// Set to a |
// [CIDR]( |
// notation (e.g. ``) from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g. |
// ``, ``, ``) to pick a specific range |
// to use. |
string cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Configuration of allocating IP addresses for services in the GKE cluster. |
oneof services_ip_allocation { |
// Optional. The name of the services' secondary range used to allocate |
// IP addresses to the GKE cluster. |
// |
// For Cloud Composer environments in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*, |
// this field is applicable only when `use_ip_aliases` is true. |
string services_secondary_range_name = 3 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The IP address range of the services IP addresses in this |
// GKE cluster. |
// |
// For Cloud Composer environments in versions composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*, |
// this field is applicable only when `use_ip_aliases` is true. |
// |
// Set to blank to have GKE choose a range with the default size. |
// |
// Set to /netmask (e.g. `/14`) to have GKE choose a range with a specific |
// netmask. |
// |
// Set to a |
// [CIDR]( |
// notation (e.g. ``) from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g. |
// ``, ``, ``) to pick a specific range |
// to use. |
string services_ipv4_cidr_block = 5 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
} |
// The configuration information for the Kubernetes Engine nodes running |
// the Apache Airflow software. |
message NodeConfig { |
// Optional. The Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/regions-zones) in which |
// to deploy the VMs used to run the Apache Airflow software, specified as a |
// [relative resource |
// name](/apis/design/resource_names#relative_resource_name). For example: |
// "projects/{projectId}/zones/{zoneId}". |
// |
// This `location` must belong to the enclosing environment's project and |
// location. If both this field and `nodeConfig.machineType` are specified, |
// `nodeConfig.machineType` must belong to this `location`; if both are |
// unspecified, the service will pick a zone in the Compute Engine region |
// corresponding to the Cloud Composer location, and propagate that choice to |
// both fields. If only one field (`location` or `nodeConfig.machineType`) is |
// specified, the location information from the specified field will be |
// propagated to the unspecified field. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
string location = 1; |
// Optional. The Compute Engine |
// [machine type](/compute/docs/machine-types) used for cluster instances, |
// specified as a |
// [relative resource |
// name](/apis/design/resource_names#relative_resource_name). For example: |
// "projects/{projectId}/zones/{zoneId}/machineTypes/{machineTypeId}". |
// |
// The `machineType` must belong to the enclosing environment's project and |
// location. If both this field and `nodeConfig.location` are specified, |
// this `machineType` must belong to the `nodeConfig.location`; if both are |
// unspecified, the service will pick a zone in the Compute Engine region |
// corresponding to the Cloud Composer location, and propagate that choice to |
// both fields. If exactly one of this field and `nodeConfig.location` is |
// specified, the location information from the specified field will be |
// propagated to the unspecified field. |
// |
// The `machineTypeId` must not be a [shared-core machine |
// type](/compute/docs/machine-types#sharedcore). |
// |
// If this field is unspecified, the `machineTypeId` defaults |
// to "n1-standard-1". |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
string machine_type = 2; |
// Optional. The Compute Engine network to be used for machine |
// communications, specified as a |
// [relative resource |
// name](/apis/design/resource_names#relative_resource_name). For example: |
// "projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{networkId}". |
// |
// If unspecified, the "default" network ID in the environment's project is |
// used. If a [Custom Subnet Network](/vpc/docs/vpc#vpc_networks_and_subnets) |
// is provided, `nodeConfig.subnetwork` must also be provided. For |
// [Shared VPC](/vpc/docs/shared-vpc) subnetwork requirements, see |
// `nodeConfig.subnetwork`. |
string network = 3; |
// Optional. The Compute Engine subnetwork to be used for machine |
// communications, specified as a |
// [relative resource |
// name](/apis/design/resource_names#relative_resource_name). For example: |
// "projects/{projectId}/regions/{regionId}/subnetworks/{subnetworkId}" |
// |
// If a subnetwork is provided, `` must also be provided, |
// and the subnetwork must belong to the enclosing environment's project and |
// location. |
string subnetwork = 4; |
// Optional. The disk size in GB used for node VMs. Minimum size is 30GB. |
// If unspecified, defaults to 100GB. Cannot be updated. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
int32 disk_size_gb = 5; |
// Optional. The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all |
// node VMs. If `oauth_scopes` is empty, defaults to |
// [""]. Cannot be updated. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
repeated string oauth_scopes = 6; |
// Optional. The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node |
// VMs. If a service account is not specified, the "default" Compute Engine |
// service account is used. Cannot be updated. |
string service_account = 7; |
// Optional. The list of instance tags applied to all node VMs. Tags are used |
// to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls. Each tag within |
// the list must comply with [RFC1035]( |
// Cannot be updated. |
repeated string tags = 8; |
// Optional. The configuration for controlling how IPs are allocated in the |
// GKE cluster. |
IPAllocationPolicy ip_allocation_policy = 9 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Deploys 'ip-masq-agent' daemon set in the GKE cluster and defines |
// nonMasqueradeCIDRs equals to pod IP range so IP masquerading is used for |
// all destination addresses, except between pods traffic. |
// |
// See: |
// |
bool enable_ip_masq_agent = 11 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Configuration options for the private GKE cluster in a Cloud Composer |
// environment. |
message PrivateClusterConfig { |
// Optional. If `true`, access to the public endpoint of the GKE cluster is |
// denied. |
bool enable_private_endpoint = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The CIDR block from which IPv4 range for GKE master will be |
// reserved. If left blank, the default value of '' is used. |
string master_ipv4_cidr_block = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Output only. The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master |
// network. This range is used for assigning internal IP addresses to the GKE |
// cluster master or set of masters and to the internal load balancer virtual |
// IP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the |
// cluster's network. |
string master_ipv4_reserved_range = 3 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; |
} |
// Configuration options for networking connections in the Composer 2 |
// environment. |
message NetworkingConfig { |
// Represents connection type between Composer environment in Customer |
// Project and the corresponding Tenant project, from a predefined list |
// of available connection modes. |
enum ConnectionType { |
// No specific connection type was requested, so the environment uses |
// the default value corresponding to the rest of its configuration. |
// Requests the use of VPC peerings for connecting the Customer and Tenant |
// projects. |
// Requests the use of Private Service Connect for connecting the Customer |
// and Tenant projects. |
} |
// Optional. Indicates the user requested specifc connection type between |
// Tenant and Customer projects. You cannot set networking connection type in |
// public IP environment. |
ConnectionType connection_type = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The configuration information for configuring a Private IP Cloud Composer |
// environment. |
message PrivateEnvironmentConfig { |
// Optional. If `true`, a Private IP Cloud Composer environment is created. |
// If this field is set to true, `IPAllocationPolicy.use_ip_aliases` must be |
// set to true for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
bool enable_private_environment = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Configuration for the private GKE cluster for a Private IP |
// Cloud Composer environment. |
PrivateClusterConfig private_cluster_config = 2 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The CIDR block from which IP range for web server will be |
// reserved. Needs to be disjoint from |
// `private_cluster_config.master_ipv4_cidr_block` and |
// `cloud_sql_ipv4_cidr_block`. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
string web_server_ipv4_cidr_block = 3 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The CIDR block from which IP range in tenant project will be |
// reserved for Cloud SQL. Needs to be disjoint from |
// `web_server_ipv4_cidr_block`. |
string cloud_sql_ipv4_cidr_block = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Output only. The IP range reserved for the tenant project's App Engine VMs. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-1.*.*-airflow-*.*.*. |
string web_server_ipv4_reserved_range = 5 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; |
// Optional. The CIDR block from which IP range for Cloud Composer Network in |
// tenant project will be reserved. Needs to be disjoint from |
// private_cluster_config.master_ipv4_cidr_block and |
// cloud_sql_ipv4_cidr_block. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-2.*.*-airflow-*.*.* and newer. |
string cloud_composer_network_ipv4_cidr_block = 7 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Output only. The IP range reserved for the tenant project's Cloud Composer |
// network. |
// |
// This field is supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions |
// composer-2.*.*-airflow-*.*.* and newer. |
string cloud_composer_network_ipv4_reserved_range = 8 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; |
// Optional. When enabled, IPs from public (non-RFC1918) ranges can be used |
// for `IPAllocationPolicy.cluster_ipv4_cidr_block` and |
// `IPAllocationPolicy.service_ipv4_cidr_block`. |
bool enable_privately_used_public_ips = 6 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. When specified, the environment will use Private Service Connect |
// instead of VPC peerings to connect to Cloud SQL in the Tenant Project, |
// and the PSC endpoint in the Customer Project will use an IP address from |
// this subnetwork. |
string cloud_composer_connection_subnetwork = 9 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Configuration for the network connections configuration in the |
// environment. |
NetworkingConfig networking_config = 10 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The Kubernetes workloads configuration for GKE cluster associated with the |
// Cloud Composer environment. Supported for Cloud Composer environments in |
// versions composer-2.*.*-airflow-*.*.* and newer. |
message WorkloadsConfig { |
// Configuration for resources used by Airflow schedulers. |
message SchedulerResource { |
// Optional. CPU request and limit for a single Airflow scheduler replica. |
float cpu = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Memory (GB) request and limit for a single Airflow scheduler |
// replica. |
float memory_gb = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Storage (GB) request and limit for a single Airflow scheduler |
// replica. |
float storage_gb = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The number of schedulers. |
int32 count = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Configuration for resources used by Airflow web server. |
message WebServerResource { |
// Optional. CPU request and limit for Airflow web server. |
float cpu = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Memory (GB) request and limit for Airflow web server. |
float memory_gb = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Storage (GB) request and limit for Airflow web server. |
float storage_gb = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Configuration for resources used by Airflow workers. |
message WorkerResource { |
// Optional. CPU request and limit for a single Airflow worker replica. |
float cpu = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Memory (GB) request and limit for a single Airflow worker |
// replica. |
float memory_gb = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Storage (GB) request and limit for a single Airflow worker |
// replica. |
float storage_gb = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Minimum number of workers for autoscaling. |
int32 min_count = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Maximum number of workers for autoscaling. |
int32 max_count = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Optional. Resources used by Airflow schedulers. |
SchedulerResource scheduler = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Resources used by Airflow web server. |
WebServerResource web_server = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Resources used by Airflow workers. |
WorkerResource worker = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The Recovery settings of an environment. |
message RecoveryConfig { |
// Optional. The configuration for scheduled snapshot creation mechanism. |
ScheduledSnapshotsConfig scheduled_snapshots_config = 1 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// The configuration for scheduled snapshot creation mechanism. |
message ScheduledSnapshotsConfig { |
// Optional. Whether scheduled snapshots creation is enabled. |
bool enabled = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The Cloud Storage location for storing automatically created |
// snapshots. |
string snapshot_location = 6 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. The cron expression representing the time when snapshots creation |
// mechanism runs. This field is subject to additional validation around |
// frequency of execution. |
string snapshot_creation_schedule = 3 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
// Optional. Time zone that sets the context to interpret |
// snapshot_creation_schedule. |
string time_zone = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; |
} |
// Configuration options for the master authorized networks feature. Enabled |
// master authorized networks will disallow all external traffic to access |
// Kubernetes master through HTTPS except traffic from the given CIDR blocks, |
// Google Compute Engine Public IPs and Google Prod IPs. |
message MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig { |
// CIDR block with an optional name. |
message CidrBlock { |
// User-defined name that identifies the CIDR block. |
string display_name = 1; |
// CIDR block that must be specified in CIDR notation. |
string cidr_block = 2; |
} |
// Whether or not master authorized networks feature is enabled. |
bool enabled = 1; |
// Up to 50 external networks that could access Kubernetes master through |
// HTTPS. |
repeated CidrBlock cidr_blocks = 2; |
} |
// An environment for running orchestration tasks. |
message Environment { |
option (google.api.resource) = { |
type: "" |
pattern: "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/environments/{environment}" |
}; |
// State of the environment. |
enum State { |
// The state of the environment is unknown. |
// The environment is in the process of being created. |
// The environment is currently running and healthy. It is ready for use. |
RUNNING = 2; |
// The environment is being updated. It remains usable but cannot receive |
// additional update requests or be deleted at this time. |
// The environment is undergoing deletion. It cannot be used. |
// The environment has encountered an error and cannot be used. |
ERROR = 5; |
} |
// The resource name of the environment, in the form: |
// "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}" |
// |
// EnvironmentId must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 63 |
// lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen. |
string name = 1; |
// Configuration parameters for this environment. |
EnvironmentConfig config = 2; |
// Output only. The UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) associated with this |
// environment. This value is generated when the environment is created. |
string uuid = 3; |
// The current state of the environment. |
State state = 4; |
// Output only. The time at which this environment was created. |
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 5; |
// Output only. The time at which this environment was last modified. |
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 6; |
// Optional. User-defined labels for this environment. |
// The labels map can contain no more than 64 entries. Entries of the labels |
// map are UTF8 strings that comply with the following restrictions: |
// |
// * Keys must conform to regexp: [\p{Ll}\p{Lo}][\p{Ll}\p{Lo}\p{N}_-]{0,62} |
// * Values must conform to regexp: [\p{Ll}\p{Lo}\p{N}_-]{0,63} |
// * Both keys and values are additionally constrained to be <= 128 bytes in |
// size. |
map<string, string> labels = 7; |
} |
// Message containing information about the result of an upgrade check |
// operation. |
message CheckUpgradeResponse { |
// Whether there were python modules conflict during image build. |
enum ConflictResult { |
// It is unknown whether build had conflicts or not. |
// There were python packages conflicts. |
// There were no python packages conflicts. |
} |
// Output only. Url for a docker build log of an upgraded image. |
string build_log_uri = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; |
// Output only. Whether build has succeeded or failed on modules conflicts. |
ConflictResult contains_pypi_modules_conflict = 4 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; |
// Output only. Extract from a docker image build log containing information |
// about pypi modules conflicts. |
string pypi_conflict_build_log_extract = 3 |
[(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; |
// Composer image for which the build was happening. |
string image_version = 5; |
// Pypi dependencies specified in the environment configuration, at the time |
// when the build was triggered. |
map<string, string> pypi_dependencies = 6; |