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Ethan Bao 48063b2af6 Update protos of datastore/v1beta3 API. 9 years ago
v1beta3 Update protos of datastore/v1beta3 API. 9 years ago Adding protos of google/dataflow into googleapis repo. 10 years ago

Google Cloud Datastore Overview


This file describes the API for Google Cloud Datastore. Google Cloud Datastore is a fully managed, schemaless, non-relational datastore accessible through Google APIs infrastructure. It provides a rich set of query capabilities, supports atomic transactions, and automatically scales up and down in response to load.

The API is deliberately low-level to map to the underlying Datastore RPC model and provide more flexibility to developers and higher level library implementers.

Client libraries

The Datastore can be used with many client libraries. Getting started guides for the different libraries are available on the Getting Started page.


The Datastore is a schemaless NoSQL datastore providing robust, scalable storage for your application, with the following features:

  • No planned downtime
  • Atomic transactions
  • High availability of reads and writes
  • Strong consistency for reads and ancestor queries
  • Eventual consistency for all other queries

The Datastore replicates data across multiple datacenters using a system based on the Paxos algorithm. This provides a high level of availability for reads and writes. Most queries are eventually consistent.

Data Model

  • Entity: An entity has one or more properties, named values of one of several supported data types: for instance, a property can be a string, an integer, or a reference to another entity. Each entity is identified by its kind, which categorizes the entity for the purpose of queries, and a key that uniquely identifies it within its kind.

  • Key: Each entity belongs to a specific kind, which categorizes it for the purpose of queries. In addition, each entity has its own key which uniquely identifies it. The key consists of a kind, an identifier, and an optional ancestor path.

  • Transaction: The Datastore can execute multiple operations in a single transaction. By definition, a transaction cannot succeed unless every one of its operations succeeds; if any of the operations fails, the transaction is automatically rolled back.