# Google APIs This repository contains the original interface definitions of public Google APIs that support both REST and gRPC protocols. Reading the original interface definitions can provide a better understanding of Google APIs and help you to utilize them more efficiently. You can also use these definitions with open source tools to generate client libraries, documentation, and other artifacts. For more details on all Google APIs and developer tools, see the [Google Developers](https://developers.google.com/products/) site. ## Overview Google APIs are typically deployed as API services that are hosted under different DNS names. One API service may implement multiple APIs and multiple versions of the same API. Google APIs use [Protocol Buffers](https://github.com/google/protobuf) version 3 (proto3) as their Interface Definition Language (IDL) to define the API interface and the structure of the payload messages. The same interface definition is used for both REST and RPC versions of the API, which can be accessed over different wire protocols. There are two ways of accessing Google APIs: 1. JSON over HTTP: You can access Google APIs directly using JSON over HTTP, using [Google API client libraries](https://developers.google.com/api-client-libraries) or third-party API client libraries. 2. Protocol Buffers over gRPC: You can access Google APIs published in this repository through [GRPC](https://github.com/grpc), which is a high-performance binary RPC protocol over HTTP/2. It offers many useful features, including request/response multiplex and full-duplex streaming. ## Discussions Please use GitHub Issues to discuss bugs and features related to this repository. ## Repository Structure This repository uses a directory hierarchy that reflects the Google API product structure. In general, every API has its own root directory, and each major version of the API has its own subdirectory. The proto package names exactly match the directory: this makes it easy to locate the proto definitions and ensures that the generated client libraries have idiomatic namespaces in most programming languages. Alongside the API directories live the configuration files for the [GAPIC toolkit](https://github.com/googleapis/toolkit). **NOTE:** The major version of an API is used to indicate breaking change to the API. ## Generate gRPC Source Code To generate gRPC source code for Google APIs in this repository, you first need to install both Protocol Buffers and gRPC on your local machine, then you can run `make LANGUAGE=xxx all` to generate the source code. You need to integrated the generated source code into your application build system. **NOTE:** The Makefile is only intended to generate source code for the entire repository. It is not for generating linkable client library for a specific API. Please see other repositories under https://github.com/googleapis for generating linkable client libraries. ### Using bazel with gRPC Bazel build now works for a subset of the repository. You can use build targets from this repo as dependency into your grpc code. For example, this works: ```bazel build //google/monitoring/v3:metric_service``` ### Go gRPC Source Code It is difficult to generate Go gRPC source code from this repository, since Go has different directory structure. Please use [this repository](https://github.com/google/go-genproto) instead.