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feat: add APIs for GKE Control Plane Metrics
feat: add APIs for GKE node pool blue-green upgrade
feat: Add support for output only fields for dual stack clusters
The output only ipv6 fields will be populated for dual stack clusters and it will be seen in "clusters describe" commands.
feat: add GetFeatureBlockers API to get the blockers for migrating the workloads to a GKE cluster with the given feature
feat: Update Node Pool Update Strategy Enum
feat: launch GKE Cost Allocations configuration to the v1beta1 GKE API
feat: add a GPU timesharing related API
feat: Add support for specifying stack type for clusters
Clients can now configured dual stack clusters by specifying a stack type of IPV4_IPV6. When used with a cluster creation command that creates a new subnet, the ipv6_access_type field can be used to specify whether the subnet has internal or external IPv6 access..
feat: add protect config audit api
feat: update proto for high throughput logging feature
feat: add NCCL fast socket installer API
feat: Add Binauthz support to autopilot
feat: add etag support to clusters and node pools
feat: add visibility label for GPU time-sharing and GPU mps
feat: add total size limits to API
feat: added support for newly created node-pools to opt in to a premium bandwidth feature, allowing higher bandwidth for VM to VM traffic
feat: add support to modify kubelet pod pid limit in node system configuration
feat: expand PodAutoscaling message visibility
feat: introduce PodAutoscaling message with direct_metrics_opt_in flag
feat: add Location Policy API
feat: Add Blue/Green Update API
feat: add network tags to autopilot cluster
feat: Add version EOL to ServerConfig
fix: made node pool logging config a node config
docs: fix broken link
docs: Add busy polling options to LinuxNodeConfig options
docs: Fix bulleted list formatting
docs: added note about Autopilot not supporting NodeConfig
docs: WORKLOADS is deprecated as an allowed value for --monitoring
docs: AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults.min_cpu_platform field is marked as deprecated
PiperOrigin-RevId: 463701285
feat: added node pool level network config
feat: added update support for node pool labels, taints and network tags
feat: added configuration for workload certificates and identity service component
feat: added configuration for node pool defaults, autopilot, logging and monitoring
feat: added the option to specify L4 load balancer configuration and IP v6 configuration
feat: added the option to list supported windows versions
fix: deprecated KALM addon config option
fix: deprecated cluster status condition code
docs: clarified SetNodePoolSize API behavior
PiperOrigin-RevId: 396762326
fix: deprecate SetLocations; use UpdateCluster
feat: support for sysctls config in Linux nodes
feat: support for node kubelet config controlling CPU manager policy, CFS quota
feat: support for Customer Managed Encryption in nodes
feat: support for SSDs as ephemeral storage
feat: support for node reservation affinity
feat: support for Gvisor in nodes
fix: deprecate basic auth fields (removed in 1.19 clusters)
feat: support for NodeLocalDNS
feat: support for ConfigConnector
feat: support for the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI driver
feat: support for KALM
feat: support for private cluster VPC peering and master global access
feat: support for CloudRun load balancers
feat: support using routes for pod IPs
feat: support for Shielded Nodes
feat: support for release channels
feat: support for Workload Identity
feat: support for Cluster Telemetry
feat: support for Cloud TPU
feat: support for receiving upgrade notifications
feat: support for Confidential Nodes
feat: support for disabling default sNAT
feat: support for selecting Kubernetes datapath model
feat: support for encrypting etcd databases
feat: support for configuration of master components
fix: deprecate Operation.cluster_conditions and operation_conditions; use error
feat: support updating NodePool locations
feat: support for node Surge Upgrades
feat: support for specifying Cluster Autoscaling profile.
feat: support for Node Auto Provisioning
feat: support for specifying node disk size and type
fix: deprecated StatusCondition.code; use canonical_code
docs: many minor documentation clarifications
docs: some output only fields now annotated as such
PiperOrigin-RevId: 344443035