@ -240,6 +240,13 @@ service Storage {
/ / Cancels an in - progress resumable upload.
/ /
/ / Any attempts to write to the resumable upload after cancelling the upload
/ / will fail.
/ /
/ / The behavior for currently in progress write operations is not guaranteed -
/ / they could either complete before the cancellation or fail if the
/ / cancellation completes first.
rpc CancelResumableWrite ( CancelResumableWriteRequest )
returns ( CancelResumableWriteResponse ) {
option ( google.api.routing ) = {
@ -903,7 +910,7 @@ message ReadObjectResponse {
/ / empty for any given ` ReadResponse ` . This enables the service to inform the
/ / client that the request is still live while it is running an operation to
/ / generate more data.
ChecksummedData checksummed_data = 1 [ ctype = CORD ] ;
ChecksummedData checksummed_data = 1 ;
/ / The checksums of the complete object. The client should compute one of
/ / these checksums over the downloaded object and compare it against the value
@ -2008,7 +2015,7 @@ message BucketAccessControl {
/ / checksum.
message ChecksummedData {
/ / The data.
bytes content = 1 ;
bytes content = 1 [ ctype = CORD ] ;
/ / If set , the CRC32C digest of the content field.
optional fixed32 crc32c = 2 ;