@ -579,6 +579,24 @@ service VmMigration {
metadata_type : "OperationMetadata"
} ;
/ / Lists ReplicationCycles in a given MigratingVM.
rpc ListReplicationCycles ( ListReplicationCyclesRequest )
returns ( ListReplicationCyclesResponse ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
get : "/v1/{parent=projects/*/locations/*/sources/*/migratingVms/*}/replicationCycles"
} ;
option ( google.api.method_signature ) = "parent" ;
/ / Gets details of a single ReplicationCycle.
rpc GetReplicationCycle ( GetReplicationCycleRequest )
returns ( ReplicationCycle ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
get : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/sources/*/migratingVms/*/replicationCycles/*}"
} ;
option ( google.api.method_signature ) = "name" ;
/ / Controls the level of details of a Utilization Report.
@ -653,13 +671,103 @@ enum ComputeEngineBootOption {
/ / ReplicationCycle contains information about the current replication cycle
/ / status.
message ReplicationCycle {
option ( google.api.resource ) = {
type : "vmmigration.googleapis.com/ReplicationCycle"
pattern : "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/sources/{source}/migratingVms/{migrating_vm}/replicationCycles/{replication_cycle}"
} ;
/ / Possible states of a replication cycle.
enum State {
/ / The state is unknown. This is used for API compatibility only and is not
/ / used by the system.
/ / The replication cycle is running.
/ / The replication cycle is paused.
PAUSED = 2 ;
/ / The replication cycle finished with errors.
FAILED = 3 ;
/ / The replication cycle finished successfully.
/ / The identifier of the ReplicationCycle.
string name = 13 ;
/ / The cycle ' s ordinal number.
int32 cycle_number = 10 ;
/ / The time the replication cycle has started.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1 ;
/ / The time the replication cycle has ended.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 6 ;
/ / The accumulated duration the replication cycle was paused.
google.protobuf.Duration total_pause_duration = 7 ;
/ / The current progress in percentage of this cycle.
int32 progress_percent = 5 ;
/ / Was replaced by 'steps' field , which breaks down the cycle progression more
/ / accurately.
int32 progress_percent = 5 [ deprecated = true ] ;
/ / The cycle ' s steps list representing its progress.
repeated CycleStep steps = 9 ;
/ / State of the ReplicationCycle.
State state = 11 ;
/ / Provides details on the state of the cycle in case of an error.
google.rpc.Status error = 12 ;
/ / CycleStep holds information about a step progress.
message CycleStep {
oneof step {
/ / Initializing replication step.
InitializingReplicationStep initializing_replication = 3 ;
/ / Replicating step.
ReplicatingStep replicating = 4 ;
/ / Post processing step.
PostProcessingStep post_processing = 5 ;
/ / The time the cycle step has started.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1 ;
/ / The time the cycle step has ended.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2 ;
/ / InitializingReplicationStep contains specific step details.
message InitializingReplicationStep { }
/ / ReplicatingStep contains specific step details.
message ReplicatingStep {
/ / Total bytes to be handled in the step.
int64 total_bytes = 1 ;
/ / Replicated bytes in the step.
int64 replicated_bytes = 2 ;
/ / The source disks replication rate for the last 2 minutes in bytes per
/ / second.
int64 last_two_minutes_average_bytes_per_second = 3 ;
/ / The source disks replication rate for the last 30 minutes in bytes per
/ / second.
int64 last_thirty_minutes_average_bytes_per_second = 4 ;
/ / PostProcessingStep contains specific step details.
message PostProcessingStep { }
/ / ReplicationSync contain information about the last replica sync to the cloud.
message ReplicationSync {
/ / The most updated snapshot created time in the source that finished
@ -720,13 +828,20 @@ message MigratingVm {
ERROR = 13 ;
/ / The default configuration of the target VM that will be created in GCP as a
/ / result of the migration.
/ / The default configuration of the target VM that will be created in Google
/ / Cloud as a result of the migration.
oneof target_vm_defaults {
/ / Details of the target VM in Compute Engine.
ComputeEngineTargetDefaults compute_engine_target_defaults = 26 ;
/ / Details about the source VM.
oneof source_vm_details {
/ / Output only. Details of the VM from an AWS source.
AwsSourceVmDetails aws_source_vm_details = 29
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The identifier of the MigratingVm.
string name = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
@ -876,8 +991,40 @@ message CloneJob {
/ / Output only. Provides details for the errors that led to the Clone Job ' s
/ / state.
google.rpc.Status error = 17 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The clone steps list representing its progress.
repeated CloneStep steps = 23 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / CloneStep holds information about the clone step progress.
message CloneStep {
oneof step {
/ / Adapting OS step.
AdaptingOSStep adapting_os = 3 ;
/ / Preparing VM disks step.
PreparingVMDisksStep preparing_vm_disks = 4 ;
/ / Instantiating migrated VM step.
InstantiatingMigratedVMStep instantiating_migrated_vm = 5 ;
/ / The time the step has started.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1 ;
/ / The time the step has ended.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2 ;
/ / AdaptingOSStep contains specific step details.
message AdaptingOSStep { }
/ / PreparingVMDisksStep contains specific step details.
message PreparingVMDisksStep { }
/ / InstantiatingMigratedVMStep contains specific step details.
message InstantiatingMigratedVMStep { }
/ / CutoverJob message describes a cutover of a migrating VM. The CutoverJob is
/ / the operation of shutting down the VM , creating a snapshot and
/ / clonning the VM using the replicated snapshot.
@ -951,8 +1098,40 @@ message CutoverJob {
/ / Output only. A message providing possible extra details about the current
/ / state.
string state_message = 10 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The cutover steps list representing its progress.
repeated CutoverStep steps = 17 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / CutoverStep holds information about the cutover step progress.
message CutoverStep {
oneof step {
/ / A replication cycle prior cutover step.
ReplicationCycle previous_replication_cycle = 3 ;
/ / Shutting down VM step.
ShuttingDownSourceVMStep shutting_down_source_vm = 4 ;
/ / Final sync step.
ReplicationCycle final_sync = 5 ;
/ / Preparing VM disks step.
PreparingVMDisksStep preparing_vm_disks = 6 ;
/ / Instantiating migrated VM step.
InstantiatingMigratedVMStep instantiating_migrated_vm = 7 ;
/ / The time the step has started.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1 ;
/ / The time the step has ended.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2 ;
/ / ShuttingDownSourceVMStep contains specific step details.
message ShuttingDownSourceVMStep { }
/ / Request message for 'CreateCloneJob' request.
message CreateCloneJobRequest {
/ / Required. The Clone ' s parent.
@ -1064,6 +1243,9 @@ message Source {
oneof source_details {
/ / Vmware type source details.
VmwareSourceDetails vmware = 10 ;
/ / AWS type source details.
AwsSourceDetails aws = 12 ;
/ / Output only. The Source name.
@ -1101,9 +1283,82 @@ message VmwareSourceDetails {
string thumbprint = 4 ;
/ / DatacenterConnector message describes a connector between the Source and GCP ,
/ / which is installed on a vmware datacenter ( an OVA vm installed by the user )
/ / to connect the Datacenter to GCP and support vm migration data transfer.
/ / AwsSourceDetails message describes a specific source details for the
/ / AWS source type.
message AwsSourceDetails {
/ / Message describing AWS Credentials using access key id and secret.
message AccessKeyCredentials {
/ / AWS access key ID.
string access_key_id = 1 ;
/ / Input only. AWS secret access key.
string secret_access_key = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = INPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Tag is an AWS tag representation.
message Tag {
/ / Key of tag.
string key = 1 ;
/ / Value of tag.
string value = 2 ;
/ / The possible values of the state.
enum State {
/ / The state is unknown. This is used for API compatibility only and is not
/ / used by the system.
/ / The state was not sampled by the health checks yet.
/ / The source is available but might not be usable yet due to invalid
/ / credentials or another reason.
/ / The error message will contain further details.
FAILED = 2 ;
/ / The source exists and its credentials were verified.
ACTIVE = 3 ;
oneof credentials_type {
/ / AWS Credentials using access key id and secret.
AccessKeyCredentials access_key_creds = 11 ;
/ / Immutable. The AWS region that the source VMs will be migrated from.
string aws_region = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = IMMUTABLE ] ;
/ / Output only. State of the source as determined by the health check.
State state = 4 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. Provides details on the state of the Source in case of an
/ / error.
google.rpc.Status error = 5 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / AWS resource tags to limit the scope of the source inventory.
repeated Tag inventory_tag_list = 10 ;
/ / AWS security group names to limit the scope of the source
/ / inventory.
repeated string inventory_security_group_names = 7 ;
/ / User specified tags to add to every M2VM generated resource in AWS.
/ / These tags will be set in addition to the default tags that are set as part
/ / of the migration process. The tags must not begin with the reserved prefix
/ / ` m2vm ` .
map < string , string > migration_resources_user_tags = 8 ;
/ / Output only. The source ' s public IP. All communication initiated by this
/ / source will originate from this IP.
string public_ip = 9 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / DatacenterConnector message describes a connector between the Source and
/ / Google Cloud , which is installed on a vmware datacenter ( an OVA vm installed
/ / by the user ) to connect the Datacenter to Google Cloud and support vm
/ / migration data transfer.
message DatacenterConnector {
option ( google.api.resource ) = {
type : "vmmigration.googleapis.com/DatacenterConnector"
@ -1157,7 +1412,7 @@ message DatacenterConnector {
string version = 6 ;
/ / Output only. The communication channel between the datacenter connector and
/ / GCP .
/ / Google Cloud .
string bucket = 10 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. State of the DatacenterConnector , as determined by the health
@ -1478,18 +1733,154 @@ message VmwareVmDetails {
BootOption boot_option = 13 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / AwsVmDetails describes a VM in AWS.
message AwsVmDetails {
/ / Possible values for the power state of the VM.
enum PowerState {
/ / Power state is not specified.
/ / The VM is turned on.
ON = 1 ;
/ / The VM is turned off.
OFF = 2 ;
/ / The VM is suspended. This is similar to hibernation or sleep
/ / mode.
/ / The VM is starting.
/ / The possible values for the vm boot option .
enum BootOption {
/ / The boot option is unknown.
/ / The boot option is UEFI.
EFI = 1 ;
/ / The boot option is LEGACY - BIOS.
BIOS = 2 ;
/ / Possible values for the virtualization types of the VM.
enum VmVirtualizationType {
/ / The virtualization type is unknown.
/ / The virtualziation type is HVM.
HVM = 1 ;
/ / The virtualziation type is PARAVIRTUAL.
/ / Possible values for the architectures of the VM.
enum VmArchitecture {
/ / The architecture is unknown.
/ / The architecture is I386.
I386 = 1 ;
/ / The architecture is X86_64.
X86_64 = 2 ;
/ / The architecture is ARM64.
ARM64 = 3 ;
/ / The architecture is X86_64_MAC.
X86_64_MAC = 4 ;
/ / The VM ID in AWS.
string vm_id = 1 ;
/ / The display name of the VM. Note that this value is not necessarily unique.
string display_name = 2 ;
/ / The id of the AWS ' s source this VM is connected to .
string source_id = 3 ;
/ / The descriptive name of the AWS ' s source this VM is connected to .
string source_description = 4 ;
/ / Output only. The power state of the VM at the moment list was taken.
PowerState power_state = 5 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / The number of cpus the VM has.
int32 cpu_count = 6 ;
/ / The memory size of the VM in MB.
int32 memory_mb = 7 ;
/ / The number of disks the VM has.
int32 disk_count = 8 ;
/ / The total size of the storage allocated to the VM in MB.
int64 committed_storage_mb = 9 ;
/ / The VM ' s OS.
string os_description = 10 ;
/ / The VM Boot Option.
BootOption boot_option = 11 ;
/ / The instance type of the VM.
string instance_type = 12 ;
/ / The VPC ID the VM belongs to .
string vpc_id = 13 ;
/ / The security groups the VM belongs to .
repeated AwsSecurityGroup security_groups = 14 ;
/ / The tags of the VM.
map < string , string > tags = 15 ;
/ / The AWS zone of the VM.
string zone = 16 ;
/ / The virtualization type.
VmVirtualizationType virtualization_type = 17 ;
/ / The CPU architecture.
VmArchitecture architecture = 18 ;
/ / AwsSecurityGroup describes a security group of an AWS VM.
message AwsSecurityGroup {
/ / The AWS security group id .
string id = 1 ;
/ / The AWS security group name .
string name = 2 ;
/ / VmwareVmsDetails describes VMs in vCenter.
message VmwareVmsDetails {
/ / The details of the vmware VMs.
repeated VmwareVmDetails details = 1 ;
/ / AWSVmsDetails describes VMs in AWS.
message AwsVmsDetails {
/ / The details of the AWS VMs.
repeated AwsVmDetails details = 1 ;
/ / Response message for
/ / [ fetchInventory ] [ google.cloud.vmmigration.v1.VmMigration.FetchInventory ] .
message FetchInventoryResponse {
oneof SourceVms {
/ / The description of the VMs in a Source of type Vmware.
VmwareVmsDetails vmware_vms = 1 ;
/ / The description of the VMs in a Source of type AWS.
AwsVmsDetails aws_vms = 3 ;
/ / Output only. The timestamp when the source was last queried ( if the result
@ -1965,7 +2356,7 @@ message ComputeEngineTargetDetails {
/ / The name of the VM to create.
string vm_name = 1 ;
/ / The GCP target project ID or project name.
/ / The Google Cloud target project ID or project name.
string project = 2 ;
/ / The zone in which to create the VM.
@ -2048,7 +2439,7 @@ message AppliedLicense {
/ / The license type is Pay As You Go license type.
PAYG = 2 ;
/ / The license type is is Bring Your Own License type.
/ / The license type is Bring Your Own License type.
BYOL = 3 ;
@ -2899,3 +3290,79 @@ message MigrationError {
google.protobuf.Timestamp error_time = 5
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Represent the source AWS VM details.
message AwsSourceVmDetails {
/ / Possible values for AWS VM firmware.
enum Firmware {
/ / The firmware is unknown.
/ / The firmware is EFI.
EFI = 1 ;
/ / The firmware is BIOS.
BIOS = 2 ;
/ / The firmware type of the source VM.
Firmware firmware = 1 ;
/ / The total size of the disks being migrated in bytes .
int64 committed_storage_bytes = 2 ;
/ / Request message for 'LisReplicationCyclesRequest' request.
message ListReplicationCyclesRequest {
/ / Required. The parent , which owns this collection of ReplicationCycles.
string parent = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
child_type : "vmmigration.googleapis.com/ReplicationCycle"
] ;
/ / Optional. The maximum number of replication cycles to return. The service
/ / may return fewer than this value. If unspecified , at most 100 migrating VMs
/ / will be returned. The maximum value is 100 ; values above 100 will be
/ / coerced to 100.
int32 page_size = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Required. A page token , received from a previous ` ListReplicationCycles `
/ / call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.
/ /
/ / When paginating , all other parameters provided to ` ListReplicationCycles `
/ / must match the call that provided the page token.
string page_token = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Optional. The filter request.
string filter = 4 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. the order by fields for the result.
string order_by = 5 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Response message for 'ListReplicationCycles' request.
message ListReplicationCyclesResponse {
/ / Output only. The list of replication cycles response.
repeated ReplicationCycle replication_cycles = 1
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. A token , which can be sent as ` page_token ` to retrieve the
/ / next page. If this field is omitted , there are no subsequent pages.
string next_page_token = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. Locations that could not be reached.
repeated string unreachable = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Request message for 'GetReplicationCycle' request.
message GetReplicationCycleRequest {
/ / Required. The name of the ReplicationCycle.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "vmmigration.googleapis.com/ReplicationCycle"
] ;