@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/ / Copyright 2022 Google LLC
/ / Copyright 2023 Google LLC
/ /
/ / Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
/ / you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "google/api/resource.proto" ;
import "google/longrunning/operations.proto" ;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto" ;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto" ;
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto" ;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto" ;
import "google/type/dayofweek.proto" ;
@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ option java_package = "com.google.cloud.redis.v1";
/ / * ` projects / redpepper - 1290 / locations / us - central1 / instances / my - redis `
service CloudRedis {
option ( google.api.default_host ) = "redis.googleapis.com" ;
option ( google.api.oauth_scopes ) = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" ;
option ( google.api.oauth_scopes ) =
"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" ;
/ / Lists all Redis instances owned by a project in either the specified
/ / location ( region ) or all locations.
@ -78,7 +80,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ / Gets the AUTH string for a Redis instance. If AUTH is not enabled for the
/ / instance the response will be empty. This information is not included in
/ / the details returned to GetInstance.
rpc GetInstanceAuthString ( GetInstanceAuthStringRequest ) returns ( InstanceAuthString ) {
rpc GetInstanceAuthString ( GetInstanceAuthStringRequest )
returns ( InstanceAuthString ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
get : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}/authString"
} ;
@ -97,7 +100,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ /
/ / The returned operation is automatically deleted after a few hours , so there
/ / is no need to call DeleteOperation.
rpc CreateInstance ( CreateInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc CreateInstance ( CreateInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
post : "/v1/{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/instances"
body : "instance"
@ -114,7 +118,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ / Completed longrunning.Operation will contain the new instance object
/ / in the response field. The returned operation is automatically deleted
/ / after a few hours , so there is no need to call DeleteOperation.
rpc UpdateInstance ( UpdateInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc UpdateInstance ( UpdateInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
patch : "/v1/{instance.name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}"
body : "instance"
@ -128,7 +133,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ / Upgrades Redis instance to the newer Redis version specified in the
/ / request.
rpc UpgradeInstance ( UpgradeInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc UpgradeInstance ( UpgradeInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
post : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}:upgrade"
body : "*"
@ -148,7 +154,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ /
/ / The returned operation is automatically deleted after a few hours , so
/ / there is no need to call DeleteOperation.
rpc ImportInstance ( ImportInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc ImportInstance ( ImportInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
post : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}:import"
body : "*"
@ -166,7 +173,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ /
/ / The returned operation is automatically deleted after a few hours , so
/ / there is no need to call DeleteOperation.
rpc ExportInstance ( ExportInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc ExportInstance ( ExportInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
post : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}:export"
body : "*"
@ -180,7 +188,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ / Initiates a failover of the primary node to current replica node for a
/ / specific STANDARD tier Cloud Memorystore for Redis instance.
rpc FailoverInstance ( FailoverInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc FailoverInstance ( FailoverInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
post : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}:failover"
body : "*"
@ -194,7 +203,8 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ / Deletes a specific Redis instance. Instance stops serving and data is
/ / deleted.
rpc DeleteInstance ( DeleteInstanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc DeleteInstance ( DeleteInstanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
delete : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}"
} ;
@ -207,12 +217,14 @@ service CloudRedis {
/ / Reschedule maintenance for a given instance in a given project and
/ / location.
rpc RescheduleMaintenance ( RescheduleMaintenanceRequest ) returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
rpc RescheduleMaintenance ( RescheduleMaintenanceRequest )
returns ( google.longrunning.Operation ) {
option ( google.api.http ) = {
post : "/v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*/instances/*}:rescheduleMaintenance"
body : "*"
} ;
option ( google.api.method_signature ) = "name, reschedule_type, schedule_time" ;
option ( google.api.method_signature ) =
"name, reschedule_type, schedule_time" ;
option ( google.longrunning.operation_info ) = {
response_type : "google.cloud.redis.v1.Instance"
metadata_type : "google.cloud.redis.v1.OperationMetadata"
@ -321,6 +333,15 @@ message Instance {
/ / Possible reasons for the instance to be in a "SUSPENDED" state.
enum SuspensionReason {
/ / Not set.
/ / Something wrong with the CMEK key provided by customer.
/ / Required. Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and
/ / location using the form :
/ / ` projects / { project_id } / locations / { location_id } / instances / { instance_id } `
@ -328,8 +349,10 @@ message Instance {
/ / Note : Redis instances are managed and addressed at regional level so
/ / location_id here refers to a GCP region ; however , users may choose which
/ / specific zone ( or collection of zones for cross - zone instances ) an instance
/ / should be provisioned in. Refer to [ location_id ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.Instance.location_id ] and
/ / [ alternative_location_id ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.Instance.alternative_location_id ] fields for more details.
/ / should be provisioned in. Refer to
/ / [ location_id ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.Instance.location_id ] and
/ / [ alternative_location_id ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.Instance.alternative_location_id ]
/ / fields for more details.
string name = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / An arbitrary and optional user - provided name for the instance.
@ -372,11 +395,11 @@ message Instance {
/ / the default block size is / 28.
string reserved_ip_range = 9 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. Additional IP range for node placement. Required when enabling read
/ / replicas on an existing instance. For DIRECT_PEERING mode value must be a
/ / CIDR range of size / 28 , or "auto" . For PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS mode valu e
/ / must be the name of an allocated address range associated with the privat e
/ / service access connection , or "auto" .
/ / Optional. Additional IP range for node placement. Required when enabling
/ / read re plicas on an existing instance. For DIRECT_PEERING mode value must
/ / be a CIDR range of size / 28 , or "auto" . For PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS mode
/ / value must be the name of an allocated address range associated with the
/ / private service access connection , or "auto" .
string secondary_ip_range = 30 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Output only. Hostname or IP address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by
@ -392,7 +415,8 @@ message Instance {
string current_location_id = 12 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The time the instance was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 13 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 13
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The current state of this instance.
State state = 14 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
@ -421,7 +445,8 @@ message Instance {
/ /
/ / * stream - node - max - bytes
/ / * stream - node - max - entries
map < string , string > redis_configs = 16 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
map < string , string > redis_configs = 16
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Required. The service tier of the instance.
Tier tier = 17 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
@ -440,43 +465,42 @@ message Instance {
/ / "serviceAccount:<service_account_email>" . The value may change over time
/ / for a given instance so should be checked before each import / export
/ / operation.
string persistence_iam_identity = 21 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
string persistence_iam_identity = 21
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. The network connect mode of the Redis instance.
/ / If not provided , the connect mode defaults to DIRECT_PEERING.
ConnectMode connect_mode = 22 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. Indicates whether OSS Redis AUTH is enabled for the instance. If set to
/ / "true" AUTH is enabled on the instance. Default value is "false" meaning
/ / AUTH is disabled.
/ / Optional. Indicates whether OSS Redis AUTH is enabled for the instance. If
/ / set to "true" AUTH is enabled on the instance. Default value is "false"
/ / meaning AUTH is disabled.
bool auth_enabled = 23 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Output only. List of server CA certificates for the instance.
repeated TlsCertificate server_ca_certs = 25 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
repeated TlsCertificate server_ca_certs = 25
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. The TLS mode of the Redis instance.
/ / If not provided , TLS is disabled for the instance.
TransitEncryptionMode transit_encryption_mode = 26 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. The number of replica nodes. The valid range for the Standard Tier with
/ / read replicas enabled is [ 1 - 5 ] and defaults to 2. If read replicas are not
/ / enabled for a Standard Tier instance , the only valid value is 1 and the
/ / default is 1. The valid value for basic tier is 0 and the default is also
/ / 0.
TransitEncryptionMode transit_encryption_mode = 26
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. The maintenance policy for the instance. If not provided ,
/ / maintenance events can be performed at any time.
MaintenancePolicy maintenance_policy = 27 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
MaintenancePolicy maintenance_policy = 27
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Output only. Date and time of upcoming maintenance events which have been
/ / scheduled.
MaintenanceSchedule maintenance_schedule = 28 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. The number of replica nodes. The valid range for the Standard Tier with
/ / read replicas enabled is [ 1 - 5 ] and defaults to 2. If read replicas are not
/ / enabled for a Standard Tier instance , the only valid value is 1 and the
/ / default is 1. The valid value for basic tier is 0 and the default is also
/ / 0.
MaintenanceSchedule maintenance_schedule = 28
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. The number of replica nodes. The valid range for the Standard
/ / Tier with read replicas enabled is [ 1 - 5 ] and defaults to 2. If read
/ / replicas are not enabled for a Standard Tier instance , the only valid value
/ / is 1 and the default is 1. The valid value for basic tier is 0 and the
/ / default is also 0.
int32 replica_count = 31 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Output only. Info per node.
@ -492,11 +516,92 @@ message Instance {
/ / endpoint. Standard tier only. Write requests should target 'port' .
int32 read_endpoint_port = 34 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. Read replicas mode for the instance. Defaults to READ_REPLICAS_DISABLED.
ReadReplicasMode read_replicas_mode = 35 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. Read replicas mode for the instance. Defaults to
ReadReplicasMode read_replicas_mode = 35
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. The KMS key reference that the customer provides when trying to
/ / create the instance.
string customer_managed_key = 36 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. Persistence configuration parameters
PersistenceConfig persistence_config = 37
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. reasons that causes instance in "SUSPENDED" state.
repeated SuspensionReason suspension_reasons = 38
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. The self service update maintenance version.
/ / The version is date based such as "20210712_00_00" .
string maintenance_version = 39 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. The available maintenance versions that an instance could update
/ / to .
repeated string available_maintenance_versions = 40
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Request for [ RescheduleMaintenance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.RescheduleMaintenance ] .
/ / Configuration of the persistence functionality.
message PersistenceConfig {
/ / Available Persistence modes.
enum PersistenceMode {
/ / Not set.
/ / Persistence is disabled for the instance ,
/ / and any existing snapshots are deleted.
/ / RDB based Persistence is enabled.
RDB = 2 ;
/ / Available snapshot periods for scheduling.
enum SnapshotPeriod {
/ / Not set.
/ / Snapshot every 1 hour.
ONE_HOUR = 3 ;
/ / Snapshot every 6 hours.
/ / Snapshot every 12 hours.
/ / Snapshot every 24 hours.
/ / Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled.
/ / If not provided , the existing value will be used.
PersistenceMode persistence_mode = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Optional. Period between RDB snapshots. Snapshots will be attempted every
/ / period starting from the provided snapshot start time. For example , a start
/ / time of 01 / 01 / 2033 06 : 45 and SIX_HOURS snapshot period will do nothing
/ / until 01 / 01 / 2033 , and then trigger snapshots every day at 06 : 45 , 12 : 45 ,
/ / 18 : 45 , and 00 : 45 the next day , and so on. If not provided ,
/ / TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS will be used as default .
SnapshotPeriod rdb_snapshot_period = 2
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur.
google.protobuf.Timestamp rdb_next_snapshot_time = 4
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was / will be attempted , and
/ / to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided , the current
/ / time will be used.
google.protobuf.Timestamp rdb_snapshot_start_time = 5
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Request for
/ / [ RescheduleMaintenance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.RescheduleMaintenance ] .
message RescheduleMaintenanceRequest {
/ / Reschedule options.
enum RescheduleType {
@ -519,27 +624,29 @@ message RescheduleMaintenanceRequest {
/ / where ` location_id ` refers to a GCP region.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance"
( google.api.resource_reference ) = { type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance" }
] ;
/ / Required. If reschedule type is SPECIFIC_TIME , must set up schedule_time as well.
/ / Required. If reschedule type is SPECIFIC_TIME , must set up schedule_time as
/ / well.
RescheduleType reschedule_type = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Optional. Timestamp when the maintenance shall be rescheduled to if
/ / reschedule_type = SPECIFIC_TIME , in RFC 3339 format , for
/ / example ` 2012 - 11 - 15 T16 : 19 : 00.094 Z ` .
google.protobuf.Timestamp schedule_time = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
google.protobuf.Timestamp schedule_time = 3
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Maintenance policy for an instance.
message MaintenancePolicy {
/ / Output only. The time when the policy was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The time when the policy was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 2
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create / Update methods
/ / return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
@ -548,7 +655,8 @@ message MaintenancePolicy {
/ / Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this
/ / policy. Minimum 1. For the current version , the maximum number of
/ / weekly_window is expected to be one.
repeated WeeklyMaintenanceWindow weekly_maintenance_window = 4 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
repeated WeeklyMaintenanceWindow weekly_maintenance_window = 4
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Time window in which disruptive maintenance updates occur. Non - disruptive
@ -560,25 +668,32 @@ message WeeklyMaintenanceWindow {
/ / Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.
google.type.TimeOfDay start_time = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is
/ / fixed at 1 hour.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 3
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Upcoming maintenance schedule. If no maintenance is scheduled , fields are not
/ / populated.
message MaintenanceSchedule {
/ / Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this
/ / instance.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this
/ / instance.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / If the scheduled maintenance can be rescheduled , default is true .
bool can_reschedule = 3 [ deprecated = true ] ;
/ / Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond ,
/ / including reschedule.
google.protobuf.Timestamp schedule_deadline_time = 5 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not
/ / go beyond , including reschedule.
google.protobuf.Timestamp schedule_deadline_time = 5
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Request for [ ListInstances ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.ListInstances ] .
@ -603,7 +718,8 @@ message ListInstancesRequest {
int32 page_size = 2 ;
/ / The ` next_page_token ` value returned from a previous
/ / [ ListInstances ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.ListInstances ] request , if any.
/ / [ ListInstances ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.ListInstances ] request , if
/ / any.
string page_token = 3 ;
@ -637,22 +753,19 @@ message GetInstanceRequest {
/ / where ` location_id ` refers to a GCP region.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance"
( google.api.resource_reference ) = { type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance" }
] ;
/ / Request for [ GetInstanceAuthString ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.GetInstanceAuthString ] .
/ / Request for
/ / [ GetInstanceAuthString ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.GetInstanceAuthString ] .
message GetInstanceAuthStringRequest {
/ / Required. Redis instance resource name using the form :
/ / ` projects / { project_id } / locations / { location_id } / instances / { instance_id } `
/ / where ` location_id ` refers to a GCP region.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance"
( google.api.resource_reference ) = { type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance" }
] ;
@ -662,7 +775,8 @@ message InstanceAuthString {
string auth_string = 1 ;
/ / Request for [ CreateInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.CreateInstance ] .
/ / Request for
/ / [ CreateInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.CreateInstance ] .
message CreateInstanceRequest {
/ / Required. The resource name of the instance location using the form :
/ / ` projects / { project_id } / locations / { location_id } `
@ -688,7 +802,8 @@ message CreateInstanceRequest {
Instance instance = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Request for [ UpdateInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.UpdateInstance ] .
/ / Request for
/ / [ UpdateInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.UpdateInstance ] .
message UpdateInstanceRequest {
/ / Required. Mask of fields to update. At least one path must be supplied in
/ / this field. The elements of the repeated paths field may only include these
@ -699,39 +814,38 @@ message UpdateInstanceRequest {
/ / * ` memorySizeGb `
/ / * ` redisConfig `
/ / * ` replica_count `
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 1
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Required. Update description.
/ / Only fields specified in update_mask are updated.
Instance instance = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Request for [ UpgradeInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.UpgradeInstance ] .
/ / Request for
/ / [ UpgradeInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.UpgradeInstance ] .
message UpgradeInstanceRequest {
/ / Required. Redis instance resource name using the form :
/ / ` projects / { project_id } / locations / { location_id } / instances / { instance_id } `
/ / where ` location_id ` refers to a GCP region.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance"
( google.api.resource_reference ) = { type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance" }
] ;
/ / Required. Specifies the target version of Redis software to upgrade to .
string redis_version = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ] ;
/ / Request for [ DeleteInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.DeleteInstance ] .
/ / Request for
/ / [ DeleteInstance ] [ google.cloud.redis.v1.CloudRedis.DeleteInstance ] .
message DeleteInstanceRequest {
/ / Required. Redis instance resource name using the form :
/ / ` projects / { project_id } / locations / { location_id } / instances / { instance_id } `
/ / where ` location_id ` refers to a GCP region.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance"
( google.api.resource_reference ) = { type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance" }
] ;
@ -811,14 +925,13 @@ message FailoverInstanceRequest {
/ / where ` location_id ` refers to a GCP region.
string name = 1 [
( google.api.field_behavior ) = REQUIRED ,
( google.api.resource_reference ) = {
type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance"
( google.api.resource_reference ) = { type : "redis.googleapis.com/Instance" }
] ;
/ / Optional. Available data protection modes that the user can choose. If it ' s
/ / unspecified , data protection mode will be LIMITED_DATA_LOSS by default .
DataProtectionMode data_protection_mode = 2 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
DataProtectionMode data_protection_mode = 2
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OPTIONAL ] ;
/ / Represents the v1 metadata of the long - running operation.
@ -854,14 +967,13 @@ message LocationMetadata {
/ / by the lowercase ID of each zone , as defined by GCE. These keys can be
/ / specified in ` location_id ` or ` alternative_location_id ` fields when
/ / creating a Redis instance.
map < string , ZoneMetadata > available_zones = 1 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
map < string , ZoneMetadata > available_zones = 1
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Defines specific information for a particular zone. Currently empty and
/ / reserved for future use only.
message ZoneMetadata {
message ZoneMetadata { }
/ / TlsCertificate Resource
message TlsCertificate {
@ -874,12 +986,14 @@ message TlsCertificate {
/ / Output only. The time when the certificate was created in [ RFC
/ / 3339 ] ( https : / / tools.ietf.org / html / rfc3339 ) format , for example
/ / ` 2020 - 05 - 18 T00 : 00 : 00.094 Z ` .
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 3 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 3
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Output only. The time when the certificate expires in [ RFC
/ / 3339 ] ( https : / / tools.ietf.org / html / rfc3339 ) format , for example
/ / ` 2020 - 05 - 18 T00 : 00 : 00.094 Z ` .
google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 4 [ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 4
[ ( google.api.field_behavior ) = OUTPUT_ONLY ] ;
/ / Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.
string sha1_fingerprint = 5 ;