3 changed files with 795 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ |
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
// |
// |
// |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
// limitations under the License. |
syntax = "proto3"; |
package google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2; |
import "google/api/annotations.proto"; |
import "google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; |
option java_multiple_files = true; |
option java_outer_classname = "ControllerProto"; |
option java_package = ""; |
// The Controller service provides the API for orchestrating a collection of |
// debugger agents to perform debugging tasks. These agents are each attached |
// to a process of an application which may include one or more replicas. |
// |
// The debugger agents register with the Controller to identify the application |
// being debugged, the Debuggee. All agents that register with the same data, |
// represent the same Debuggee, and are assigned the same `debuggee_id`. |
// |
// The debugger agents call the Controller to retrieve the list of active |
// Breakpoints. Agents with the same `debuggee_id` get the same breakpoints |
// list. An agent that can fulfill the breakpoint request updates the |
// Controller with the breakpoint result. The controller selects the first |
// result received and discards the rest of the results. |
// Agents that poll again for active breakpoints will no longer have |
// the completed breakpoint in the list and should remove that breakpoint from |
// their attached process. |
// |
// The Controller service does not provide a way to retrieve the results of |
// a completed breakpoint. This functionality is available using the Debugger |
// service. |
service Controller2 { |
// Registers the debuggee with the controller service. |
// |
// All agents attached to the same application should call this method with |
// the same request content to get back the same stable `debuggee_id`. Agents |
// should call this method again whenever `google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND` is |
// returned from any controller method. |
// |
// This allows the controller service to disable the agent or recover from any |
// data loss. If the debuggee is disabled by the server, the response will |
// have `is_disabled` set to `true`. |
rpc RegisterDebuggee(RegisterDebuggeeRequest) returns (RegisterDebuggeeResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2/controller/debuggees/register" body: "*" }; |
} |
// Returns the list of all active breakpoints for the debuggee. |
// |
// The breakpoint specification (location, condition, and expression |
// fields) is semantically immutable, although the field values may |
// change. For example, an agent may update the location line number |
// to reflect the actual line where the breakpoint was set, but this |
// doesn't change the breakpoint semantics. |
// |
// This means that an agent does not need to check if a breakpoint has changed |
// when it encounters the same breakpoint on a successive call. |
// Moreover, an agent should remember the breakpoints that are completed |
// until the controller removes them from the active list to avoid |
// setting those breakpoints again. |
rpc ListActiveBreakpoints(ListActiveBreakpointsRequest) returns (ListActiveBreakpointsResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/controller/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints" }; |
} |
// Updates the breakpoint state or mutable fields. |
// The entire Breakpoint message must be sent back to the controller |
// service. |
// |
// Updates to active breakpoint fields are only allowed if the new value |
// does not change the breakpoint specification. Updates to the `location`, |
// `condition` and `expression` fields should not alter the breakpoint |
// semantics. These may only make changes such as canonicalizing a value |
// or snapping the location to the correct line of code. |
rpc UpdateActiveBreakpoint(UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest) returns (UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { put: "/v2/controller/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/{}" body: "*" }; |
} |
} |
// Request to register a debuggee. |
message RegisterDebuggeeRequest { |
// Debuggee information to register. |
// The fields `project`, `uniquifier`, `description` and `agent_version` |
// of the debuggee must be set. |
Debuggee debuggee = 1; |
} |
// Response for registering a debuggee. |
message RegisterDebuggeeResponse { |
// Debuggee resource. |
// The field `id` is guranteed to be set (in addition to the echoed fields). |
Debuggee debuggee = 1; |
} |
// Request to list active breakpoints. |
message ListActiveBreakpointsRequest { |
// Identifies the debuggee. |
string debuggee_id = 1; |
// A wait token that, if specified, blocks the method call until the list |
// of active breakpoints has changed, or a server selected timeout has |
// expired. The value should be set from the last returned response. |
string wait_token = 2; |
// If set to `true`, returns `google.rpc.Code.OK` status and sets the |
// `wait_expired` response field to `true` when the server-selected timeout |
// has expired (recommended). |
// |
// If set to `false`, returns `google.rpc.Code.ABORTED` status when the |
// server-selected timeout has expired (deprecated). |
bool success_on_timeout = 3; |
} |
// Response for listing active breakpoints. |
message ListActiveBreakpointsResponse { |
// List of all active breakpoints. |
// The fields `id` and `location` are guaranteed to be set on each breakpoint. |
repeated Breakpoint breakpoints = 1; |
// A wait token that can be used in the next method call to block until |
// the list of breakpoints changes. |
string next_wait_token = 2; |
// The `wait_expired` field is set to true by the server when the |
// request times out and the field `success_on_timeout` is set to true. |
bool wait_expired = 3; |
} |
// Request to update an active breakpoint. |
message UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest { |
// Identifies the debuggee being debugged. |
string debuggee_id = 1; |
// Updated breakpoint information. |
// The field 'id' must be set. |
Breakpoint breakpoint = 2; |
} |
// Response for updating an active breakpoint. |
// The message is defined to allow future extensions. |
message UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ |
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
// |
// |
// |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
// limitations under the License. |
syntax = "proto3"; |
package google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2; |
import "google/api/annotations.proto"; |
import "google/devtools/source/v1/source_context.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; |
option java_multiple_files = true; |
option java_outer_classname = "DataProto"; |
option java_package = ""; |
// Represents a message with parameters. |
message FormatMessage { |
// Format template for the message. The `format` uses placeholders `$0`, |
// `$1`, etc. to reference parameters. `$$` can be used to denote the `$` |
// character. |
// |
// Examples: |
// |
// * `Failed to load '$0' which helps debug $1 the first time it |
// is loaded. Again, $0 is very important.` |
// * `Please pay $$10 to use $0 instead of $1.` |
string format = 1; |
// Optional parameters to be embedded into the message. |
repeated string parameters = 2; |
} |
// Represents a contextual status message. |
// The message can indicate an error or informational status, and refer to |
// specific parts of the containing object. |
// For example, the `Breakpoint.status` field can indicate an error referring |
// to the `BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION` with the message `Location not found`. |
message StatusMessage { |
// Enumerates references to which the message applies. |
enum Reference { |
// Status doesn't refer to any particular input. |
// Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its location. |
// Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its condition. |
// Status applies to the breakpoint and is related to its expressions. |
// Status applies to the entire variable. |
// Status applies to variable value (variable name is valid). |
} |
// Distinguishes errors from informational messages. |
bool is_error = 1; |
// Reference to which the message applies. |
Reference refers_to = 2; |
// Status message text. |
FormatMessage description = 3; |
} |
// Represents a location in the source code. |
message SourceLocation { |
// Path to the source file within the source context of the target binary. |
string path = 1; |
// Line inside the file. The first line in the file has the value `1`. |
int32 line = 2; |
} |
// Represents a variable or an argument possibly of a compound object type. |
// Note how the following variables are represented: |
// |
// 1) A simple variable: |
// |
// int x = 5 |
// |
// { name: "x", value: "5", type: "int" } // Captured variable |
// |
// 2) A compound object: |
// |
// struct T { |
// int m1; |
// int m2; |
// }; |
// T x = { 3, 7 }; |
// |
// { // Captured variable |
// name: "x", |
// type: "T", |
// members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, |
// members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } |
// } |
// |
// 3) A pointer where the pointee was captured: |
// |
// T x = { 3, 7 }; |
// T* p = &x; |
// |
// { // Captured variable |
// name: "p", |
// type: "T*", |
// value: "0x00500500", |
// members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, |
// members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } |
// } |
// |
// 4) A pointer where the pointee was not captured: |
// |
// T* p = new T; |
// |
// { // Captured variable |
// name: "p", |
// type: "T*", |
// value: "0x00400400" |
// status { is_error: true, description { format: "unavailable" } } |
// } |
// |
// The status should describe the reason for the missing value, |
// such as `<optimized out>`, `<inaccessible>`, `<pointers limit reached>`. |
// |
// Note that a null pointer should not have members. |
// |
// 5) An unnamed value: |
// |
// int* p = new int(7); |
// |
// { // Captured variable |
// name: "p", |
// value: "0x00500500", |
// type: "int*", |
// members { value: "7", type: "int" } } |
// |
// 6) An unnamed pointer where the pointee was not captured: |
// |
// int* p = new int(7); |
// int** pp = &p; |
// |
// { // Captured variable |
// name: "pp", |
// value: "0x00500500", |
// type: "int**", |
// members { |
// value: "0x00400400", |
// type: "int*" |
// status { |
// is_error: true, |
// description: { format: "unavailable" } } |
// } |
// } |
// } |
// |
// To optimize computation, memory and network traffic, variables that |
// repeat in the output multiple times can be stored once in a shared |
// variable table and be referenced using the `var_table_index` field. The |
// variables stored in the shared table are nameless and are essentially |
// a partition of the complete variable. To reconstruct the complete |
// variable, merge the referencing variable with the referenced variable. |
// |
// When using the shared variable table, the following variables: |
// |
// T x = { 3, 7 }; |
// T* p = &x; |
// T& r = x; |
// |
// { name: "x", var_table_index: 3, type: "T" } // Captured variables |
// { name: "p", value "0x00500500", type="T*", var_table_index: 3 } |
// { name: "r", type="T&", var_table_index: 3 } |
// |
// { // Shared variable table entry #3: |
// members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, |
// members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } |
// } |
// |
// Note that the pointer address is stored with the referencing variable |
// and not with the referenced variable. This allows the referenced variable |
// to be shared between pointers and references. |
// |
// The type field is optional. The debugger agent may or may not support it. |
message Variable { |
// Name of the variable, if any. |
string name = 1; |
// Simple value of the variable. |
string value = 2; |
// Variable type (e.g. `MyClass`). If the variable is split with |
// `var_table_index`, `type` goes next to `value`. The interpretation of |
// a type is agent specific. It is recommended to include the dynamic type |
// rather than a static type of an object. |
string type = 6; |
// Members contained or pointed to by the variable. |
repeated Variable members = 3; |
// Reference to a variable in the shared variable table. More than |
// one variable can reference the same variable in the table. The |
// `var_table_index` field is an index into `variable_table` in Breakpoint. |
google.protobuf.Int32Value var_table_index = 4; |
// Status associated with the variable. This field will usually stay |
// unset. A status of a single variable only applies to that variable or |
// expression. The rest of breakpoint data still remains valid. Variables |
// might be reported in error state even when breakpoint is not in final |
// state. |
// |
// The message may refer to variable name with `refers_to` set to |
// `VARIABLE_NAME`. Alternatively `refers_to` will be set to `VARIABLE_VALUE`. |
// In either case variable value and members will be unset. |
// |
// Example of error message applied to name: `Invalid expression syntax`. |
// |
// Example of information message applied to value: `Not captured`. |
// |
// Examples of error message applied to value: |
// |
// * `Malformed string`, |
// * `Field f not found in class C` |
// * `Null pointer dereference` |
StatusMessage status = 5; |
} |
// Represents a stack frame context. |
message StackFrame { |
// Demangled function name at the call site. |
string function = 1; |
// Source location of the call site. |
SourceLocation location = 2; |
// Set of arguments passed to this function. |
// Note that this might not be populated for all stack frames. |
repeated Variable arguments = 3; |
// Set of local variables at the stack frame location. |
// Note that this might not be populated for all stack frames. |
repeated Variable locals = 4; |
} |
// Represents the breakpoint specification, status and results. |
message Breakpoint { |
// Actions that can be taken when a breakpoint hits. |
// Agents should reject breakpoints with unsupported or unknown action values. |
enum Action { |
// Capture stack frame and variables and update the breakpoint. |
// The data is only captured once. After that the breakpoint is set |
// in a final state. |
CAPTURE = 0; |
// Log each breakpoint hit. The breakpoint remains active until |
// deleted or expired. |
LOG = 1; |
} |
// Log severity levels. |
enum LogLevel { |
// Information log message. |
INFO = 0; |
// Warning log message. |
WARNING = 1; |
// Error log message. |
ERROR = 2; |
} |
// Breakpoint identifier, unique in the scope of the debuggee. |
string id = 1; |
// Action that the agent should perform when the code at the |
// breakpoint location is hit. |
Action action = 13; |
// Breakpoint source location. |
SourceLocation location = 2; |
// Condition that triggers the breakpoint. |
// The condition is a compound boolean expression composed using expressions |
// in a programming language at the source location. |
string condition = 3; |
// List of read-only expressions to evaluate at the breakpoint location. |
// The expressions are composed using expressions in the programming language |
// at the source location. If the breakpoint action is `LOG`, the evaluated |
// expressions are included in log statements. |
repeated string expressions = 4; |
// Only relevant when action is `LOG`. Defines the message to log when |
// the breakpoint hits. The message may include parameter placeholders `$0`, |
// `$1`, etc. These placeholders are replaced with the evaluated value |
// of the appropriate expression. Expressions not referenced in |
// `log_message_format` are not logged. |
// |
// Example: `Message received, id = $0, count = $1` with |
// `expressions` = `[, message.count ]`. |
string log_message_format = 14; |
// Indicates the severity of the log. Only relevant when action is `LOG`. |
LogLevel log_level = 15; |
// When true, indicates that this is a final result and the |
// breakpoint state will not change from here on. |
bool is_final_state = 5; |
// Time this breakpoint was created by the server in seconds resolution. |
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11; |
// Time this breakpoint was finalized as seen by the server in seconds |
// resolution. |
google.protobuf.Timestamp final_time = 12; |
// E-mail address of the user that created this breakpoint |
string user_email = 16; |
// Breakpoint status. |
// |
// The status includes an error flag and a human readable message. |
// This field is usually unset. The message can be either |
// informational or an error message. Regardless, clients should always |
// display the text message back to the user. |
// |
// Error status indicates complete failure of the breakpoint. |
// |
// Example (non-final state): `Still loading symbols...` |
// |
// Examples (final state): |
// |
// * `Invalid line number` referring to location |
// * `Field f not found in class C` referring to condition |
StatusMessage status = 10; |
// The stack at breakpoint time. |
repeated StackFrame stack_frames = 7; |
// Values of evaluated expressions at breakpoint time. |
// The evaluated expressions appear in exactly the same order they |
// are listed in the `expressions` field. |
// The `name` field holds the original expression text, the `value` or |
// `members` field holds the result of the evaluated expression. |
// If the expression cannot be evaluated, the `status` inside the `Variable` |
// will indicate an error and contain the error text. |
repeated Variable evaluated_expressions = 8; |
// The `variable_table` exists to aid with computation, memory and network |
// traffic optimization. It enables storing a variable once and reference |
// it from multiple variables, including variables stored in the |
// `variable_table` itself. |
// For example, the same `this` object, which may appear at many levels of |
// the stack, can have all of its data stored once in this table. The |
// stack frame variables then would hold only a reference to it. |
// |
// The variable `var_table_index` field is an index into this repeated field. |
// The stored objects are nameless and get their name from the referencing |
// variable. The effective variable is a merge of the referencing variable |
// and the referenced variable. |
repeated Variable variable_table = 9; |
// A set of custom breakpoint properties, populated by the agent, to be |
// displayed to the user. |
map<string, string> labels = 17; |
} |
// Represents the application to debug. The application may include one or more |
// replicated processes executing the same code. Each of these processes is |
// attached with a debugger agent, carrying out the debugging commands. |
// The agents attached to the same debuggee are identified by using exactly the |
// same field values when registering. |
message Debuggee { |
// Unique identifier for the debuggee generated by the controller service. |
string id = 1; |
// Project the debuggee is associated with. |
// Use the project number when registering a Google Cloud Platform project. |
string project = 2; |
// Debuggee uniquifier within the project. |
// Any string that identifies the application within the project can be used. |
// Including environment and version or build IDs is recommended. |
string uniquifier = 3; |
// Human readable description of the debuggee. |
// Including a human-readable project name, environment name and version |
// information is recommended. |
string description = 4; |
// If set to `true`, indicates that the debuggee is considered as inactive by |
// the Controller service. |
bool is_inactive = 5; |
// Version ID of the agent release. The version ID is structured as |
// following: `domain/type/vmajor.minor` (for example |
// ``). |
string agent_version = 6; |
// If set to `true`, indicates that the agent should disable itself and |
// detach from the debuggee. |
bool is_disabled = 7; |
// Human readable message to be displayed to the user about this debuggee. |
// Absence of this field indicates no status. The message can be either |
// informational or an error status. |
StatusMessage status = 8; |
// References to the locations and revisions of the source code used in the |
// deployed application. |
// |
// NOTE: This field is deprecated. Consumers should use |
// `ext_source_contexts` if it is not empty. Debug agents should populate |
// both this field and `ext_source_contexts`. |
repeated google.devtools.source.v1.SourceContext source_contexts = 9; |
// References to the locations and revisions of the source code used in the |
// deployed application. |
// |
// Contexts describing a remote repo related to the source code |
// have a `category` label of `remote_repo`. Source snapshot source |
// contexts have a `category` of `snapshot`. |
repeated google.devtools.source.v1.ExtendedSourceContext ext_source_contexts = 13; |
// A set of custom debuggee properties, populated by the agent, to be |
// displayed to the user. |
map<string, string> labels = 11; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ |
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
// |
// |
// |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
// limitations under the License. |
syntax = "proto3"; |
package google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2; |
import "google/api/annotations.proto"; |
import "google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; |
option java_multiple_files = true; |
option java_outer_classname = "DebuggerProto"; |
option java_package = ""; |
// The Debugger service provides the API that allows users to collect run-time |
// information from a running application, without stopping or slowing it down |
// and without modifying its state. An application may include one or |
// more replicated processes performing the same work. |
// |
// The application is represented using the Debuggee concept. The Debugger |
// service provides a way to query for available Debuggees, but does not |
// provide a way to create one. A debuggee is created using the Controller |
// service, usually by running a debugger agent with the application. |
// |
// The Debugger service enables the client to set one or more Breakpoints on a |
// Debuggee and collect the results of the set Breakpoints. |
service Debugger2 { |
// Sets the breakpoint to the debuggee. |
rpc SetBreakpoint(SetBreakpointRequest) returns (SetBreakpointResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/set" body: "breakpoint" }; |
} |
// Gets breakpoint information. |
rpc GetBreakpoint(GetBreakpointRequest) returns (GetBreakpointResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/{breakpoint_id}" }; |
} |
// Deletes the breakpoint from the debuggee. |
rpc DeleteBreakpoint(DeleteBreakpointRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { |
option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/{breakpoint_id}" }; |
} |
// Lists all breakpoints for the debuggee. |
rpc ListBreakpoints(ListBreakpointsRequest) returns (ListBreakpointsResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints" }; |
} |
// Lists all the debuggees that the user can set breakpoints to. |
rpc ListDebuggees(ListDebuggeesRequest) returns (ListDebuggeesResponse) { |
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/debugger/debuggees" }; |
} |
} |
// Request to set a breakpoint |
message SetBreakpointRequest { |
// ID of the debuggee where the breakpoint is to be set. |
string debuggee_id = 1; |
// Breakpoint specification to set. |
// The field 'location' of the breakpoint must be set. |
Breakpoint breakpoint = 2; |
// The client version making the call. |
// Following: `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``). |
string client_version = 4; |
} |
// Response for setting a breakpoint. |
message SetBreakpointResponse { |
// Breakpoint resource. |
// The field `id` is guaranteed to be set (in addition to the echoed fileds). |
Breakpoint breakpoint = 1; |
} |
// Request to get breakpoint information. |
message GetBreakpointRequest { |
// ID of the debuggee whose breakpoint to get. |
string debuggee_id = 1; |
// ID of the breakpoint to get. |
string breakpoint_id = 2; |
// The client version making the call. |
// Following: `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``). |
string client_version = 4; |
} |
// Response for getting breakpoint information. |
message GetBreakpointResponse { |
// Complete breakpoint state. |
// The fields `id` and `location` are guaranteed to be set. |
Breakpoint breakpoint = 1; |
} |
// Request to delete a breakpoint. |
message DeleteBreakpointRequest { |
// ID of the debuggee whose breakpoint to delete. |
string debuggee_id = 1; |
// ID of the breakpoint to delete. |
string breakpoint_id = 2; |
// The client version making the call. |
// Following: `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``). |
string client_version = 3; |
} |
// Request to list breakpoints. |
message ListBreakpointsRequest { |
// Wrapper message for `Breakpoint.Action`. Defines a filter on the action |
// field of breakpoints. |
message BreakpointActionValue { |
// Only breakpoints with the specified action will pass the filter. |
Breakpoint.Action value = 1; |
} |
// ID of the debuggee whose breakpoints to list. |
string debuggee_id = 1; |
// When set to `true`, the response includes the list of breakpoints set by |
// any user. Otherwise, it includes only breakpoints set by the caller. |
bool include_all_users = 2; |
// When set to `true`, the response includes active and inactive |
// breakpoints. Otherwise, it includes only active breakpoints. |
bool include_inactive = 3; |
// When set, the response includes only breakpoints with the specified action. |
BreakpointActionValue action = 4; |
// When set to `true`, the response breakpoints are stripped of the |
// results fields: `stack_frames`, `evaluated_expressions` and |
// `variable_table`. |
bool strip_results = 5; |
// A wait token that, if specified, blocks the call until the breakpoints |
// list has changed, or a server selected timeout has expired. The value |
// should be set from the last response. The error code |
// `google.rpc.Code.ABORTED` (RPC) is returned on wait timeout, which |
// should be called again with the same `wait_token`. |
string wait_token = 6; |
// The client version making the call. |
// Following: `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``). |
string client_version = 8; |
} |
// Response for listing breakpoints. |
message ListBreakpointsResponse { |
// List of all breakpoints with complete state. |
// The fields `id` and `location` are guaranteed to be set on each breakpoint. |
repeated Breakpoint breakpoints = 1; |
// A wait token that can be used in the next call to `list` (REST) or |
// `ListBreakpoints` (RPC) to block until the list of breakpoints has changes. |
string next_wait_token = 2; |
} |
// Request to list debuggees. |
message ListDebuggeesRequest { |
// Project number of a Google Cloud project whose debuggees to list. |
string project = 2; |
// When set to `true`, the result includes all debuggees. Otherwise, the |
// result includes only debuggees that are active. |
bool include_inactive = 3; |
// The client version making the call. |
// Following: `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``). |
string client_version = 4; |
} |
// Response for listing debuggees. |
message ListDebuggeesResponse { |
// List of debuggees accessible to the calling user. |
// Note that the `description` field is the only human readable field |
// that should be displayed to the user. |
// The fields `` and `description` fields are guaranteed to be |
// set on each debuggee. |
repeated Debuggee debuggees = 1; |
} |
Reference in new issue