Add google logging protos.

Ethan Bao 9 years ago
parent 3930ed4c8f
commit 1753a41502
  1. 2
  2. 69
  3. 62
  4. 114
  5. 167
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Introduction
The Google logging service.

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.logging.type;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "HttpRequestProto";
option java_package = "";
// A common proto for logging HTTP requests.
message HttpRequest {
// The request method. Examples: `"GET"`, `"HEAD"`, `"PUT"`, `"POST"`.
string request_method = 1;
// The scheme (http, https), the host name, the path and the query
// portion of the URL that was requested.
// Example: `""`.
string request_url = 2;
// The size of the HTTP request message in bytes, including the request
// headers and the request body.
int64 request_size = 3;
// The response code indicating the status of response.
// Examples: 200, 404.
int32 status = 4;
// The size of the HTTP response message sent back to the client, in bytes,
// including the response headers and the response body.
int64 response_size = 5;
// The user agent sent by the client. Example:
// `"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"`.
string user_agent = 6;
// The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client that issued the HTTP
// request. Examples: `""`, `"FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329"`.
string remote_ip = 7;
// The referer URL of the request, as defined in
// [HTTP/1.1 Header Field Definitions](
string referer = 8;
// Whether or not an entity was served from cache
// (with or without validation).
bool cache_hit = 9;
// Whether or not the response was validated with the origin server before
// being served from cache. This field is only meaningful if `cache_hit` is
// True.
bool validated_with_origin_server = 10;

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.logging.type;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "LogSeverityProto";
option java_package = "";
// The severity of the event described in a log entry. These guideline severity
// levels are ordered, with numerically smaller levels treated as less severe
// than numerically larger levels. If the source of the log entries uses a
// different set of severity levels, the client should select the closest
// corresponding `LogSeverity` value. For example, Java's FINE, FINER, and
// FINEST levels might all map to `LogSeverity.DEBUG`. If the original severity
// code must be preserved, it can be stored in the payload.
enum LogSeverity {
// The log entry has no assigned severity level.
// Debug or trace information.
DEBUG = 100;
// Routine information, such as ongoing status or performance.
INFO = 200;
// Normal but significant events, such as start up, shut down, or
// configuration.
NOTICE = 300;
// Warning events might cause problems.
WARNING = 400;
// Error events are likely to cause problems.
ERROR = 500;
// Critical events cause more severe problems or brief outages.
// A person must take an action immediately.
ALERT = 700;
// One or more systems are unusable.

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.logging.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/api/monitored_resource.proto";
import "google/logging/type/http_request.proto";
import "google/logging/type/log_severity.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "LogEntryProto";
option java_package = "";
// An individual entry in a log.
message LogEntry {
// Required. The resource name of the log to which this log entry
// belongs. The format of the name is
// `projects/<project-id>/logs/<log-id%gt;`. Examples:
// `"projects/my-projectid/logs/syslog"`,
// `"projects/1234567890/logs/"`.
// The log ID part of resource name must be less than 512 characters
// long and can only include the following characters: upper and
// lower case alphanumeric characters: [A-Za-z0-9]; and punctuation
// characters: forward-slash, underscore, hyphen, and period.
// Forward-slash (`/`) characters in the log ID must be URL-encoded.
string log_name = 12;
// Required. The monitored resource associated with this log entry.
// Example: a log entry that reports a database error would be
// associated with the monitored resource designating the particular
// database that reported the error.
google.api.MonitoredResource resource = 8;
// Required. The log entry payload, which can be one of multiple types.
oneof payload {
// The log entry payload, represented as a protocol buffer.
// You can only use `protoPayload` values that belong to a set of approved
// types.
google.protobuf.Any proto_payload = 2;
// The log entry payload, represented as a Unicode string (UTF-8).
string text_payload = 3;
// The log entry payload, represented as a structure that
// is expressed as a JSON object.
google.protobuf.Struct json_payload = 6;
// Optional. The time the event described by the log entry occurred. If
// omitted, Cloud Logging will use the time the log entry is written.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 9;
// Optional. The severity of the log entry. The default value is
// `LogSeverity.DEFAULT`.
google.logging.type.LogSeverity severity = 10;
// Optional. A unique ID for the log entry. If you provide this field, the
// logging service considers other log entries in the same log with the same
// ID as duplicates which can be removed.
// If omitted, Cloud Logging will generate a unique ID for this log entry.
string insert_id = 4;
// Optional. Information about the HTTP request associated with this log entry,
// if applicable.
google.logging.type.HttpRequest http_request = 7;
// Optional. A set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional
// information about the log entry.
map<string, string> labels = 11;
// Optional. Information about an operation associated with the log entry, if
// applicable.
LogEntryOperation operation = 15;
// Additional information about a potentially long-running operation with which
// a log entry is associated.
message LogEntryOperation {
// Required. An arbitrary operation identifier. Log entries with the
// same identifier are assumed to be part of the same operation.
string id = 1;
// Required. An arbitrary producer identifier. The combination of
// `id` and `producer` must be globally unique. Examples for `producer`:
// `""`, ""`.
string producer = 2;
// Optional. Set this to True if this is the first log entry in the operation.
bool first = 3;
// Optional. Set this to True if this is the last log entry in the operation.
bool last = 4;

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.logging.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/api/monitored_resource.proto";
import "google/logging/v2/log_entry.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/rpc/status.proto";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "LoggingProto";
option java_package = "";
// Service for ingesting and querying logs.
service LoggingServiceV2 {
// Deletes a log and all its log entries.
// The log will reappear if it receives new entries.
rpc DeleteLog(DeleteLogRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v2beta1/{log_name=projects/*/logs/*}" };
// Writes log entries to Cloud Logging.
// All log entries in Cloud Logging are written by this method.
rpc WriteLogEntries(WriteLogEntriesRequest) returns (WriteLogEntriesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2beta1/entries:write" body: "*" };
// Lists log entries. Use this method to retrieve log entries from Cloud
// Logging. For ways to export log entries, see
// [Exporting Logs](/logging/docs/export).
rpc ListLogEntries(ListLogEntriesRequest) returns (ListLogEntriesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2beta1/entries:list" body: "*" };
// Lists monitored resource descriptors that are used by Cloud Logging.
rpc ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors(ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest) returns (ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2beta1/monitoredResourceDescriptors" };
// The parameters to DeleteLog.
message DeleteLogRequest {
// Required. The resource name of the log to delete. Example:
// `"projects/my-project/logs/syslog"`.
string log_name = 1;
// The parameters to WriteLogEntries.
message WriteLogEntriesRequest {
// Optional. A default log resource name for those log entries in `entries`
// that do not specify their own `logName`. Example:
// `"projects/my-project/logs/syslog"`. See
// [LogEntry][google.logging.v2.LogEntry].
string log_name = 1;
// Optional. A default monitored resource for those log entries in `entries`
// that do not specify their own `resource`.
google.api.MonitoredResource resource = 2;
// Optional. User-defined `key:value` items that are added to
// the `labels` field of each log entry in `entries`, except when a log
// entry specifies its own `key:value` item with the same key.
// Example: `{ "size": "large", "color":"red" }`
map<string, string> labels = 3;
// Required. The log entries to write. The log entries must have values for
// all required fields.
repeated LogEntry entries = 4;
// Result returned from WriteLogEntries.
message WriteLogEntriesResponse {
// The parameters to `ListLogEntries`.
message ListLogEntriesRequest {
// Required. One or more project IDs or project numbers from which to retrieve
// log entries. Examples of a project ID: `"my-project-1A"`, `"1234567890"`.
repeated string project_ids = 1;
// Optional. An [advanced logs filter](/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
// The filter is compared against all log entries in the projects specified by
// `projectIds`. Only entries that match the filter are retrieved. An empty
// filter matches all log entries.
string filter = 2;
// Optional. How the results should be sorted. Presently, the only permitted
// values are `"timestamp"` (default) and `"timestamp desc"`. The first
// option returns entries in order of increasing values of
// `LogEntry.timestamp` (oldest first), and the second option returns entries
// in order of decreasing timestamps (newest first). Entries with equal
// timestamps are returned in order of `LogEntry.insertId`.
string order_by = 3;
// Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer
// results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to
// determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by
// passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next
// request.
int32 page_size = 4;
// Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next
// page of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must
// be set with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the
// previous request. The values of `projectIds`, `filter`, and `orderBy` must
// be the same as in the previous request.
string page_token = 5;
// Result returned from `ListLogEntries`.
message ListLogEntriesResponse {
// A list of log entries.
repeated LogEntry entries = 1;
// If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is
// given a value in the response. To get the next batch of results, call
// this method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
string next_page_token = 2;
// The parameters to ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors
message ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest {
// Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer
// results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to
// determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by
// passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next
// request.
int32 page_size = 1;
// Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next
// page of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must
// be set with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the
// previous request.
string page_token = 2;
// Result returned from ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors.
message ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse {
// A list of resource descriptors.
repeated google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor resource_descriptors = 1;
// If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is
// returned in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this
// method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
string next_page_token = 2;

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.logging.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/logging/v1/logging_config.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "LoggingConfig";
option java_package = "";
service ConfigServiceV2 {
// Lists sinks.
rpc ListSinks(ListSinksRequest) returns (ListSinksResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2beta1/{project_name=projects/*}/sinks" };
// Gets a sink.
rpc GetSink(GetSinkRequest) returns (LogSink) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2beta1/{sink_name=projects/*/sinks/*}" };
// Creates a sink.
rpc CreateSink(CreateSinkRequest) returns (LogSink) {
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2beta1/{project_name=projects/*}/sinks" body: "sink" };
// Creates or updates a sink.
rpc UpdateSink(UpdateSinkRequest) returns (LogSink) {
option (google.api.http) = { put: "/v2beta1/{sink_name=projects/*/sinks/*}" body: "sink" };
// Deletes a sink.
rpc DeleteSink(DeleteSinkRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v2beta1/{sink_name=projects/*/sinks/*}" };
// Describes a sink used to export log entries outside Cloud Logging.
message LogSink {
// Available log entry formats. Log entries can be written to Cloud
// Logging in either format and can be exported in either format.
// Version 2 is the preferred format.
enum VersionFormat {
// An unspecified version format will default to V2.
// `LogEntry` version 2 format.
V2 = 1;
// `LogEntry` version 1 format.
V1 = 2;
// Required. The client-assigned sink identifier. Example:
// `"my-severe-errors-to-pubsub"`.
// Sink identifiers are limited to 1000 characters
// and can include only the following characters: `A-Z`, `a-z`,
// `0-9`, and the special characters `_-.`.
string name = 1;
// The export destination. See
// [Exporting Logs With Sinks](/logging/docs/api/tasks/exporting-logs).
// Examples: `""`,
// `""`.
string destination = 3;
// An [advanced logs filter](/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters)
// that defines the log entries to be exported. The filter must be
// consistent with the log entry format designed by the
// `outputVersionFormat` parameter, regardless of the format of the
// log entry that was originally written to Cloud Logging.
// Example: `"logName:syslog AND severity>=ERROR"`.
string filter = 5;
// The log entry version used when exporting log entries from this
// sink. This version does not have to correspond to the version of
// the log entry when it was written to Cloud Logging.
VersionFormat output_version_format = 6;
// The parameters to `ListSinks`.
message ListSinksRequest {
// Required. The resource name of the project containing the sinks.
// Example: `"projects/my-logging-project"`, `"projects/01234567890"`.
string project_name = 1;
// Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next
// page of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must
// be set with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the
// previous request. The value of `projectName` must be the same as in the
// previous request.
string page_token = 2;
// Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer
// results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to
// determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by
// passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next
// request.
int32 page_size = 3;
// Result returned from `ListSinks`.
message ListSinksResponse {
// A list of sinks.
repeated LogSink sinks = 1;
// If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is
// given a value in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this
// method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
string next_page_token = 2;
// The parameters to `GetSink`.
message GetSinkRequest {
// The resource name of the sink to return.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id/sinks/my-sink-id"`.
string sink_name = 1;
// The parameters to `CreateSink`.
message CreateSinkRequest {
// The resource name of the project in which to create the sink.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id"`.
// The new sink must be provided in the request.
string project_name = 1;
// The new sink, which must not have an identifier that already
// exists.
LogSink sink = 2;
// The parameters to `UpdateSink`.
message UpdateSinkRequest {
// The resource name of the sink to update.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id/sinks/my-sink-id"`.
// The updated sink must be provided in the request and have the
// same name that is specified in `sinkName`. If the sink does not
// exist, it is created.
string sink_name = 1;
// The updated sink, whose name must be the same as the sink
// identifier in `sinkName`. If `sinkName` does not exist, then
// this method creates a new sink.
LogSink sink = 2;
// The parameters to `DeleteSink`.
message DeleteSinkRequest {
// The resource name of the sink to delete.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id/sinks/my-sink-id"`.
string sink_name = 1;

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.logging.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "";
service MetricsServiceV2 {
// Lists logs-based metrics.
rpc ListLogMetrics(ListLogMetricsRequest) returns (ListLogMetricsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2beta1/{project_name=projects/*}/metrics" };
// Gets a logs-based metric.
rpc GetLogMetric(GetLogMetricRequest) returns (LogMetric) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2beta1/{metric_name=projects/*/metrics/*}" };
// Creates a logs-based metric.
rpc CreateLogMetric(CreateLogMetricRequest) returns (LogMetric) {
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2beta1/{project_name=projects/*}/metrics" body: "metric" };
// Creates or updates a logs-based metric.
rpc UpdateLogMetric(UpdateLogMetricRequest) returns (LogMetric) {
option (google.api.http) = { put: "/v2beta1/{metric_name=projects/*/metrics/*}" body: "metric" };
// Deletes a logs-based metric.
rpc DeleteLogMetric(DeleteLogMetricRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v2beta1/{metric_name=projects/*/metrics/*}" };
// Describes a logs-based metric. The value of the metric is the
// number of log entries that match a logs filter.
message LogMetric {
// Required. The client-assigned metric identifier. Example:
// `"severe_errors"`. Metric identifiers are limited to 1000
// characters and can include only the following characters: `A-Z`,
// `a-z`, `0-9`, and the special characters `_-.,+!*',()%/\`. The
// forward-slash character (`/`) denotes a hierarchy of name pieces,
// and it cannot be the first character of the name.
string name = 1;
// A description of this metric, which is used in documentation.
string description = 2;
// An [advanced logs filter](/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
// Example: `"logName:syslog AND severity>=ERROR"`.
string filter = 3;
// The parameters to ListLogMetrics.
message ListLogMetricsRequest {
// Required. The resource name of the project containing the metrics.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id"`.
string project_name = 1;
// Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next
// page of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must
// be set with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the
// previous request. The value of `projectName` must
// be the same as in the previous request.
string page_token = 2;
// Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer
// results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to
// determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by
// passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next
// request.
int32 page_size = 3;
// Result returned from ListLogMetrics.
message ListLogMetricsResponse {
// A list of logs-based metrics.
repeated LogMetric metrics = 1;
// If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is given
// a value in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this
// method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
string next_page_token = 2;
// The parameters to GetLogMetric.
message GetLogMetricRequest {
// The resource name of the desired metric.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id/metrics/my-metric-id"`.
string metric_name = 1;
// The parameters to CreateLogMetric.
message CreateLogMetricRequest {
// The resource name of the project in which to create the metric.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id"`.
// The new metric must be provided in the request.
string project_name = 1;
// The new logs-based metric, which must not have an identifier that
// already exists.
LogMetric metric = 2;
// The parameters to UpdateLogMetric.
message UpdateLogMetricRequest {
// The resource name of the metric to update.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id/metrics/my-metric-id"`.
// The updated metric must be provided in the request and have the
// same identifier that is specified in `metricName`.
// If the metric does not exist, it is created.
string metric_name = 1;
// The updated metric, whose name must be the same as the
// metric identifier in `metricName`. If `metricName` does not
// exist, then a new metric is created.
LogMetric metric = 2;
// The parameters to DeleteLogMetric.
message DeleteLogMetricRequest {
// The resource name of the metric to delete.
// Example: `"projects/my-project-id/metrics/my-metric-id"`.
string metric_name = 1;