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# This is a template for building, running and publishing freetype2 build
# regression test artifacts
- name: preCMD # Command(s) executed before calling configure
default: ''
- name: srcDIR # Location of freetype2 sources
default: '.'
- name: postCMD # Command(s) executed after calling make
default: ''
- name: testNum # Test number to run
default: '0'
- script: |
${{ parameters.preCMD }}
curl -o /tmp/fonts.tar.gz
tar -xf /tmp/fonts.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/test-fonts/
mv liberation-fonts-*/*.ttf ~/test-fonts/
cd ${{ parameters.srcDIR }}
git clone git://
cd freetype2-demos
ln -s ${{ parameters.srcDIR }} ../freetype2
cd /freetype2
./CI/ master ${{ parameters.testNum }}
chmod -R 755 /tmp/ft-tests/
mv /tmp/ft-tests/ /
${{ parameters.postCMD }}
displayName: 'Run Regression Tests'
- script: |
cp -R $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/root.x86_64/ft-tests $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
displayName: 'Stage Artifacts'
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: 'Push Build Artifacts'
pathtoPublish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
artifactName: $(Agent.JobName)