Add code to ignore operators removed from CFF2 spec

Ignored operators clear the stack.
Ignore return and endChar in CFF2.
Ignore vsindex and blend in CFF.

Add a nested switch for op2.
First op2 switch handles 4 flex operators for CFF & CFF2 and all reserved
operators common to both.
Second op2 switch handles CFF operators that were removed from CFF2.
Dave Arnold 8 years ago
parent d5c247e923
commit c156b734dd
  1. 658

@ -273,7 +273,8 @@
cf2_escHFLEX, /* 34 */
cf2_escFLEX, /* 35 */
cf2_escHFLEX1, /* 36 */
cf2_escFLEX1 /* 37 */
cf2_escFLEX1, /* 37 */
cf2_escRESERVED_38 /* 38 & all higher */
@ -587,14 +588,25 @@
/* If we've reached the end of the charstring, simulate a */
/* cf2_cmdRETURN or cf2_cmdENDCHAR. */
/* We do this for both CFF and CFF2. */
if ( charstringIndex )
op1 = cf2_cmdRETURN; /* end of buffer for subroutine */
op1 = cf2_cmdENDCHAR; /* end of buffer for top level charstring */
op1 = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
/* explicit RETURN and ENDCHAR in CFF2 should be ignored */
/* Note: Trace message will report 0 instead of 11 or 14 */
if ( ( op1 == cf2_cmdRETURN || op1 == cf2_cmdENDCHAR ) &&
font->isCFF2 )
op1 = cf2_cmdRESERVED_0;
/* check for errors once per loop */
if ( *error )
goto exit;
@ -619,6 +631,11 @@
case cf2_cmdVSINDEX:
FT_TRACE4(( " %d\n" ));
if ( !font->isCFF2 )
break; /* clear stack & ignore */
if ( font->blend.usedBV )
/* vsindex not allowed after blend */
@ -627,7 +644,6 @@
font->vsindex = (FT_UInt)cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " %d\n", font->vsindex ));
@ -893,441 +909,456 @@
FT_Byte op2 = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
/* first switch for 2-byte operators handles CFF2 */
/* and opcodes that are reserved for both CFF and CFF2 */
switch ( op2 )
case cf2_escDOTSECTION:
/* something about `flip type of locking' -- ignore it */
FT_TRACE4(( " dotsection\n" ));
case cf2_escHFLEX:
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, FALSE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, FALSE /* dy5 */,
TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */
case cf2_escAND:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
FT_TRACE4(( " hflex\n" ));
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
case cf2_escFLEX:
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, TRUE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, TRUE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
TRUE /* dx6 */, TRUE /* dy6 */
FT_TRACE4(( " and\n" ));
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " flex\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 && arg2 );
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
break; /* TODO: why is this not a continue? */
case cf2_escOR:
case cf2_escHFLEX1:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */
FT_TRACE4(( " or\n" ));
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " hflex1\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 || arg2 );
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escNOT:
case cf2_escFLEX1:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, TRUE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, TRUE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
FALSE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */
FT_TRACE4(( " not\n" ));
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " flex1\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, !arg );
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
TRUE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escABS:
/* these opcodes are reserved in both CFF & CFF2 */
case cf2_escRESERVED_1:
case cf2_escRESERVED_2:
case cf2_escRESERVED_6:
case cf2_escRESERVED_7:
case cf2_escRESERVED_8:
case cf2_escRESERVED_13:
case cf2_escRESERVED_16:
case cf2_escRESERVED_17:
case cf2_escRESERVED_19:
case cf2_escRESERVED_25:
case cf2_escRESERVED_31:
case cf2_escRESERVED_32:
case cf2_escRESERVED_33:
FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
if ( font->isCFF2 || op2 >= cf2_escRESERVED_38 )
FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
/* second switch for 2-byte operators handles just CFF */
switch ( op2 )
case cf2_escDOTSECTION:
/* something about `flip type of locking' -- ignore it */
FT_TRACE4(( " dotsection\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( " abs\n" ));
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escAND:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_ABS( arg ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escADD:
CF2_F16Dot16 summand1;
CF2_F16Dot16 summand2;
FT_TRACE4(( " and\n" ));
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " add\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 && arg2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
summand2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
summand1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escOR:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, summand1 + summand2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escSUB:
CF2_F16Dot16 minuend;
CF2_F16Dot16 subtrahend;
FT_TRACE4(( " or\n" ));
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " sub\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 || arg2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
subtrahend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
minuend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escNOT:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, minuend - subtrahend );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escDIV:
CF2_F16Dot16 dividend;
CF2_F16Dot16 divisor;
FT_TRACE4(( " not\n" ));
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " div\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, !arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
divisor = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
dividend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escABS:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_DivFix( dividend, divisor ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escNEG:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
FT_TRACE4(( " abs\n" ));
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " neg\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_ABS( arg ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escADD:
CF2_F16Dot16 summand1;
CF2_F16Dot16 summand2;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, -arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escEQ:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
FT_TRACE4(( " add\n" ));
summand2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
summand1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " eq\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, summand1 + summand2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escSUB:
CF2_F16Dot16 minuend;
CF2_F16Dot16 subtrahend;
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 == arg2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escDROP:
FT_TRACE4(( " drop\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( " sub\n" ));
(void)cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
subtrahend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
minuend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escPUT:
CF2_F16Dot16 val;
CF2_Int idx;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, minuend - subtrahend );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escDIV:
CF2_F16Dot16 dividend;
CF2_F16Dot16 divisor;
FT_TRACE4(( " put\n" ));
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
val = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " div\n" ));
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < CF2_STORAGE_SIZE )
storage[idx] = val;
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
divisor = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
dividend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escGET:
CF2_Int idx;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_DivFix( dividend, divisor ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escNEG:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
FT_TRACE4(( " get\n" ));
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " neg\n" ));
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < CF2_STORAGE_SIZE )
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, storage[idx] );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escIFELSE:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
CF2_F16Dot16 cond1;
CF2_F16Dot16 cond2;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, -arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escEQ:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
FT_TRACE4(( " ifelse\n" ));
cond2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
cond1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " eq\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, cond1 <= cond2 ? arg1 : arg2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escRANDOM: /* in spec */
FT_TRACE4(( " random\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 == arg2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escDROP:
FT_TRACE4(( " drop\n" ));
case cf2_escMUL:
CF2_F16Dot16 factor1;
CF2_F16Dot16 factor2;
(void)cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escPUT:
CF2_F16Dot16 val;
CF2_Int idx;
FT_TRACE4(( " mul\n" ));
factor2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
factor1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " put\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_MulFix( factor1, factor2 ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
val = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escSQRT:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < CF2_STORAGE_SIZE )
storage[idx] = val;
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escGET:
CF2_Int idx;
FT_TRACE4(( " sqrt\n" ));
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
if ( arg > 0 )
FT_Fixed root = arg;
FT_Fixed new_root;
FT_TRACE4(( " get\n" ));
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
/* Babylonian method */
for (;;)
new_root = ( root + FT_DivFix( arg, root ) + 1 ) >> 1;
if ( new_root == root )
root = new_root;
arg = new_root;
arg = 0;
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < CF2_STORAGE_SIZE )
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, storage[idx] );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escIFELSE:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
CF2_F16Dot16 cond1;
CF2_F16Dot16 cond2;
case cf2_escDUP:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
FT_TRACE4(( " ifelse\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( " dup\n" ));
cond2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
cond1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, cond1 <= cond2 ? arg1 : arg2 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escRANDOM: /* in spec */
FT_TRACE4(( " random\n" ));
case cf2_escEXCH:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
case cf2_escMUL:
CF2_F16Dot16 factor1;
CF2_F16Dot16 factor2;
FT_TRACE4(( " exch\n" ));
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " mul\n" ));
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg2 );
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg1 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
factor2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
factor1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escINDEX:
CF2_Int idx;
CF2_UInt size;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_MulFix( factor1, factor2 ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escSQRT:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
FT_TRACE4(( " index\n" ));
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
size = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
FT_TRACE4(( " sqrt\n" ));
if ( size > 0 )
/* for `cf2_stack_getReal', index 0 is bottom of stack */
CF2_UInt gr_idx;
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
if ( arg > 0 )
FT_Fixed root = arg;
FT_Fixed new_root;
if ( idx < 0 )
gr_idx = size - 1;
else if ( (CF2_UInt)idx >= size )
gr_idx = 0;
gr_idx = size - 1 - (CF2_UInt)idx;
/* Babylonian method */
for (;;)
new_root = ( root + FT_DivFix( arg, root ) + 1 ) >> 1;
if ( new_root == root )
root = new_root;
arg = new_root;
arg = 0;
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, gr_idx ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escROLL:
CF2_Int idx;
CF2_Int count;
case cf2_escDUP:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg;
FT_TRACE4(( " roll\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( " dup\n" ));
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
count = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
cf2_stack_roll( opStack, count, idx );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escHFLEX:
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, FALSE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, FALSE /* dy5 */,
TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */
case cf2_escEXCH:
CF2_F16Dot16 arg1;
CF2_F16Dot16 arg2;
FT_TRACE4(( " hflex\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( " exch\n" ));
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
case cf2_escFLEX:
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, TRUE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, TRUE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
TRUE /* dx6 */, TRUE /* dy6 */
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg2 );
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg1 );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escINDEX:
CF2_Int idx;
CF2_UInt size;
FT_TRACE4(( " flex\n" ));
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
break; /* TODO: why is this not a continue? */
FT_TRACE4(( " index\n" ));
case cf2_escHFLEX1:
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
size = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
if ( size > 0 )
/* for `cf2_stack_getReal', index 0 is bottom of stack */
CF2_UInt gr_idx;
FT_TRACE4(( " hflex1\n" ));
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
if ( idx < 0 )
gr_idx = size - 1;
else if ( (CF2_UInt)idx >= size )
gr_idx = 0;
gr_idx = size - 1 - (CF2_UInt)idx;
case cf2_escFLEX1:
static const FT_Bool readFromStack[12] =
TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
TRUE /* dx3 */, TRUE /* dy3 */,
TRUE /* dx4 */, TRUE /* dy4 */,
TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
FALSE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */
cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, gr_idx ) );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
case cf2_escROLL:
CF2_Int idx;
CF2_Int count;
FT_TRACE4(( " flex1\n" ));
cf2_doFlex( opStack,
TRUE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
FT_TRACE4(( " roll\n" ));
case cf2_escRESERVED_1:
case cf2_escRESERVED_2:
case cf2_escRESERVED_6:
case cf2_escRESERVED_7:
case cf2_escRESERVED_8:
case cf2_escRESERVED_13:
case cf2_escRESERVED_16:
case cf2_escRESERVED_17:
case cf2_escRESERVED_19:
case cf2_escRESERVED_25:
case cf2_escRESERVED_31:
case cf2_escRESERVED_32:
case cf2_escRESERVED_33:
FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
count = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
}; /* end of switch statement checking `op2' */
cf2_stack_roll( opStack, count, idx );
continue; /* do not clear the stack */
} /* case cf2_cmdESC */
} /* end of 2nd switch checking op2 */
}; /* end of 1st switch checking op2 */
} /* case cf2_cmdESC */
break; /* break switch checking op1 */
case cf2_cmdENDCHAR:
FT_TRACE4(( " endchar\n" ));
@ -1820,6 +1851,9 @@
/* check whether last error seen is also the first one */
cf2_setError( error, lastError );
if ( *error )
FT_TRACE4(( "charstring error %d\n", *error ));
/* free resources from objects we've used */
cf2_glyphpath_finalize( &glyphPath );
cf2_arrstack_finalize( &vStemHintArray );
