Add ARM NEON support

Anurag Thakur 1 year ago
parent f5bc9da6e8
commit 6e79a1ee28
  1. 2
  2. 86
  3. 2
  4. 2

@ -3154,7 +3154,7 @@ int conic_to2(FT_GlyphSlot* slot, FT_Vector *control, FT_Vector *from, FT_Vector
face->garray = (FT_GlyphSlot*)malloc(
face->driver->clazz->slot_object_size * face->num_glyphs );
//error = FT_Set_Char_Size( face, 0, 160 * 64, 300, 300 );
error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( face, 0, 500);
error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( face, 0, 100);
// int glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, 'A' );
// error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING );

@ -23,11 +23,18 @@
# define FT_SSE4_1 0
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
#define FT_NEON 1
#define FT_NEON 0
#if FT_SSE4_1
#include <immintrin.h>
#elif FT_NEON
#include <arm_neon.h>
#define PIXEL_BITS 8
@ -91,7 +98,6 @@ dense_render_line( dense_worker* worker, FT_Pos fromx, FT_Pos fromy, FT_Pos tox,
dense_render_line2( dense_worker* worker, FT_PreLine pl )
@ -212,8 +218,9 @@ dense_render_line2( dense_worker* worker, FT_PreLine pl )
if ( x1i <= x0i + 1 )
FT26D6 xmf = ( ( x + xnext )>>1) - x0floor;
m_a[linestart + x0i] += d * ((1<<6) - xmf);
m_a[linestart + ( x0i + 1 )] += d * xmf;
FT20D12 dxmf = d*xmf;
m_a[linestart + x0i] += (d * 64) - dxmf;
m_a[linestart + ( x0i + 1 )] += dxmf;
@ -252,6 +259,8 @@ dense_render_line2( dense_worker* worker, FT_PreLine pl )
x = xnext;
@ -456,75 +465,62 @@ dense_render_glyph( dense_worker* worker, const FT_Bitmap* target, FT_PreLine pl
#if FT_SSE4_1
__m128i offset = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi32( 0x0c080400 );
__m128i offset = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i nzero = _mm_castps_si128(_mm_set1_ps(-0.0));
for (int i = 0; i < worker->m_h*worker->m_w; i += 4)
// load 4 floats from source
//printf("%d\n", source[i]);
__m128i x = _mm_load_si128( (__m128i*)&source[i] );
x = _mm_add_epi32( x, _mm_slli_si128( x, 4 ) );
// x = _mm_add_epi32(
// x, _mm_castps_si128( _mm_shuffle_ps( _mm_setzero_ps(),
// _mm_castsi128_ps( x ), 0x40 ) ) );
x = _mm_add_epi32(x, _mm_slli_si128(x,8));
// add the prefsum of previous 4 floats to all current floats
x = _mm_add_epi32( x, offset );
__m128i y = _mm_srli_epi32( _mm_abs_epi32( x) , 4 );
y = _mm_packs_epi32(y, nzero);
y = _mm_packus_epi16(y, nzero);
// int* ptr = (int*)&dest[i];
_mm_storeu_si32(&dest[i], y);
// __m128 y = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(x), _mm_set1_ps(255.9));
// y = _mm_andnot_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(nzero), y);
offset = _mm_shuffle_epi32(x,_MM_SHUFFLE( 3, 3, 3, 3 ) );
// __m128i z = _mm_cvttps_epi32(y);
// z = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(z, nzero), nzero);
#elif FT_NEON
int32x4_t offset = vdupq_n_s32(0);
int32x4_t nzero = vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vdupq_n_f32(-0.0));
// int yu = ;
// *((int*)dest+i) = yu;
for (int i = 0; i < worker->m_h*worker->m_w; i += 4)
// load 4 floats from source
int32x4_t x = vld1q_s32( (int32_t*)&source[i] );
// take absolute value
//__m128i y = _mm_abs_epi32( x ); // fabs(x)
x = vaddq_s32( x, vreinterpretq_s32_s8(vextq_s8(vdupq_n_s8(0), vreinterpretq_s8_s32( x), 12) ));
x = vaddq_s32(x, vreinterpretq_s32_s8(vextq_s8(vdupq_n_s8(0), vreinterpretq_s8_s32(x), 8)));
// cap max value to 1
//y = _mm_min_epi32( _mm_srli_epi32( y, 4 ), _mm_set1_epi32( 255 ) );
//__m128i y = _mm_abs_epi32(_mm_srai_epi32( x , 4 ));
__m128i y = _mm_srli_epi32( _mm_abs_epi32( x) , 4 );
// add the prefsum of previous 4 floats to all current floats
x = vaddq_s32( x, offset );
// reduce to 255
// y =
int32x4_t y = vshrq_n_s32( vabsq_s32( x) , 4 );
y = vreinterpretq_s32_s16(vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(y), vqmovn_s32(nzero)));
y = vreinterpretq_s32_u8(vcombine_u8(vqmovun_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_s32(y)), vqmovun_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_s32(nzero))));
// // shuffle
//y = _mm_shuffle_epi8( y, mask );
y = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(y, nzero), nzero);
//__m128i z = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(z, nzero), nzero);
//y = vreinterpretq_u32_u8(vcombine_u8(vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(vreinterpretq_s32_u32(y)), vqmovn_s32(nzero))), vqmovun_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_s32(nzero))));
// int* ptr = (int*)&dest[i];
_mm_storeu_si32(&dest[i], y);
//*(int*)&dest[i] = *(int*)&y;
//*(int*)&dest[i] = _mm_extract_epi32(y, 0);
//_mm_store_ss( (float*)&dest[i], _mm_castsi128_ps(y) );
vst1q_s32(&dest[i], y);
// store the current prefix sum in offset
// offset = _mm_castps_si128( _mm_shuffle_ps( _mm_castsi128_ps( x ),
// _mm_castsi128_ps( x ),
// _MM_SHUFFLE( 3, 3, 3, 3 ) ) );
offset = _mm_shuffle_epi32(x,_MM_SHUFFLE( 3, 3, 3, 3 ) );
//offset = _mm_set1_epi32(_mm_extract_epi32(x, 3));
offset = vdupq_laneq_s32(x,3 );
#else /* FT_SSE4_1 */
FT20D12 value = 0;
@ -534,7 +530,7 @@ __m128i offset = _mm_setzero_si128();
value += *source++;
if(value > 0){
int n = value >>4;_Pos fromx, FT_Pos fromy, FT_Pos tox, FT_Pos toy
int n = value >>4;
*dest = (unsigned char)n;
@ -588,10 +584,10 @@ dense_raster_render( FT_Raster raster, const FT_Raster_Params* params )
int size = (worker->m_w * worker->m_h + 3) & ~3;
worker->m_a = malloc( sizeof( FT20D12 ) * size );
worker->m_a = calloc( size, sizeof( FT20D12 ));
worker->m_a_size = size;
memset( worker->m_a, 0, ( sizeof( FT20D12 ) * size ) );
//memset( worker->m_a, 0, ( sizeof( FT20D12 ) * size ) );
/* exit if nothing to do */
if ( worker->m_w <= worker->m_origin_x || worker->m_h <= worker->m_origin_y )

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ extern "C"
typedef struct
/** The array used to store signed area differences. */
float* m_a;
FT20D12* m_a;
/** The number of elements in m_a. */
int m_a_size;
/** The width of the current raster in pixels. */

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
/* allocate new one */
if ( FT_ALLOC_MULT( bitmap->buffer, bitmap->rows, bitmap->pitch ) )
if ( FT_ALLOC_MULT( bitmap->buffer,1, bitmap->rows* bitmap->pitch +16) ) // +16 is for alignment for SIMD
goto Exit;
slot->internal->flags |= FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP;
