4 changed files with 458 additions and 17 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ |
#include "bitmap.h" |
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) |
{ |
const char* base_version;
const char* test_version;
const char* font_file; |
int size; |
int render_mode;
int load_flag; // FT_LOAD_XXX
int render_flag; // FT_RENDER_MODE_XXX
int target_flag; // FT_LOAD_TARGET_XXX
if(argc != 6) |
{ |
printf("Usage: ./sprite <base .so> <test .so> \
<fnt_file> <pt_size> <render_mode>\n"); |
printf("Values for render_mode 0 - monochrome\n"); |
printf(" 1 - anti-aliased\n"); |
printf(" 2 - lcd horizontal-RGB\n"); |
printf(" 3 - lcd horizontal-BGR\n"); |
printf(" 4 - lcd vertical-RGB\n"); |
printf(" 5 - lcd vertical-BGR\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
base_version = argv[1]; |
test_version = argv[2]; |
font_file = argv[3]; |
size = atoi(argv[4]); |
render_mode = atoi(argv[5]); |
FT_Library base_library; |
FT_Face base_face; |
FT_GlyphSlot base_slot; |
FT_Bitmap* base_bitmap; |
FT_Bitmap base_target; |
FT_Library test_library; |
FT_Face test_face; |
FT_GlyphSlot test_slot; |
FT_Bitmap* test_bitmap; |
FT_Bitmap test_target; |
FT_Error error; |
int alignment = 4; |
char * output_file_name = ( char * )calloc(20,sizeof(char)); |
IMAGE base_png; |
IMAGE test_png; |
IMAGE after_effect_1; |
IMAGE after_effect_2; |
IMAGE output; |
/*******************************************************************/ |
FT_Error ( *Base_Init_FreeType )( FT_Library* ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Library_SetLcdFilter )( FT_Library , |
FT_LcdFilter ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_New_Face )( FT_Library, |
const char*, |
FT_Long, |
FT_Face* ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Set_Char_Size )( FT_Face,
FT_F26Dot6, |
FT_F26Dot6, |
FT_UInt ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Load_Glyph )( FT_Face, |
FT_UInt, |
FT_Int32 ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Render_Glyph )( FT_GlyphSlot, |
FT_Render_Mode ); |
void ( *Base_Bitmap_Init )( FT_Bitmap* ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Bitmap_Convert )( FT_Library, |
const FT_Bitmap*, |
FT_Int); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Done_Face )( FT_Face ); |
FT_Error ( *Base_Done_FreeType )( FT_Library ); |
/*******************************************************************/ |
FT_Error ( *Test_Init_FreeType )( FT_Library* ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Library_SetLcdFilter )( FT_Library , |
FT_LcdFilter ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_New_Face )( FT_Library, |
const char*, |
FT_Long, |
FT_Face* ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Set_Char_Size )( FT_Face,
FT_F26Dot6, |
FT_F26Dot6, |
FT_UInt ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Load_Glyph )( FT_Face, |
FT_UInt, |
FT_Int32 ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Render_Glyph )( FT_GlyphSlot, |
FT_Render_Mode ); |
void ( *Test_Bitmap_Init )( FT_Bitmap* ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Bitmap_Convert )( FT_Library, |
const FT_Bitmap*, |
FT_Int); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Done_Face )( FT_Face ); |
FT_Error ( *Test_Done_FreeType )( FT_Library ); |
/*******************************************************************/ |
void* base_handle = dlopen( base_version, RTLD_LAZY ); |
if (!base_handle) { |
fputs(dlerror(), stderr); |
exit(1); |
} |
void* test_handle = dlopen( test_version, RTLD_LAZY ); |
if (!test_handle) { |
fputs(dlerror(), stderr); |
exit(1); |
} |
dlerror(); |
/*******************************************************************/ |
*(void**)( & Base_Library_SetLcdFilter ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Library_SetLcdFilter"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Init_FreeType ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Init_FreeType"); |
*(void**)( & Base_New_Face ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_New_Face"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Set_Char_Size ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Set_Char_Size"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Load_Glyph ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Load_Glyph"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Render_Glyph ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Render_Glyph"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Bitmap_Init ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Bitmap_Init"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Bitmap_Convert ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Bitmap_Convert"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Done_Face ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Done_Face"); |
*(void**)( & Base_Done_FreeType ) = dlsym(base_handle, |
"FT_Done_FreeType"); |
/*******************************************************************/ |
*(void**)( & Test_Library_SetLcdFilter ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Library_SetLcdFilter"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Init_FreeType ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Init_FreeType"); |
*(void**)( & Test_New_Face ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_New_Face"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Set_Char_Size ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Set_Char_Size"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Load_Glyph ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Load_Glyph"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Render_Glyph ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Render_Glyph"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Bitmap_Init ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Bitmap_Init"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Bitmap_Convert ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Bitmap_Convert"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Done_Face ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Done_Face"); |
*(void**)( & Test_Done_FreeType ) = dlsym(test_handle, |
"FT_Done_FreeType"); |
/*******************************************************************/ |
switch ( render_mode ) { |
case 0: render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO; |
break; |
case 1: render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL; |
break; |
case 2: render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD; |
break; |
case 3: render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD; |
break; |
case 4: render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V; |
break; |
case 5: render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V; |
break; |
default:render_flag = FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; |
load_flag = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; |
target_flag = FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL; |
} |
error = Base_Init_FreeType( &base_library ); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error while initialising library\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Init_FreeType( &test_library ); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error while initialising library\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
if (render_mode > 1 ) |
{ |
error = Base_Library_SetLcdFilter( base_library, |
if(error){ |
printf("Error while setting LCD filter\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Library_SetLcdFilter( test_library, |
if(error){ |
printf("Error while setting LCD filter\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
} |
error = Base_New_Face( base_library,
&base_face ); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error loading new face\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_New_Face( test_library,
&test_face ); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error loading new face\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Base_Set_Char_Size( base_face, |
size * 64,
DPI, |
0 ); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error setting character size\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Set_Char_Size( test_face, |
size * 64,
DPI, |
0 ); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error setting character size\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
base_slot = base_face->glyph; |
test_slot = test_face->glyph; |
struct stat st = {0}; |
if (stat("./images/", &st) == -1) { |
mkdir("./images/", 0777); |
} |
// Need to write code to check the values in FT_Face and compare
for (int i = 0; i < base_face->num_glyphs; ++i) |
{ |
error = Base_Load_Glyph( base_face, |
load_flag | target_flag); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error loading glyph\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Load_Glyph( test_face, |
load_flag | target_flag); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error loading glyph\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Base_Render_Glyph( base_slot,
render_flag); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error rendering the glyph\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Render_Glyph( test_slot,
render_flag); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error rendering the glyph\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
base_bitmap = &base_slot->bitmap; |
test_bitmap = &test_slot->bitmap; |
// Need to write code to check the values in FT_Bitmap and compare
if (base_bitmap->width == 0 || base_bitmap->rows == 0) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
// Mono rendering not working right now, will put it today
// Base_Bitmap_Init( &base_target );
// Test_Bitmap_Init( &test_target );
// error = Base_Bitmap_Convert( base_library,
// base_bitmap,
// &base_target,
// alignment);
// if(error){
// printf("Error converting the bitmap\n");
// exit(1);
// }
// error = Test_Bitmap_Convert( test_library,
// test_bitmap,
// &test_target,
// alignment);
// if(error){
// printf("Error converting the bitmap\n");
// exit(1);
// }
sprintf( output_file_name, "./images/sprite_%d", i ); |
if (render_mode == 0) |
{ |
Make_PNG( &base_target, &base_png, i, render_mode ); |
Make_PNG( &test_target, &test_png, i, render_mode ); |
// Will be added
// Add_effect( &base_png, &test_png, &after_effect_1, 1);
// Add_effect( &base_png, &test_png, &after_effect_2, 2);
Stitch( &base_png, &test_png, &output); |
Generate_PNG ( &output, output_file_name, render_mode ); |
}else{ |
Make_PNG( base_bitmap, &base_png, i, render_mode ); |
Make_PNG( test_bitmap, &test_png, i, render_mode ); |
// Will be added
// Add_effect( &base_png, &test_png, &after_effect_1, 1);
// Add_effect( &base_png, &test_png, &after_effect_2, 2);
Stitch( &base_png, &test_png, &output); |
Generate_PNG ( &output, output_file_name, render_mode ); |
} |
error = Base_Done_Face(base_face); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error freeing the face object"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Done_Face(test_face); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error freeing the face object"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Base_Done_FreeType(base_library); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error freeing library"); |
exit(1); |
} |
error = Test_Done_FreeType(test_library); |
if(error){ |
printf("Error freeing library"); |
exit(1); |
} |
dlclose(base_handle); |
dlclose(test_handle); |
return 0; |
} |
Reference in new issue