@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
import fileinput , sys , string , glob
# the Project's title, this can be over- ridden from the command line with
# an option
# The Project's title. This can be over ridden from the command line with
# an option.
project_title = " Project "
# The following defines the HTML header used by all generated pages
# The following defines the HTML header used by all generated pages.
html_header_1 = """ \
< html >
@ -38,52 +38,54 @@ html_header_2= """ API Reference</title>
html_header_3 = """ API Reference</h1></center>
# this is recomputed later when the project title changes
# This is recomputed later when the project title changes.
html_header = html_header_1 + project_title + html_header_2 + project_title + html_header_3
# The HTML footer used by all generated pages
# The HTML footer used by all generated pages.
html_footer = """ \
< / body >
< / html > """
# The header and footer used for each section
# The header and footer used for each section.
section_title_header = " <center><h1> "
section_title_footer = " </h1></center> "
# The header and footer used for code segments
# The header and footer used for code segments.
code_header = " <font color=blue><pre> "
code_footer = " </pre></font> "
# Paragraph header and footer
# Paragraph header and footer.
para_header = " <p> "
para_footer = " </p> "
# Block header and footer
# Block header and footer.
block_header = " <center><table width=75 % ><tr><td> "
block_footer = " </td></tr></table><hr width=75 % ></center> "
# Description header/footer
# Description header/footer.
description_header = " <center><table width=87 % ><tr><td> "
description_footer = " </td></tr></table></center><br> "
# Marker header/inter/footer combination
# Marker header/inter/footer combination.
marker_header = " <center><table width=87 % c ellpadding=5><tr bgcolor=#EEEEFF><td><em><b> "
marker_inter = " </b></em></td></tr><tr><td> "
marker_footer = " </td></tr></table></center> "
# Source code extracts header/footer
# Source code extracts header/footer.
source_header = " <center><table width=87 % ><tr bgcolor=#D6E8FF width=100 % ><td><pre> "
source_footer = " </pre></table></center><br> "
# Chapter header/inter/footer
# Chapter header/inter/footer.
chapter_header = " <center><table width=75 % ><tr><td><h2> "
chapter_inter = " </h2><ul> "
@ -92,8 +94,8 @@ chapter_footer = "</ul></td></tr></table></center>"
current_section = None
# This function is used to sort the index. It' s a simple lexicographical
# sort, except that it places capital letters before small ones.
# This function is used to sort the index. It i s a simple lexicographical
# sort, except that it places capital letters before lowercase ones.
def index_sort ( s1 , s2 ) :
if not s1 :
@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ def index_sort( s1, s2 ):
return 0
# s ort input_list, placing the elements of order_list in front
# S ort input_list, placing the elements of order_list in front.
def sort_order_list ( input_list , order_list ) :
new_list = order_list [ : ]
@ -136,8 +138,8 @@ def sort_order_list( input_list, order_list ):
return new_list
# translate a single line of source to HTML. This will convert
# a "<" into "<.", ">" into ">.", etc..
# Translate a single line of source to HTML. This will convert
# a "<" into "<.", ">" into ">.", etc.
def html_format ( line )
result = string . replace ( line , " < " , " <. " )
@ -146,8 +148,8 @@ def html_format( line )
return result
# The FreeType 2 reference is extracted from the source files. These contain
# various comment blocks that follow one of the following formats:
# The FreeType 2 reference is extracted from the source files. These
# contain various comment blocks that follow one of the following formats:
# /**************************
# *
@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ def html_format( line )
# /**************************/
# Each block contains a list of markers; each one can be followed by
# some arbitrary text or a list of fields. Here's an example:
# some arbitrary text or a list of fields. Here an example:
# <Struct>
# MyStruct
@ -195,15 +197,15 @@ def html_format( line )
# Each field is simply of the format: WORD :: TEXT...
# Note that typically each comment block is followed by some source
# code declaration that may need to be kept in the reference.
# Note that typically each comment block is followed by some source code
# declaration that may need to be kept in the reference.
# Note that markers can alternatively be written as "@MARKER:"
# instead of "<MARKER>". All marker identifiers are converted to
# lower case during parsing in order to simply sorting.
# Note that markers can alternatively be written as "@MARKER:" instead of
# "<MARKER>". All marker identifiers are converted to lower case during
# parsing in order to simply sorting.
# We associate with each block the following source lines that do not
# begin with a comment. For example, the following:
# We associate with each block the following source lines that do not begin
# with a comment. For example, the following:
# /**********************************
# *
@ -211,38 +213,37 @@ def html_format( line )
# *
# */
# bla_bla_bla
# bilip_bilip
# bla_bla_bla
# bilip_bilip
# /* - this comment acts as a separator - */
# blo_blo_blo
# blo_blo_blo
# will only keep the first two lines of sources with
# the "blabla" block.
# will only keep the first two lines of sources with
# the "blabla" block.
# However, the comment will be kept, with following source lines
# if it contains a starting '#' or '@' as in:
# However, the comment will be kept, with following source lines if it
# contains a starting '#' or '@' as in:
# /*@.....*/
# /*#.....*/
# /* @.....*/
# /* #.....*/
# /*@.....*/
# /*#.....*/
# /* @.....*/
# /* #.....*/
# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines
# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines.
# 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will
# be dumped as HTML in a <PRE> tag.
# 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will be dumped as
# HTML in a <PRE> tag.
# The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the
# leading "margin" space from each input line before storing it
# in 'self.lines'.
# The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the leading
# "margin" space from each input line before storing it in 'self.lines'.
class DocCode :
@ -278,11 +279,11 @@ class DocCode:
while l > 0 and string . strip ( self . lines [ l - 1 ] ) == " " :
l = l - 1
# t he code footer should be directly appended to the last code
# line to avoid an additional blank line
# T he code footer should be directly appended to the last code
# line to avoid an additional blank line.
sys . stdout . write ( code_header )
for line in self . lines [ 0 : l + 1 ] :
for line in self . lines [ 0 : l + 1 ] :
sys . stdout . write ( ' \n ' + html_format ( line ) )
sys . stdout . write ( code_footer )
@ -370,8 +371,9 @@ class DocParagraph:
cursor = cursor + len ( word ) + 1
# handle trailing periods, commas, etc. at the end of
# cross references.
# Handle trailing periods, commas, etc. at the end of cross
# references.
if extra :
if cursor + len ( extra ) + 1 > max_width :
@ -410,10 +412,9 @@ class DocParagraph:
# DocContent is used to store the content of a given marker.
# The "self.items" list contains (field,elements) records, where
# "field" corresponds to a given structure fields or function
# parameter (indicated by a "::"), or NULL for a normal section
# of text/code.
# The "self.items" list contains (field,elements) records, where "field"
# corresponds to a given structure fields or function parameter (indicated
# by a "::"), or NULL for a normal section of text/code.
# Hence, the following example:
@ -436,8 +437,8 @@ class DocParagraph:
# in 'self.items'.
# The DocContent object is entirely built at creation time; you must
# pass a list of input text lines in the "lines_list" parameter.
# The DocContent object is entirely built at creation time; you must pass a
# list of input text lines in the "lines_list" parameter.
class DocContent :
@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ class DocContent:
paragraph = None # represents the current DocParagraph
code = None # represents the current DocCode
elements = [ ] # the list of elements for the current field,
elements = [ ] # the list of elements for the current field;
# contains DocParagraph or DocCode objects
field = None # the current field
@ -633,20 +634,18 @@ class DocContent:
# The DocBlock class is used to store a given comment block. It contains
# The DocBlock class is used to store a given comment block. It contains
# a list of markers, as well as a list of contents for each marker.
# "self.items" is a list of (marker, contents) elements, where
# 'marker' is a lowercase marker string, and 'contents' is a DocContent
# object.
# "self.items" is a list of (marker, contents) elements, where 'marker' is
# a lowercase marker string, and 'contents' is a DocContent object.
# "self.source" is simply a list of text lines taken from the
# uncommented source itself.
# "self.source" is simply a list of text lines taken from the uncommented
# source itself.
# Finally, "self.name" is a simple identifier used to uniquely identify
# the block. It is taken from the first word of the first
# paragraph of the first marker of a given block, i.e:
# the block. It is taken from the first word of the first paragraph of the
# first marker of a given block, i.e:
# <Type> Goo
# <Description> Bla bla bla
@ -708,6 +707,7 @@ class DocBlock:
# This function adds a new element to 'self.items'.
# 'marker' is a marker string, or None.
# 'lines' is a list of text lines used to compute a list of
# DocContent objects.
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ class DocBlock:
l = len ( lines )
# add a new marker only if its marker and its content list
# aren' t empty
# are no t empty
if l > 0 and marker :
content = DocContent ( lines )
@ -931,14 +931,13 @@ class DocSectionList:
abstract = block . find_content ( " abstract " )
if self . sections . has_key ( name ) :
# There is already a section with this name in our
# list. We will try to complete it.
# There is already a section with this name in our list. We
# will try to complete it.
section = self . sections [ name ]
if section . abstract :
# This section already has an abstract defined;
# simply check that the new section doesn't
# provide a new one.
# This section already has an abstract defined; simply check
# that the new section doesn't provide a new one.
if abstract :
section . block . print_error (
@ -949,8 +948,8 @@ class DocSectionList:
" second definition in " +
" ' " + block . location ( ) + " ' " )
else :
# The old section didn't contain an abstract; we are
# now going to replace it.
# The old section didn't contain an abstract; we are now
# going to replace it.
section . abstract = abstract
section . description = block . find_content ( " description " )
@ -979,8 +978,8 @@ class DocSectionList:
def prepare_files ( self , file_prefix = None ) :
# prepare the section list, by computing section filenames
# and the index
# prepare the section list, by computing section filenames and the
# index
if file_prefix :
prefix = file_prefix + " - "
@ -996,8 +995,8 @@ class DocSectionList:
else :
section . title = " UNKNOWN_SECTION_TITLE! "
# sort section elements according to the <order> marker if
# available
# sort section elements according to the <order> marker if available
for section in self . sections . values ( ) :
order = section . block . find_content ( " order " )
@ -1101,7 +1100,7 @@ class DocSectionList:
# Filter a given list of DocBlocks. Returns a new list of DocBlock objects
# Filter a given list of DocBlocks. Returns a new list of DocBlock objects
# that only contains element whose "type" (i.e. first marker) is in the
# "types" parameter.
@ -1152,7 +1151,8 @@ class DocDocument:
if block . name :
content = block . find_content ( " chapter " )
if content :
# it's a chapter definition -- add it to our list
# a chapter definition -- add it to our list
chapter = DocChapter ( block )
self . chapters . append ( chapter )
else :
@ -1216,6 +1216,7 @@ class DocDocument:
print chapter_footer
# list lost sections
if self . lost_sections :
print chapter_header + " OTHER SECTIONS: " + chapter_inter
@ -1234,6 +1235,7 @@ class DocDocument:
print chapter_footer
# index
print chapter_header + ' <a href= " ' + self . section_list . index_filename + ' " >Index</a> ' + chapter_footer
print html_footer
@ -1265,8 +1267,8 @@ def filter_section_blocks( block ):
return block . section != None
# Perform a lexicographical comparison of two DocBlock
# objects. Returns -1, 0 or 1.
# Perform a lexicographical comparison of two DocBlock objects. Returns -1,
# 0 or 1.
def block_lexicographical_compare ( b1 , b2 ) :
if not b1 . name :
@ -1285,7 +1287,7 @@ def block_lexicographical_compare( b1, b2 ):
return 1
# dump a list block as a single HTML page
# Dump a list block as a single HTML page.
def dump_html_1 ( block_list ) :
print html_header
@ -1349,7 +1351,7 @@ def make_block_list():
# 1 - parse comment format 1
# 2 - parse comment format 2
# 4 - wait for beginning of source (or comment ? ?)
# 4 - wait for beginning of source (or comment?)
# 5 - process source
comment = [ ]
@ -1414,15 +1416,15 @@ def make_block_list():
elif format == 1 :
# If the line doesn't begin with a "*", something went
# wrong, and we must exit, and forget the current block.
# If the line doesn't begin with a "*", something went wrong,
# and we must exit, and forget the current block.
if l == 0 or line2 [ 0 ] != ' * ' :
block = [ ]
format = 0
# Otherwise, we test for an end of block, which is an
# arbitrary number of '*', followed by '/'.
# Otherwise, we test for an end of block, which is an arbitrary
# number of '*', followed by '/'.
else :
i = 1
@ -1449,8 +1451,8 @@ def make_block_list():
elif format == 2 :
# If the line doesn't begin with '/*' and end with '*/',
# this is th e end of the format 2 format.
# If the line doesn't begin with '/*' and end with '*/', this is
# the end of the format 2 format.
if l < 4 or line2 [ : 2 ] != ' /* ' or line2 [ - 2 : ] != ' */ ' :
if block != [ ] :
@ -1538,7 +1540,7 @@ def main( argv ):
## section_list.dump_html_index()
# I f called from the command line
# i f called from the command line
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( sys . argv )