# demumble `demumble` demangles both Itanium and Visual Studio symbols. It runs on both POSIX and Windows. $ demumble _Z4funcPci func(char*, int) $ demumble '?Fx_i@@YAHP6AHH@Z@Z' int __cdecl Fx_i(int (__cdecl *)(int)) It can also demangle D, Rust, and Swift symbols. ## Download There are prebuilt x64 binaries for Linux, Mac (10.9+), and Windows on the [releases page](https://github.com/nico/demumble/releases). ## But why It has several nice features that c++filt lacks (and lacks many of c++filt's features I never use). Smart about underscores: C++ symbols have an additional leading underscore on macOS. `operator new` is mangled as `_Znw` on Linux but `__Znw` on Mac. macOS's c++filt automatically strips one leading underscore, but Linux's c++filt doesn't. So if you want to demangle a Linux symbol on macOS, you need to pass `-n` to tell it to not strip the underscore, and if you want to demangle an OS X symbol on Linux you likewise need to pass `-_`. demumble just does the right thing: $ c++filt _Znw _Znw $ c++filt __Znw operator new $ demumble _Znw operator new $ demumble __Znw operator new Smart about filtering: Both c++filt and demumble can work as a stdin filter. demumble only demangles function symbols (which never look like other words), while c++filt on macOS defaults to demangling type names too, which are likely to look like regular words. demumble does demangle types when they're passed as args without requiring the `--types` switch that c++filt needs on Linux: # on macOS: $ echo 'I like Pi and _Znw' | c++filt I like int* and _Znw $ echo 'I like Pi and _Znw' | demumble I like Pi and operator new $ c++filt Pi int* $ demumble Pi int* # on Linux: $ c++filt Pi Pi Cross-platform: demumble runs on Windows. demumble can demangle Windows-style symbols (also when running on non-Windows). $ demumble '??2@YAPEAX_K@Z' void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned __int64) $ c++filt '??2@YAPEAX_K@Z' ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z Optionally print _only_ demangled things: For example, print demangled names of all functions defined in a bitcode file: $ grep '^define' bitcode-win.ll | demumble -m | head -1 unsigned int __cdecl v8::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo32(unsigned int) Optionally print both mangled and demangled names: $ echo _ZN3fooC1Ev _ZN3fooC2Ev | ./demumble -b "foo::foo()" (_ZN3fooC1Ev) "foo::foo()" (_ZN3fooC2Ev) ## Build instructions Use cmake to build: `cmake -G Ninja . && ninja` Run tests after building: `python demumble_test.py` `cxa_demangle.cpp` needs more C++11 than Visual Studio 2013 supports, so to build on Windows you need to use Visual Studio 2015 or use clang-cl as C++ compiler like so: cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=path/to/llvm-build/bin/clang-cl.exe